#might put this on ao3 or smthn later idk
dragonfruitflamb3 · 1 month
HhhhhhhHHi!! Here's the first ever intro for the Siren x human story that I hath dubbed "Clipped Wings and Cut Tails"
(It's the Toaster and Dove story ^v^)
I trudge through the wet sand, it cakes up along my sneakers and the bottom of my pajama pants.
“I hate summer I hate stupid cryptid camp I hate bonfires I hate how dumb I feel I hate hate HATE this whole place I hate this-”
A snapping noise shakes me away from my complaints.
Carefully looking around, I try to find what even made that noise. I’m alone on the beach, it’s basically midnight so there’s no light for anyone to see me, much less follow me, and I haven’t spoken in a voice louder than a whisper for over an hour. So all things considered, I should be beside myself after hearing the legends of what’s out here. But I’m not.
Instead, I start sprinting towards the cave where I found the wire trap earlier today while on a hike with the other campers. My heart aches at the thought of some innocent fox with its neck caught in that wire.
The sand under my feet crunches in painful sounding ways, the way it shifts almost begs me to trip. I manage to make it all the way to the dark, wet cave from earlier today and grab onto the entryway, almost sliding over from stopping too quickly, and my heart flips.
It’s no fox, that’s for sure.
Inside the metal snare is something much larger than anything I was expecting. A singular moonbeam is bursting through the wall of the cave, casting deeper shadows upon everything around it. Glittering scales become visible for moments as the animal writhes within the trap and reaches towards the light. The sand under it is stained dark. The color is hard to make out in the chaotic scramble, but my best guess is a shade of dusty red.
I step closer, trying to figure out what kind of thing got stuck in this trap, so big and so close to the water. The noises it makes remind me of when someone gets their leg stuck in a painful position, annoyed with anxiety creeping into the edges. I almost fear that someone got their wrist stuck in the wire before I got around to disarming it and feel mad at myself for not doing something sooner.
That feeling disappears the instant the moonlight shines across that thing’s face. Smooth, ashy skin framing big, bright red eyes, widened with fear as its slit pupils dart around.
Then, they finally land upon me.
The flailing and grunting stops as a low growl rumbles out of the beast. I gulp, backing away. I fumble and feel around my person, my breath catches as I find nothing to use as a weapon and instead my palm lands on the oversized bell I had gotten earlier today at that stupid trinkets shop.
The creature tilts its head as I roll the bell around in my hand. I sigh and keep my distance as I hear the trapped beast intake a long, slow breath.
“Someone is an idiot.~” It sings, soft and charming. I tense up, the cold metal of the bell in my palm the only thing keeping me grounded. The creature, the monster, ensnared is no doubt a siren. Only those demons have that sort of horrid yet perfect voice. Not to mention the giant fish tail being a dead giveaway.
Fear floods into my heart. Had all those rumors been true? Has this thing really been eating townsfolk?
I try to speak, try to curse at myself or beg it to silence itself, but I can’t. My mouth is dry as I step closer to the scaled devil and the bell chimes in my hand.
“Such a coward, such a fool” It cackles, continuing on with its enchanting voice, “This trap, you should open it…”
It puffs up its chest as it sings and, against my will, my body moves. I step closer, my legs trembling as my mouth goes dry.
“...Are you supposed to be rhyming?” I mumble, lowering myself onto my knees. A beat of silence goes by.
“..W…What..?” It hisses, the soothing pattern of the lyrics lost. I close my fingers tighter around the bell, it digs ever so slightly into my skin.
“Idiot and ‘it’ don’t rhyme...” I whisper.
It… might be right, though. Why am I stupid arguing with a mass of teeth, muscles, and claws??? I think to myself, staring at the sticky sand under my knees. Another moment passes before the creature hisses and raises itself up further. I thought it was sitting up before, but I was definitely wrong. From a few feet away it looked about human sized, but close up, even in the darkness, I can tell this thing’s stature is far too large to be human. Its silhouette is thin and lanky, but its tail thick and its fins ripped in an odd pattern. Something about it seems unhealthy, but I guess I don’t really have a frame of reference of how sea life looks.
I try to keep my breath steady despite its sudden closeness, noticing the small details in its fishy appendage.
The tail isn’t a solid color. Instead, it’s an inky gradient that fades into a light underbelly, with navy blue, almost black, that's only broken up by three crisp cyan stripes spread along the length of its tail. For some strange reason, the pattern reminds me of a freeze-frame of the ocean.
“...yes they doo…” The siren growls, reminding me, ‘oh yeah! YOU’RE ABOUT TO DIE.’
“Nuh uh.” I try not to flinch after whispering my feeble attempt at surviving.
God, I’m stupid.
The creature lets out a melodic trill and the sand underneath it shifts.
Can’t stop now, though.
“if you’d have said something like…” I pause for a moment then clear my throat, ”‘you’re an idiot, you see, you should… free me’ then that woulda worked better.”
I look up at the siren’s face, realizing It’s much, much, much too close for any definition of the word ‘comfort’. It squints, almost as if it's offended and amused at the same time. I feel its gaze move along my face and its grip on my wrists tighten…
I do not remember it grabbing me. I scrunch up my face and squint back at it.
I’m dying anyway, might as well get a good look at its ugly mug.
Its skin has a soft blue tint and oddly enough, looks to not actually be skin. A different texture, at the very least. Not quite the thick scales it has on its tail, but not something soft like skin. Smooth would be a more accurate word. It has a mass of thick, charcoal-colored fins sprouting from the top of its head and seems to trail all the way down its neck. It's not easy to see how far down they go, though, because the fins are sticking to the side of the siren’s face because of the lack of water.
Its “mouth” almost seems to split its face in two, a thin line stretches from ear to ear, although it even seems to be lacking ears and instead having long, stretching fins like a bat’s wings. Something about the pattern makes me wonder if this monster can unhinge its jaw, like a snake.
Guess I’ll get to find out eventually…
Yet aside from the line, which seems to be a mimicry pattern to trick predators (if this thing even has any) into thinking its mouth is bigger than it really is, it looks like it has a regular, vaguely human sort of mouth. Above that, there’s nature’s attempt at an aquatic-humanoid nose. Looks more like an alien than a human, in all honesty. Further above that are eyes. Round, wide, and a blood soaked red. Eerie enough that it feels like this beast should be featured in windows around October but there’s a weird sort of allure in them.
Underneath its bright red eyes are dark patterns, slightly different depending on the eye, that are reminiscent of someone getting paint splattered on their face or sloppily slapped on eye-makeup. It doesn’t look like the blackness is on the scales either, it looks more like actual paint, crusted and wiped across the monster’s face. The fins frame the siren’s face almost perfectly, leading anyone’s gaze to the eyes, like some basic anglerfish trap.
The fish creature growls. Reminding me, once more, of the danger I’m in.
“You’re going to open the trap. After that, I’ll rip off your head. You moronic sap.” The smooth voice covers up the terrifying words. It lets go of my wrists and allows me to lean towards where the wire has dug itself into its tail. It seems smug that its song is finally being effective.
In reaching out to the wire, I drop the bell. It makes a faint ringing sound. Quiet, but bright. It’s just enough to send the fog out of my brain. The wire is fraying, probably from the beast’s struggle, and looks like it’s about to snap at any moment.
While the siren hasn’t realized how fragile the trap is, I snatch the bell back up off the ground and scratch it against the snapping metal. It finally comes apart but I quickly slide the wire through the small hole in the bell. I frantically try to knot it closed, but with a small chime the metal looks to stitch itself back together.
The blue creature hisses and glares when it notices I’m not actually helping it. It twitches its tail and makes the bell chime. The metal looks like it digs in deeper in a crooked way.
The siren cries out and writhes once more, gripping onto the back of my shirt and yanking me away from its tail and now-deepened wound. With every movement, the bell lets out a little ring. It keeps its claws on me, tearing slightly at my shirt without actually digging any further.
Bringing me up to its seething face, it growls. The sound echoes out of its chest and I have to suppress a shudder.
“Ssstupid…” it starts, its mouth twisting in pain after. It looks down at its tail and the little bell pressed against it. “What did you do…?”
“I put a… a bell on your ta… tail!..” My voice lacks breath and confidence. Everything sways and I resist the urge to gag.
“That sshhhhouldn’t do anything… a ball of metal has no power over pure, ssseething power…”
“..It’s uh. Supposed to be a luck bell.” I mumble, my thoughts feeling thick, “it brings good luck. Or make the bad stuff go away. I dunno.” My breath feels heavy. The siren snorts in my face and I feel the slight rips lengthening on the back of my shirt.
“...Is that sssso?” It whispers.
A moment passes where the only sound is the waves crashing down outside and my own heaving breath.
“How common… for a human to be calling me ‘bad ssstuff’...” The siren voice comes out in a hoarse growl.
I feel how my hands shake as I continue getting my breath back. The blue beast just stays sitting there, every twitch of its tail makes the bell ring out and the creature hisses every time.
This… is totally terrifying. I can't deny that I've always wanted to meet monsters, but I would have sorta preferred it to be within a safer context.
“W… What…” I breathe out, testing my luck, “What should I call you, then..?”
I close my eyes, trying to lean back. The obnoxious silence returns. It fills the air until it’s unbearable and I force my eyes open and my gaze back onto the creature.
“...What’s your name?” I ask.
The siren’s twitching continues, but its eyes go wide, the cat-like pupils following suit. It immediately feels like everything just got a whole lot more awkward. (To be fair I did just try and talk to this thing like a regular person but I’ve read too many stories and books to not at least try.)
It pries its claws off my back, snorting and pushing itself away from me.
…Good to know that politeness can be helpful sometimes I guess??
The siren hisses in the same way a kitten would at a toy.
“Youuu have no right to be asssking me that…” It growls, sitting up taller and stretching out its tail. I blink in surprise as I scoot across the sand, further away from danger.
“...Alright then. Um.” I stumble to my feet, still slowly moving back. The siren’s gaze travels up and down my body, glaring as I keep walking. It opens its mouth and I assume it tries to sing again. Instead, it only squeaks before choking out words.
“I…. You!! Are not allowed to essscape! I will… You are prey, I will eat you!” It digs into the sand, pulling itself closer to me with its claws. It crawls more into the moonlight, I can see it pretty clearly despite not being all that close now. Its face is darker than before, but only under its eyes and along the fins on its head.
…hm. No, darker isn’t the right term, exactly… Flushed, maybe? There’s a bit of a red tint visible in the white shine of the moon.
“I can come back.” I say, raising my voice just a little, making sure the siren can still hear me. It slouches a little, like it’s afraid to be seen, and its mouth twists up with what I hope isn’t just hunger.
“...Humans are ssstupid. Why would you return?” It hisses, squinting.
“Because your, um, your tail.” I stand safely in the open mouth of the cave. I could turn and run so easily right now, it looks like this fish can’t move that effectively on land.
But I won’t, not yet.
I’ve gotta sow the seeds, you know?
The siren’s eyes go wide again, the tint on its cheeks getting darker. It snarls and glares again
“You are ssstupid! Of course you sshhhould return… you need to pay back your debt to a sssiren. Return… tomorrow, sshhhortly before the moon rises.” It growls and makes its voice deeper as it talks. I nod, my heart slowly swelling in my chest.
“Tomorrow. At dusk.” I keep my expression as solemn as possible. As an awkward goodbye, I bow to the monster, not sure how it would like to be treated, before walking further backwards. Once I can no longer see the soft red shine from the siren’s eyes, I turn and bolt across the beach, headed towards safety.
As terrified as I should be right now, I’m ecstatic. The monster summer romance has FINALLY begun! And here I was thinking this summer was gonna be a waste.
I giggle the whole way back to the dorms, not able to dampen the bubbly feeling inside me.
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thechanbaeklibrary · 5 years
Fic Search #26
1) anonymous asked: Hi babies, could you please help me find a fic? I really can't remember the plot but bbh was friends with dks and they were like each other's families and there was a scene in which baek called kyungsoo over the phone and after he hung up, jongdae appeared behind kyungsoo letting us know that they had sex. I think kyungsoo was adamant on having a relationship so at first they didn't tell bbh about them. I can't remember anything else ;-; pls help
2) anonymous asked: Hi lovely admins! I’ve been looking for this fic it seems to be a wolf au where chanyeol is some sort of a king and baek is some sort of a queen? I cant remember much but there was a scene where baekhyun is pregnant and the pups (even when its still unborn) were so powerful that their enemies were under a trance? And they were on the knees just hearing baeks command? Thank you very much for reading this!
Inevitable by skynet
3) zesamani2 asked: Hii, do you know this fic where baekhyun was a model and he had a scandal (i forgot what it was) so his friends told him to make a bigger scandal so the fans will forget. So he kissed chanyeol in front of the camera and later on chan got mad cause baek was using him I lost it unfortunately
4) moonofzuly asked: Hey! Can you help me find this one fic that i read a long time ago but can't remember the title. I can't remember much but in the end chanyeol (or was it baek??idk :( wears red beanie and asks baek to wear one too if he likes him or smth and they both wear it another day at uni. That's all i can remember i hope you'll help me find out. Have great day!!!
5) anonymous asked: Looking for a one shot I read recently! It was about roommates Baek and Chan where Baek had a crush on Chan but he thought he was straight. Chan brings home three girls (from rv I think) and Baek joins in for an orgy. Baek gets pegged by one of the girls. I've looked everywhere but I can't find it on AGF or AO3. Could possibly be a tweet fic as I also read a lot on Twitter. I would be so happy if you could find it!
Tweetfic by @/stay_up614
6) anonymous asked: hi! I’m trying to look for a fic I read once! EXO was kind of a small criminal/drug group, and it was based on their Kokobop personas. Baekhyun was the ringleader and I think the idea was that they were on vacation to escape from the police. Chanyeol was his subordinate and in love with Baekhyun, but he knew it was only sex. One line I remember super clearly is Baekhyun saying “Just a little longer. I want to feel what it’d be like to be in love with you.” It was really feels-heavy ;-; thanks!
7) anonymous asked: Hi guys!! Do u know this fic where Chanyeol is a prince who fell in love with his servant and so he had sex with her but his parents want him to marry prince Baekhyun so he does but after that, the servant came back with a baby and Yeol thinks he’s the father so he asks Baekhyun to leave... thanks guys for helping
The Bonding by yousexypanda
8) anonymous asked: Hi, could you please help me finding this fic? The fic was still on-going but it starts with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo married or dating. But, for some reason Chanyeol felt like something was missing about their relationship. Then, Chanyeol remembered that someone suggested him to download this app or go to this website (I think). There he created a virtual boyfriend which was Baekhyun. In order, for Baekhyun to be human, Chanyeol must pursue Baekhyun until it reaches 100% love. Please please help.
9) prinuibe asked: Hello,,, finally i catch the ask box open after centuries of waiting,, anyways could you please help me find this story of chanbaek centered (have other pairings too), but the only thing i remember was kai is yeol's friend and soo is baek's, kaisoo is actually married (arranged)but soo hates kai, it's college or hs au, and they all come from rich family, helppppppp Oh, i love this blog, i love you admins for doing this wonderful recommendation blog, hugs and kisses, lots of it
10) angie-pkm asked: Hi! first of all thank you so much for all the work you guys put in 💕 I'm looking for an old fic, 2014 or earlier, I'm pretty sure it was on live journal but it might be aff. It was really angsty and was a disbandment fic all I can remember for sure is that the author stopped writing it because she spooked herself when she wrote about kris leaving before he actually did. Thank you!
11) anonymous asked: helloooo!! thank you so much for your hardwork admin-nims T_____T anywayssss, do you a fic where chanyeol is a mafia and baekhyun was brought by force (baekhyun was given to chanyeol by the boss mafia) and sehun kept on flirting with baekhyun. kyungsoo is the only tolerable "friend" that he has
Tweetfic by @/johannababe15
12) anonymous asked: do you know the fic where cy was betted to date bh and bh was a nerd. i think bh waked into a cafe and saw cy telling people how ‘easy’ bh was. thanks for your help!
13) anonymous asked: There was a fic posted i think in late 2018 on ao3, it was oneshote about basketball player cy who live with his bf bhh and he have to travel for a gameplay but bh wasn't happy about it because he wouldn't get daily sex does and he refused to watch porn so he comes up with idea of filming one and so he asks cy to film himself while bh suck him off and when they fuck. However when bh wakes up he found out that cy was filming him the whole time also i remember cy throw bh's porn magazine or smthn
thanks to @shimoshim0 , @verinchen , @justwanttobefreelikethewind, @firegodjrr  for your help!
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