#malina haid
nofatclips-home · 4 years
Faber - Lass mich nicht los (Prolog)
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nofatclips · 4 years
Lass mich nicht los by Faber from the album Sei ein Faber im Wind - Writer & Director: M.A. Littler
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chalga-explosion · 7 years
tagged by @haide-balkania Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs. I’m going to do only the chalga songs that come up because the other music I listen to is irrelevant to this blog. 1. Emanuela - Kraina myarka 2. Galena - Da ti go dam li 3. Liyana - Zabiy mi nozha 4. Gloria - Mozhesh li da me obichash 5. Kamelia & Sakis - Iskash da se varna 6. Esil Duran - Luda sam, che te obicham 7. Tanya Boeva ft. Lady B - Za dobroto Staro vreme 8. Malina - Ne se sramuvam 9. Raina - Kakto druga nikoya 10. Anelia - Dobrata, loshata
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