What do you think of Heronflight (M), Sunthistle (M) and Maggotbird (M)? Three of my current OCs.
Heronflight - A cheerful and adventurous tom. Heronflight is always eager for the next adventure, he often gets to the highest part of the territory and looks and the horizon, wondering what is beyond it, 14/10
Sunthistle - A proud and skilful tom. Sunthistle can have a short temper, but he only usually displays this when he is fustrated with himself. He’s determined to always the best and he takes failure hard, 15/10
Maggotbird - An intelligent and quiet tom. Physically, Maggotbird has never been the strongest, because of this he decided the best strategy in life would be to outwit cats rather than fight them. He’s always got an idea at the ready, leading to him often being called upon by his leader in times of trouble, 14/10
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