#most of all i just like to see wolfwood in his full element of being able to love and care about someone so openly and honestly.
ruporas · 9 months
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honeymoon phase! (ID in alt)
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hellsingmongrel · 1 year
Trimax and possible Tristamp spoilers?
I’ve been thinking about the way they incorporated Meryl into the JuLai storyline in Stampede, and I’m beginning to wonder if that was their way of getting JuLai and Meryl’s kidnapping from Trimax out in one shot.  It has similar storybeats, including her finally seeing Vash going full Eldritch Angel when he rescues her.
I’m honestly not really sure how I feel about that, if it is what they’re doing.  I mean it makes sense, in that it will be helping condense the story down so that they can fit the important storybeats into the show, but in doing so, they would be losing the really fascinating character growth we saw between the two of them in the manga.  That event was a huge deal for Meryl, it absolutely terrified her and she was scared of him for a long time.  It was a whole subplot that wasn’t verbally addressed much by the two of them, but was absolutely shown in their interactions and the way she went from terrified, feeling guilty about that terror, and finally being able to overcome it and be there for him when he needed her support the most.  It was just so.  Good.  It helped show that while the reader might see his transformations and be like “Oh man, that looks cool!” it was actually legitimately horrifying for everyone involved, even those who were closest to him.
His transformations are scary, he doesn’t like it, Meryl doesn’t like it, Wolfwood doesn’t like it.  Nobody knows how to deal with it when it happens.  It’s a whole thing, so many people, Vash included, are just terrified of that power and what he’s capable of and how inhuman he looks and sometimes acts when he’s completely lost in his own head.  It’s an important part of the message of learning to accept yourself and live with yourself regardless of your failings, and of not judging people by what they appear to be, but instead to measure their worth by their actions, instead.  Learning to love those around you, learning to forgive yourself, etc.
IDK.  I can see where they would want to take this shortcut, and I’ve loved pretty much everything else they’ve done with the show, so I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they’ll handle it well.  I just think we’d be losing an important element of the story if they reduced the tension that existed between them because of Meryl’s trauma to the way the events in JuLai went down in episodes 10-12.  I think it could have an even better impact in Stampede, even, if they did have that tension now, because until now, she’s only ever seen him be soft spoken, sweet, gentle, only raising a hand to harm others when he absolutely had to and absolutely never losing control or killing someone.  He’s so much softer than Vash is when we first encounter him in Trimax, so to have him go from that extremely gentle soul to someone who’s so lost, has so much power, and is pushed so far over the edge that he’s reduced to this:
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And at the same time, when he shields her with his wings earlier in this event, there’s a moment when she’s linked into his mind and seeing his memories.  I feel like that’s something that’s important, too, and damn if it didn’t take me rereading through the manga to find that page to realize what had happened.  (Though tbf, a lot of the action in the series is like that; you have to interpret the visuals, it doesn’t hold your hand and narrate what’s going on, so sometimes it takes multiple, multiple rereadings to figure out what exactly you’re seeing.  It’s both good and bad, tbh.  Nightow is showing the reader a lot of respect in expecting them to not need to be told what is happening, but there are still some times when a little tiny bit of direction might have been useful.  :’D)
All of that, plus just giving the viewer their first glimpse into the fact that even when he’s not being controlled by his brother, Vash can still go full Plant mode, can absolutely lose control and become a being that is a threat to everyone around him unless he manages to regain his senses, would be a very, very important scene to lose.  So honestly, I really hope they don’t condense the story the way it seems they might have, or that they find a way of showing these important beats in another way.  Vash’s Big Badass Moment in episode 12 was fuckin’ amazing, don’t get me wrong!  I was screaming and cheering him on from my couch the entire episode!  But it’s not the full story and there’s a lot that would be lost if that was all they took from this part of the story in Trimax.
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the-nysh · 1 year
nysh is a fan of trigun?? 👀👀 ohoho i knew you've got excellent taste~ who are your favorite characters and arcs? :D personally, i'm a big fan of millie for being an incredibly rare type of anime woman!
*me in the middle of a 200k fic* oh wai-OOOH omg, ahaha you saw that! Geezus, it's been like 20 years - truthfully I saw a new fanart reblogged by someone and I was like '...huh, this feels like it might reawaken something, lemme go revisit something to check...[several days of binge watching + reading later] oh good goddd my tween self was RIGHT; I REMEMBER now!'
Ahaha oh man, anyway re-looking at it with older eyes, yeah there were some outdated 90s filler gags that prob wouldn't fly now, that I'm glad the actual manga (barring the pilot ch) and new anime don't have those, as they didn't serve any purpose for the mc, who's practically an undying saint walking that lone, suffering road of redemption under the biggest stepford smile of pain & loss I've seen. I was also pleased the manga went pretty hard (seinen levels) expanding and committing to things that the old anime just didn't have enough info to do (both character + deep lore wise, esp for Wolfwood and the villain Knives, which the old anime kinda shafted), so I enjoyed that a lot - I was INVESTED to learn about all those traumatic scars and lost history! (Which imo surprisingly felt more like Xenogears/saga with the crash-landing mysterious 'alien' origins, psychotic evil twin, religious imagery, and deep space/sci-fi tone, rather than as a gunslinging spaghetti western.) Also noteworthy how each iteration of the story is completely doing its own separate thing now (the arcs and progression's all different, so beyond the lost July city and Fifth Moon incidents releasing his planet buster against his will, it's hard to choose a 'fav arc')...so yay 3 cakes!
I'd say that whenever shit got real though, the moment my mind started to wonder like '...wait, where are the girls? are they okay, what happ-' BOOM, they'd bust out saving the day or turning the tide in the most awesome way, full rejoicing and *whew* relief on my part!! (Ex, a fav manga moment: [spoiler] when Meryl burst out of his biblically accurate angel wings, understandably scared but with guns blazing, breaking the villains' locked stalemate, that was soooo fucking cool. ;o;) So yes, that was a lot of fun - and oh yes Milly!! She's like...if a classic himbo were female: large, sweet and strong and dopey, but also sharp, dependable, competent and so wholesome. :'3 Extremely good vibes to have her around~ (That I guess, the current speculation's how the anime's new guy might get fridged for Meryl's development, to take up his guns and meet her partner Milly later...but we'll see!) Other than that, I'm interested to see where the new anime takes things, as I can already recognize they're spinning in manga elements that were only introduced Very Late in the game - flipping the order around for what purpose, unknown yet, so hopefully they get enough real estate to properly cook things!
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