w1tchypsd · 1 year
Astrology/zodiaccore aesthetics help
Thought to help by making a list of things I associate with each zodiac core aesthetic! Those are just my interpretation but hope they help :)
Feel free to use for whatever with no credit, but a rb/like is appreciated if you find those helpful!
Some changes might be done time to time.
everything is under cut ^^ + some blog tags, dont feel forced to rb if u dont want to!: @editor-flower-shop @luminouscosmos @gothamspride @demoneditscorps
ariescore - rams (including things like ram horns aside from the actual animal), reds, firecore, diamonds carnelians and garnets, mars-esque aesthetics/marscore, altcore, baddiecore, the aries constellation and symbol, dragons, roses
tauruscore - cows/bulls (including things like cow horns and tails), greens (especially emerald green and forest green) pinks and light browns like beige, naturecore/cottagecore, springcore, emerlads malachites and tiger eyes, venus-esque/venuscore, dryad/fairycore, dogcore, stationary, the taurus constellation and symbol, earthcore, werewolfcore
geminicore - twin/2 the same imagery, yellows pinks and blues (especially vibrant shades), altcore, agates opals and topaz, mercurycore, clown/circuscore, baddiecore, the gemini constellation and symbol, aircore, fairycore, witchcore
cancercore - crabs, grays and blues (especially desaturated ones), dark academia, mooncore, moonstones rubies and pearls, lovecore, ocean/beachcore, witchcore, angelcore, the cancer constellation and symbol, watercore
leocore - lions, catcore, grungecore, oranges and reds (especially the desaturated kinds you would get by colorpicking a real lion), suncore, peridots black onyx and citrines, royalcore, the leo constellation and symbol, firecore, summercore, sun flowers, werecats
virgocore - the virgin/maiden imagery, victorian aesthetics, nature/cottagecore, browns and greens (especially sage green), sapphires jades and jaspers, mercurycore, autumn/fallcore, minimalism, artcore, wolves, bears, the virgo constellation and symbol, earthcore, witchcore esp nature witch
libracore - scales/balance imagery, light academia, witchcore, pastels, opals clear quartz and torumalines, venuscore, sky/cloudcore, swans, the libra constellation and symbol, aircore, peonies, fairycore
scorpiocore - scorpions, blacks reds and grays (especially dark grays), grunge/darkcore, horrorcore, demon/devilcore, halloweencore, witchcore, topaz beryls and tourmalines, plutocore and marscore, dark mermaidcore/sirencore, ocean grunge/seapunk, snakes, the scorpio constellation and symbol, watercore, autumn/fallcore, roses, vampirecore
sagittariuscore - archery imagery, purple and purple-ish pinks, owls, sapphires esp yellow ones turquoises and topaz, jupitercore, horses, citycore, centaurs, baddiecore, the sagittarius constellation and symbol, firecore, daisies
capricorncore - goats, garnets, browns esp dark shades and gray-ish browns, naturecore, cozycore, dark academia, saturncore, horses, the capricorn constellation and symbol, earthcore, wintercore, werewolves
aquariuscore - water bearing tool like vases, light gray or white cats, amethysts, blues and whites, witchcore, vsco, grunge, saturncore and uranuscore, the aquarius constellation and symbol, aircore
piscescore - fishes and sea animals, mermaids, witchcore, ocean/beachcore, alt/darkcore, blues purples and greens (esp light greens and sea green), amethysts and aquamarines, neptunecore and jupitercore, citycore, artcore, wintercore, cats, wolves, devil/demoncore, the pisces constellation and symbol, watercore, vampirecore
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behrial · 4 years
mangacore, animecore, visualnovelcore, erogecore, erogurocore, dumbcore, idiotcore, ridiculouscore, jerkcore, stupidcore, sillycore, goofycore, clumsycore, retardedcore, moroncore, clowncore, cringecore, basedcore, asscore, dickcore, pussycore, cumcore, meatcore, apecore, dogcore, catcore, bugcore, snailcore, sausagecore, burgercore, icecreamcore, cakecore, colacore, chococore, bananacore, vanillacore, marshmallowcore, mcdonaldscore, burger kingcore, pizzahutcore, dominocore, subwaycore, kfccore, starbuckscore, twittercore, facebookcore, deviantartcore, pixivcore, tumblrcore, discordcore, skypecore, messengercore, fotologcore, lastfmcore, myspacecore, rateyourmusiccore, 4chancore, deepwebcore, googlecore, yahoocore, bingcore, duckduckgocore, explorercore, edgecore, mozillacore, chromecore, safaricore, operacore, torcore, photoshopcore, autocadcore, revitcore, sketchupcore,  sketchbookcore, utorrentcore, bittorrentcore, emulecore, arescore, winrarcore, winampcore, foorbarcore, windowsmediaplayercore, vlccore, softoniccore, viruscore, troyancore, wormcore, glitchcore, machinimacore, gametrailerscore, igncore, gamespotcore, famitsucore, kotakucore, windowscore, applecore, ubuntucore, linuxcore, androidcore, windowsphonecore, nokiacore, motorolacore, blackberry, iphonecore, ipodcore, mp3core, mp4core, flaccore, aaccore, wafcore, rawcore, cuecore, wavcore, midicore, mkvcore, mpgcore, avicore, h264core, movcore, wmvcore, flvcore, spacecore, timecore, dirtcore, watercore, firecore, aircore, earthcore, marscore, venuscore, mercurycore, jupitercore, saturncore, uranuscore, neptunecore, plutocore, suncore, mooncore, europacore, iocore, ganymedecore, callistocore, titancore, rheacore, mimascore, americacore, asiacore, africacore, eurocore, antarticacore, oceaniacore, pacificore, atlanticcore, indiancore, abysscore, skycore, tropospherecore, stratospherecore, mesospherecore, thermospherecore, exospherecore, squarecore, rectanglecore, rhombuscore, parallelogramcore, diskcore, circlecore, trianglecore, mathcore, geometrycore,  physicscore, chemistrycore, biologycore, geologycore, humanitiescore, philosophycore, politiccore, literaturecore, artcore, religioncore, historycore, archeologycore, architecturecore, anthropologycore, lawcore, vhscore, bluraycore, betacore, dvdcore, tvcore, plasmacore, lcdcore, ledcore, oledcore, crtcore, 4kcore, 1080pcore, 720pcore, 480pcore, 360pcore, 240pcore, bedcore, chaircore, kitchencore, housecore, parkcore, citycore, carcore, buscore, metrocore, traincore, planecore, shipcore...
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hotissuelist-blog · 6 years
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