#mai lakk
Mai megrázó felismerés
Olvasom ezt a könyvet az elme trükkjeiről és egyszercsak összeállt valami, ami annyira meglepett, hogy csak ültem, kívül bénultan, belül lelkendezve. Van egy hited önmagadról. Valójában van egy képed arról, hogy ki vagy. Ez amúgy nem hiteles kép, de ez egy másik történet. A hited önmagadról az, amivel azonosítod magad. Ha megkérdeznék, hogy ki vagy te, hogy milyen vagy, hogyan élsz, hogyan gondolkodsz, hogyan érzel dolgok iránt, akkor erről a képről mesélsz. Vannak benne mozgások, nem mindenkinek ugyanazt fogod kidomborítani, és nem mindehol viselkedsz ugyanúgy, de mindig visszatértsz ahhoz a képhez, amit hiszel magadról. És mindent, mindent amit megélsz, amit csinálsz amihez és ahogyan kapcsolódsz dolgokhoz, emberekhez, azt ennek a hitnek a megerősítése szerint torzítod. Azt látod, arra csavarod, azt emeled ki, addig magyarázol a logikára hivatkozva, míg sikerül a világot az önmagadról akotott hitedhez igazítani. Másokat peuig a róluk alkotott hitedhez, de ez ugyanaz, mások nem mások mint a világhoz való viszonyulásod hite.
A traumáid feldolgozása is attól függ, hogy mennyi idő alatt tudod a történteket a megfelelő irányba alakítani.
Csak legvégső esetben, ha nem megy máshogy, csak akkor változtatsz magadon, a magdról alkotott hiteden.
Minél biztosabb vagy magadban és az önismeretedben, annál biztosabb, hogy csak egy kép vagy.
Valóban agyban dől el minden. Ehhez azonban nincs hozzáférésünk. Néha, terapeuta segítségével sikerül változást elérnünk, de attól tartok ez inkább olyan, mint amikor restaurálnak egy képet. A megfeketedett lakk alól előbújnak a korábbi színek. Azok a szépségek amiket hittünk magunkról korábban. Nagyon jóval korábban.
Az önismeret "csak" annyi, hogy mit hiszek magamról, és milyen úton, milyen működéssel jutok vissza az önmagamról alkotott képhez.
Tényleg jó kérdés, hogy változunk-e. Azért küzdünk, hogy egy mások számára elfogadhatóbb vagy önmagunknak tetszetősebb képben tudjunk hinni? Mi van, ha kiderülne, hogy nem is vagyunk valakik", amit a személyiségünknek hiszünk, az csupán az a rendszer amit az elménk a túléléshez hasznosnak ítélt és amit folyamatosan korrigál az információk alapján, ám energitakarékosságból olyan környezetbe navigál mindket amiben a legkevesebb változtatásra van szükség és az érzékelésünket is úgy befolyásolja, hogy a lehető legjobban működjünk. Használja az egonkat, az érzelmeinket, a logikának nevezett rendszerünket a saját túléléséhez. Rég óta tudom, hogy azzá válunk, amire fókuszálunk.
Bárki életét vagy gondolkodásmódját megkapirgálnánk, annyi ellentmondás van benne, ami teljesen érthetetlenné teszi, a meggyőződését, hogy ő "valamilyen". Szóval most a legfontosabb: a kép önmagadról és a torzítás amivel a világot hajlítod, hogy megfeleljen minden annak, hogy a kép fenntartható legyen.
Az elménk véd és elhiteti velünk, hogy a legjobb megoldást választottuk. MINDIG elhiteti velünk, hogy a legjobb megoldást választottuk. Miközben azt választottuk, ami megfelel a hitünknek.
Amiben hiszünk, annak semmi alapja nincs, csak egy ötlethalmaz.
Nyilván a következő fejezet után valami tök mást fogok gondolni, de most megérintett az az érzés, hogy csak az szabad a saját elméje kényszereitől, aki kételkedik magában, az igazában, a világban, amit érzékel.
Jajj, nagyon vicces, ha belegondol az ember, hogy mennyi időt és energiát feccol abba, hogy megismerje a képet amit festett magának magáról. De ha így nézed, más emberk dolgai érthetővé válnak. Egyszerűen nem hitte és soha nem is fogja.
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drakvuf · 8 months
Nagy Ő III/5: Magányos iramban
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Egy hosszú hétvégét kellett várni, de végre kiderül ki kapja az utolsó szál rózsát és ki az a két nő aki hazamegy.
Vivien a szerencsés és Zsuzsától és Zoétől Adéltől búcsúzunk.
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Zsuzsa szerint rossz döntést hozott a Nagy Ő. Úgy érezte, hogy már kialakult valami kapcsolat közöttük, de nem.
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Adél se számított arra, hogy ki fog esni. Sajnos Zoli nem tolerálja a fideszeseket.
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Búslakodásra viszont nincs idő. A Nagy Ő pezsgőt bont és indul a bulika a szerencsés továbbjutókkal.
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Másnap Erika és Virág sétálgatnak. Erika szeretne életmód tanácsokat kérni a versenytársától. Virág nem zárkózik el tőle: 5000 + ÁFA lesz. A nő szerint Erika mosolygó gyilkos.
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A bikini modell szeretné kideríteni, mit adott a lány Zolinak a ceremónián, de Erika nem hajlandó elárulni, hogy a bugyija kulcsát ajándékozta a férfinek. Megpróbálja beadni Virágnak, hogy nem is adott semmit neki csak képzelődik. Virágot viszont nem bassza át, mert ő egy Columbo és figyelni fogja a nőt. Megfenyegeti Erikát, hogy ha kiesik miatta megkeresi.
Zsófi meglátogatja a Nagy Őt. A férfi beszámol milyen nehéz volt elzavarni a legunalmasabb nőket a kastélyból. A műsorvezető viszont nem azért jött, hogy a picsogását hallgassa, hanem mert új játékkal készült. Egy akadálypályát készített elő, de nem vehet részt a játékban mindenki.
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Jákob érzésre válogat: Emőke, Edina, Enikő, Vanda, Bettina és Maria megy játszani.
A kastélyban eközben kibeszélik a kiesőket. Zsuzsán senki nem lepődött meg, de Adélra nem számítottak.
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Virág szerint Viviennek kellett volna menni, Nati szerint pedig Bernadett a leggyengébb láncszem, mert öreg. Virág megjegyzi, hogy a Nati a másik véglet, mert ő meg túl fiatal Zolihoz. Nati nem veszi magára a dolgot, mert már nem csak, hogy megszokta a nő stílusát, de meg is kedvelte Kaktuszt. Eltereli a témát azzal, hogy mekkora meglepetés volt neki, hogy Edina kapta a Hazatérés kulcsát. A többiek se értik miért történt így. Felhozzák Bettina Titanic produkcióját is, ami a fiatal lány szerint cringe volt. Sajnos újra elfelejtik, hogy akármilyen szar is volt, Zolinak tetszett...
Megérkeznek a kiválasztott hölgyek az akadálypályára. A mai játékokat Zoli inspirálta. Minden forduló egy-egy szakasz az életéből.
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Az első egy kis biciklizés lesz, mert a Nagy Őnek gyerekkorában minden nyáron dolgoznia kellett és Első ilyen nyári munkájában vizet hordott a szőlőültetvényen a munkásoknak. Olcsón megúszta, nekem dinnyéket kellett dobálnom a geci melegben.
A feladat, hogy a biciklin vizet hordjanak és legalább 20 literrel megtöltsenek egy nagy tartályt.
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Maria futja a leggyorsabb kört, de csak azért, mert nagyon kevés vizet visz magával. Vanda ezzel szemben lassan, de sokkal több vízzel megy, amivel határozottan be is húzza az első kört.
A második feladat paprikahordás. Gyerekkorában ezt is sokat kellett csinálnia Zolinak. Állítása szerint ettől olyan kitartó. 5 kiló paprikát kell A-ból B-be vinni, úgy, hogy egy matracon lökik magukat a célig.
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A lányok mindenhova is pakolják a paprikákat. Edina váratlan előnybe kerül, mert ő öltözött fel a legjobban és sok paprika fért a pólója alá.
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Ezzel át is vette a vezetést Vandától.
A harmadik feladat a gél lakk medence. Megtudjuk, hogy Zoli a gél lakk apukája. A lányoknak át kell menniük kristály alakú plüssökkel a gél lakk medencén, úgy hogy nem baszhatják össze festékkel a párnát.
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Edina simán átszalad ezen az akadályon is. Az utolsó feladat az Elszántság fala, mert Zoli eredetileg építőmérnök volt és nehéz volt a körömbizniszbe átlovagolni vagy mi. Egy kalapáccsal át kell törniük a falat annyira, hogy átférjenek rajta.
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Edina azelőtt szétveri a falat, mielőtt bárki más egyáltalán az előző feladat közelébe került volna.
Nem csak övé volt már eleve a Hazatérés kulcsa, de most még egy privát randit is nyert. Tesz egy laza megjegyzést, hogy ha a többiek nem mutogatnák magukat, hanem normálisan felöltöznének, talán nyerhettek volna.
Megérkezett a kastélyba a vert sereg. Beszámolnak a versenyről.
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Nati ledöbbent, hogy Edina nyerte a versenyt, mert tegnap még fájt a lába. Virág összerakja, hogy ez gyakorlatilag kettő privát randi a nőnek a kulccsal együtt. Most, hogy mindenki utálja Edinát, Emőke elmondja Bettinek, hogy Varga Irénhez hasonlította a nő a Titanic produkcióját.
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Nagyon rosszul is esik ez Bettinek. Csenge megjegyzi, hogy szerinte is szar volt, de azért nem Varga Irén szintű. Nati szerint fel kell kérdeznie a nőt. Bernadett különös monológba kezd. Előadja, hogy ő nem szereti ezt a felállást, hogy neki kell tepernie egy fasziért, mert ő konzervatív.
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Nem találja a helyét a kastélyban, egyedül Vanda érti meg, vele meg nem sokra megy.
A Nagy Ő már várja a győztes Edinát. Kocsikázni viszi. Minden nő ilyen férfiről álmodik, aki azt mondja, hogy nem, az csak így próbálja elfogadni a tényt, hogy nem kaphatja meg.
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Edina bevallja, hogy van jogsija, de ő traktort szokott vezetni. A Nagy Őt ez meglepi, mert Edina egy nő.
Ezután megtudjuk róla azt is, hogy kisgazda, ami tetszik Zolinak, mert az mégse fideszes mert földet venne, de nincs végzettsége hozzá. Szeretne egy kis gazdaságot, ahol megtermeli amit megeszik. Same Zoli, same.
Süvít a Jakob-1 mobil. Edina azt mondja azt hitte beszarik a sebességtől. A Nagy Ő szeretné átadni a volánt a lánynak, de az nem mer átülni, mert volt egy súlyos balesete, ami hatalmas traumát okozott neki és azóta nem vezetett.
Zoli ezért a felsőtestét mutogatja neki, hátha ettől jobban lesz. Nem lett.
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A férfi szerint, a nő nem érzi biztonságban magát mellette, ami kicsit elszomorítja. Azt mondja neki vigyázni fog rá. Edinát ez teljesen meghatja, mert egy férfi se mondott még neki ilyen szépet.
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Végül csak beül a kormány mögé és elindítja a Jakob-1 mobilt. Másfél év után Edina újra vezet. Csoda történt.
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Zoli azt mondja a kamerának, hogy Edina most jócskán előrébb került a rangsorban, de igazából ez nem jelent semmit, mert akárkivel randizik az előrébb kerül.
Ezután vacsoráznak. Edina előadja, hogy nehezen barátkozik, mert túl őszinte és nem mindenki viseli el, hogy egy seggfej. A nő cukrász, szóval a férfi vizsgáztatja, azzal, hogy random desszertekre mutogat.
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Egyet se tud, azzal terel, hogy megkérdezi, miért van ilyen régóta egyedül a férfi. Zoli megkérdezi, hogy két és fél év sok-e? A nő szerint igen, mert a férfiak kapcsolatfüggők. A Nagy Ő hozzáteszi, hogy meg minden kapcsolatban az anyjukat keresik és mit ad Isten, Edina pont olyan mint az anyja.
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A Nagy Ő felfedi a gonosz tervét a nőnek. Mindegyik versenyző jó tulajdonságait összegyúrja egy lányba és Edina lesz a gazdatest ehhez a szörnyű kísérlethez. A nő próbálja megúszni azzal, hogy lehet benne ezek már alapból megvannak.
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Megunja a férfi a beszélgetést és azt mondja, inkább menjenek egy illegális autóversenyre. Kicsit hezitálva, de belemegy a nő.
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Felcsendül a See you again. Zoli a képernyőn kívül meghal. Kilövi egy műhold vagy egy drón.
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A Nagy Őt teljesen lenyűgözte Edina bátorsága. Ad érte a végén egy homlokpuszit a nőnek. Mindketten várják a folytatást.
A kastélyban Edina randijáról spekulálnak a lányok, de nincs idejük sokat gondolkodni, mert Nati egy levéllel szalad be hozzájuk. Zsófi üzent. Miss Nagy Ő szépségversenyt rendez. Nati szerint bár lesz konkurencia a versenyen, de páran abszolút nem a kifutóra valóak. Virág nevet is mond: Vivien 2 szerinte Miss Röfi. Csenge elárulja, hogy volt már valami falusi szépségversenyen, amin nyert is. Virág megjegyzi, hogy nem nagy szám, ha csak egyedül indult. Betoppan Zsófi, hogy nyomassza a lányokat. Elmondja újra, amit a levélben már megírt. Meglepetés vendégeket hozott, akik segítenek a felkészülésben. Az első vendégük a modell, üzletasszony, jogászdoktor Zimány Linda. A második a táncművész, koreográfus Turi Lajos Péter.
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A férfi elmondja a versenyzőknek, hogyan kell nőként viselkedni: mosolygás, elegáns kinézet, szép tartás. Gyanítom ez nem a beauvoiri iskola. Ezután megtanítják őket sétálni és pózolni is.
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Nati szerint ez inkább bohócválogatás, mert olyan nők is lehetőséget kapnak, mint Betti, akinek szerinte nincs alakja ehhez.
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A segédek viszont szinte mindenkitől el vannak ájulva, ahogy vonulnak előttük. Mikor végeztek beesik Vivien 2, aki elaludt. Szegény nem ismeri fel Zimány Lindát, meg a faszit se és két ismeretlen alakként hivatkozik rájuk.
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Virág azt mondja ezzel a lendülettel vissza is mehet aludni, de a lány nem megy, megpróbál ő is vonulni egyet. Sajnos őt még a segédek is disszelik. Nati megjegyzi a kamerának, hogy Vivien 2 lapos és tepsi feje van.
Linda még egy játékkal készült. Mindenkinek el kell mondania, hogy miért gondolja magát szépnek és miért érdemelné meg az első helyet. Nati szerint ő kívül-belül szép, vidám és aranyos. Néha beleáll az emberekbe, de csak az igazságérzete miatt.
Vanda szerint a külső nem minden, de a szemét azért szereti magán. Valamiért azt hiszi, hogy a többiek szerethetőnek gondolják. Móni szerint a rövid haja és a kellemes kisugárzása hozza meg neki az első helyet. Nati megjegyzi a kamerába, hogy a nőnek inkább az állatkertben lenne a helye, nem egy szépségversenyen. Kokó, a kis papagáj. Emőke szerint a nőiességet kell átadni és nem kell túl szexinek lenni. Betti szerint az erotika felől kell hatni a férfiakra. Bernadett nőnek érzi magát és öregnek. Erika szerint az a lényeg, hogy önmagukat szépnek lássák. Virág egyéniségnek érzi magát, mint ahogy Zolit is és ezért passzolnak. Szerinte a jó pacek megvan és meg is dolgozott érte. Enikő nyom egy laza name-droppingot, hogy neki nagy barátnője Rubint Réka és edz néha. Vivien 2 szerint magabiztos és intelligens kinézete van. A tetkói miatt vadócnak tűnik, de van jókislányos beütése. Maria szerint ő magabiztos, ritmikus és mosolygós. Nati szerint ő is egy bohóc, bár legalább szerethető. Vivien őszinte ember. Csengének van egy mottója: Veni, vidi, vici. Visszajön Zsófi és kikérdezi a segédeket a lányokról. Szerintük indokolatlanul nagy önbizalmuk van. Nyolc lányt választanak ki a tényleges versenyre és a csavar, hogy a versenyzők fogják megszavazni maguk közül őket.
Újra meg kell jegyeznem, hogy milyen kurva kevés az a 30 kép, amit kiválaszthatok egy posztba.
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projectourworld · 2 years
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t is less of a marathon and more of an amble. But then a “walking forest” of 1,000 trees was never going to move at speed. Since May, volunteers have been transporting the native trees planted in wooden containers along a 3.5km stretch through the centre of the northern Dutch city of Leeuwarden, giving people an opportunity to experience an alternative, greener future.
“We are a generation that has almost lost all hope,” says Johan Lakke, a student at the University of Groningen who is helping with the project, which is called Bosk, meaning “forest” in the local Frisian language. “This project gives me hope,” he says. “It shows us that if you’re crazy enough to think outside the box, you can achieve things.” #projectourworld
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
All 5 episodes of chilling Netflix series “THE LØRENSKOG DISAPPEARANCE” recapped!
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The Netflix original production of “The Lørenskog Disappearance” is a frenetically paced five-installment dramatic crime series. It is, in large part, a vividly imagined account of the mysterious true-life disappearance of Norwegian billionaire Tom Hagen’s wife Anne-Elisabeth in 2018. https://youtu.be/2g89IxGIFy8 All 5 episodes of the chilling Netflix series “THE LØRENSKOG DISAPPEARANCE” recapped! Streaming Series Review by John Smistad   Episode 1: The Investigators (Part 1) Yngvild Støen Grotmol is brilliant as lead investigator Jorunn Lakke. Key events playing and replaying in the mind manifesting as if they are actually happening before her in the real world, while at first disorienting, become absolutely chilling as this gripping opening episode unfolds. Lakke and her team contend with few clues, withholding details from an increasingly hounding media, a shell-shocked adult daughter desperate for answers and a husband who seems less than panicked about the whole affair. An unprecedented case for the police, what is initially believed to be a kidnapping for cryptocurrency ransom gradually evolves into a dreaded potentiality feared by all. *Personal Life Predicament: Lakke’s retired-cop father succumbs to dementia. Episode 2: The Journalists Into the fray enter the scribes. The mainstream media often take a shellacking in the US.  And quite often it is richly deserved. While I’m not entirely certain if this is how the Norwegian general public looks upon their country’s journalistic community, it’s a decent bet based on this production that they harbor much in common with many Americans’ attitudes toward The Fifth Estate. Much of this episode plays like the 1976 Watergate docudrama “All The President's Men”, complete with a hard-nosed reporter, Erlend Moe Riise (a quietly intense performance by Christian Rubeck) whose dogged efforts to uncover the truth about this baffling missing person case are covertly aided by his very own “Deep Throat” character. This series chapter ends with a perplexity. What in the hell was that brown envelope Riise just watched Tom Hagen remove from the mailbox? As matters become more and more curious… *Personal Life Predicament: Emotionally scarring Daddy issues and a newborn baby for Riise. Episode 3: The Lawyers And what would any crime story worth it’s gavel be without everyone’s favorite punching bags, those ages-maligned attorneys at law (Sorry, you conscientious counselors out there. Nothing personal, certainly. And, likely, nothing you haven't heard before). This third episode is highly reminiscent of a pick-any-script from the decades-running “Law & Order” TV franchise. It is well over a year now since Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been gone. Everyone involved looks drawn, worn down and out and older than they should. At the sacrifice of sleep and his family life, Tom Hagen’s defense attorney and former Oslo cop Svein Holden (a smoldering still waters run deep turn by Henrik Rafaelsen), and some slick legalize maneuvers and mechanizations (are there any other kind?), the one who they say done it done gets sprung from the pokey. And it’s right back to the rapidly-shrinking drawing board for the confounded men and women in blue. *Personal Life Predicament: Heavy bags under Holden’s eyes and the loss of precious time with his wife and young daughter. Episode 4: The Journalists (Part 2) Aleks Zaretski (Victoria Ose) is an altruistic newspaper reporter and editor. She is driven to look at Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s disappearance and the manner in which the police are investigating it, from a 'warts and all' perspective. However, her superiors are not on board with this no-kissing-up approach. But Zaretski’s cohort at the periodical, Erlend Moe Riise, whom we met in Episode 2, begins to believe she is on to something. And it just may be something big. Perhaps potent enough to crack this long-since stagnant case wide-open. And he sets out to do something about it. *Personal Life Predicament: We see Jorunn Lakke come to an institution to fetch her father, whose mental faculties have deteriorated alarmingly, and bring him back home per his wishes. The Finale. Episode 5: The Informants The police are beyond desperate. This frustrating and enigmatic case now involves law enforcement agencies from several countries. With nowhere else to turn, they partner ever so warily with a wretched rat’s nest of vermin and vice for any shred of information that may finally help solve the vanishing of Anne-Elisabeth. Where do these precarious and dangerous paths lead investigators? If you don’t already know, there'll be no spoilers here, vennene mine. Watch “The Lørenskog Disappearance”. This exceptionally well-done Netflix production is resolutely well worth it. *Personal Life Predicament: A Tom Hagen obsessed Riise’s relationship is on the rocks, as Lakke moves in with a father who is no longer capable of living on his own.   Check out Cool Video Interviews with Top Indie Entertainers! JOHN SMISTAD, "THE QUICK FLICK CRITIC", interviews hard-charging indie filmmaker ALISON LOCKE! - YouTube Read the full article
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kingedwardvi · 3 years
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“When Somerset had been taken back into the Privy Chamber, in May 1550, Edward Lord Clinton, John Dudley's nephew, also entered the king's private apartments at the head of two hundred armed yeomen. The counsel for the estate, however, reflected the more settled rhythm of the exercise of monarchical authority. Royal governance rested on contact and communication, and nothing was more natural than for a king to be surrounded by the men who supported his governance of the realm. 
The Dudley years were still years of minority, but a middle-teenage minority quite different in its political dynamics from the earlier years of Edward's reign. The important age for Edward, both conceptually and practically, was fourteen. In 1526 his cousin, the fourteen-year-old James V of Scotland, had been declared to be of an age to exercise his royal authority personally. 
For Edward the change was less formal but still significant. In January 1552, three months after his own fourteenth birthday, Edward drafted 'Ceirtein pointes of waighty matters to be immediatly concluded on by my counsell', to which his principal secretary William Cecil added a note that ‘These remembrances within written wer delyvered by the kynges Majestic to his privee Counsell' in the inner Privy Chamber at Greenwich, and handed to Lord Treasurer Winchester in the presence of the officers of state and the officers of the royal household.
These were matters of business Edward symbolically delivered to his Privy Council in his Privy Chamber, once again blurring the distinctions between the formal and the informal.The weeks leading up to the death of Edward in July 1553 were similarly expressive of the power of personal monarchy in binding to gether the political establishment at court, in Privy Council, and in Privy Chamber. 
Edward was at the centre of the plan to divert the royal succession away from his half-sisters Mary and Elizabeth, and to leave the crown to (in the words of Diarmaid MacCulloch) 'a reliable evangel ical dynasty'. This dynasty was at best notional. It lay in the Suffolk line, through the heirs male of Frances, the daughter of Henry VIII's younger sister Mary, and then the heirs male of Frances' daughters Jane, Catherine, and Mary Grey. 
'My devise for the succession' was drafted by Edward, and in it the king wrote Jane herself into the royal succession (and her mother out of it) by skilful editing. The line which gave the crown 'To the L[ady] Fraunceses heires masles' and then 'For lakke of such issu to the L[ady] Janes heires masles' read, after correction, ‘To the Lady] Fraunceses heires masles, if she have any such issu befor my death to the Lady] Jane and her heires masles'. 
The crown simply went to Jane by default. For centuries this has been read as the supreme example of Dudley cunning, because John Dudley's son, Lord Guildford, married Jane Grey on 21 May 1553. But although Dudley enforced the king's will, it was Edward himself who set out to preserve his godly legacy and, implicitly, his political establishment. 
It is likely that Edward took fairly wide counsel from the men around him--men like Thomas Wroth and Henry Sidney of the Privy Chamber, John Cheke, and perhaps William Petre. Petre drafted part of Edward's will, which perhaps reflected Cheke's relationship with the king by making significant provision for Cheke's old Cambridge college, St John's, and exhorted the king's executors to 'travayle to cause godly ecclesiasticall lawes to be made and sett forthe' after his death. 
Of the twenty-four men who signed the engagement to maintain the succession as limited by Edward, fifteen were counsel lors for the estate (sixteen if the name of John Gosnold is counted) and one (Cheke) was the king's tutor. Two of the signatories (Edward Griffith as solicitor and John Lucas as master of requests) had been called into commission to work with privy councillors and gentlemen of the king's Privy Chamber just over a year earlier. Corporate identity and solidarity underpinned their commitment to ensuring that the will of the king was enforced.
Also built into 'My devise for the succession' is a key to how Edward, in the final weeks of his life, understood (and arguably experienced himself) the gradual emergence of adult kingship out of minority. The first part of the 'devise' established the order of the royal succession after Edward's death. In the second half (much of it deleted, but still extremely signifi cant) Edward explored forms of governance for a future Suffolk king. If over the age of eighteen at accession, full power and authority was his. But in providing for a royal minority, Edward divided governance between the king's mother and a council of twenty.
This 'gouvernres' could do nothing without the 'th'advise and agrement' of six members of the council. If she died before her son reached the age of eighteen, the governance of the realm would be directed by this council. But the crucial age (again mirroring Edward's own experience) was fourteen, because he wrote in the provision that ‘after he be 14 yere al great matters of importaunce [should] be opened to him'. 
In a deleted paragraph, Edward offered a mechanism for the election of councillors. If four councillors died during the female regency, a gathering of the council, assembled on the authority of the governess ‘letters patent, would choose four more 'wherin she shal have thre voices'. But if the governess was dead, 'the 16 shal chose emong themselfes', until the king was fourteen years old (changed from eighteen) and then he by ther advice shal chose them.
The 'devise' suggests that Edward imagined for a male successor under the age of eighteen a minority of two stages. The first-like his own-would be governance on the king's behalf, but by his mother rather than a protector, supported but at the same time limited by the council estab lished by Edward's will. The second stage necessarily involved the king not only in the business of governance but in the choice of the minority council. 
The clause survived in Edward's letters patent of 21 June 1553, and it was mixed governance at its best. But it was also, interestingly, a mark of the possibility of emerging operational kingship after the age of fourteen. The great irony of 1553 is that without Edward, the boy-king, the regime crumbled.
Without the person of the king - the practical focus of authority and legitimacy - the body politic was headless, and a political establishment marked by a sophisticated coherence in the final years of the reign collapsed. The corporate consensus of the signatories of Edward's letters patent cracked in the difficult days of the summer of 1553, and it did so because of mixed and conflicting loyalties. 
In the traumatic weeks of July 1553 the boundaries between the lawful and the unlawful-and the dynastically and politically acceptable and unaccept able-blurred. The power of dynastic succession of the long shadow cast by Henry VIII's will, complemented by the surprising energy of Mary Tudor's mobilization of the localities triumphed over the attempt to preserve the Edwardian political and ecclesiastical establishment[...].”
Alford, Stephen. “Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI”
Fan cast: Charlotte Hope as Lady Jane Grey; Ed Speleers as King Edward VI.
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djanemagbr · 3 years
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Com nova roupagem, o famoso hit promete deixar os fãs nostálgicos A DJ e produtora musical XINDDY, conhecida por remixar músicas de vários gêneros já conhecidos pelo público, tem um novo projeto em andamento. A novidade é uma parceria com o produtor e DJ John Lakke, um multi-instrumentista que lança diversos singles de música eletrônica cheios de musicalidade. Dessa vez, XINDDY criou uma versão atual da música que marcou gerações com a famosa canção “Summer Jam”. “A Summer Jam representa para mim as saudosas lembranças que tive na adolescência. E foi numa tarde relembrando os sucessos dos álbuns Summer Electro Hits com meu manager, Felipe Constantino, que ouvi a Summer Jam e pensei: ‘Tá aí! É este o remix que eu vou convidar o John Lakke pra fazer!”, relembra XINDDY. Lançada em 24 de julho de 2000, Summer Jam é um hit do grupo alemão de dance music The Underdog Project. Esta pérola dançante foi um grande sucesso na Europa, ficando em terceiro lugar nas paradas pop alemãs e atingiu o número 1 nas paradas da Bélgica e da Holanda. “Já estava em contato com o John há mais ou menos uns seis meses prospectando a ideia de fazermos uma collab. E por descobrirmos certas afinidades nas experiências que vivemos, por conta da nossa proximidade de idade, e dos gostos musicais, foi que me motivei a convidá-lo para fazer essa música comigo”, conta a artista. E as coincidências também fazem parte da carreira dos DJs. “Por um feliz acaso do destino, no dia seguinte do meu insight, o John me ligou dizendo que estava no Brasil – ele mora atualmente nos Estados Unidos – e que gostaria de conversar sobre um projeto. Aproveitei o gancho para compartilhar minha ideia sobre fazer o remix da Summer Jam e ele aceitou prontamente”, destaca XINDDY. “A Summer Jam é uma música que marcou a história da dance music. Trabalhar fazendo o remix desse hit, inúmeras vezes premiado desde o ano 2000, foi uma experiência nostálgica e de extremo prestígio pela oportunidade de contribuir para o cenário da música eletrônica atual, em 2021”, ressalta a DJane... 🔻🔻🔻 OUÇA AGORA E SAIBA MAIS [ LINK NA BIO ] > NOTÍCIAS > MÚSICA . . . . . . #djanemagnews #musica #remix #lançamento #xinddy #djane (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMIWhM0lXoz/?igshid=uy7su532nd1m
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7 Birth | Sippy Gill | 10 Mint Records | New Punjabi Song Lyrics
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7 Birth  | Sippy Gill | 10 Mint Records | New Punjabi Song 2020
  Song: 7 Birth Singer/Lyrics/Composer: Sippy Gill Music: Laddi Gill Label: 10 Mint Records   https://youtu.be/kJHjeOj_PbM
7 Birth  song lyrics - sippy gill
Zindagi Us Mud Te Mudke Kyu Nhi Aundi Hye Ni Jede Mud Te Mildi Si Tu Shaam Sawere   Ni May Pind Tere Di Firni Wal Nu Hye Mud Penda Ha O Dil Lachiya Wale Dudh Nu Tarshere Muh Ha Nere   Kyi Saal Beet Gaye Chehra Usda Wekhe Nu Ek Dhundle Jehi Yaad Menu Tang Kardi Rehndi Ae   Dil O Chej Jo Juddi Na Eh Jaan Dea Tod Gayi   7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi 7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi Kehndi Iss Janam Menu Maaf Kari (Menu Maaf Kari)   Ati Di Thand Nikk Bha Da Kaash Koi Mud Le Aawe Pholla Wale Shaal Tere Cho Tere Mehak Haale Tak Aawe   Putt Putt Kehke Rakh Li Chadya Hath Daaru De Naal Jod Gayi   7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi 7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi Kehndi Iss Janam Menu Maaf Kari (Menu Maaf Kari)   Hajel Aakhiya Chehri Bhulya Kaisa Jaam Pia Da Iss Janam Da Dana Bana Ni May Tere Naam Likhanda   Adhi Vaaj Te Aa Khad Jaange Je Paisa Teet E Lod Gayi   7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi 7 Janma Da Vaada Karke Hath Mehndi Wale Jod Gayi Kehndi Iss Janam Menu Maaf Kari (Menu Maaf Kari)   You also  like : Lean Lakk Lyrics -sargent- saga music                         RINGTONE – Preetinder | Jannat Zubair & Siddharth Nigam song lyrics                         Jinke liye Neha kakkar song lyrics || Feat. Jaani || B praak Read the full article
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tetraeeder · 5 years
Igatsus, september...
Polegi ammu kirjutanud ja mõtisklenud siinsetel radadel. Oleksin justkui suvepuhkuselt (ja väga pikalt) tagasi. Sean sammud taas investeerimislainele ja kurbusega pean mõtisklema, et 6 kuud on minu investeerimisteekonnast justkui kadunud. Aga tühja sest, ajame selja sirgu ja läheme edasi! Suvel ei istunud ma siiski käed rüpes niisama lakke sülitades, vaid nagu mai postitust üle lugedes välja tuli, otsisin lisatööd. Hahaa! Tänaseks olen saanud (endalegi teadvustamata) lisatöö, mille eest ei teeni küll palju, aga kes senti ei kogu see dollarit ei saa... Suvel müttasin ka füüsilist tööd teha väikese tasu eest - see oli teistsugune kogemus värskes õhus looduse keskel tasuta jõusaalis. Muidugi oli allaandmise hetki ja mõtlemist, et tühja sest rahast, no ei viitsi. Kuid lubadus ülemusele ja kohusetunne rassisid mind võiduka lõpuni! Viis eurot tippi sain ka. Otsustasin kogu tulu kanda investeerimiskontole ja selle raha 1000 euro täitumisel aktsiatesse suunata. 
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Pildil on Barbara Jacksoni püütud lapsed lükkamas heinapalli, võetud Pixabayst
Suvel harisin ennast investeerimisfestivalil, kus oli väga mõnus seltskond taas ja harivad nupukesed erinevatest finantsvaldkondadest. Rahakratt käis šõud tegemas ja oma rahateekonnast rääkimas. Ta on tõeliselt inspireeriv meesterahvas. Rain Lõhmuse mõtisklused viisid mind samuti uude reaalsusesse, kust sain teada, et ta oma esimeses pereringis tehtud vigadest õppinuna rakendab selles pereringis uusi teadmisi ja on parem kui varem. Aga eelkõige seda, et oli mehel julgust kunagi Hansapank teha, täiesti lambist ja pooleldi hulljulgusest. Aga kõik mis puudutab LHV panka ja sellest näiliselt laid-back juhti... lahe! Ma olen endiselt fänn.
Investeerimisfestivalilt sain teada, et mina olen emotsionaalne investor, et mis on südamelähedane, seda ostan. Ei kaalu erinevaid XIRRe ja LTV-sid näiteks. Ei oskagi, ei teagi nendest suurt midagi - matemaatikaõpetaja suunas mind gümnaasiumi lõpus midagi pehmemat õppima, sest tal oli ilmselt piinlik, et ta käega lõi ja lihtsamat teed läks. Hanschmidti ja eriti Villigut oli vinge kuulata, küll on inspireerivad! Uskumatu, et üks keskkoolinoor üsna kasina eelarvega suutis püsti panna sellise startupi. Müts maha. 
Aga nüüd reaalsusesse tagasi, sest mina ei ole Villig ega Lõhmus. Hetkel on minu teine investeerimisaasta käimas ja nagu eelmises postituses kirja sai pandud oma ülevaated, nii nad on suuresti jäänudki. Märkisin kiiruga viimasel päeval oma 12 aktsiat ka, mis LHV mulle näpuotsaga puistas, veidi odavamalt turuhinnast ja ilma teenustasuta (yassh!), kuid ei oska otsustada, kas peaks neid juurde ostma (mul on vaba aktsiatulu) või alandama nende aktsiate miinust, mis on tulipunases? Muide avastasin hiljuti nagu paljud teised MTA teavituse tulumaksuvaba miinimumi liigse kasutamise tõttu tekkinud võlgnevusest. Kristisaarelikult kehitan õlgu ja ütlen, et võtan ise riigilt laenu ja maksan kevadel intressita tagasi. Ühtlasi vaatasin üle oma sissetulekud ja intressidelt olen teeninud üle 700 euro tulu, mis teeb kuus üle 60 euro lisatulu. Nüüd selle lisatöö juurde tagasi naastes olen pikalt vaaginud firma loomise küsimusi. Kuna tulult on vaja maksta tulumaksu, siis mõtlesin teha väikefirma ja lasta seda raha sinna kanda, et maksustamist edasi lükata. Siiani on firma loomine jäänud ajapuuduse ja otsitud vabanduste taha, kuid septembri lõpp on läinud väekalt investeerimise ja finantsvaldkonna kontrolli alla võtmise tähe all, seega fookus on terav! Roheline tuli on taas antud.  *Postitus ilmus septembris, läheb muutmata kujul üles. Loen läbi ja kirjutan uue*
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asktheadeptus · 7 years
Space Marine Recruitment
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"Before this Age, it was said of heroes that they were not born, but created, forged in the fires of adversity and war. In these days in which we now live, however, heroes are indeed born, in the gene-forges of the Emperor's genius. To be a hero amongst such warriors as these is true achievement, and one even the most elevated of our forebears could never have dreamed of."— Orsan Lakk, late of the Order of Remembrancers
Each Chapter of Space Marines has its own methods of recruiting young warriors to fill its ranks. Many are based on a single homeworld and recruit solely from that populace, setting trials and tests for prospective candidates to weed out all but the strongest and the most faithful. These worlds are often technologically backward with strong militaristic societies, where male children who show potential are pushed harder and harder, that they may one day have a chance to join the ranks of the Space Marines, who are often known to such peoples as "star warriors," "sky knights," or similar names. Because Feral Worlds are rough, primitive, and untamed, their inhabitants invariably provide excellent recruits. For true aggression and nigh-psychotic killer-instinct, however, few recruits can best the murderous city-scum that roam the darkest pits of the Imperium's many Hive Worlds. Driven to extremes of violence by the pressures of Hive World living, these merciless killers are usually ignored by the authorities. They make ideal Space Marine recruits, and whole gangs of city-scum are sometimes hunted down and made to undergo the Trials. Some recruits are drawn from the more Civilised Worlds of the Imperium, but not very many.
Those planets used by the Space Marines as recruiting worlds are observed closely by the Chapter’s Apothecaries and Chaplains. The population’s genetic purity must be maintained, in order to conserve those qualities that serve the Space Marines’ purposes best. Their spiritual health is also maintained, to ensure that no trace of the influence of the Ruinous Powers becomes manifest. Such observations are in general carried out from a distance, and it is rare for the society to have any direct contact with, or knowledge of, the Space Marines, or in many cases even of the Imperium. The Chapter’s officers might visit the culture once a generation and will be the subject of myth and legend. These mighty warriors from beyond the stars are figures of awe, and their word is law. The nature of the trials set by the outsiders vary enormously, but all are so arduous that only a handful pass them. Those who fail may be lucky to even survive, for many trials take the form of ritual combat, the hunting of a great beast, or the performance of incredibly dangerous feats of strength and bravery. At the conclusion of the trials, those few Aspirants that have been deemed worthy are taken away, invariably never to see their people again.
It is always a great honour for a family to have a son chosen by the Space Marines, even for societies with little conception of the greater galaxy beyond their world. The Space Wolves are an example of this. The Wolf Priests of the Space Wolves scour the warring tribes of their homeworld Fenris for their strongest and bravest youths, while the Ultramarines traditionally draw their candidates from the elite training barracks of a whole group of planetary systems known collectively as Ultramar, the realm of the Ultramarines. Other Chapters have no single homeworld and travel the galaxy in gigantic fleets of battleships, recruiting either from a regular series of worlds or from the war zones to which they are assigned. The Black Templars are one such example of a fleet-based Chapter, as are the Dark Angels. Once accepted, the young Aspirants become Neophytes and begin their regimen of training and biological enhancement. Each Chapter has its own traditions regarding the initiation of the recruit into its legends and secrets. This process often runs parallel to the bio-genetic treatments the Neophyte must undergo. As the physical transformation proceeds, spiritual change also occurs. Both are tempered by ongoing experience on the field of battle and the rituals in which the Neophyte must participate. The nature of such rites varies enormously from one Chapter to the next.
Some are solemn affairs recalling the sacrifice the Emperor made for humanity. Others are raucous celebrations drawing on the culture and nature of the Chapter’s home world. Still more are bloody and barbaric involving ritual bloodletting, scarification, or amputation. All are vital to the arcane workings of the Chapter, and his participation is a prerequisite of the Neophyte’s acceptance by his would-be brothers-in-arms. Such are the rigors of the training that many do not survive. Whether he is crippled upon the battlefield, or found spiritually wanting during a particularly exacting ritual, a Neophyte may find himself cast out, his future with the Chapter curtailed. In some instances, the Neophyte may transgress one of the many articles of Chapter law, and injury at war may prove preferable to the punishment. Many possible fates await those who fall by the wayside in this manner. Most are mind-scrubbed and become Chapter Serfs—manservants and menials. The less fortunate are transformed into living, cybernetic Servitors—mindless biomechanical automatons who exist only to assist the Chapter’s Techmarines in the operation of heavy and frequently dangerous machinery. A very rare few may yet rise to positions of relative power within the Chapter’s feudal household, yet even the highest-ranked factotum is but a lowly, nameless servant in the eyes of the full Battle-Brothers.
The worlds that the Space Marines recruit from often have a wide range of legends regarding the Adeptus Astartes. As many of the communities in question are primitive or barbaric, the people regard the Space Marines as otherworldly figures, "angels of death" who arrive once in a generation to test them and carry away their strongest sons. On more advanced worlds, the people will have more of an understanding of who and what the Adeptus Astartes are regard the success of an Aspirant as an honour to the entire community. On some worlds, the knowledge that a distant ancestor was recruited into the Astartes is as good as a patent of nobility and portraits of the legendary hero adorn the walls and prayers are said to him as if he were a saint of the Imperial Cult in times of need.
Aspirant Trials
Aspirants to become Space Marines are expected to overcome many and varied trials before being accepted into the ranks of a Chapter's Neophytes. Though he will undergo continuous testing throughout his time as a Neophyte, and often well beyond after he becomes an Initiate or Scout Marine, the first trial the Aspirant must pass to be accepted as a potential Astartes is by far the most significant of his young life. The events he experiences during that trial will live on in his mind and heart for the rest of his potentially long, long life. Every Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes uses some form of Trial to ascertain whether Aspirants are worthy of beginning the often-fatal process of becoming fully-fledged Battle-Brothers. The nature of this Trial varies greatly from Chapter to Chapter and world to world. In some cases, a culture's traditional festivals and rites of passage are in fact well-disguised Trials, established generations before and watched over in secret by Chaplains or senior Chapter Serfs. In such cases, the Aspirants believe they are participating in tribal rituals and coming-of-age challenges, and are entirely unaware that the most promising of their number will be selected to become Space Marines (if they even know what Space Marines are!). In other cultures, the Aspirants fight for the honour to be judged worthy, knowing that a great reward awaits the victors.
Again, they may not know the exact nature of that reward, but to be chosen is the greatest of honours a young man can aspire to. Some Trials are watched over closely by the servants of the Chapter, who judge the Aspirant every step of the way. Others have no interest in the actual process, only the outcome. Some Trials are so arduous that the simple fact of an Aspirant's surviving it is sufficient to pronounce his victory. In other cases, the manner in which the Aspirant approaches the challenge is judged of more importance than whether or not he completes it--in some cases, the Trial is deliberately impossible to complete, and the Aspirant's willingness to undertake it regardless is all that matters. The vast majority of Aspirants fail their Trials and many of these die in the process--though a failed Aspirant who lives through the Trial often garners much honour within his culture, his mere survival rendering him a hero and a potential future leader of his people. At the Trial's completion, a successful Aspirant will be taken away to join the Chapter as a Neophyte. Sometimes he will find a Space Marine waiting for him at the conclusion of his challenge and be led into a waiting transport to leave his former life forever. Sometimes he will be afforded the adulation of his people before leaving, enjoying one last night with kith and kin. Many simply awaken in an induction-cell, with no knowledge of how they got there or what awaits them. In any case, the successful completion of their Trials allows an Aspirant to become a Neophyte of the Chapter, though now he must pass a battery of tests to determine if he is worthy of being implanted with the sacred and life-altering gene-seed organs of the Astartes.
Blood Duel Trial
One of the most common Aspirant Trials takes the form of a duel between Aspirants, often to the death. The type of duel varies enormously and every culture from which the Astartes recruit has its own well-established practices. On different worlds, different weapons will be used, or sometimes none at all as the combatants are expected to pummel, gouge and throttle one another bloody. Feral world tribes might use flint-tipped spears or the sharpened, serrated fangs of wild beasts. Feudal worlds with a medieval level of technology might use highly-ritualized forms of swordplay, while the most advanced Imperial worlds would have access to the full gamut of lethal weaponry. Commonly, a Blood Duel is fought in rounds, with Aspirants facing foe after foe until only a small number remain. If the Chapter conducting the Trial has need of a large number of recruits, the Trial may be ended when a set number of Aspirants are left. When the Chapter has less need of new Neophytes, the Trials may continue until only a single battered and bloody challenger remains, the corpses of his enemies carpeting the ground before him. Not all Blood Duels are to the death and some have highly ritualistic and specific victory conditions. Sometimes the duel is fought to first blood, other times to the very point of death. The Space Marine Apothecaries are capable of rebuilding a crippled body should the Aspirant be deemed worthy of acceptance, so most Blood Duels are brutal, no-holds-barred affairs. The Blood Angels Chapter is known to make extensive use of the Blood Duel Trial, but plenty of other Chapters make use of similar methods of choosing their recruits, including the Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Storm Wardens and Space Wolves.
Hunting the Hunter Trial
Many of the cultures from which the Astartes recruits exist in hellishly dangerous environments populated by all manner of predatory beings. In most cases, the predators in question are autochthonic beasts native to the world, but sometimes they have been deliberately introduced in order to retard the culture's development, ensuring that their every moment is a fight for survival and cultivating the most promising recruits possible. In many cases the predators are human, such as the gelt-scalpers that prey on the outcasts of hive societies, culling the unwanted for monetary reward. Frontier worlds are often plagued by alien raiders, ranging from the dreaded and lethal Dark Eldar to the barbarous greenskinned Orks. This Trial requires the Aspirant to track down and slay, or sometimes capture, such a predator, turning the tables on those who prey upon his people and proving his worthiness to become an Astartes Neophyte. The hunt is a test of cunning and determination as much as raw martial prowess, often requiring the Aspirant to track his prey in its own territory. The hunt may last days, weeks or even longer according to the conditions of the Trial and the weapons the Aspirant can either find or fashion for himself. Taking the target alive is perhaps the hardest of Trials, for the Aspirant must keep the foe restrained on a return journey that might prove every bit as arduous as the hunt itself.
A variation of the hunt requires a number of Aspirants to hunt a single target, though only one may claim victory. Some of these Aspirants strike out on their own, even turning on their fellows when the opportunity arises. Others set aside their rivalry and work together until the end. Those Aspirants who survive must eventually fight one another for the honour of claiming victory. Whatever path the Aspirants take, the Chapter learns much about their potential recruits. At the conclusion of a Trial in which a prisoner is taken, it is common for the Aspirant to be required to slay his captive, often before his people in a highly ritualized deed akin to a ceremonial sacrifice. Thus, the blood offering is made and the victor led away to join the ranks of the sky warriors. The Space Wolves are known to use the Hunting the Hunter Trial, requiring the Aspirant to track and face a fearsome Fenrisian Wolf or a Snow Troll. The Dark Angels have a similar tradition drawn from the knightly orders of their lost homeworld of Caliban and often require Aspirants to track and kill fearsome beasts mutated by the powers of Chaos.
Survival of the Fittest Trial
It is often said that in the dark future of the 41st Millennium there is only war. No world is untouched by bloodshed and death and for many human societies war is a permanent state of existence. Many of the worlds from which Space Marine Chapters recruit are not home to a single, unified society, but rather a host of small tribes constantly at war with one another. In such societies, Trials are all but unnecessary and instead of staging formal tests and challenges the Space marines simply watch these wars from afar, witness the deeds of the greatest heroes and select the victors as Aspirants. Hive worlds often fall into this category, especially the lawless underhives and the polluted ash wastes between the hive cities. Gangs of savage psychopaths battle one another ceaselessly for power and influence and the greatest of these gang leaders sometimes attract the attentions of the servants of the Chapter. In most cases, the Space Marines need to do little more than watch the wars, but in some instances they actively take a hand in fomenting conflict and strife. By limiting the technology levels of a society, curtailing its access to natural resources, infiltrating it with Chapter serfs who spread hate, lies and paranoia, and occasionally even introducing psychosis-inducing substances into the food chain, the Astartes can ensure there is no break in the constant state of warfare that produces the Chapter's next heroes. The Chapters best known for practicing this type of Trial are the Space Wolves, who watch from afar as entire tribes on their frigid homeworld of Fenris wipe one another out in bloody internecine wars. Many other Chapters use similar methods as well, including the Dark Angels and their Unforgiven Successor Chapters.
Exposure Trial
Few worlds of the Imperium of Man are free from adversity and these rare exceptions are either the holdings of wealthy mercantile combines or pleasure retreats for retired, high-level Imperial servants or the local sector nobility, entirely inaccessible to the vast bulk of Mankind. Most of the Emperor's subjects live on worlds that are dangerous in some manner. Long-settled planets are riven by pollution, the toxic waste of thousands of years of industry seeping into the very bedrock and raining from the skies in a constant downpour. Other worlds are heavily irradiated, by the processes of industry or by the effects of local celestial phenomena. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. Plenty of worlds feature environments that are inimical to life, yet due to some natural resource or the world's strategic value, humans eke out an existence there nonetheless. Such environments range from sub-zero ice wastes, impenetrable swamps and arid deserts to exotic death world jungles, methane sumps and hydrocarbon oceans. In an Exposure Trial, the Aspirant must go out into such an environment and simply survive for a set period of time. If he is a native of such a hellish place, the Aspirant will have some knowledge of how to survive, yet is shorn of all aid and divested of all but the most basic of survival equipment. Communities living in the midst of a death world jungle, for example, rely on total and constant cooperation just to go on existing another day and none are ever out of the sight of another. An Exposure Trial in such a place would force the Aspirant to go out into the jungle alone and face the terrors of the wild with only himself to rely upon for the first time in his life.
Some Exposure Trials test the Aspirant's fortitude in a specific environment. Such Trials carried out in an icy waste could involve the Aspirant travelling from one point to another, with countless hundreds of kilometers of trackless snow-blasted plains separating the two. Other Aspirants might have to cross an entire continent of irradiated ash dunes, traverse an impassable mountain range, swim a predator-infested ocean or a hundred other such challenges. One particularly inventive variation of the Exposure Trial is one in which the Aspirant is taken from his own environment and transplanted into an entirely unfamiliar one. A Feral World savage might be deposited in a hive city, for example, or a Hive Worlder in a predator-infested Death World jungle. Many Exposure Trials are impossible to complete, entailing the Aspirant simply staying alive as long as possible. Those who face the impossible without faltering and who survive long past the point they should have perished are recovered by the Chapter's Apothecaries, often having succumbed but not yet died, and revived, having been judged worthy of becoming an Astartes Neophyte. Amongst other types of Trial, the Ultramarines make extensive use of the Exposure Trial. In fact, some of the warrior elite of the Realm of Ultramar are known to cast newborn infants into the wilderness in order to test their resilience. The Space Wolves use similar methods, as do many other Chapters.
Knowledge of Self Trial
The horrors that a Space Marine will witness during his service to the Emperor are sufficient to destroy a normal man's sanity and those witnessed by the Battle-Brothers who serve in the special Astartes units like the Grey Knights and the Deathwatch are more horrifying still. Many Chapters consider the Aspirant's spiritual and mental capabilities every bit as important as his physical characteristics and impose Trials not of the body, but of the mind. There are hundreds--if not thousands--of ways in which a Chapter can test an Aspirant's inner strength. One method is a vision, imposed by way of psychic intrusion by one of the Chapter's Librarians. The Aspirant may be plunged into a trance-like state during which he is subjected to all manner of horrific visions or irresistible temptations. He faces creatures dredged up from his own nightmares and phantoms seeded in his mind by the Librarian, who presides over the Trial and judges the Aspirant's very soul. Some Trials are far cruder; the Aspirant is simply administered some powerful psychoactive concoction, often distilled from the venom of local predators or the sap of rare plants. Under the influence of such drugs, the Aspirant must face the very worst his own psyche can produce, terrors often far worse than a Librarian could implant. Many die under the sheer stress and trauma placed on their hearts during the process and those that survive will be utterly changed--physically as well as mentally. Another common variation of this Trial is exposure to pain. There are myriad different ways in which pain can be applied, some primitive, others fiendishly inventive. Some torments leave the Aspirant scarred for life, though the scars are proudly borne as evidence of his mental strength. Others, such as the infamous Pain-Glove used by the Imperial Fists Chapter, leave no marks, interfacing directly with the Aspirant's nervous system and keeping his conscious long past the point he would otherwise have passed out. Though the Imperial Fists are the best known practitioners of this type of Trial, many other Chapters use it too, especially those that recruit from feral societies with strong shamanic tendencies. The Black Templars use similar methods but eschew the use of drugs or technology, instead requiring an Aspirant to fast or pray for days on end until a similar effect is achieved.
Challenge Trial
A Trial used by a smaller number of Chapters, the Challenge requires the Aspirant to fight a duel or compete in some other manner against a full Astartes. In truth, none expect the Aspirant to better a full Battle-Brother and his success is more often measured in the degree of his failure. Very occassionally, an Aspirant does manage to beat an Astartes and when this happens it is not uncommon for the individual to go on to become a legendary hero of the Chapter. Many Challenge Trials involve a test of martial skill, with the Aspirant fighting an armed duel against a Battle-Brother. It is usual for the Aspirant to be armed and the Astartes to fight with his bare hands and probably without his Power Armour, yet still the Aspirant has virtually no hope of victory. Most Challenge Duels end in the death of the Aspirant, for even an unarmed, unarmoured Astartes is a giant compared to the young, adolescent challenger and well able to slay him with a single blow, intentionally or not. Other Challenge Trials involve contests of strength, stamina, speed, skill or mental strength. The Trial might range from the lifting of impossibly heavy loads to the imbibing of toxic substances. As with a duel, this type of Challenge Trial can often prove deadly. In both cases, however, an Aspirant that has failed the Trial -- yet performed to the Chapter's satisfaction -- is rescued from the jaws of death by the Chapter's Apothecaries and judged worthy of progressing to the rank of Neophyte. Several Chapters are known to make use of the Challenge Trial, including the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Storm Wardens and Iron Snakes.
The gene-seed of an Astartes is the foreign genetic material originally engineered using one of the Primarchs' genomes as a foundation. The gene-seed develops into the special organs that are then implanted into a potential Space Marine's body. These gene-seed organs are responsible for most of a Space Marine's physical enhancements over baseline human capability. All Space Marine gene-seed was originally cultivated by the Emperor himself from the DNA of the Emperor's 20 genetically-engineered sons (each son being the Primarch of one of the 20 Space Marine Legions of the First Founding), and is a rare and precious resource for the Space Marines of the Imperium, even in death. The biotechnology necessary to create new gene-seed has long been forgotten or lost to humanity; therefore, it must be cultivated from dead/dying Astartes warriors and returned to the Chapter's Apothecaries, who will oversee the creation of new Astartes from the Chapter's raw recruits. The gene-seed is the very essence of a Space Marine Chapter and it carries each of the characteristics that are particularly unique to a given Chapter, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or martial.
Unfortunately, Space Marine gene-seed is vulnerable to mutations over time, which can phenotypically manifest in various ways. In addition, there are various genetic flaws that have developed in the gene-seed, the majority of which derive from the particularities of each Primarch's genetic code. It is these mutations that led to the emergence of the Flaws in the Blood Angels' gene-seed (specifically their susceptibility to the conditions known as the Black Rage and the Red Thirst), the "Mark of the Wulfen" for the Space Wolves or the rapidly increasing rate of mutation that afflicts the Renegade Soul Drinkers Chapter.
It must also be noted that the presently existing Space Marine Chapters are more numerous than the original 20 Space Marine Legions, excluding those two Legions that were removed from Imperial records. Only the original 9 Legions that remained loyal to the Emperor during the Horus Heresy produced the numerous Space Marine Chapters of the Second Founding who share traits with their founder Chapter, which is itself the remnant of one of the Loyalist Legions.
During the recruitment and enhancement process, some Aspirants may not survive the rigors of training and the later medical treatments one must undergo to become a full-fledged Battle-Brother of the Chapter. First and foremost, a potential Space Marine recruit must be male, as the gene-seed and the developing Space Marine organs are compatible only with male hormones and genetics. Trying to implant a woman with Space Marine gene-seed would result only in a painful, agonizing death. The three following requirements also apply:
Space Marine Aspirants must be adolescents or very young adults, as the implants must be able to coordinate with a human male's natural growth hormones during adolescence to stimulate the growth and development of the various unique physiological features of a Space Marine. In specific terms, the recruit must be about 10-16 Terran standard years of age, although the process has been documented to still work in recruits as old as 20 as long as they have not yet reached their full adult growth.
Much like a blood transfusion or organ transplant, there must be immunogenetic compatibility between the recruit and the implants; otherwise organ failure may result, causing the recruit to die or simply degenerate into a state of madness as their own tissues come under autoimmune attack.
The mental state of a potential Space Marine must also be susceptible to the various training and psycho-conditioning regimes of the Chapter and cannot already be tainted by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos.
These three main criteria bar all except a minuscule percentage of human males within the Imperium of Man from becoming Space Marines. If all the tests prove successful, the Space Marine recruit transforms from a Neophyte into a Scout Marine or even a full Initiate depending on the Chapter's individual organisation. The recruit is then taken to live at the Chapter's fortress-monastery where he is instructed in the ways of battle and taught the values and history of the Chapter. At this stage, organ implantation, psycho-conditioning, and physical training begin. Each step in this stage has its own dangers, ensuring that only the truly worthy initiates become Space Marines. After several years of training, conditioning, and implantation surgeries the Initiate becomes a true Astartes, undergoes his Rites of Fire in his first combat action, and becomes a true Battle-Brother of his Chapter.
Implantation of Astartes Organs
Nineteen genetically-engineered organs grown from the Chapter's gene-seed are implanted in a Neophyte's body to further bolster his combat and survival ability should he live to become a full Battle-Brother and Initiate of the Chapter. Many of these organs are cultured in vitro from the gene-seed, whilst others require that the gene-seed be injected into the Aspirant's body and then grow into a new organ using the implantee's own physiological processes. All Space Marine Chapters use the gene-seed organs to unleash and control the metabolic processes that transform an ordinary mortal into a Space Marine. The gene-seed itself is encoded with all the genetic information needed to reshape ordinary human cell clusters into the special organs Space Marines possess in those instances where they are not directly implanted after being cultured outside the body. The gene-seed contains genetically-engineered viral machines which rebuild the male human body according to the biological template contained within it and created by the Emperor. However, even from the beginning of the Astartes' existence, there was never a set way to activate these transformative functions of the gene-seed.
During the First Founding of the 30th Millennium when the Space Marine Legions were first created, the process was still highly experimental and many different ways of controlling and managing the transformation from mortal into Astartes were tried. This led to the Space Wolves using the ritual known as Blooding, the Imperial Fists using the process known as the Hand of Faith, the White Scars conducting the Rites of the Risen Moon and the Blood Angels using the ritual of Insanguination.
Each implant has a high margin of catastrophic metabolic failure and physiological rejection and so only a small number of Neophytes live to become Initiates of the Chapter and enter the 10th Company as Scout Marines. Many Chapters have lost the knowledge needed to culture new versions of some of these implants, and therefore, must ensure this gene-seed is recovered from dead Battle-Brothers. Amongst the crucial implants are the Interface, better known as the Black Carapace, and the Progenoid Glands, without which a Chapter would die out fairly quickly. The gene-seed organs must be implanted into an adolescent human male for the process to have the greatest chance of success no later than his 16th year, though it is medically possible to begin the process as late as 18 years of age before full growth has been reached in the early 20's. However, a gene-seed organ implantation procedure done at this late stage in the boy's growth will as likely kill him as not. In general, most Space Marine Chapters prefer to begin the process sometime between the ages of 10 and 14 years. The full list of 19 gene-seed organs, presented in the order in which they must be implanted within a Space Marine Neophyte, is as follows:
Secondary Heart (The Maintainer) - This is the first and least difficult implant to install. The Secondary Heart increases blood supply and pumping capacity and is capable of taking over entirely should the primary heart fail. It may also pump steroids and adrenaline into the first, primary heart to give the Astartes an extra "rush" of energy on the battlefield.
Ossmodula (The Ironheart) - This implant strengthens and greatly accelerates the growth of the skeleton of a Space Marine by inducing his bones to absorb a ceramic-based mineral administered in every Astartes Neophyte's diet. Within two years after the surgery, the Space Marine's skeleton will be larger and exponentially stronger than a normal man's with growth having topped out at around 7-7.5 feet in height with an equivalent amount of skeleto-muscular mass. An Astartes' rib cage will also be fused into a solid bone plate to provide greater protection from injury for the internal organs.
Biscopea (The Forge of Strength) - Implanted into the chest cavity, this implant massively bolsters skeletomuscular development and muscle fiber density throughout the Astartes' body by unleashing a wave of human growth hormones. This gene-seed organ is commonly implanted at the same time as the Ossmodula since it is necessary to successfully regulate the Ossmodula's hormonal secretions and it will also regulate the hormonal changes caused to the new Astartes' body by many of the other gene-seed implants.
Haemastamen (The Blood Maker) - Implanted into a main blood vessel like the aorta, femoral artery or the vena cava, the Haemastamen alters an Astartes' blood's biochemical composition to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. The actions of the Haemastamen turn a Space Marine's blood a brighter shade of red than that of normal humans because of its greatly increased oxygen-carrying capacity. It also acts to biochemically regulate the actions of the 2nd and 3rd gene-seed implants, the Ossmodula and Biscopea.
Larraman's Organ (The Healer) - Shaped like the human liver but only the size of a golf ball, this gene-seed organ is placed within the chest cavity and manufactures the synthetic biological cells known as Larraman Cells.These biosynthetic cells serve the same physiological purpose for an Astartes as the normal human body's platelets, serving to clot the blood lost from wounds, but they act faster, more efficiently and more effectively. When a Space Marine is wounded and incurs blood loss, Larraman Cells are released by his circulatory system, attached to the body's normal leukocytes (white blood cells). At the site of the injury, they form scar tissue in a matter of seconds, effectively preventing massive blood loss and infection of the wound. The action of this organ is one of the reasons that the Space Marines are seen as nearly invincible and so difficult to kill despite the terrible wounds they sometimes endure.
Catalepsean Node (The Unsleeping) - Implanted into the back of the cerebrum, this implant allows a Space Marine to avoid sleep, instead entering an almost comatose trance where their minds "recharge". It also allows one half of the brain to rest while the other hemisphere remains alert, thus removing the need for the unconsciousness required by normal sleep. The longest any Space Marine has ever been on active combat duty without rest is 328 hours, achieved by a squad of the Crimson Fists Kill-team during the battle against the Orks for Rynn's World.
Preomnor (The Neutraliser) - The Preomnor is essentially an organic decontamination chamber that is implanted inside the chest cavity and connected to the digestive system, above the original stomach so that no actual digestion occurs in the Preomnor. It is capable of biochemically analyzing ingested materials and neutralizing most known biochemical and inorganic toxins. The Preomnor enables the Astartes to eat normally inedible substances and resist any poisons he may ingest.
Omophagea (The Remembrancer) - Implanted into the upper spinal cord so that it becomes a component of the central nervous system, this organ is designed to absorb information and any DNA, RNA or protein sequences related to experience or memory. This enables the Space Marine to gain information, in a survival or tactical sense, simply by eating an animal indigenous to an alien world and then experiencing some of what that creature did before its death. Over time, mutations in this implant's gene-seed have given some Chapters an unnatural craving for blood or flesh.
Multi-lung (The Imbiber) - The Multi-lung is a third lung implanted into an Astartes' pulmonary and circulatory systems in the chest cavity that is able to absorb oxygen from environments usually too poor in oxygen to allow normal human respiratory functioning. Breathing is accomplished through a sphincter implanted into the trachea, allowing all three lungs to be used at full capacity. In toxic environments, a similar muscle closes off the normal lungs, thus oxygen is absorbed exclusively by the Multi-lung, which then filters out the poisonous or toxic elements.
Occulobe (The Eye of Vengeance) - Essentially, the Occulobe is a gene-seed organ that enhances an Astartes' eyesight after being implanted along the optic nerve and connected to the retina, granting him exceptional vision and the ability to see normally in a low-light environment.
Lyman's Ear (The Sentinel) - This gene-seed organ implant renders a Space Marine immune to dizziness and motion-induced nausea, and enables an Astartes to consciously filter out "white noise" or resist other sonic attacks.
Sus-an Membrane (The Hibernator) - This implant allows a Space Marine to enter a catatonic or "suspended animation" state and is implanted within the brain near the pituitary gland as a part of the body's endocrine system. It can allow a mortally wounded Astartes to survive his injuries, and bring the metabolism to a standstill until he can receive full medical care. Only the appropriate chemical therapy or hypnotic auto-suggestion can revive a Space Marine from this state. The longest recorded period for this form of hibernation was endured by Battle-Brother Silas Err of the Dark Angels Chapter, who was in Sus-an hibernation for 567 standard years.
Melanochrome - Linked into the endocrine system via the lymphatic system, this gene-seed organ alters the pigment cells in the skin, which allows the Astartes' skin to shield him from otherwise dangerous levels of radiation and heat. Different levels of radiation cause variations of skin color in different Chapters due to mutations in the Melanochrome organ's gene-seed. This can be related to the unusually pale skin of the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters and the dark black skin and red eyes of the Salamanders.
Oolitic Kidney (The Purifier) - This gene-seed organ works in conjunction with the Preomnor, filtering the blood to remove toxins that have been ingested or breathed into the body. However, this detoxification process renders the Astartes unconscious once it begins, so it can be very dangerous if required during combat. Under normal circumstances, the Oolitic Kidney also acts as a regulatory organ for the Astartes physiology, maintaining the efficient action of the Space Marine's advanced circulatory system and the proper functioning of his other organs, implanted or otherwise.
Neuroglottis (The Devourer) - This gene-seed organ implanted in the mouth allows an Astartes to biochemically assess a wide variety of things simply by taste or smell, biochemically testing various objects for toxicity and nutritional content, essentially determining if the substance is edible or poisonous. From poisons to chemicals to animals, a Space Marine can even track his quarry by taste or smell alone, much like the average canine bred for tracking.
Mucranoid (The Weaver) - This gene-seed organ is implanted within the central nervous system and responds to specific chemical stimuli in the environment, causing the Space Marine to secrete a waxy protein substance similar to mucus through his pores that seals his skin. The gland's operations must first be activated by an external chemical treatment, usually self-administered, before it will activate. Space Marines are cocooned in this way before they enter suspended animation, and the process can even protect them from the harshness of the vacuum and other extremes of temperature, particularly deeply frigid environments.
Betcher's Gland (The Poison Bite) - Actually consisting of 2 separate glands implanted into multiple locations inside an Astartes' mouth, including the inside of the lower lip, in the salivary glands or in the hard palette, these two glands work in tandem to transform a Space Marine's saliva into a corrosive, blinding acid when consciously triggered. An Astartes trapped behind iron bars, for example, would be able to chew his way out given a few hours. These implants' more common use is to aid in the digestion of unusually difficult or impossible things to digest, such as cellulose. In the gene-seed of several Primarchs, like that of Rogal Dorn, this organ has atrophied and is no longer as effective or has simply ceased to function entirely in the Astartes of the Chapters that use those Primarchs' gene-seed.
Progenoid Glands (The Gene-Seeds) - Implanted into both the neck and the chest cavity, these reproductive glands serve to collect, gestate and maintain the gene-seed from a Space Marine's body, and to safeguard it for the continuity of a Chapter. These organs hormonally respond to the presence of the other Astartes gene-seed implants in the body by creating germ cells with DNA identical to that of those implants through a process very similar to cellular mitosis. These germ cells grow and are stored in the Progenoid organs, much like sperm cells or egg cells are stored in the testes and ovaries of normal men and women. When properly cultured by the Apothecaries of a Space Marine Chapter, these germ cells can be gestated into each of the 19 gene-seed organs needed to create a new Space Marine. Thus, for most Astartes, their Progenoid Glands represent the only form of reproduction they will ever know, though the DNA passed on will be that of their Primarch, not their own. The neck gland can be removed after 5 years, and the chest gland after 10 years; both are then used to create new gene-seed organs for the development of the next generation of Space Marines.
The Black Carapace (Interface) - The last and possibly most important of all gene-seed implants, this neuroreactive, fibrous organic material is implanted directly under the skin in the chest area of the hardened and shell-like rib cage of the Astartes Neophyte. Invasive fibre bundles that serve as neuron connectors then grow inward from the implant and interlink with the Space Marine's central nervous system. Points pre-cut into the Carapace before its implantation by the Apothecary are effectively neural connection points, allowing an Astartes to directly interface his central nervous system with his suit of Power Armour's Machine Spirit so that the suit can provide enhanced protection and combat maneuverability unavailable to an unaltered human wearing the same armour.
Throughout the implantation process, a Space Marine Neophyte must undergo multiple regimens of chemical and hyno-theraphy treatments in order for the implanted organs to develop normally and function properly so that they integrate without mishap into the new Astartes' physiology. Too many Neophytes have been lost during the implantation process as their bodies proved critically unable to meet the new biochemical and hormonal stress being placed upon them. For these unlucky individuals, the only recourse is usually euthanasia or being reduced to a mindless cybernetic Servitor who can still prove to be of at least marginal use to the Chapter. The full course of implantation surgeries begins under ideal conditions between the ages of 10-14 years as outlined below:
Age 10-14: The Secondary Heart, Ossmodula and Biscopea are implanted, with the Ossmodula and the Biscopea usually being implanted during the same surgical procedure.
Age 12-14: The Haemastamen and the Larraman's Organ are implanted. This surgery can be difficult for Neophytes at the older end of this age range, who have less time to recover from the previous surgeries and the effects of the implants upon their rapidly growing adolescent bodies.
Age 14-17: Once the Catalepsean Node is implanted at the sixth stage of the process, the Neophyte begins his hypno-therapy conditioning in the device known as a Hypnomat.
Age 14-16: The Preomnor, Omophagea, and Multi-lung are all implanted within the Neophyte simultaneously in the same surgical procedure, some time during this age range but after the Catalepsean Node has been implanted and hypno-therapy has already begun. The Occulobe, Lyman's Ear, and the Sus-an Membrane can also be implanted at any time during this age range, also usually during the same surgical procedure.
Age 15-16: The Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, and Neuroglottis are ideally implanted during this age range, all during the same surgical procedure.
Age 16-18: The remaining gene-seed implants, the Mucranoid, Betcher's Gland, Progenoid Glands and the Black Carapace, are implanted in that order at any time between the ages of 16 to 18 standard years. The idea is to be able to introduce a Neophyte into a Chapter's company of Scout Marines by the time his adult growth has been reached, usually around 18 years of age, though some Neophytes have become Scouts as early as the age of 16 if their implantation process began at the young end of the age ranges given here.
In addition to the extensive implantation process for the gene-seed organs, the Astartes Neophyte undergoes chemical treatment, psychological conditioning, and subconscious hypnotherapy, all the while spending every waking hour honing his combat skills with ceaseless battle training. Until his acceptance as a full Initiate and Battle-Brother of his Chapter, a Neophyte must submit to constant tests and examinations by the Chapter Apothecaries. The newly implanted organs must be monitored very carefully, imbalances corrected, and any sign of corrupt or deviant development treated. This chemical treatment is reduced after completion of the initiation process, but it never ends. Space Marines undergo periodic drug treatment for the rest of their lives in order to maintain a stable metabolism. To this end, Space Marine Power Armour contains extensive physiological monitoring and drug dispensation equipment. As the super-enhanced body grows, the recipient of the gene-seed organs must learn how to use his new skills. Some of the implants, specifically the Catalespean Node and Occulobe, can only function once correct hypnotherapy has been administered. Hypnotherapy is not always as effective as chemical treatment, but it can have substantial results. If a Space Marine can be taught how to control his own metabolism, his dependence on drugs is lessened. The process is undertaken in a machine called a Hypnomat. Space Marines are placed in a state of hypnosis and subjected to visual and aural images in order to awaken their minds to their unconscious metabolic processes.
A Space Marine is more than just a human being with extraordinary powers. Just as their bodies receive 19 separate gene-seed implants, so their minds are altered to release the latent powers that lie within all human minds, and these are not the psychic powers of the Warp but the intrinsic . These mental powers are, if anything, more extraordinary than even the physical powers endowed by the gene-seed implants. For example, a Space Marine can control his senses and nervous system to a remarkable degree, and can consequently endure pain that would kill a normal man. A Space Marine can also think and react at lightning speeds. Memory training is an important part of the Astartes' psycho-indoctrination as well and some Space Marines develop photographic memories in the course of their psycho-conditioning and hypnotherapy. Space Marines, of course, vary in intelligence as do other men, and their individual mental abilities vary to some degree, as their implants do not reshape their core neural architecture, though the hypnotherapy does act to "smooth out" many personality quirks. This indoctrination also includes psychological conditioning which is intended to reinforce a Space Marine's respect for authority and his willingness to follow orders regardless of his own desires, as well as to harden his mind to the corruptive temptations offered by Chaos. It is no exaggeration to say that many Astartes truly no longer know fear. At the end of this process, if all goes well, an adolescent human male will have been transformed into a superhuman Astartes.Yet, in many ways he will no longer truly be human, having sacrificed his own humanity so that he might protect that of others.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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uniboss · 7 years
Is Sonakshi Sinha starring opposite Diljit Dosanjh in her next?
Is Sonakshi Sinha starring opposite Diljit Dosanjh in her next?
Attach Main Entertaiment Image:  Sonakshi-Diljit-Badshah-move-your-lakk-noor.jpg Sonakshi Sinha and Diljit Dosanjh may soon be paired opposite each other in a movie, according to a leading tabloid. Sources have suggested that the duo has been approached by Vashu Bhagnani for a movie that will be helmed by a South Indian director.    When Sonakshi was asked about the same by the daily,…
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reflex-rejects · 4 years
My name is Malick Niane and I am a Div 3 at Hampshire College. In this podcast, I will be reading excerpts from my Division 3 senior thesis in English along with a summary in Wolof. In this project, I explore various aspects of language among Senegalese, in Dakar and in the United States. During the summer of 2019 I studied abroad in Senegal for five weeks with the Dakar Institute of African Studies. The majority of my data comes from semistructured interviews with seven Senegalese participants based in Dakar and the United States, along with methods of participant observation, observing participants and auto-ethnography. I ask questions that investigate how French, the official language and Wolof, the most commonly spoken local language in the country are used and perceived. I include myself in this work with the hopes of engaging my own memories, writing reflexively and addressing my assumptions as a researcher. . . . Xamngen sama wolof leeroul ba tay bon baal ma. Man may Malick Niane, sama universitie moy Hampshire College ci Amerik. Si podcast bi damy leer excerpts ci sama thèse senior pur universitie ci Anglaias ak apres naa def benne sommaire ci sunu lakk, Wolof. Sama research mungi ci Senegalais yi ak nuñuy lakke, ci Dakar ak Amerik. Ci été bi passe nyawonaa ci Senegal pur cenq semaine pur jang ak DIAS [Institut d’Etudes Africaines de Dakar]. Mangi jille la majorite de sama research ci ay intreview ak juroom nyar participants Senegalais yu nekk Dakar ak Amerik, defnaa aussi observation des participants, observer les participants ak auto-ethnographie. Damawon lajj questions pur xam naka lanuy utilize, nuñuy ko gisse ak lunu xalaat ci lakku Francais, la langue official ak Wolof, la langue national. Man aussi mangi ci research bi psk buggwonaa bind par réflexe, bolle samay souvenirs ak samay suppositions comme chercheur.
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lyricsstopus · 4 years
Video Bana De Lyrics – Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz & Aastha Gill
Video Bana De lyrics ( वीडियो बना दे ) is a peppy fun song sung by Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz & Aastha Gill. The lyrics of the song is written by Jaani and music of the song is also composed by Jaani. The video song is featuring Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz , Aastha Gill & DJ Yogii.
Video Bana De Lyrics Details
Song : Video Bana De
Singer : Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz & Aastha Gill
Music : Jaani
Lyrics : Jaani
Starring : Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz , Aastha Gill , DJ Yogii
Video Bana De Lyrics
Camera Wale Camera Wale Video Bana De Re May Lagdi Aj Aag Sohniya Aag To Hor Jagade Re
Camera Wale Camera Wale Video Bana De Re May Lagdi Aj Aag Sohniya Aag To Hor Jagade Re Aag To Hor Jagade Re
Sapni Bnaya Bada Wali Latt Nu Mithi Mithi Lagdi Ae Tu Jatt Nu Sapni Bnaya Bada Wali Latt Nu Mithi Mithi Lagdi Ae Tu Jatt Nu
Jeena Ceena Oye Hoye Jeena Ceena Suit Wuit Te Keela Sheela Laade Re
Camera Wale Camera Wale Video Bana De Re May Lagdi Aj Aag Sohniya Aag To Hor Jagade Re
Chak Tere Chudiya Te Chumke Katt Lene Taur Balliye Saari Raat Nachi Mere Samne Jatt Karte Na Bor Balliye
Chak Tere Chudiya Te Chumke Katt Lene Taur Balliye Saari Raat Nachi Mere Samne Jatt Karte Na Bor Balliye
May Jis Din Surma Paa Lungi May Taare Thale La Lungi Ve Tan Bhi Aaga Harunga Badla Tu Bhi Pawa Lungi
Mere Liye Koi Ganna Tu Jaani Tu Likhwa De Re Tu Jaani Tu Likhwa De Re
Camera Wale Camera Wale Video Bana De Re May Lagdi Aj Aag Sohniya Aag To Hor Jagade Re
Camera Wale Camera Wale Camera Wale Camera Wale
Ve Tu Enni Jyada Feel Na Le Gorriye Eddi Bhi Rich Gal Baat Ni Tere Naal Jyada Sohni Chaddi May Kudi Ek Parsu Di Raat Ni
Ve Tu Enni Jyada Feel Na Le Gorriye Eddi Bhi Rich Gal Baat Ni Tere Naal Jyada Sohni Chaddi May Kudi Ek Parsu Di Raat Ni Tu Pehla Suit Kari Lakk We Te Phir Meri Suit Kari Akh We Tu Karli We Odde Baal Te Phir Mera Suit Kari Nakk We
May Katrina Tu Oye Hoye Katrina Tu Sohni Duniya Nu Aj Dikha DeWe
Camera Wale Camera Wale Video Bana De Re May Lagdi Aj Aag Sohniya Aag To Hor Jagade Re
Muzical Doctorz
Video Bana De Lyrics ( वीडियो बना दे )
कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे
कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे आग तू और जगा दे रे
सपनी बनाया बड़ा वादी लक्क नु मीठी मीठी लगदी ऐ तू जट्ट नु मीठी मीठी लगदी ऐ तू जट्ट नु सपनी बनाया बड़ा वादी लक्क नु मीठी मीठी लगदी ऐ तू जट्ट नु
जीना शीना ओये होये जीना शीना सूट वुट तेरी हेला शेला लयदा रे
कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे
चक्क तेरी चुडिया ते झुमके कट लने तौर बलिये सारी रात नच्ची मेरी सामने जट्ट करती ना बोर बलिये
चक्क तेरी चुडिया ते झुमके कट लने तौर बलिये सारी रात नच्ची मेरी सामने जट्ट करती ना बोर बलिये
वे जड़ो में सुरमा पा लुंगी में तेरे खुले ला लुंगी वे छन्न वि अखां मरूंगा बदला तू में दवा लुंगी मेरे लई कोई गाना तू जानी तो लिखवा दे रे जानी तो लिखवा दे रे
कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले
वे तू इन्नी ज्यादा फील ना ले गोरिये एड़ी विच तेरेच गल्ल बात नी तेरे नाल लयदा सोनी छड़ी में
कुड़ी एक परसो दी रात नि वे तू इन्नी ज्यादा फील ना ले गोरिये एड़ी विच तेरेच गल्ल बात नी तेरे नाल लयदा सोनी छड़ी में कुड़ी एक परसो दी रात नि
तू पहला शूट करि लक्क वे तो फिर शूट करि आँख वे तू करले शूट मेरे उड़ दे बाल तू फिर शूट करि नक्क वे
में कटरीना तो ओये होये कटरीना तो सोनी दुनिया न आज दिखा दे रे कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे
कॅमेरे वाले कॅमेरे वाले वीडियो बना दे रे में लगदी आज आग सोनिये आग तू और जगा दे रे
Video Bana De Lyrics Video Song
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The post Video Bana De Lyrics – Sukh-E Muzical Doctorz & Aastha Gill appeared first on LyricsStop.
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Yo Yo Honey Singh Moscow Suka Mp3 Ringtone Free Download for Mobile
check my site In the midst of the crown infection pandemic alarm that has brought everybody at a halt, well known rapper Yo Honey Singh has discharged his new tune, Moscow Mashuka to keep his fans engaged.
After their keep going effective coordinated effort on 'Makhna,' Singh has once more collaborated with artist Neha Kakkar for the most recent task.
' Moscow Mashuka ' is a bilingual perky track with a mix of Punjabi and Russian dialects. While Singh and Kakkar loan their voices to the Punjabi verses, Katrina Sizova has sung the Russian piece of the melody.
The video for the tune is set over a montage of pictures from Singh's shows. Be that as it may, it is even more an expressive introduction instead of an official music video. T-Series head Bhushan Kumar has delivered ' Moscow Mashuka ', while it is composed and formed by Singh.
check my site:-  free download song moscow mashuka ringtone
While discussing the bilingual track Singh shares, "I have needed to do various things with my music over the most recent couple of years. As of late, my tune Loca was propelled on the web and it had a Spanish vibe to it. Moscow Mashuka has a Russian vibe to it. Concerning Neha, it's constantly great collaborating with her on the grounds that our energies vibe truly well."
Singh trusts individuals will make the most of his new contribution, as he says in an announcement, "This was a melody we had recorded much before the lockdown came into power, so we chose to put it out as an expressive introduction," he says. "The country is confronting a troublesome time and everybody is inside and I thought of discharging this with the goal that individuals can tune in to this, have a touch of fun, and make the most of their home stays. I encourage my fans to remain at home and help the specialists to battle this pandemic."
 Lyrics of Moscow Suka
All the way from Moscow
Kat aa ha
It’s me Neha
I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka
 Кружит вокруг всё быстрей
От тебя жду новостей
Будь же со мной посмелей
Но всё равно не наглей
Кружит вокруг всё быстрей
От тебя жду новостей
Будь же со мной посмелей
Но всё равно не наглей
 But still don’t be impudent
Yo Yo Honey Singh
Tera good luck, tere te a meri akh
Koka mein chadadu, tera khaali khali lage nak
Patla ja lakk, tenu lena billo godi chakk
Kalashnikov varga jatt
Russia ch paunda dhakk
 Подними бокал в небо
Я твоя королева
 Deek la k pee lai aja gatt gatt oye
Daaru to tu tauba kare kahda jatt ve
Mein keha deek la k pee lai aja gatt gatt oye
Daaru to tu tauba kare kahda jatt aein
 I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka yeah, aanh
Aanh, I love my new mashooka
 Chadeya chand, chand
Gangsta’ fun fun Glock gun gun
Naal valaiti rann, Mere shaunk avalle
Meri balle balle balle
 Haterz, pozers nu rakha jutti thalle
Jatt sirre da shikari aanh
Gusse di bimari aanh
Geet likhan khare khare
 Mein Gall karaari, meri black ferrari aanh
Naale chitti lambo
Hor ki vikhava thonu chaddo rehndo
Laayi mein yaari, aanh
 Neeli dhagah, aanh
Ishq ch v na kade mili meinu vafah
Vafah, sajah sala kauda nasha
Chaddo fuddu gallan veere, peg paa, aanh
Deek la k pee lai aja gatt gatt oye
 Daaru to tu tauba kare kahda jatt ve
Mein keha deek la k pee lai aja gatt gatt oye
Daaru to tu tauba kare kahda jatt aein
I love my new mashooka
 Кружит вокруг всё быстрей
От тебя жду новостей
Будь же со мной посмелей
Но всё равно не наглей
Кружит вокруг всё быстрей
От тебя жду новостей
Будь же со мной посмелей
Но всё равно не наглей
 I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka
I love my new mashooka
Yo Yo Honey Singh
0 notes
concurringconqueror · 4 years
Explosive Bae Mp3 Track Download And Install: Jaz Dhami
Projectile Bae Download Jaz Dhami-- Projectile Bae Mp3 song in excellent quality. Explosive Bae is a Punjabi cd launched on September 24, 2019. Explosive Bae track is actually vocalized through Jaz Dhami.
Before you download Bomb Bae song allow's check out its own lyrics.
Explosive Bae Lyrics
Jadd Turni Ae Lakk Tera Hilli Janda Ae Kaahnu Tu Kadh Di Ae Jaan Mainu Darr Bas Ikk Gall Da Hi Rehnda Ae Maitho 'n Na Hoje Koi Gunaah
Tere Koi Diwani Hoyi Duniya Ae Sari Mainu Eh Gall Da The Same Level Teri Zindagi De Vich Kami Koi Ae Ohnu Key Kardu Poora
Thorha Nerhe Mere Double A Kehri Gall Load Darr Lagda Nerhe Nerhe Mere Aa Kehri Gall Ton Darr Lagda Dass De Kithe Aake Main Milaa
Ni Kurhiye Tu Bomb Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Ni Kurhiye Tu Explosive Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Mam Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Rakhu Banaake Ni Tainu Main Hoor Tainu Key Hoor Possess Jo Mere Ni Lagg Je Tu
Fikar Karan Di Tainu Na Lorh Dass De Ki Chahida Dasde Ki Chahida Dass De Ki Chahida Laida Tainu Main
Jo Vi Dil Wich Aye Mang Lai Injh Lai Na Tu Mera Imtehan Agge Namosh Gallan Ch Hi Peya Main Permit Me Consult With You Child
Nerhe Nerhe Mere Double A Kehri Gall Lot Darr Lagda Nerhe Nerhe Mere Aa Kehri Gall Bunch Darr Lagda Dass De Kithe Aake Key Mila
Ni Kurhiye Tu Explosive Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Mam Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Ni Kurhiye Tu Bomb Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Thorha Nerhe Mere Double A Kehri Gall Lot Darr Lagda Nerhe Nerhe Mere Double A Kehri Gall Lot Darr Lagda Dass De Kithe Aake Main Milaa
Ni Kurhiye Tu Bomb Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Mam Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Ni Kurhiye Tu Bomb Bae Turda Ni Jhukeya Saara Mumbai Te Tu Ikk Wari Mann Lai Meri Gall Nu Kaahnu Tu Karei 'n Nakhre Shadd De
Explosive Bae Mp3 Tune Download And Install: Jaz Dhami
Jaz Dhami-- Projectile Bae Mp3 track download in excellent quality.
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The article Projectile Bae Mp3 Song Download: Jaz Dhami showed up to begin with on Rohit Sharma.
This content was originally published here.
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prachissworld-blog · 5 years
Song Name :- Gur Nalo Ishq Mitha – The YOYO Remake Singer :- Yo Yo Honey Singh Album :- GUR NALO ISHQ MITHA – THE YOYO REMAKE
Original Song Name :- Gur Nalon Ishq Mitha Original Song Sung by Malkit Singh Album :- Dance Connection – The Compilation
Hoo..lakk..teraa patlaa…. Just move it round and round…. Mai tere utto waraa… Dollar-Euro-Pound…
View On WordPress
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celebsbooks · 6 years
Sonakshi Sinha is an Indian performing artist and a previous model, best known for her appearances in Bollywood films. Sinha was conceived on 2 June 1987 in Patna into a Bihari Kayastha family. Her dad, Shatrughan Sinha is a veteran performer and legislator and her mom Poonam Sinha is a homemaker. After graduation, she began filling in as a form fashioner for famous people in media outlets. As she was at that point in the film business it was simple for her to sack motion picture offers. 
She made her acting introduction in the 2010 Hindi film Dabangg, which proceeded to wind up an immense accomplishment in the cinema world. Her execution picked up her a Filmfare grant for Best Debut Actress and earned distinction and prominence. The film achievement denoted a venturing stone in her profession, today, she is one of the best paid on-screen characters in Bollywood. Sonakshi Sinha has expected total assets of US$11 Million starting at 2017.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Sonakshi Sinha is extremely well known and business effective most generously compensated Celebrities in Bollywood. She was influenced by her screen to make a big appearance with Hindi Action-show film Dabangg (2010), nearby with Salman Khan. Sonakshi Sinha seemed numerous business effective motion pictures, for example, "Raucous Rathore (2012), Son of Sardaar (2012), Dabangg 2 (2012) and Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty (2014), Lootera (2013). 
Sonakshi Sinha Received Several Awards and Nominations. She likewise best-known vocalist, she has sung a little part in the Imran Khan tune "we should celebrate" in Hindi Movie Tevar, The Single "Aaj Mood Isqholic Hai", "Rajh Me" from Akira and "Motion picture your Lakh" in film Noor. Sonakshi Sinha Net Worth US$10 million and her Salary 4 Crore Rupee for each film. 
Sonakshi Sinha Father Shatrughan Sinha, an on-screen character and Politician and her mom Poonam Sinha. She has two senior siblings named Luv Sinha and Kush Sina. Sonakshi Sinha finished Graduation in Fashion Designing from Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University (SNDT), Mumbai. She is unmarried. Sonakshi Sinha had the illicit relationship with Aditya Shroff, of Fame Cinemas. Sonakshi Sinha ex Aditya Shroff. How about we Read Shilpa Shetty, Shamita Shetty and Sana Khan Biography and Body Measurements Details. 
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Sonakshi Sinha Age 30 Years Old, her Height 5 ft 6 in/169 cm and Weight 70 Kg/154 lbs. Her Body Measurements 35-27-35 Inches. Sonakshi Sinha Bra Size 35B, Waist 27 Inches, and Hip 35 Inches. Her Feet Size 8 (US) and Dress Size 4 (US). Sonakshi Sinha has Black Color Hair and Dark Brown Color Eye. 
She finished tutoring in Schooling in Arya Vidya Mandir Mumbai. 
She studied Fashion Designer from Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University (SNDT), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. 
Professional Career⤵ 
First Debut: Sona began her profession in 2005 as an outfit architect for the motion picture, "Mera Dil Leke Dekho". 
Compensation: INR 4 crore for every film 
Total assets: $10 million 
There isn't much data about her dating history right now. Nonetheless, it is viewed as that she dated Aditya Shroff (ex-proprietor of Fame Cinemas).
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Sonakshi Sinha Favourites⤵
Favorite Actor – Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan
Favorite Actress – Rani Mukherjee, Sri Devi
Favorite Food – Thai and Chinese
Favorite Book – The Da Vinci Code, Shantaram
Favorite Film Director – Sanjay Leela Bansali
Favorite Music – Rock, Acid-Jazz, Hip-Hop, House, and Bollywood
Favorite Comedian – Russell Peters
Favorite Holiday Destination – Paris, London
Favorite Perfume – Victoria Secret’s Pink body spray for the day and Jean Paul Gaultier Classique at night
Favorite Fashion Brands – Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Narendra Kumar, Manish Malhotra, Vikram Phadnis
Favorite Colors – Yellow, Green
Favorite Movies – Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995), Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001), Jab We Met (2007), Dabangg (2010)
Favorite Actress – Rani Mukherjee, Sri Devi
Fashion Favorites – Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Narendra Kumar, Manish Malhotra, Vikram Phadnis
Favorite Scent – Victoria Secret’s Pink body spray for the day and Jean-Paul Gaultier Classique at night
Sonakshi Sinha Net worth⤵ 
Sonakshi has expected total assets of US$11 million and gets an astounding $5 crore as compensation for each motion picture. A significant number of her films have wrenched up at the container workplaces and by the by, this unmatched excellence is the bankable on-screen character in Bollywood however. 
She possesses a BMW 5 Series GT and a BMW 550i Gran Turismo. She lives in a rich multi-story loft in Mumbai with her family. The house is currently evaluated more than Rs 13 crore. 
Most Recent news⤵ 
Sonakshi Sinha, Aditya Roy Kapur, and Diljit Dosanjh are meeting up for an exceptional task titled Crazy Hum. The film will demonstrate the adventure of three companions where IIFA will set a critical scenery. It will be delivered by Vashu Bhagnani's Pooja Entertainment. Sonakshi Sinha is good to go to play focal hero in forthcoming motion picture Circus. 
The movie denotes the directorial introduction of well-known choreographer Bosco Martis and will likewise star Suniel Shetty as her dad. Sonakshi will before long be seen along with Sidharth Malhotra in up and coming flick 'It Happened One Night'. The film is being created by Red Chillies, Dharma and BR films and is set to hit the screens on November 3. 
Raucous Rathore 
Dabangg 2 
Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Dobaara! 
Shot Raja 
R… Rajkumar 
Activity Jackson 
Power 2 
Some Interesting Facts About Sonakshi Sinha⤵ 
Sonakshi tattooed a little star close to the neckline bone when she joined the fleeting trend in the year 2014. 
Sonakshi began her vocation as an outfit planner for the film, "Mera Dil Leke Dekho" in the year 2005. 
Before showing up in the motion picture Sonakshi was a model. She strolled on the slope for Lakme Fashion Week in the year 2008 and 2009. 
At the point when Sonakshi was still in the form planning industry, she's a little heavyweight. Salman Khan who right off the bat saw her acting possibilities guided her in doing physical activities, making her lose around 30 kilograms. A portion of the physical activities she performed were yoga, swimming, and exercise schedules from the wellness rec center. The minute she accomplished a flawless slimmer body, Salman presented her in Bollywood. 
One to a great degree fascinating thing about Sonakshi that you may don't know is her extraordinary method for de-focusing. She does it by the method for playing with her charming little young doggies. 
Sonakshi Sinha additionally cherishes perusing. Two of the books she adores perusing are Shantaram composed by Gregory David Roberts and the book of The Da Vinci Code composed by Dan Brown. 
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Exercise Plan⤵ 
Sonakshi despised the rec center. Says she "It was difficult at all for some individual like me. I am the sort of individual who despises the exercise center. I am adversely affected by the exercise center. I need to flee from it. However, I think once I put my psyche to something, I go out and accomplish it, and I figure I did that." 
Would you be able to beat it – Sona enlisted the coach of Shahid Kapoor to tone down her body. 
Features of Sona's exercises⤵ 
Cardio works out, cycling weight and utilitarian preparing. 
Swimming and tennis 
Exercise center two times per day 
Hot yoga and turning (to get greater adaptability) 
Sonakshi Sinha WorkoutPinIt 
Eating Routine Plan⤵ 
A look at Sonakshi's eating design: 
Breakfast: Cereal and drain, and entire wheat toast. 
Early in the day: Dry products of some green tea. 
Lunch: Homemade roti and sabzi with the plate of mixed greens. 
Night: A natural product or some green tea. 
Supper: Sona is an early eater to the extent supper goes. It's dal, sabzi, chicken, and fish. NO CARBS after 6 pm. 
Sonakshi Sinha has booked a couple of trees for herself frame the starting when she appeared in dabaang, where she was respected with yearly focal European Bollywood grants for the best newcomer for dabaang, Apsara and organization grants, IIFA, Film fare, Stardust, Zee Cine, Aaj Tak, dada saheb phalke all as best female introduction for Dabang. She likewise won 2 major star excitement and Zee cine grants for the best on-screen character in a sentimental part for lootera. 
Music Career⤵
She has sung a little part in the Imran Khan melody "Let's Celebrate" from the motion picture Tevar. She at that point made her official singing introduction with the single "Aaj Mood Isqholic hai", which was discharged on 23rd December 2015. She likewise sung "Ragh Ragh me" from Akira and "Move your Lakk " for Noor with Diljit and Badshah. 
Forthcoming Movies⤵
Sinha is topically dealing with ventures like Ittefaq to be discharged in 2018 and furthermore Namastey England due to date 2018 inverse Akshay Kumar. Namastey England that will have Akshay Kumar delivering it and in addition playing the lead is said to be a totally new romantic tale with a contort. 
As indicated by the source this film is motivated by a genuine romance story and will by and by be situated in Punjab and London. Chief Vipul Shah affirmed that Namastey England isn't a spin-off or a continuation of Namastey London, the 2018 romantic comedy including Akshay and Katrina Kaif. 
After KRK chose to select some Bollywood on-screen characters whose greatness was that of Kim Kardashian's gauge, a vexed Shotgun set him in his place by reacting.
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