#my most controversial opinion is i don't like moonrise kingdom
pynkhues · 9 months
Hey Sophie, I've never seen a Wes Anderson movie! Any suggestions on what to start with?
Hey! Oooo, yeah, I think I'd say to start either with Fantastic Mr. Fox or The Royal Tenenbaums?
The latter was my entry point to Wes Anderson and is definitely the one of his I've rewatched the most. The cast is amazing, but I think it encapsulates a lot of what I love about his work at its purest which is stylisation and comedy for the sake of emphasising genuinely human moments, and emotional truths that just rip a hole in you. If I was to ever make a list of my top fifty movies, I think The Royal Tenanbaums would be on it (Ben Stiller's line deliver of I've had a rough year, dad is genuinely iconic to me).
Fantastic Mr. Fox I think though is just both good and pretty accessible? His style of writing/direction/filmmaking lends itself well to stop motion, and he's a bit of a dream match for Roald Dahl adaptations tbh. It's a great movie and a great story anyway, and particularly if you feel inclined / know you like animation, I think Fantastic Mr. Fox is a very good place to start.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I don't know if this is a very stupid question, but here.
I think I am a type 9, specially due my hyper-sensitivity to the external environment, interpersonal-emotional data and sensory stimulation. However, I am unable to feel reflected by most, if not all, 9s descriptions. I have been tracking your blog, to read 9-related posts, and... I don't know, it felt off. For instance...
I am very, VERY opinionated and picky. I have not problem stating my opinion and freely sharing my thoughts about any matter, whether we are choosing the color of the couch and my preference towards it, or about a super-controversial political topic. I don't, however, try to change any point of view.
My mind doesn't get washed by other people's opinions or tastes. I don't feel like the white sock in the laundry, or the vanilla flavour mixing up with a more strong one. I respect other's opinion, but they don't interfere with mine. I am the contrary of influible. However, there's stuff I really don't care and I have no opinion. What do you want to watch on TV while having dinner? I am not even going to look at the tv, so the person can put whatever.
I have no issue taking a contrary stance to anyone, even what's supposed being authority figures. I had discussions with teachers in front of the whole class, with bosses about how to do something, with a group of people against my position.
I thought that I could be a w8, but I don't identify with that either. Some of the behaviours described for w8 feels foreign to me. I don't lash out, or lose my temper. I don't have flare-ups or explosions that I have to clean up later. I am mostly never angry, that have never being an issue for me, I believe. And, for instance, while reading your posts about 9w8 character is a recurring theme for most of them, the anger and release of it. (Credence from Fantastic Beasts, Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom, the main character from The Lighthouse, or even Bella from Twilight or Belle from Beauty and the Beast). I am incredibly frustrated most of the time, though.
So, to be honest, I feel lost, because I can't think up any other type that is that sensitive and have fluid boundaries such I feel I have, but at the same time isn't that permeable or angry as type 9s are usually described.
Am I making sense here?
Also, being triple withdrawn, is it possible to have a w8? Triple withdrawn + a super assertive wing doesn't feel right.
There's several possible explanations for this -- are you an ITJ, for example? A Fi user in any form? Fe + 9 merges into other people more than Fi + 9. Are you social blind? Social blind 9s don't merge into just anybody or care how they are coming across. Are you the "tough 9" which is the sp-dominant 9 (self-contained)? Is your main desire in life to avoid separation, upheaval, conflict? If so, you can be a 9 without being over-adapting.
Yes, 9w8s blow up more than 9w1s, who have a super ego internal voice telling them that loud emotional displays are inappropriate. You are also not giving any real arguments FOR 9, so I don't know what you identify with about it. Are you for sure a withdrawn type? Self-reliant, self-trusting, let others pursue you instead of pursuing them? What is your wing and what's the evidence for it? Do you move to 6 behaviors under stress? Do you notice any integrative behaviors to 3 (becoming less passive, more hard-working, more self-confident, and determined to get what you want)?
Have you tried on all the other 8 types and 'worn' them for a while? To see what comes naturally to you and what doesn't? Sometimes that's a good way to narrow them down, to "do" each type. One of them will feel very natural, the rest won't.
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