#museum of everything no one has heard of and sounds weirldy interesting
kat5242 · 2 years
On one hand I hate road trips because sitting still. But one of the best parts is the billboards.
The farther you go somehow the more random ass they get.
You’ve got your standard Bible ones.
Hell is real, Jesus gave his life, Heaven or Hell.
You have the political ones.
Currently we have a very…. Very… white old man running for governor. He has flannels and a cowboy hat…. In Ohio.
After that you start seeing things like Grandpas cheese barn. Or grandpas cheese and cider barn. Or grandpas pottery barn, or his wood carving barn/shed.
When you get reaaaal out there we get to the worlds largest pick a totally random obscure thing that no one cares about section. I’ve heard of worlds largest cheese, worlds largest hammock (that actually was a fun store), and worlds largest prairie dog.
Then in the dinky towns there are the signs for the obscure museums. “Museum of the special dirt only found in this county”and “museum of vacuum cleaners” (those two I made up but I bet they exist)
Then we havethe weird not national parks but nature preserves I guess? Anyway passed a couple signs for an Egypt wildlife preserve or something. In Ohio.
Then finally we get to the advertisements. My personal favorite from a trip years back, it was in Kentucky I believe. It stated “buy her a diamond ring and you’ll get a free gun”
So yeah bill boards.
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