#needless to say ohm was perfect here
phopsdew · 2 years
i don't think i'll ever be able to shut up about how much i love dew
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this boy was the embodiment of youthful innocence. he was cheerful, and goofy, and (just the right amount of) bratty, and vulnerable... he had the most beautiful smile and shiny eyes that where always hopeful, even when his world was falling apart around him.
while getting to know dew, it's impossible not to fall in love along the way.
because dew loved unapologetically. he loved life, he loved his mom, and he loved phop. no matter what others did or said, he was willing to go to the ends of the world to stay at phop's side.
and he deserved to be loved endelessly in return. dew deserved to have lived a long, happy life, being cherished and appreciated and loved :((((
so i guess that's why losing dew hurt so much. my beloved boy only wanted to pursue his happiness in a world that kept denying it of it over and over again.
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patandpran · 4 years
Keeping it Quiet - An OhmFong fic
Finally filled this ‘secret dating’ prompt for the anon! I am still not over this pairing so.. enjoy!
Summary: Four times Ohm and Fong almost revealed that they were dating in secret and one time that they did…. 
Featuring a wise Earn, a drunk Phuak, a clueless Tine, love bites and a kissing booth.
It was Phuak’s going away party and Ohm and Fong had been dating officially for about a month. They had always been an inevitability but since it was so new to both of them, they wanted to keep their relationship to themselves for the time being.
They were meant to be celebrating Phuak’s departure for his studying abroad trip but Ohm couldn’t help but bring along a monthversary gift for Fong as well. It was something small so he was able to conceal it quite easily until he and Fong finally had a moment alone.
At the height of the party, Ohm dragged Fong into Phuak’s bedroom and closed the door behind them. Fong gave him a questioning look but followed anyway, unsure of where he was being led. Once they were sure that they were alone, Ohm pulled out a small wrapped parcel and handed it to Fong.
“What is this?” Fong wondered and looked up at Ohm with wide eyes. “Is this something for Phuak?”
“Nope. It’s for you.” Ohm muttered shyly. “Today marks a month of us being together.”
“Ohm, you are ridiculously sappy.” Fong accused with a grin on his lips. “I love it.”
“Open it.” Ohm urged, eyeing the present anxiously.
Fong obeyed Ohm’s order and gingerly unwrapped the package, being sure not to rip the wrapping paper. Ohm bit his lip in anticipation as Fong opened up the box that held the necklace that he had purchased for Fong. It was a simple silver chain with a dangling bar that read ‘F+O’ on the side that would face Fong’s heart.
Upon reading the inscription, Fong whispered, “I love it, Ohm. Thank you so much. Can you help me put it on?”
Fong turned and Ohm helped to put the chain around Fong’s neck. Fong tucked it under his t-shirt and turned back to face Ohm. “I feel guilty that I didn’t get you anything.”
“Knowing you are wearing that is the perfect gift.” Ohm hummed with satisfaction. He was about to lean down to kiss Fong when someone came barging into the room.
“What are you two doing in here?” Phuak slurred as he stumbled into the room.
Though it was not as if they were being caught in the act, both Ohm and Fong froze as Phuak approached them and threw his arms around both of their shoulders. He was completely drunk and Phuak was not exactly perceptive on a good day so it didn’t seem like he had any sense that something was going on between Ohm and Fong.
“We were just, uh, reminiscing.” Fong responded lamely and Phuak seemed satisfied with the answer.
He nodded before pressing a sloppy kiss to both Ohm and Fong’s cheeks. “I love you guys. I’m going to miss you so much… are you guys going to be okay without me?”
“We love you too, man.” Ohm reached behind Phuak and squeezed Fong’s wrist with a fond look in his eyes. “As much as I think we’re going to miss you, I think we’re going to be just fine.”
The whole gang was at a CtrlS concert when Sarawat winked at Tine from the stage. Everyone was dancing and having a great time and Tine waved back at his boyfriend. Fong saw this and felt a bit jealous about the fact that Sarawat and Tine could be so open about their affection while he and Ohm were still choosing to keep their relationship under wraps fro the time being. They wanted to see where things would go but Fong could not wait to be able to hold Ohm’s hand in public without worrying about his friends noticing.
Ohm looked at Fong and could tell that Fong was deeply thinking through something as Fong’s brow was furrowed in thought. Tine, Man and Boss were in the throws of an epic dance party so he felt emboldened enough to reach over and squeeze Fong’s hand with his own. It was over before it even started but the look of relief from Fong was well worth the risk.
“You know that I am ready to tell everyone whenever you are.” Ohm shared and Fong nodded appreciatively.
“Tell everyone what?”
Ohm and Fong prickled when they heard the question come from behind them. Green had posed the question and Dim was standing there with an arched brow as well. Ohm and Fong exchanged a look before Fong blurted, “Uh, tell them how ridiculous they look dancing like that!”
Green narrowed his eyes, clearly suspicious but Dim shrugged it off, convinced. Dim wandered off to join the dance circle and Green followed behind shortly but not before giving them another suspicious look before joining the rest of the group.
As soon as they were left alone, Ohm gave Fong an apologetic look and Fong gave him an understanding look. They were going to have to decide sooner rather than later to tell the group because keeping a secret like this was starting to weigh on the pair of them.
“So, have long have you and Ohm been together?” Earn asked casually one night at L C Hol.
Fong turned to her immediately and whispered, “How did you know? We haven’t exactly told anyone.”
Earn’s eyes widened in surprise at this. She never really understood why people decided to keep things like relationship a secret but she obviously respected her friends enough not to blow it. She looked over at Ohm who was sitting further down the table and he smiled back at her and  Fong.
“Sorry.” Earn answered, keeping her tone lowered. “I don’t mean this to be rude or anything but.. it’s kind of obvious that you guys are together, at least to me. You can tell by the way that the two of you look at each other. It’s the same as how I look at Pear.”
“You and Pear are a thing?” Fong sputtered, completely thrown off by Earn’s words.
Earn chuckled at how oblivious Fong was. “Yeah, we’ve been girlfriends for almost a year. I guess you’re about as perceptive as Boss because he tried to ask her out a few months ago. Needless to say, we set him straight about the viability of that endeavour. I guess maybe you don’t have to worry about any of the guys finding out if you all are like this…”
“As much of an insult as that is, it’s kind of a relief to hear.” Fong relaxed slightly. “We’ll tell people when we’re ready.”
“There’s no rush.” Earn shared supportively, putting one hand on Fong’s shoulder in a comforting gesture.
“When did you know that you and Pear were ready to tell people?” Fong wondered, feeling a bit self-conscious but still wanting to know the answer.
Earn considered this for a moment before responding, “I think you will just know. It won’t feel like you need to hide it anymore and second guess anything. But, honestly, it’s nobody’s business who you are dating and if you two aren’t ready, then keep it to yourselves. Being in a relationship is such a personal thing. You don’t owe it to the world to the share every last part of yourself. Do what you need to do to feel happy with the person that you love. Nobody is going to judge you for taking your time to share it with others.”
“Thank you, Earn.” Fong shared and wanted to hug her with all his might.
“You look like you could use a hug.” Earn opened her arms wide.
Fong accepted the hug without a second thought and couldn’t wait to tell Ohm later that night about what had happened.
“I don’t want to go to class.” Ohm complained, his head resting on Fong’s chest as they both lounged on Fong’s bed.
“Well, no boyfriend of mine is not going to be a slacker.” Fong shared, trying to sit up but the weight of Ohm’s head kept his pinned to the bed.
Ohm flipped himself so he could look at Fong and wrapped his arms around Fong, trapping him even more. “It’s just one class. Come on, let’s just stay here for a few more minutes. Pleaaaaaaaase?”
As tempting as it was to spend the rest of the afternoon lying in bed with Ohm, they had a project due that day and Tine was relying on them to show up. Fong flailed around and tried to wriggle out of Ohm’s grasp but Ohm just tightened his hold on Fong.
“Ohhhhhmmmm! Let me go!” Fong cried out in protest. “Don’t make me bite you.”
“Go ahead.” Ohm shared casually. “Maybe I’ll be into it. It’s never too late to discover a new kink.”
“Seriously, how old are you?” Fong rolled his eyes and Ohm laughed fondly at the reaction.
Ohm pressed a kiss to Fong’s cheek and nuzzled his face into the crook of Fong’s neck, dropping kisses there as well. As much as it was difficult to resist Ohm’s kisses, Fong’s need to keep a perfect attendance record outweighed the current situation. Fong poked Ohm in the side which caused Ohm’s arms to release enough for Fong to make his escape.
Fong immediately ran from the bed an slipped on his shoes, slinging his book bag over his shoulder. Ohm chased after him, laughing all the way until they were running through the halls of the dorm to make their way to class, Ohm hot on Fong’s heels.
Once they got to class, both of them looked ridiculously dishevelled. Tine gave them a relieved look when he saw that they had made it. He remarked, “Took you two idiots long enough. I thought I was going to have to do this presentation alone.”
Ohm and Fong shrugged apologetically. Tine narrowed his eyes at Fong and asked, “Do you have a love bite on your neck?”
Fong’s hand flew up to his neck and he pulled his collar up, hie cheeks burning with a blush. Ohm just smirked and said, “That’s why we were late. Fong got attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes so we had to run to the store to get some medication before class.”
“Oh…” Tine answered, although he did not seem thoroughly convinced with the answer.
Thankfully, Tine did not have time to question it any further as the professor walked in to start the class. Fong elbowed Ohm in the ribs but Ohm just continued to grin proudly.
The music club was hosting a fundraiser carnival and everyone had pitched in to help set it up the booths. Tine, as the secretary, had enlisted Ohm and Fong to set up and run the kissing booth. There was a list of freshmen who were signed up in shifts to be the ‘kissers’ so all that Ohm and Fong had to do was take the tickets.
Aside from the screaming girls, the booth was running smoothly until one of the freshmen did not show up for their shift. Fong, in a panic at the ever-growing mob of angry people who were expecting a kiss, called Tine over to figure out what to do.
“What the hell should we do? One of your volunteers didn’t show up.” Fong muttered to Tine, trying to be discrete as Ohm attempted to satiate the frustration of the people in line. “It looks they’re about to revolt if we don’t do something quick.”
Tine checked through the schedule on his clipboard and frowned, “Everyone else is busy right now. Ohm or you will have to jump in for the time being until I can figure someone else to jump in. You guys are both single so it won’t be an issue, right?”
The idea of someone else kissing his boyfriend made Fong feel ill. He assumed that Ohm would feel the same way but he didn’t feel like it was the right time to tell Tine about their relationship without at least consulting Ohm first.
“N-no.” Fong stammered. “That’s fine.”
“Sorry, Fong. I’ve got to run. Green just set fire to the barbecue.” Tine rushed away before Fong could object. “I’ll send someone over as soon I can!”
Fong groaned before returning to the booth and leaning in to whisper to Ohm. “One of us has to step in…. I can do it if you want…”
“Ohm’s eyes widened in surprise before he stood up to his feet and walked to inside the kissing booth, plopping himself down on the stool. “I’ve got it.”
The entire line cheered with excitement as Fong felt a wave of nausea roll through him. He hated the idea of a complete stranger kissing his boyfriend but, without outing their relationship, there was nothing he could do. He knew Ohm was doing it because he didn’t want Fong to so Fong forgave him as he took the first ticket from an extremely excited girl.
Fong watched as she approached Ohm and sat on the stool across from him. She closed her eyes and began to lean in. Ohm looked at Fong and mouthed ‘sorry’ before turning his attention back to the girl.
Before he registered what was happening, Fong found himself standing between the girl and Ohm. The girl was no kissing his stomach and he was sure it made for a bizarre image to any outsiders. Ohm gave him an amused look and the girl pulled back in surprise.
“Uh, sorry.” Fong muttered, “But I can’t let you kiss him.”
The girl furrowed her brow, “Why? I paid the money. Shouldn’t I get the kiss?”
“He’s taken.” Fong explained and turned toward Ohm who was looking at him with a steady gaze.
“By who?” The girl protested, growing more and more upset by the situation.
“Me. Actually.” Fong shared and the girl stood up and countered, “I don’t believe you. Kiss him if he’s actually your boyfriend.”
Without missing a beat, Ohm stood up, directed Fong’s shoulders to face him and pulled Fong in for a kiss. The girl stumbled back in surprise but Fong and Ohm were too wrapped up in the kiss to give it a second thought.
They both melted into the kiss and were somewhat exhilarated by the fact that they were display their love for each other so publicly. Finally they could be themselves without constantly worrying about what others thought and might read into their every interaction. It was incredibly freeing.
When they finally separated after what felt like an eternity, they heard a small crowd cheering in support of them. Ohm and Fong turned out to see Tine, Wat, Earn, Pear, Dim, Green, Man, and Boss cheering them on. Some of them look surprised by the kiss but most of them just looked extremely happy for Ohm and Fong.
Ohm took Fong’s hand and turned to the girl, “Sorry, uh, there will probably be someone here soon that you can kiss.”
“You two are so sweet. Sorry for giving you trouble.” She responded before rushing back to the front of the line where her friends were gushing with excitement.
Ohm and Fong approached their group of friends. Earn was beaming at Ohm and Fong proudly and Tine was looking a little dejected, “Why didn’t you guys tell us sooner?”
Pear elbowed Tine in the ribs and he winced. She scolded, “This is NOT about you, Tine. They needed to take their time and so, they did.”
“Thanks, Pear. Yah, we just wanted to keep things between us for a while as we figured it out.” Fong explained, squeezing Ohm’s hand.
“Sorry for making it about me.” Tine stated. “I think you make a great pair. It kind of just makes sense.”
“You guys look great together.” Sarawat chimed in with a small smile.
Fong blushed deeply and Ohm slung his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder, proud that they could be so open with their relationship now. Ohm responded, “Thanks.”
“We still need someone to be in the kissing booth.” Tine piped up, flipping through his schedule again to see if anyone was free. “The only single person here is Boss and he is… already in the kissing booth working his ‘magic’.”
The group all turned to see Boss making kissy faces at the lineup as he sat in the booth, waiting for his first victim. Everyone shared a laugh at this and Ohm and Fong were just happy how normal everything felt.
Nothing had changed… In the best possible way.
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hifilounge · 6 years
2 Exciting New Products Unveiled By Chord Electronics At Munich, The Hugo TT 2 and Etude Amplifier!
Hi Everyone,
So now the dust has settled to this years Munich Highend Show, which looks to have been a great year, it’s time to look back at what exciting new products we have to look forward to for the rest of this year.
Hugo TT 2 DAC / Headphone Amp / Pre-Amp
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For me two of the hottest products have got to be from Chord Electronics, the first being the Hugo TT 2, as a Hugo TT user at home I have been eagerly awaiting for the new Rob Watts FPGA chipset seen in the Hugo 2 and Qutest to make its way to a revised Hugo TT and here it is and it certainly doesn’t disappoint.
With revised casework it also offers a more powerful headphone side, 4 different filter settings, lower noise floor and has removed the internal battery as seen in the original TT.
It will be available around Autumn time priced at £3996 which bearing in mind the only DAC more powerful than Hugo TT 2 is Chord’s own DAVE then it is great value, we will have a Hugo TT 2 on demo asap and if you would like to get to the front of the queue for one once available then please feel free to get in touch to place your order, we would just need a 10% deposit and are happy to look at anything regarding trading in any other equipment.
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Choral Etude Stereo Power Amplifier
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So this is big news for Chord as it is the first time in nearly 30 years that they have developed a new analogue topology which heralds a new era for powerful, wide bandwidth, low noise and low distortion amplifiers that will no doubt filter into other Chord amplifier designs going forward.
This new amp is conservatively rated at 150 Watts Per Channel into 4 ohms in stereo mode or 300 WPC in bridged mono mode with the new design giving faster power delivery than existing Chord Electronics designs, offering ‘unrivalled dynamics, a life-like delivery of transient information, plus effortless control over loudspeaker drive units’ according to Chord.
It is designed to be part of Chord Choral range so is the perfect partner for DAVE + BLU II which when the 3 are stacked in Chord’s really cool Choral Stands makes an extremely high-end and stylish system that does’t take up loads of floorspace.
Bearing in mind how many DAVE customers there are out there I can see this being a very popular product for Chord to complete customers systems, it is due around Autumn and will be priced at £3900 making very attractively priced, needless to say we will have one on demo asap.
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