#matt; frank; tristan mistletoe headcanons
bellaxgiornata · 24 days
Hiii! I've been following fftd for a loooooong time and I love it so so so much. Thank you for such a wonderful fic!! Also for your, 2.5k follower celebration, I'd like to present an idea for a headcanon starring Matty, Tristan and Frank separately.
So one idea is for what would they do if they found themselves with the reader under a mistletoe (who placed it there anyway, hmmmm😏)
And another is for, their reaction to the reader's pregnancy throughout the 9 months and till the baby is a few months old.
Hey friend!! I'm so happy to hear you've been a long time reader of FFTD! That series is truly neverending 😆 I'm glad you're still enjoying it though after all this time!! It's always so fun to hear from y'all that have been there from early on watching everything play out!! ❤
Ohhh, okay, a couple of different things going on here! And TRISTAN!! I just watched Stardust the other week while I wasn't feeling good, so I'm still a little newer to him but I think I can answer these! As usual, everything is below the cut, but as for the headcanon on Matt and Frank reacting to Reader's pregnancy and having a newborn, I did recently answer a question about the two of them reacting to this not too long ago during the celebration. So I'll link that here. Though I can discuss my thoughts on Tristan reacting to that below the cut as well!
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Frank absolutely would not have placed the mistletoe. As a matter of fact, he would most likely not even be the one to notice there even was mistletoe hanging around. Either you or someone else would have to actually point it out to him to even get him to notice it.
But once it's been pointed out to him? You can guarantee that he'd be pulling you close to him by the waist and saying something along the lines of "Now how'd that get there? Can't go ignorin' it now, can we?"
Doesn't matter whether you're at a bar or a friends' party, he'd be going in for a kiss without hesitation. And it would be a long, sweet kiss where he held you close.
When he pulled away, he'd have the biggest grin on his face, one that was contagious even to you. And then he'd playfully tell you that you should watch out tonight because he's "gonna find another chance to drag you back under it again."
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Matt certainly didn't place the mistletoe, but he sure as hell knew where it was with his senses. And he purposely dragged you over to it, too.
He'd be teasing you about kissing him before actually doing it, intentionally dragging out the moment because he'd enjoy listening to the anticipation build in your body.
When he finally went in for the kiss, he'd take his time and slow things down, purposely trying to rile you up. Then he'd pull away and leave you wanting more with a cocky grin on his lips saying, "You're going to have to wait until we get home for anything more, sweetheart."
For the rest of the night, he'd intentionally lure you near the mistletoe again, but he'd make sure the pair of you never actually quite made it underneath it again. And he'd tease you with that knowing, cheeky little smirk on his face.
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Tristan absolutely placed the mistletoe. In fact, he was probably holding it up over your heads himself. Of course he wasn't letting the chance to kiss you pass him by, especially in the romantic outdoor setting that he'd most likely have already put together for the two of you.
He'd also give you a little speech about how he'd been looking for an opportunity to use it all night while giving you the biggest smile.
When he kissed you, it'd be a very enthusiastic kiss. And certainly one that would last far longer than a single kiss. It'd be both passionate and playful, resulting in the pair of you laughing together afterwards.
As the laughter subsides, he'd grin at you and hold the mistletoe up again, shooting you a little wink.
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Tristan with a Pregnant Reader
Tristan would be over the moon excited when you told him you were expecting. Doesn't matter if the pregnancy had been planned or not, he'd absolutely be excited about the news.
He may not know much about what you're going through, but you can guarantee he'd be going out of his way to dote on you and take care of you. A particular food you want? Foot massage? Someone to cuddle you when you're feeling miserable? He'd be there for everything.
Even if you were feeling self-conscious about how you look as the pregnancy progressed, he'd be showering you with compliments. Tristan would often be reminding you of how much he loved you and how beautiful you still were to him. And he'd certainly be making time for the two of you to spend together before the two of you became a little family of three.
One of his favorite things to do would be to talk to your belly and feel baby move. And the smile that would light up his face and the laugh you'd hear him make every time baby bumped his hand would have you grinning from ear to ear yourself.
When it came time to give birth, he'd absolutely be panicking and worried about you and baby. He'd be pacing whenever there was a moment he couldn't actually do anything to help you.
But the smile that would light up his face the first time he held his child would forever be ingrained in your memory. And you'd melt watching him cuddle the baby and quietly whisper sweet things to him/her.
Despite how much work a newborn would be, Tristan would be up for the challenge. He'd be up day or night doing whatever he could to help keep baby fed and cleaned, but his favorite part would probably be soothing baby, somehow always managing to calm them so well with his gentleness.
Tristan would be a very present father, especially since he was raised by his own father as well. He'd take pride seeing all of baby's first moments and getting to teach them things as they grew up. Boy or girl, they'd become his little shadow.
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