livthepuckerfck · 4 years
text [marley]
olivia: hi, Ms. Rose, this is Olivia Puckerman.
olivia: I wanted to ask you if you were hiring at the bakery
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thescandalouselites · 7 years
The Annual McCarthy Memorial Gala is always one that leaves the city talking, and this time it was no different. 
Many of the most well known members of the Upper East side arrived to the Gala with gorgeous dates on their arms and even better looking jewels on their neck. Of course, not everyone seemed to get the dress code in the invitation. Jake Puckerman arrived slightly underdressed for the occasion, his younger sister and newcomer on the scene, Sarah Puckerman, on his arm. We’re writing his outfit choice off as a way to stir the pot, where as we’re willing to bet Miss Stacy Evans is just clueless when it comes to how these functions work, since she arrived to the gala in a New York taxi cab. How tragic.
While guests and dates are often the talks of our blog, the pairings for this event were rather dull. Frannie Fabray attended the party with a rather yummy male model, but we’ve heard since that night she’s filed at restraining order so we’re willing to bet it wasn’t all heart eyes and rainbows between the two. Her ex, Duke Wilde, brought a date of his own, but seemed to disappear from her arm early in the night. Marley Rose attended the party with her step brothers best friend, Hunter Clarington. At first we hoped a scandal was on the horizon, but many sources heard Clarington state he brought Princess Peach as his date because her new step brother dropped out at the last minute. Not very brotherly, Sebastian. The only other notable dates were the hosts themselves. Mason McCarthy brought long time date, Kitty Wilde with him, not too shocking, but his sister Madison McCarthy brought Ryder Lynn. Quite interesting considering the past between Wannibieber and Kit Kat, especially since Ryder Lynn has been seen out numerous times, before and after the Gala, with Marley Rose.
The dateless includes Stacy Evans and Scout Lynn. Sorry ladies. Maybe next time just go with each other, it’s always less pathetic then going stag.
It seems the Gala itself was boring, many of the guests leaving the main hall when Michael McCarthy began talk about his war days. His daughter Madison was seen fleeing to the garden after being turned down for a drink by the bartender. Of course that clearly didn’t deter the girl, because she was seen trading drinks with the likes of Jake Puckerman, Ryder Lynn and Frannie Fabray. It seems she was quite drunk later in the evening. So drunk in fact, that she kissed ex-whatever, Hunter Clarington. Right after leaving a slap on his cheek. Interesting foreplay, McCarthy. 
Her twin brother was probably one of the only people who spent most of the party at the party. Fluttering around between guests and girls alike. While Kitty was his date, it seemed that she wasn’t the only one on his radar. Boy McCarthy spent most of his night chatting up Stacy Evans, before she eventually ditched the event all together to get burgers with her drunk twin. Oh the parallels. Once Stacy was gone for the evening, Mason moved onto the other dateless girl, Scout.
Who probably deemed the party as a bust, considering she also left early and was spotted partying it up throughout the night. She did however, spend a bit of time with Baby Puckerman while at the Gala. We’re not totally sure what they talked about, but one observer swore the word marriage came up during the conversation. Hey Girl Scout, maybe you can plan your wedding once your birthday party ends? Although we doubt your big bro will be happy with the groom, especially after he hears what Jake was up to later in the night.
If anyone should get the award for most entertaining, it should be Jake Puckerman. Not only was he practically chased throughout the house by a rather clingy ex of his fathers, but he had a bit of lady drama. Of course we know about his talk with Scout, but apparently at one point throughout the night, he stumbled upon Marley Rose and admitted to having feelings for her and then the two shared a dance? Are we hearing this correctly? We thought she had a thing with his best friend? Either way, no one here at gossip girl is exactly shocked, since we all remember the night he spent at her place. Puckerman wasn’t done with Ryder’s leftover though, because one source claims to have seen Baby Puckerman and Kit Kat leave a secluded office together later in the night. Who knows what went on in there? Well... we have a few guesses, especially after the pictures that surfaced earlier this week.
We’re both wondering how Ryder Lynn will feel about all this, especially since it all seemed to happen under his nose. His sister, his ex-girlfriend and his new beau all in one shot? Could this mean the end of a life long bromance? We’re dripping with anticipation. Especially since we know that Lynn left the event with Marley Rose. We doubt he knows about the conversation, since Marley was seen later in the week buying some lingerie with friend Madison McCarthy, and we’re sure the only person she’d be buying that for is for Lynn himself. Will he see it, though, is the question? Especially with this new information.
Not much was seen of Duke Wilde during the party, but that could be because he slipped off into the library rather early in the night. We thought that boy was all about a good old fashion party? But maybe being in the same room as long time ex girlfriend, Frannie Fabray was too much? We’ve been told they did seem to have a rather cordial conversation, but for all we know that was the alcohol. Or maybe they’ve agreed its time to get back together? Fingers crossed it’s the latter, because we’ve placed bets.
What we at Gossip Girl find most interesting is the fact that Quinn Fabray and Sam Evans weren’t even in attendance to the party. We figured as much from Fabray, what with the clear tension between her and Madison earlier in the week, but we expected Trouty Mouth to show up and watch over his younger siblings. Instead they were spotted together, even taking a dip together in the Fabray pool. But we’re a tad confused. We thought Barbie 2.0 and Hunter Clarington were on track to become a thing? Clearly we were wrong, and she’s decided to downgrade.
That’s all the information we have for now, boys and girls. But our favorite Upper East Siders are currently in the Hamptons and we know that will call for plenty of drama, especially after they all read this.
It’s all fun and games until people get exposed.
xoxo, gossip girls.
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Merry Christmas, Ryder and Marley!
@theoneryderlynn​ & @thesongbirdmarleyrose​
Hello fellow New Yorkers! I am so happy to see you two following yours dreams. This was a very complicated year for you guys, with so many changes but, I am very happy to see you two growing into these amazing beautiful human beings. Have fun, ok? And remember, merry Christmas!
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sowmhsgossip · 9 years
Marley- Finn, Ryder, Jesse
OTP: Ryley, obviously.BROTP: HudroseNOTP: St. Rose. Nothing personal jesse. Marley would look super cute with anyone really.
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hrgossipblog · 10 years
Marley is going to cheat on Keira with Keaton.
Wait, wasn't Keira the bad one? Look at you, Marley Rose, becoming all badass!
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monsieur-leroux · 10 years
Also I think I need an intervention. I have had far too much tea and candy and I fell asleep in History of Magic and embarrassed myself in front of Professor Rodgers. Whoops.
Oh, dear, hah... Perhaps you should at least steer from devouring vast amounts of sugar before classes? After classes, now that would be acceptable. I'm open to discussing a system with you when time permits.
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gina-c-m · 11 years
designedbykurt replied to your post: So...
Gina you’re fabulous no matter who you were or who you are now. We’ll still love and support you no matter what.
onedropmarley replied to your post: So...
We live in a country with stupid rules, hopefully some day they will change. If anyone gives you a hard time…I am here. I will try my best to defend you,Sweetie.
chandler-kiehl replied to your post: So...
Oh Gina. Honey. Once again I’m in awe of your courage. This must have been so hard to do. Well this doesn’t change how I feel, anyway. You’re still a strong, beautiful woman to me.
eveharley replied to your post: So...
Thank you guys. All of you.
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Happy birthday, Marley! You are loved, you know that right? I hope you have the BEST day possible!
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ttb-gossip · 11 years
What is that I hear?
If you thought you were going to get rid of me so easily, you were wrong - regardless, all of you are wrong about 90% of the time. Its like dealing with over-sized toddlers. But I love watching the earth tumble underneath every single one of your feet. There are some things that are beyond our control, others that are so stupidly under our control that I do not understand how you morons even graduated from high school.
First off, one of my sources says that Santana Lopez does not want to get wanky with one Fabray, but with both (and I don't mean at the same time, because I don't think all of you are that gross). You know those little lingering touches you share with Quinn, Santana? You better watch yourself, because I'm sure your precious girlfriend would not like to know you've been wanting to shack up her little sister. It seems like everyone's ultimate fantasy is Quinn nowadays - I wonder if she really is that good in bed. You better measure up to Trouty mouth, Lopez - he seems to be good at getting the girl (or getting in her). But what about Trouty and the girl that got away? Rumour has it (although I'm absolutely sure its not a rumour), Sam spent his day in the Fabray residence, coincidentally not doing Quinn Fabgay and pounding her into the mattress, but in Frannie's room. I'm still unsure of what they did in there but Quinn is not the only one who seems distressed about this behavior. I think you deserve better, Satan. I really do.
Second, I would like to talk about someone who hasn't graced us with his presence in my blog - surprisingly, you're not as fun to talk about as you were before, Hummel. Kurt might be the loudest person I know after his best friend, Rachel Berry, but he certainly doesn't seem to have the voice to pursue his dreams. What are you doing in Lima? Why are you not with your roommate back in New York? God knows Berry needs a nice consolation; I may start to think that his juicy boyfriend Blaine Anderson might be holding him back.
Pretty, petty little Marley Rose likes to lie. And you know what they say about liars. The longer you keep this secret of yours hidden, the harder you will fall and the harder you will try to pick yourself back up. I know someone named Ryder Lynn who would not like to know that the girl he wants to date is throwing up her meals like Nicole Richie after christmas dinner.
Keep something in mind: the harder you try to hide something, the easier it is for me to dig the truth.
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thescandalouselites · 7 years
Personally, I’d go with the pump. You need the edge more than you need the good guy’s boner.
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thescandalouselites · 7 years
Looks like sleepovers were all the rage last night, too bad most of the Upper East Sider missed the memo. While we’re sure Kitty and Stacy’s was nothing more then completely platonic, stocked with every sleepover trope you could find in a late 90s teen movie, we’re doubting the same can be said for the likes of Jake Puckerman, Marley Rose, Hunter Clarington and Quinn Fabray.
We’ve been told by a number of sources that both Baby Puckerman and our very own Henry VIII were spotted sneaking out of penthouses before the sun was in the sky. It seems Jake made a visit to newcomer Marley Rose’s town home last night. We’re not told what went down between the two, but here at Gossip Girl, we’re a bit confused. Last we heard Princess Peach was all about the Justin Bieber Wannabee, the two were even spotted in central park last night on what we assumed was a date. 
Seems like we were wrong. She definitely does get around.
As for Hunter Clarington, he was spotted late last night using the back entrance to the Fabray household. One can only assume why he wasn’t hoping to be seen using the front door, and we have a feeling it was because the meeting between him and Barbie 2.0 was supposed to stay a dirty little secret.  He emerged this morning, wearing the same rumpled clothes as last night before rushing into a dark limo. While it’s not confirmed, it’s not hard to imagine what those two were up to.
Tsk tsk, boys and girls, you know you can’t hide anything when it comes to us.
xoxo, gossip girls
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Hey there, love! It’s your birthday today, and I know you don’t like when people spend money on you but, you deserve this. I hope you have a very good day, and, I hope you like the present. Stay happy!
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Present to Marley!
Merry Christmas, Marls! I know you hate when people spend money on you but, I like to give you presents, presents that I know you will like. And this Christmas, I decided to give you one I know you will use. Have fun! Merry Christmas!
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Merry Christmas, Marls!
Merry Christmas, Marley! I hope you have a sweet time with your lovely family and friends. Here, you have a little gift from me. Stay safe! Q
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Happy Birthday, Marley!
Hey there, sweetheart! Happy birthday!! I mean, it was yesterday, and I am so sorry but I had a busy weekend and only now I was able to send your present. I hope you got it, and I hope you like it. Enjoy it, and remember, you are loved.
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Merry Christmas, Marley! I hope you had a good and sweet Christmas! With love, Q
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