vilkalizer · 4 years
Why do hackers keep trying to add FE13 skills and mechanics into their hacks? Those are the antithesis of fun in my opinion.
I don't know why you expect me to be some kind of authority on fire emblem skill systems, or alternately a mind reader
but i guess in some cases it's just because it's free and easy to install and they figure having more features is automatically better
I feel the skill system can definitely be used well even in gba settings, but it absolutely requires more than just slapping on a bunch of skills balanced for a completely different kind of game without thinking about what kind of effect they’ll have on the balance.
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randomnameless · 4 years
If Macuil founded Morfis, that would probably make him FE16 Gotoh. Which could also mean that as much as he hates humans, he still cares for their survival out of obligation to either Sothis or Rhea. I’m also wondering that, if he’s Gotoh’s equivalent, would that make Seteth=Bantu, Flayn=Tiki, Indech=Xane, and Rhea=Medeus?
Mmh, this was just in jest.
I don’t think Fodlan is in the same world as Archanea, even if cross-referencing the franchise is one of the most common easter eggs found in various titles!
Macuil might have “tolerated” humans to associate with them during the war of Heroes, but he figged off afterwards, calling them stupid and names. It is not that Macuil hates humans per se, he hates the descendants of the Elites. If a random human would loiter around his desert without trying to steal his treasure, he would most likely don’t give a fuck about said human, or tell him to fig away but, imo, he wouldn’t outright kill them on spot.
Also, Macuil developed magical arts - given how Nabateans can use magic on their own (Rhea’s roar is, per Linhardt’s “pure magic” in its raw form or something like that, also, Cethleann’s miraculous AoE healing during Tailtean must have been some sort of draconic spell and not, just, fortify on steroids), he must have done so for the humans following them (or just because he wanted to use new techniques? Idk). Maybe Macuil thought that unlike his siblings, he would not gift one random with the power of his crest, but teach several randoms how to use magic?
he also forged weapons for his siblings, but the Archanea Regalia, as easter eggy as they are, also use mithril for maintenance and seems holy enough, like Seiros’ weapons - did Macuil made them too, without linking them to a crest? They are just, nice and super cool weapons?
Seteth and Bantu just have the “looking over child dragon sleeping” trope in common, Flayn is sheltered, but she is no Fae or Archanea!Tiki, she’s more mature than them.
Rhea willingly work(ed) with humans and spared the descendants of the Elites, bar the “I must look after my fellow lizards and I guard a place where they’re sealed/their remnants” she isn’t similar at all to Medeus.
I don’t know Xane enough to make any comments, but given how Indech respectfully tells his brother to fig off when he asks for help, I doubt they have much in common (iirc Xane joins Marth’n’co, Indech doesn’t for flimsy reasons).
Nabateans in this game (well, save for Turtle and Birdie) are some of the most developped characters, so if they might call back to previous dragons on a surface/meniscus reading, I truly believe they deviate a lot from their predecessors. Not saying the copy surpassed the original or something else, but Flayn, Seteth and Rhea are their own characters.
Nabateans in Fodlan are pretty human with their reactions, despite their pointy ears.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
FEH poll for Villain You Just Can't Hate! Vote now to beat another dead horse into the ground and nominate Rhea as your favorite villain!
Rhea's not a villain. I voted for Seiros because she's the villain in Crimson Flower but the rest of the game Rhea is very much not the villain.
Here's some Trish
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agoddamn · 4 years
So Yuri is the adopted son of the head of House Rowe. As in, the House Rowe that owns Arianrhod. So guess what that means in terms of Edelgard discourse.
Quite frankly I can’t be assed, my man
Anon asked: > pt Yuri is literally just edgelord but with LONGER hair so are gay options are two men who are extremely easy to think look like women and john wayne gacy but bishie As a gay man im never buying selfinsert fe again cause I cant trust intsys. They absolutely could have, at any point in these 4 waves of dlc, made Dimi and Claude S ranks, who not only MATTER to the story but ARENT gay stereotype- character edition, and they said "fuck fags we only give /u/ loving straights what they want".
I mean. They could also have sprouted wings and and flown round the world. There is, technically, a nonzero chance that it could happen in this universe. They were never going to give Dima and Claude male S ranks, dude. I do not know how you convinced yourself that it was a possibility.
The only thing Nintendo has ever done in direct response to Fire Emblem complaints is completely ignore complaints and double down on what they’ve already done. 
That is it. The Toplel shit happened because of very specific pressure that I have been telling you for months has not been summoned again for 3H because yes, they don’t care about fags. They only care about money. They never cared about fags. I do not know how you convinced yourself they did.
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markoftheasphodel · 5 years
lurker5410 said: Speaking of “familiar”, I’m guessing you might have words regarding this “Nemesis” guy, especially in light of FE12’s…changes.
You mean the “King of Liberation is scumbag thief who profaned the sacred” revelation? Yeah, that felt super-duper familiar for some strange reason, almost like it dated back to the SNES era...
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
what is lurker5410's favourite fe game
No clue, I’ve never bothered to ask. Why not ask yourself?
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Not really identifying Nabateans as all being gods, or that Rhea is worshipped as one. She’s worshipped only as far as her status as pope and legacy as Seiros. It’s more in how she’s a Divine Dragon manakete that I label her at least part-goddess.
But the game really tries to make it clear we aren't meant to think that. Rhea, Seteth, Flayn etc. all make it quite clear they aren't anything compared to Sothis in power which is why Seteth in SS (and Rhea in every route she survives) is so willing to just hand power over to Byleth because they at least know they have something of Sothis in them.
Plus the series hasn't always treated every Divine Dragon like they are God's or even close to being equated to God's. Nowi is hunted because she's a Manakete but no one thinks she's some messenger from Naga or anything like that.
Rhea's the equivalent of a Saint, someone who is certainly viewed as closer to the divine than the common man but isn't a God themselves. And the thing is Rhea wrote the damn rule book she could have made herself a God if she wanted to, but that is never the role she wishes to fill.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Is there anyone whose doesn’t have Annette/Felix as their OTP? I really can’t stand how much Felix’s actions in that support chain remind me of another blue-haired saber-using boy with maturity and possession issues...
Um... Ok. I mean I know plenty of people who vastly prefer Felix/Sylvain or Felix/Dimitri I'm just not one of them.
I feel like I should know who your referencing but I can't think of it right now.
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
So Yuri is the adopted heir to House Rowe, the same house that owns Arianrhod. Get ready for more Edel discourse.
Haven't played yet please no spoilers 🙉
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Probably for the best you don’t know, since there’s a really goos chance that if you did, I’d get chewed out for the comparison.
I mean there is also every possibility I dont actually know whenever it is you're talking about well enough to judge because I'm just gonna assume they are from an anime, and I don't actually watch anime that much.
Regardless I won't judge, people can like or dislike a ship for whatever reason they want.
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markoftheasphodel · 5 years
lurker5410 said: Except Cyas gets to live and even return to Velthomer despite how he’s a bigger inheritance threat than either Galzus or Felgus combined?
Except he’s not? 
Saias is a threat to a hypothetical son of Azelle’s who may or may not exist-- if it’s truly a young “lord” ruling Friege, then Azelle!Arthur doesn’t sound like he’s got Velthomer. Saias has no blood claim on the throne of Belhalla because Arvis was a benchwarmer for Deirdre’s eldest son... who turned out not to be Julius. If Seliph wants to welcome Saias to court and make use of his talents-- which he did-- then that’s Seliph’s business as the heir to Grannvale.
Leif’s blood claim to all of New Thracia is shaky as hell and relies on being the last extant male heir in the Manster District plus the popular support he garners “heroic Quan (and Ethlyn’s) heroic son” (FE5′s final chapter makes that explicit) plus kicking Miranda and her kids to the curb plus somehow dealing with Arion. The existence of another male heir to one of those former kingdoms-- a male heir who’s got his own war-hero cred and is likewise descended from a “legendary” companion of Sigurd’s-- is, yeah, kind of an actual problem? It’s best for everyone if that inconvenient bastard heir to Connaught effs off to wherever and gets erased from history. One problem down.
Galzus presents a possible dynastic threat to Shannan and his heirs, not to mention Ayra’s heirs, not to mention there’s the whole kinslaying mess to sort out. Since Shannan’s own claim to both Isaach and Balmung is solid, Galzus is IMO less of a threat than Fergus poses to Leif, but if Galzus wants to disappear from the scene then heeeeeey, no harm no foul in just taking a nice eraser to that whole branch of the Isaach royal line. Much simpler that way. Then we don’t have to think about good ol’ King Mannanan waging war on his own relations and the implications of that for the main branch of Od’s bloodline.
Now, is that writing accurate history? Uh... no. But FE reminds us frequently that history gets written by the victors, and when it’s the actual game script bringing up the likelihood of a cover-up... well then. You can convey the “story” of how Jugdral was dragged into continental war without poking too deeply into Isaach’s dirty laundry, right?
After all, Lord Quan said King Mannanan was a good man. ;P
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markoftheasphodel · 5 years
lurker5410 said: You’re being sold on Petra of all units? I thought you hated the “foreign swordfighter woman” trope, especially after FE11’s retroactive insertion of it into Akaneia.
Y’know, if you weren’t so consistent in shoving all criticism into the “hate” bucket you might not be perplexed by people so often as you seem to be.
Nuance. Is your friend.
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