#maul I'm holding ur brain and throwing it at the wall where it splats and sticks for a few seconds
cafffine ยท 2 years
Something that drives me insane about Maul is that he was so cold-cut convinced that his entire life was a failure and that he never accomplished anything that everyone, even the audience believed him despite that...being pretty far from the truth.
His life was a series of galaxy-shifting events one after the other with very few breaks until the day he died. He was Palpatine's apprentice, he made Obi-Wan Anakin's master, he killed the Duchess of Mandalore, he RULED Mandalore, he was one of the most feared and successful mob bosses in the galaxy, he brought Ahsoka and Vader together and I could keep going for ages. He also did most of that intentionally, he didn't stumble into greatness he marched there.
And yet all of it, all those years of work and power and honest to god revenge just fades out of focus because he didn't care. He couldn't even accept that he'd finally returned the debt owed to him by Obi-Wan when he killed Satine. He let it happen and then he went right back to stewing in his self-inflicted misery about how much Obi-Wan had supposedly taken from him. He took every chance he was given to be better and then turned around right before the end because he missed the comfort and familiarity of being lost.
He overshadows himself, he writes his way out of his own character arcs, he ignored his narrative of 'survival in spite of' that he was perpetually in the middle stages of and walked to his death with his fingers in his ears chanting "this is a tragedy, this is a tragedy, this is a tragedy because I say it is."
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