#my bennett is also only level 60 with his burst being level 3 bc i just got him
lvllns · 2 years
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he’s at level 40 with cobbled together artifacts what the fuck
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
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I’m using this meme to rumble about my account haha
1.First 5*: Technically, it’s Mona, but practically, I got Hu Tao like 20 seconds later in the very next ten-pull and raised her first, so Hu Tao feels like a real first 5 star to me
2.Favorite 5*: I love them both, Hu Tao carried me from mid to end game and is my favorite nuke option for bosses. And Itto is just FUN
3.Most recent 5*: I got Ayato first and then just kind of casually kept pulling on Venti’s banner whenever I had primos. I kinda expected to lose 50-50 bc I won 3 in a row before that, but no, I won and I’m glad I did, Ayato\Venti\Ganyu perma freeze slaps
4.Most wanted 5*: Not very original. Every time they let us use Kazuha in event trials I look at the damage numbers and CC and sit there, consumed by lust. I do like his personality too tho.
5.Strongest 5*: I keep meaning to go back to crimson witch domain and farm her artifacts with better crit stats, but it kinda doesn’t take priority bc girlboss hits like a truck even with mediocre set, her burst crits for 160k on vape.
6. Favorite DPS: I didn’t plan to get him at all, bc I hate claymores and didn’t want to build mono geo. I’m not even into himbos. But then I got Itto at 15 pity doing random free wishes, and he just won me over. He’s the only claymore who feels good to use to me, his charged combo is fast and cool and has giant AOE. And sure, my Hu Tao or Ganyu are technically stronger, but Itto has no annoying mechanics like Ganyu’s charged shot and no set up needed, like Hu Tao, you can fuck up his rotations and his combos, you can even solo and baby boy is still gonna carry just fine. 
7 Favorite sub-DPS: Xingqiu is a secret 6 star on par with Bennett. the boy can do everything. I was more excited to get him than both Zhongli and Ganyu at the lantern rite, bc let me tell you, it’s not fun to try and vape Hu Tao attacks with Barbara’s or Mona’s E.
8.Favorite Support: I try keeping up my dodging skills by doing commissions with low level friendship team that dies in two hits if I don’t dodge, but even that doesn’t seem to work much. I actually rebuilt Zhongli from pure shield to sub-DPS bc his meteor looked cool, but hit two times weaker than Itto’s cow that’s 2 levels lowers. Now it hits about as much as Ushi (about 60-70K), so I can live with that.
9.Favorite 4*: Kaeya is my favorite anything in genshin, period. Morally ambiguous sarcastic dark-haired trolls with complex identity problems are my type to begin with, but I didn’t really get the brainrot until I got into genshin’s worldbuilding. I was like “Hoho, what is that? This anime gacha has extensive references to mythologies? Some of them pretty obscure? How peculiar! How quaint! Let’s see what they’re trying to do”, then I fell into the lore rabit hole and emerged with a whole ass conspiracy board where Kaeya is one of the central figures. Khaenri’ah skin with a galaxy cape when
10.Strongest 4: cryo Kaeya and vape\overload Yanfei are actually my fav teams for exploration or farming, bc you can play them braindead and not worry about burst regen or even being hit, bc everything is either perma froze or being blown up from afar. Best girl Yanfei is also another fav choice for carrying other people in coop on par with Itto, bc she has her own shield and if needed, can sustain enough mono pyro damage to kill anything even without reactions, when Hu Tao would already be dead
11.Favorite element: I like all elements, but electro needs a buff.
12.Favorite weapon: The free DEF% claymore is good on Itto, but it clashes so much aesthetically. I did a one random ten-pull on weapon banner and got redhorn, so it’s my fav just due to how cool it looks and how easy I got it. it’s also insanely good on baby boy, ofc.
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