#lmk ur thoughts pleasee. i love her she sucks
skybristle · 5 months
Someone somewhere is evil, why, how
Was it maw?? Idk I got bad memory
I will be watching
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I hesitate to call anyone evil because they all just kinda have their own crazy interlocking mental illnesses that drive them to do terrible things to and with eachother. that said. YEAH MAW IS. I could argue Starlight is the main perpetrator becayse maw wouldn't have hurt another iterator without her influence butttt you asked about maw so I will respond.
maw, even for an iterator, has a hell of a God complex going on. immense greed and solitude driving her to maintain the cult of her colony. she was actually a very generous god, if ruthless, but Hella xenophobic to both other iterators whom she considered lowly in comparison to her divine splendor and also anyone trying to immigrate into her colony as it upsets her sense of control.
this is. uhm. kind of a problem since around when she's built is when the great equalizer really hits full force and ancient kind is scrambling for any space avaliable. ash is a clusterfuck ATM, sparks is full, and maw has used her puppet admin to close immigration. and their group is fairly isolated. so. like. yikes ! they start scrambling for space on sparks and keep building on top of her, and at some point have to expand horizontally and extend her structure. sounds cool! except when you consider theyre doing the construction while she's fully awake, the extra processing power is overclocking and overstimulating the shit out of her, all while she's trying to tend to a mega colony. it's fucking hell and she begs ash to do something to get maw to share the burden, anything to make it stop. and. hold on I wrote a broadcast abt this
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so maw basically says "L get fucked" because she refuses to submit to lower gods who can't even control their people. this kind of is the root of all of sparks trauma and hrr eventual actions against her and ash but this is abt maw.
after mass ascension... she kinda has a crisis because. no worshippers! so naturally she creates purposed organisms to inhabit her can. however it eventually goes arwy and they start ripping eachother apart. and maw just finds this cathartic and is like 'oh really? let me show you real carnage' and just keeps bioengineering more insane shit. in her own little bubble ignoring everyone 'below her' for a very long time. hypocritically she also fucking hates sparks soo much for her false seniority and her superior power [from the expansion maw directly caused....] and other things but. that doesn't really matter until later and sparks is terrified of her so they don't interact.
this is a side point but the gladiator campaign happens somewhere around here. Hella busted slugcat in her brutal can who must impress her to escape. they end up 'fightinf' her [trying to survive her boss fight long enough] and they're the one to bite and break her antenna LOL
until.... overseers of pale pink manage to squeeze through her can, and, eventually, Starlight reaches her and speaks of her [and whispers] work to get them off the string. u see maw wouldn't care but both of them are soo vulnerable and just ripe for the taking! and God is she desperate to fufill her complex. they mainly want her help for the ability to bioengineering to break iterator internals, most primarily the arm to free the puppet. so maw makes them kneel and beg for divine aid [or starlight anyways. yes it is as homoerotic as you imagine]. they kind of drive whispers away and just loop into eachothers worst desires. driving starlight deeper into her irrational and desperate impulses and maw deeper into violence and wrath rather than godlike benevolence. maw basically loaded starlights gun and gave her threats to remove herself from her structure credence.
so eventually they turn on whispers, who's fallen out of use to them and is already growing more fearful and growing wise. the final catalyst is them spotting colorburst being sent to ash as an attempt to wake him and invoke his seniority to stop them by whispers.
maw sends the purposed organisms she designed to whispers can and they rip their puppet free. against their will. but they get the chance for one final scream, an emergency broadcast that becomes complete pandemonium for their group...
anddd I'll cut it there. more questions r welcome but this post is getting Hella long
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