#mfw I think about BB so much that my imagination is CHEATING by writing stuff on its own through dreams
katyspersonal · 1 year
Also I had a dream that I was sort of an apprentice/underling of Djura and even had a small room of workshop on my own! I was creating some guns but I was working on a huge static one that'd work automatically even in my absence? It used both actual mechanics and Arcane stuff, like eyes of Kin used in it would automatically spot an enemy and determine what to shoot them with more or less, and besides normal bullets and big explosive bullets there were also parts of phantasms such as Call Beyond parasite to cause shooting of small projectiles, and lasers (I presume Kin eyes included were Amygdala's then..... rip)
I haven't finished working on that thing before alarm clock worked but dammit combining engine and Arcane was such a cool idea hahaha; I GOTTA use it somewhere
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