pastel-junkyard · 10 months
Some Ninalotte Headcanons,
because now that I finally have a break I cannot stop thinking about Them, and they need more content!
• Lotte fell for Nina the same way she fell for Karl (or thought she did, depending on your headcanon) - it began as an anthropological fascination based on surface features and was able to progress deeper thanks to their friendship and acceptance, having a "click" moment some time in where she looked at them differently. As seen in the show, she quickly gets invested in both of their stories and tries her best to help them - that'd be her love language.
• Nina was very slow to fall for Lotte by contrast - she struggled to see herself as someone worth loving in that way, fearing that it may be dangerous for anyone who gets too close to her. (In general, I believe she is inexperienced with romance and never really connected with the few she accepted a date from in school.) I believe she only accepted it or was able to express it fully after the events of the series.
• That said, Nina ended up staying over at Lotte's house after the dance party fiasco, so she ended up meeting her parents and seeing Lotte's bedroom before insisting on taking the couch to sleep on.
• The sound of Lotte's voice and her scent are a source of comfort that helps Nina ground herself in the present moment. It all started in the hypnotism sessions and was something she only really realised in Prague.
(More under the cut...)
• Lotte found the gun and bullets when searching through Nina's bag for new clothes to leave the hospital with, but it was only when she walked in on Nina cleaning it that she dared to ask anything.
• Despite all her efforts to separate from everyone at the second departure from Munich, Nina still had a little thing (not sure what yet) Lotte gave her that day when she left. She couldn't bring herself to throw it, so it ended up at the bottom of her travel bag instead and maybe got a little smile out of her on the way back to Munich.
• Lotte was understandably worried at every point of the series, especially at the above point and Rühenheim. She had trouble concentrating on her work with all the new developments and so had to get help from the lecturers and perhaps an in-house counsellor like Dr Geitel. Your mileage may vary on the extent of this, but I think she may have used religion as a coping mechanism for the uncertainty, praying for Nina's safety and for her to not have to use her gun. (Really just extrapolating from the references to God she makes in ep. 32/ch. 61 here. But certainly by Rühenheim I can see even a more secular Lotte making an appeal to the Divine.)
• Long-distance relationship for a good while, with plenty of carefully-worded letters and emails updating each other on events in Munich and Heidelberg. They take turns visiting each other's cities and are trying to figure out a way to live together while still paying homage to their regional identities. (That's apparently fairly important in Germany, as people who may travel a lot may still want to bring up their kids and end their days in their home region. Well, it may be less so now. Anyway--)
• Phone calls are where they feel most free to be affectionate when not face-to-face - no paper trace means no snoop can go through their (more likely Nina's) bins for an exclusive. They are still somewhat careful not to let anyone overhear, so prefer to call in the evening or night.
• They both like sending little gifts with their letters and pictures with their emails (when that becomes a thing). Nina likes sending brochures and article clippings of things relevant to Lotte's interests, like medieval history or cultural exchange events. Lotte sends pressed flowers and leaves, as well as little doodles of her original characters.
...that's all I've got for now.
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suba-sho · 4 years
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Thinkin about thos girls....
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They are girlfriends and we love it
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reminded · 2 years
the lack of lottenina content in the monster tag is such a blatant and disgusting display of misogyny…
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