#mori melo originals
Dino Watches Anime (Oct 26)
Recently Completed!
Tokyo Godfathers
Score: 10/10
There’s a reason why I gave this such a rare high rating. When I was watching it, I was internally like, “*excitement noises* I have not been this excited over an anime in such a long time, let alone for an anime movie. EVERYONE SHUT UP SO I CAN WATCH THIS EVEN IF I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY’RE SAYING.”
It’s not often that you come across really good movies, let alone masterpieces like this movie. The art is so good, the story made me feel like it was Christmas in October, and the characters really made me connect. 
I know the subtitles used a whole lot of gay slurs and things like that, but Hana (the trans character in this tale) is treated well if we get past that huge hurdle. She truly owns up to herself. She doesn’t care what she’s called. She gets mad at people who misgender her. She gets mad if she’s forced to go to a men’s facility. She wants people to call her “an old hag” rather than “an old coot”. She just wants to be a mother even if she isn’t “biologically a woman” who can bear children. So when she comes across this kid, she thinks, “I will finally be a mother!” These are issues that real people face. These are issues that cisgendered people take for granted.
Madhouse really knocked it out of the park. Satoshi Kon is one of the biggest creators and directors in anime history. He’s known for horror and psychological works like Perfect Blue, Paprika, and Millennium Actress. I never expected him to be this good at making a movie that could move my soul like this. The characters were so far from perfect, yet I wanted the best for each of them. The way it handled everything was masterful. The dialogue worked so well and was witty, the voice actors (despite the main three not being in anything else for the most part) were so good at giving life to their characters, and the art blew me away in 2019 even though this was released in 2003. The only thing I didn’t quite like as much was the score during some parts of the movie, but it was subjectively good and just wasn’t to my taste (the Noragami soundtrack wasn’t a fav of mine either). 
Just... watch the movie. If you can watch it around Christmas. It’s good for you.
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Saiunkoku Monogatari
Score: 7.4/10 
Yes, I binge-watched all 39 episodes in two days, what’s it to ya?! In reality, I just boosted the speed of the video.
Me throughout this show: Why do you all have triangle heads? What’s with that?
Okay, it’s the art style, and a lot of shoujo anime go with the concept that it looks good. Once you get over the art hurdle making me believe this was created in the early 2000s despite it being 3 years younger than Tokyo Godfathers, this turns out to be a really nice show. I just can’t believe they’re BOTH from Madhouse. 
Remember Snow White with the Red Hair? Remember Akatsuki no Yona? If you liked those shows, you’re going to like this one... except it relies more on the political plot. It’s mostly about a woman wanting to pursue her dreams of being a politician in a male-dominated world. She’s entasked with helping this mess of a king to get his act together, and as much as I can try to prove that it’s surprisingly progressive (given the art and genre), I think that’d be spoiling it a little. The only character that actually bothered me was the prince who was voiced by Tomokazu Seki who honestly was a bit annoying and sounded so fake for me. However, this anime made me appreciate Hikaru Midorikawa’s voice as well as Houko Kuwashima who I’ve only heard voicing dead moms and only a few good characters here and there. Seriously, both of their voices are great. Toshiyuki Morikawa sounds good too, but we already knew that. I don’t like the OP or ED (or a whole lot of the music), but that’s the case for a lot of these 2005-era anime. Just like a lot of the anime on MAL, I do think this is an underrated show, but it does have its pitfalls if you’re just craving for a quick shoujo without any politics.
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Full Metal Panic: Second Raid
Score: 7/10
I binge-watched this entire season while my parents were out for dinner and something else. It only took me a couple of hours because I boosted the speed.
I wanted to get a gif specifically from this season, so this one will have to do. So much wasted potential will this character (who’s one of two twins). I know they were trying to play the whole “twincest” thing, but I’m personally not a fan. They provided some cool fight scenes even at a certain cringe cost. The fact that Kyoto Animation animated this bumped the art from a 3 to an 8. It’s crazy how much the quality jumped after a new studio took over. Unfortunately, they didn’t take care of the next season. I know the main ship in the series is pretty clear, but this season made it closer to canon (too bad it took around 13 years to make the next season).
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Kara no Kyoukai (movies: 5, 6, 7)
Score:  Part Five: 7.5/10 Part Six: 5.8/10 Part Seven: 8.2/10
Not gonna lie, I watched the first four movies over a year ago and retained nothing. I had to read the Wikia to assist me and to begin with, I watched this to get into the “Type-Moon” universe (which consists of this and the Fate nonsense stuff), Yuki Kajiura’s score, and Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura voicing a couple. The score would probably change if I’d watched them regularly, but I digress because I watched movies 5-7 in one afternoon. Ufotable was pretty good at animating this and the voice acting worked really well. Yuki Kajiura’s music didn’t hit well at first when I was first watching the first few movies over a year ago because it wasn’t what I envisioned the score being, but once you get into the mood and mindset, it adds so much to the story. Although, I still really didn’t like part six. I thought it was a complete flop because I just want to get rid of anyone who believes i*cest is an okay thing. This isn’t Alabama. Go home. Not else to say here because this took so much commitment that I doubt anyone would watch it.
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Paranoia Agent
Score: 8.6/10
With spoopy month coming to a close (already?!) I watched this anime earlier this month, but I forgot to write about it. That’s partly because there’s so much to unpack here. This was a thriller, psychological, horror anime by Satoshi Kon. That’s right, the first anime above was also done with him in the director’s seat. This anime was smart. There’s a reason why Robin Williams likes it! It was scary in the best of ways. It revealed a part of society that we see all the time but don’t talk about (especially in Japanese society where emotions are better kept concealed). Just the opening alone made me feel uneasy. The OP and ED were simplistic yet worked. I binge-watched the whole series because it was that gripping. 
It was a little confusing at times, but that’s also because that’s just a common thing with horror anime. That suspense keeps us going. It keeps us on the edge of our seats. Who’s going to be the next victim of Shounen Bat? Episode 8 came out of nowhere for me, and I liked it. There were several scenes that sent shivers down my spine in the best way possible. It isn’t always “scary”, but it gives suspense.
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Aoi Bungaku
This one is going to be reviewed a little differently. Since it has specific arcs, I’m going to review them as such!
Ningen Shikkaku: 8.2/10
We start off with a bang. Osamu Dazai was a man of suffering. This story really shows that. In this story, we see a man who’s desperate to know what makes him human. We see this through the eyes of a fictional character, but I personally view this as a semi-autobiography.
The art was chilling. The voice acting from Masato Sakai was surprisingly good. A lot of the time, voice acting from live-action actors just aren’t that great. Every time you think this character will get back on his feet, he falls deeper and deeper. It truly did make me wonder what made me human.
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Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita: 3.9/10
That moment when the only thing that saves this arc is Nana Mizuki’s singing. Seriously, her jazz songs were awesome. Can’t say that about the rest. I mean, the art is good, but it’s Madhouse so most of their stuff is already good. The story wasn’t that original. Mind you, this was probably during a period where foreign influence was strong, and I haven’t read the original story, but... this is basically Salome (the opera) with some differences. Both have a crazy woman with a fixation over lifeless decapitated heads. Both have men that are captivated with her beauty so they give her what she wants because of that reason alone, they both murder religious people (monk/shrine maiden and a prophet), and both eventually realize that women can be crazy when they demand a lifeless head because you know, that’s just a red flag. Above all, it suffers from tonal shifts. You can’t have a woman turning moe then demand you bring her another head to play with. You can’t have Masato Sakai playing another main character that doesn’t fit him! Seriously, he doesn’t have the voice of a brute and just couldn’t do it. Overall, this arc was a mess, and I’m glad it was one of the shorter ones.
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Kokoro: 7.6/10
This looked like a masterpiece compared to the last arc. I haven’t read Kokoro, but this made me go, “Huh, I don’t remember this happening.” That’s because they chose a certain part of the book (near the end apparently) and just went off that and created its own anime-original episode. Despite that, it was pretty good! There were some screaming discrepancies which did hurt its impression (because it made it feel out of place to the point where even I, as an uneducated anime viewer, could clearly see).
(I think this is from Kokoro but I might be wrong)
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Hashire, Melos!: 8.9/10
Would you look at that? It’s the best arc of the series. Hashire, Melos was great. It had me going from beginning to end, and it’s the only arc that doesn’t have Masato Sakai playing the lead character. The art, the pacing, the storytelling, the story, the sound, the voice acting, and the art direction complemented each other so well. It made me far more interested in the original. 
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The Spider’s Thread: 6.6/10
If you look really close, you’ll notice that the creator of Bleach took over character design for this! It was okay. I found that it was a little cliche and lacklustre. Mamo is around so much that you probably have to do more than that to keep my attention, and this had the art going for it too. It just wasn’t that interesting. A heartless murderer is sent to hell after being executed. Moral of the story: Don’t be an asshole. Alright. Nice. I do understand that Ryuunosuke Akutagawa was one of the main establishers of the whole “Japanese Short Story” thing, but after seeing it so many times, I just didn’t get that same chill.
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Hell Screen: 6.9/10 
Another Akutagawa short story! This one had far more of an impact because this one hit closer to Akutagawa’s heart. Knowing the history of this piece of writing, you can see his desperation to stay relevant and true to his craft. It’s about a painter who wants to paint the town but finds out the city isn’t the bright light he sees in his mind. Everything goes ablaze. The art for this is stunning. I probably would’ve enjoyed this story more if it was placed in the middle of the series run rather than being the last story. 
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Recently Started
Africa no Salaryman
The animation for this is terrible. There is no way around it. However, at least it’s funny. Still, close to being on the chopping block. It has the papa lion who’s played by Akio Ohtsuka, the straight-man middle lizard played by Kenjirou Tsuda, and the scumbag toucan played by Hiro Shimono. Yes, they all play Hero Academia villains. The jokes are pretty good for me.
Oh, would you look at that? It’s a music anime. *inhales* Music anime is a double-edged sword for me. I like having music interpreted and portrayed through one of my favourite mediums, but I don’t like them playing off music as some sort of easy gimmick and a joke. It’s like a shonen montage. “Let’s just have this guy train for two minutes and become a demigod”. But when you put an instrument into someone’s hand and demand the same, it sends me to another plane of angriness.  So far, the romance is kind of cute... but Mafuyu kind of annoys me since his role in the BL dynamic is so clear just by his voice. Same with Uchida. You can only play so many thugs a season. Kyou? Good. Chika? Good. This guy? Good, but don’t do them all back-to-back! I don’t like the BL dynamic being so basic. However, my mind can be changed if done right.
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Shinsekai Yori
Very interesting premise, their eyes are cute, and I’m a sucker for these so I’m gonna stick with it.
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lovacedon · 7 years
Para condenar réus da Hashtag, juiz usa Lei Antiterror pela 1ª vez
O juiz federal Marcos Josegrei da Silva, da 14ª Vara Federal, em Curitiba, usou pela primeira vez a nova Lei Antiterror brasileira para condenar oito acusados de terrorismo na Operação Hashtag. "Há expressa referência a centenas de diálogos, imagens, vídeos e postagens realizadas diretamente e/ou compartilhadas pelos denunciados que demonstrariam os indícios materialidade de autoria do crime previsto no artigo 3o da Lei no 13.260/16, na modalidade de promoção de organização terrorista", informa o juiz, em sentença da última quinta-feira. "Há referência a diversas postagens realizadas anteriormente à vigência da Lei no 13.260/16 que permaneceram nos perfis dos denunciados posteriormente à vigência da citada Lei (crimes permanentes)."
O magistrado impôs 15 anos, dez meses e cinco dias de reclusão a Leonid El Kadre de Melo, seis anos e 11 meses de prisão a Alisson Luan de Oliveira, seis anos e três meses a Oziris Moris Lundi dos Santos Azevedo, a Levi Ribeiro Fernandes de Jesus, a Israel Pedra Mesquita, a Hortencio Yoshitake e a Luis Gustavo de Oliveira e cinco anos e seis meses a Fernando Pinheiro Cabral. "Trata-se de tipo de ação múltipla e pluriofensivo cujas objetividades jurídicas são, primordialmente, a paz e a incolumidade públicas, mas também a vida, a integridade física e o patrimônio. Na modalidade ‘promover’, ‘constituir’ ou ‘integrar’ é crime permanente. O dolo é o genérico."
Os acusados se dedicaram, entre 17 de março e 21 julho de 2016, a promover a organização terrorista denominada Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (ou da Síria, dependendo da tradução do termo ‘al-Sham’. No original em árabe: ‘Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham’), apontou a acusação criminal do Ministério Público Federal.
Na acusação, o Ministério Público Federal afirmou que a lei 13 260/16 "não constitui uma inovação legislativa brasileira, sendo que a incriminação de condutas voltadas ao apoio e à promoção de atos e organizações terroristas se vincula, na realidade, a uma já consolidada tendência internacional de repressão e de prevenção do terror". "Nesse sentido, destacou as resoluções do Conselho de Segurança da ONU; Convenção Europeia para Prevenção ao Terrorismo de 2005; Código Penal Espanhol; Código Penal Italiano; Código Penal Alemão; Código Penal Belga; Código Penal Francês; Legislação do Reino Unido."
O juiz da Hashtag explicou em sua sentença que "a imputação atinente ao artigo 3o da Lei no 13.260/2016 está relacionada às postagens em redes sociais de promoção a grupos extremistas realizadas individualmente pelos denunciados, a despeito das comunicações verificadas em grupos de redes sociais e aplicativos de comunicação instantânea".
As defesas dos condenados contestaram o enquadramento dos atos praticados pelos réus na Lei Antiterror. Entre outras coisas, alegaram que "a conduta de ‘promoção de organização terrorista’ prevista no artigo 3º da referida Lei não se confunde com o conceito de promoção pretendido pela acusação enquanto qualquer difusão de ideologia terrorista". As defesas ainda ressaltaram "o direito à livre manifestação" para pedir a absolvição.
Na sentença, da última quinta-feira, Josegrei pontuou os argumentos dos réus, entre eles, o que contesta a comprovação de que eles praticaram atos terroristas. "Destacou o fato de não ter sido comprovada a aquisição pelos denunciados de armamentos, explosivos ou componentes químicos destinados à prática de atentados ou sequer algum planejamento de atentado. As ilações acusatórias se baseiam exclusivamente em mensagens ou postagens de internet atribuídas aos acusados, sem qualquer indício de ato concreto destinado à promoção de qualquer organização terrorista Não há elementos comprobatórios aptos a sequer evidenciar o engajamento criminoso dos acusados, existindo apenas um relacionamento virtual entre alguns deles. Somente existem conversas virtuais ou postagens, nada mais."
O juiz da Hashtag passou os últimos dois meses debruçado na literatura jurídica internacional e analisando casos pelo mundo de enfrentamento ao terror, para elaborar sua sentença. "O repúdio ao terrorismo configura um dos princípios constitucionais fundamentais das relações internacionais contidos na Carta da República brasileira, estando expresso no artigo 4o, VIII, da Constituição Federal de 1988."
Josegrei sustenta na sentença que "não há qualquer dúvida acerca da legitimidade constitucional da criminalização de condutas relacionadas ao terrorismo, bem como da potencialidade lesiva acentuada das ações levadas a cabo por indivíduos que aderem a organizações desse jaez".
Foram condenados por promoção de Organização Terrorista e associação criminosa Alisson Luan de Oliveira, Oziris Moris Lundi dos Santos Azevedo, Israel Pedra Mesquita, Levi Ribeiro Fernandes de Jesus, Hortencio Yoshitake e Luis Gustavo de Oliveira. Além desses crimes, Leoni El Kadre de Melo foi considerado culpado também por recrutamento com o propósito de praticar atos de terrorismo. Fernando Pinheiro Cabral foi condenado por promoção de Organização Terrorista.
Durante a investigação, o grupo, integrado por brasileiros, foi monitorado principalmente após as autoridades brasileiras receberem um relatório do FBI americano. Os investigados foram presos em nove estados (Paraná, Amazonas, Ceará, Paraíba, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul) em 2016.
Por meio de quebras de sigilo telefônico, as autoridades rastrearam redes sociais, sites acessados e as mensagens trocadas entre o grupo pelo aplicativo Telegram, e verificaram intensa comunicação entre os integrantes, conclamando interessados a se organizar para prestar apoio ao Estado Islâmico, inclusive com treinamento já em território brasileiro
De acordo com as investigações, alguns dos envolvidos chegaram a noticiar a realização do "batismo" ao Estado Islâmico, conhecido como "bayat" - juramento de fidelidade exigido pela organização terrorista para o acolhimento de novos membros.
Também foram identificadas mensagens de celular relacionadas à possibilidade de se aproveitar o momento dos Jogos Olímpicos do Rio, no ano passado, para a realização de ato terrorista (inclusive com diálogos sobre como confeccionar bombas caseiras)
"O crime de organização criminosa (art. 288 do Código Penal) decorreria do fato de que os acusados constituíam um grupo estável que tinha como finalidade o cometimento dos mais diversos crimes. Além dos citados acima, deve-se adicionar que afirmavam pretender cometer delitos de preconceito (contra judeus e homossexuais, especificamente), contra o patrimônio (saques e ‘espólios’) e de terrorismo propriamente dito (art. 2o da Lei Antiterror)". As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo.
Para condenar réus da Hashtag, juiz usa Lei Antiterror pela 1ª vez
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