#negative habits for upsc aspirants
jaiblogpost · 2 months
Negative Habits to Avoid for UPSC Preparation
Imagine preparing for the UPSC exam is like setting off on a thrilling adventure. But just like any adventure, there are challenges to overcome. It takes a lot of hard work, sticking to your goals, and having a good plan. But, sometimes, even if you're really trying your best, you might find yourself doing things that could make it harder for you to succeed. In this guide, we'll explore common negative habits faced by UPSC aspirants and provide straightforward solutions to overcome them. By implementing these simple strategies, aspirants can navigate through challenges effectively and achieve success in their UPSC journey.
Procrastination - Putting Off Tasks
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Procrastination is when we delay tasks or waste time on unimportant things. Many UPSC aspirants struggle with procrastination, which can lead to missed study sessions and last-minute pressure.
To overcome procrastination, break your study tasks into smaller, manageable parts. To create a sense of urgency, establish particular deadlines for every task. By taking small steps consistently, you can avoid procrastination and stay on track with your study schedule.
“You may delay, but time will not.”
                                      ― Benjamin Franklin
There are always distractions, if you allow them! Successful people remain optimistic and concentrated on their goals regardless of their surroundings. They stay focused. They avoid getting distracted, which is common in today's digital world. Social media, notifications, and other distractions can easily divert our attention away from studying.
To avoid distractions, create a dedicated study space that is free from potential distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone and use productivity tools to block distracting websites. Set specific times for studying and avoid multitasking. By minimizing distractions, you can improve focus and productivity during your study sessions.
Distractions - Losing Focus
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“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.”
                                                                                         ― Adam Hochschild
Lack of Consistency
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Consistency is really important for doing well in UPSC preparation. It’s key to success. However, many aspirants struggle to maintain a consistent study routine.
To overcome this, establish a daily study schedule and stick to it religiously. Make sure you stick to your study schedule and give it more importance than other things. Set realistic goals for each study session and keep checking how well you're doing. By making studying a habit and sticking to a consistent routine, you can maximize your productivity and progress in your UPSC preparation.
“Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency.
Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”
                                                                                         ― Dwayne Johnson
Neglecting Health and Adequate Sleep
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UPSC preparation can be mentally and physically demanding, and many aspirants neglect their health in pursuit of their goals. However, neglecting your health can have negative consequences on your ability to study effectively. Sleep is essential for cognitive function, memory retention, and overall well-being. However, many aspirants neglect their sleep in favor of studying late into the night. This can lead to sleep deprivation, which can impair your ability to focus, concentrate, and retain information.
To prioritize your health, make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep to ensure that your mind and body are well-rested. In addition, make time for regular exercise and physical activity to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Finally, don't forget to eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated to fuel your body and brain for studying.
Relying on One Study Method
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Every aspirant has their own preferred study method, whether it's reading, taking notes, or practicing past papers. However, relying solely on one study method can limit your learning and comprehension.
To overcome this, try diversifying your study methods to engage different parts of your brain. For example, if you're used to reading, try incorporating more visual aids or discussing concepts with peers. Try out various methods of studying until you discover which one suits you the most. By diversifying your study methods, you can improve your understanding and retention of the material.
Negative self-talk can be dangerous to your confidence and motivation. Many aspirants struggle with self-doubt and fear of failure, which can hold them back from reaching their full potential.
To overcome negative self-talk, practice self-compassion and positive affirmations. Instead of focusing on your shortcomings, celebrate your achievements and strengths. Be around friends and family who support you and have faith in your skills. By cultivating a positive mindset and practicing self-love, you can overcome self-doubt and achieve success in your UPSC journey.
Negative Self-Talk - Self-Doubt
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"One important key to success is self-confidence.
An important key to self-confidence is preparation."
                                                                                                  ― Arthur Ashe
Trying to Read Everything
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UPSC aspirants are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of reading material available. Many aspirants feel pressured to read every book and resource on a given topic, leading to stress and burnout.
To overcome this, focus on quality over quantity when it comes to reading. Prioritize essential books and resources that cover the core concepts and topics of the UPSC syllabus. Take notes as you read to help reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. Remember, it's better to thoroughly understand a few key concepts than to skim/go through numerous resources without grasping the core concepts.
Disorganization can hinder your ability to study effectively and efficiently. Many aspirants struggle to keep track of study materials, deadlines, and important dates.
To overcome this, create a study schedule and organize your study materials in a systematic manner. Use folders, binders, or digital tools to keep your study materials organized and easily accessible. Break down your study schedule into smaller, manageable tasks and set deadlines for each task. By staying organized, you can reduce stress and improve productivity in your UPSC preparation.
Lack of Organization
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“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”
                                                                                      ― Benjamin Franklin
Misplaced Study Groups
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Study groups can be a valuable resource for UPSC aspirants, providing support, motivation, and shared knowledge. However, not all study groups are created equal, and some aspirants may find themselves in study groups that are not conducive to effective studying.
To overcome this, choose study partners wisely and find individuals who are serious and committed to their UPSC goals. Look for study groups or forums where you can engage with like-minded aspirants who share your dedication and enthusiasm for UPSC preparation. By surrounding yourself with supportive and motivated study partners, you can enhance your learning and stay on track with your UPSC goals.
Overcoming negative habits is essential for UPSC aspirants to succeed in their journey. By implementing simple strategies such as breaking tasks into smaller parts, minimizing distractions, maintaining consistency, prioritizing health, diversifying learning methods, fostering a positive mindset, finding a balance between work and study, focusing on quality reading, staying organized, choosing study partners wisely, using the internet judiciously, and prioritizing sleep, aspirants can navigate through challenges effectively and achieve success in their UPSC preparation. Remember, success in the UPSC examination requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. Keep pushing forward, stay focused on your goals, and believe in yourself—victory is within reach!
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levicollins95-blog · 5 years
Simple Approaches to Prepare for UPSC Current Affairs
The Best Way To Handle Current Affairs for Civil Services: Are you currently trying to find advice on current affairs for upsc ? Appropriate, you will get the most effective answer here. Recently the importance of current affairs has proportionally increased with the analytic development of issues as well as with the increased weightage of setting and science. There is no specific trend in which UPSC has asked questions from current events. Their volatile character could be thought from last year report where many direct questions from current events were picked.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three phases of UPSC planning, especially in the Mains and Interview. It covers a wide selection of matters which overlaps with the CORE matters like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and Dynamic topics like environment, technology and technology. Henceforth, it is hard to categorize issues below a particular heading/topic. Here is the purpose, why most of the aspirants are of the notion that, not many questions have already been requested from current activities in the recent years (from Prelims perspective).
To create in more quality with this part, we would illustrate with several examples. Now every candidate who aspire to become an IAS or IPS Official and want to get ready or get yourself ready for UPSC Civil Service Examination might know the significance of current affairs and just how much weightage provided for current functions in the prelims and mains exam. So, Continue reading to learn more about how exactly to examine current affairs for UPSC prelims & mains. For the data, This is actually the number of these crucial events or affairs :
1. which become the headlines of the magazines and editorial are written. 2. which may have a negative/positive consequences on the society. 3. which remain in subject or debate in society and persons for an extended time. 4. which discover a special interest in reputed magazines for a lengthy time. 5. which may have a quality to make examination oriented records below national/international dilemmas and Bilateral Relation.
Don't allow any institute or anyone inform you usually! Reading the paper EVERYDAY is essential for the preparation. I browse the documents each day for the small amount of time I'd for my preparation. After I decided to appear for the examination, the first step I needed was to sign up to the Hindu and consistently dedicate two hours day-to-day in examining it conclusion to end. I think, reading the report yourself not just helps in greater retention, it also ensures that you will be finding your way through the Mains simultaneously.
My habit of examining the documents was a great help not merely in the Prelims but in addition throughout the answer writing in Mains. I would remember details and numbers from the news headlines that I'd study and applied that in questions wherever I'd small information to frame an effective answer. Also the editorials were of great aid in composition form questions. Therefore my most significant advice will be that you begin studying the paper from the day you determine to seem for the examination, and read it everyday in order to not need backlogs.
Easy Methods to Make for UPSC Current Affairs
One has to be clear about their purpose while reading the news. While you might know which piece of news is worth addressing, you have to also have the ability to dissect the news headlines to determine the areas you will need to retain. While I did so see the documents earlier in the day also, it had been more of a relaxing task and no exercise. Like if I was examining about a scheme, I didn't trouble concerning the Ministry which was employing it or the number of districts it had been to gain etc. I would only be aware that this kind of scheme existed.
But after I began the prep and had the prior year's documents, I knew what precisely to consider in an item of news. That know-how is an essential part of examining the paper. Aimlessly reading the entire report is futile and is likely to be counter-productive. So have the prior year's papers and realize the structure of the questions, then read accordingly. Also, adhere to the syllabus in front of you in order to avoid deviating and losing time.
Also in the event that you sign up for a newspaper, it removes the necessity to make notes on current affairs because most of it is covered by them. I built notes initially however seen that the journal had previously looked after that task for me. I did produce records next but only as factsheets listing important systems for rapid revision during Mains.
Taking an on the web quiz/test day-to-day at night was another important element of my current affairs preparation. I'm glad I used that habit as it served me consolidating and cementing all that I'd read throughout the day. It ensured that I kept more and forgot less. You can find sufficient everyday checks available on the web that you can subscribe to.
I observed the news headlines of all days within my preparation. Rajya Sabha TV was my personal favorite for its simple and unbiased content. I made it a point to watch the debates on this system RS Vishesh. They helped me understand more things in lesser time and were an excellent source of info on burning issues. I applied to view TV throughout dishes to save lots of time.
A lot of instances you should come across fixed parts of one's syllabus in the news. For example, the headlines of a bi-election or perhaps a new countervailing duty required on an item of import. All the instances it will be for topics like polity and economics, so do keep an eye out for such media articles as they might be combined with a static notion and requested in the paper.
Give current affairs its due value as it today forms an important percentage of the paper. So hold abreast with this adjusting development and devote adequate time to it. Whilst it is neither recommended or probable to examine each issue each and every day, current affairs is definitely an exception. The only way to ace it's to follow the news headlines, not need backlogs and get revision tests. Do not get bogged down by the total amount of time it will take to consistently browse the paper. It'd take me 2-2.5 hours initially but gradually I surely could bring it down to 1 hour through the Mains and 45 moments throughout the interview preparation period. As you hold studying, you'll realize that many of media is a follow-up of the pre-existing one. Therefore it will take you reduced time once you become standard at it.
If you wish to prepare for current affairs , you need to visit our internet site at drishtiias.com to get current affairs. They're the perfect easy ways to get ready for current affairs section of UPSC Syllabus for Civil Solutions IAS Exam, follow these often to obtain an upper hand in that area. Thank you for study our material, hope you all success to prepare for UPSC Exam.
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testseriesforexam · 2 years
Free Online Mock Test Series for Combined Defence Services Examination!
Practice, Practice & Practice! There is no substitute for practice. You should use the available time effectively as 70% of the exam preparation should include practice.
The CDS Exam which stands for “Combined Defence Services” Examination, is a recruitment examination conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) for the combined defence services. The exam is held twice a year generally in February and September.
Male candidates can apply for Army (both Short Service and Permanent Commission in Non-Technical field, trained in Officers Training Academy and Indian Military Academy), Navy (Permanent Commission, trained in Naval Academy) and Airforce (Permanent Commission in flying branch only).
Women candidates can apply only in Short Service Commission for the Non-Technical field.
As the CDS examination is conducted by the UPSC it is considered to be among the toughest exams in the country and candidates need to have a good preparation strategy to ace this exam to secure their admission amid the stiff competition. And this is also the reason why people are always on the lookout for the best CDS Mock Test Series on  Test Wale as we have a perfect blend of CDS Mock Test Series comprising Topic Wise Test, Subject-Wise Test, Sectional Test and Full-Length Mock Tests as well as Scholarship Tests.
Read this article to know about our expert-curated CDS Test series:
Test Features of CDS:-
Our CDS Mock Test Series will give aspirants a better idea to prepare for the exam.
These Online Mock Test Series can help you a lot in clearing the CDS exam, as you will get the right study material and guidance here by professionals.
By attempting the CDS Online Test Series you will get to experience the same Exam interface as an actual examination.
These Test Series will help you enhance your Time- Management Skills.
You will get Detailed Solutions and Analysis of your attempted online mock tests which include:
Your Score in that test, along with the number of questions attempted, Time Taken and the Rank secured.
Marks Distribution (positive, negative and unattempted questions).
You can Compare your analysis reports after attempting every Mock test on the basis of:
Comparison of scores with the toppers.
Comparison of time spent on each question.
Comparison of accuracy with the topper.
Score comparison of top Ten toppers.
Test Structure of CDS:-
Our aim is to provide CDS Free Test Series which will help you strengthen the preparation in the most explicit way. 
CDS Online Mock Test Series on “Testwale” comprises:
Full-Length Test
Sectional Test
Topic-wise Test
Scholarship Test
Here you will:
Get the tips you won’t get anywhere else.
Enhance your skill to identify the key part of the question quickly.
You will also get exam-related study material (PDFs) created by our expert team.
The test series we offer are specifically designed to meet today's competitive examinations criteria.
Topics to focus on (subject-wise):
Cultivating strategic preparation will help you get productive results!
CDS Exam English Tips
There will be 120 questions in this section. To master this section candidate should begin with “G” and Master the “V” of English, i.e. focus on the Grammar and vocabulary section to score maximum marks as this section intends to test the candidate’s understanding of English in terms of proficiency and use of words.
Daily Quiz.
CDS Exam General Knowledge Tips
There will be 120 questions in this section. A candidate should focus on Geography, History, General Science and Polity to score maximum marks in this section.
To ace this section, keep a track of all the important national and international events/affairs. Develop newspaper reading habit and attempt our Daily Current Affairs Quiz. 
Important topics to cover in General Knowledge: Defence, Government Schemes and Polity.
CDS Exam Mathematics Tips
There will be 100 questions in this section and practice is the key to mastering it. A candidate should focus on Algebra, Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration, and Statistics to score maximum marks in this section.
“Revision is a key to success.” Candidates are advised to make notes & revise them on a regular basis. This will help them to remember it longer.
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unoreads · 3 years
Personality Development Tips for UPSC Board Interview
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The last stage to clear before you can call yourselves IAS officers is the UPSC Board Interview stage (also known as the UPSC Personality Test). In this stage, you will face the UPSC board. Here, you will be tested on various aspects of knowledge, aptitude, personality, attributes, leadership qualities, the ability to handle situations, etc. Apart from the IAS studies that you do, you must also groom yourselves for the interview. Having a well-rounded personality is a must if you want to sail through this final stage. This article gives you a few personality development tips for UPSC board interview. The personality test of the UPSC examination process is arguably the most interesting part of the entire journey. It does not have a defined ‘syllabus’. There are no set questions posed to each candidate. Every candidate's interview is different from that of the others. It is, truly, the test of whether a candidate’s personality is suitable for a career in the civil services or not.
What is personality?
Personality is what makes someone tick. Some people are honest, some people are deceptive, some people are sharp-witted, and some people are simply great fun to be around. Everybody has their own recipe for what makes them tick and if you dig into it you will find that there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye. Just as there are physical attributes that make a person look one way and another, there are also intangible characteristics or habits that can be just as important as those physical attributes. Personality is made up of the way you think, feel, react, and solve problems. Such characteristics as emotional stability, persistence, altruism, and intelligence are part of personality. If you study the history of mankind you will find out that it has been ever since humans started to separate themselves from one another that they have sought out those people who would help them fulfill their individual needs rather than letting themselves be dominated by others.
Each person is born with their own set of personality traits and these traits remain unchanged throughout life even if the person changes jobs or even starts a new one. Personality is often misunderstood or misapplied. It is often looked at as simply being how someone acts and talks, but this is only one aspect of personality. Another aspect is whether you choose to accept or reject help from others. That means being able to recognize people who have a lot of potential but are not using it because they are selfish or self-centered.
A person with high self-confidence can easily be mistrusted because they may appear to be arrogant. Remember this is not necessarily how they would act if they were in the real world. Personality can be both positive and negative. Positive personality attributes include confidence, calmness, adaptability and passion. Negative personality attributes include obsession and other distortions that impair decision-making and cause failure in life. It changes rapidly throughout life as you acquire new knowledge, experience new relationships and develop philosophical & religious beliefs which can affect personality development.
Why personality development for UPSC?
Personality may not seem like something that affects our day to day lives but when taken to the extreme it can affect how we conduct ourselves in business. Introverts may not go into meetings or conferences without a favorite book or magazine just among them. They are quiet and introspective except when they need to be. Their reservation and fear of personal interaction hides their greater awareness of social cues and the ability to read others. Social Intelligence is more than knowing how other people feel or thinking you look. It's realizing what is needed in order to get what you want from others and yourself so that you can be more successful and efficient in completing your tasks each day.
Improve your communication skills
  Clarity of speech
  Better representation of answers
 Develop Confidence
  Scope of better performance
  Less stress and panic
  Calm composure
 Mind your body language
  Reflects confidence
  Eliminates fear
  Personality doesn’t look lethargic or bored
 Dress appropriately
  Boost confidence
  Mark an impression on interviewers
  Provides comfort
 Be passionate about your work
  Reflects dedication
  Reflects good intentions and will
 Listen carefully to the interviewers
  Reflects patience
  Scope to understand the core of the question increases
 Improve Social Skills
  Easy to settle down during the interview
  Eliminates fear of judgements even before starting of the interview
  Provides comfort
 Build leadership skills
  Reflects promising personality
 Be positive
  Changes outlook
  Scope to perform better
 Instill Good Qualities
  Reflects empathy
  Honest and accountable personality 
 Maintain Physical Health
  Improves performance during the interview
  Works to impress
  Reflects strength and stamina
   You don’t have to have a model’s body to develop a good personality. But since personality depends on a lot on perception, it helps to have a healthy physique. It is also beneficial to your health.
Unoreads, the knowledgepedia, is an online e-learning platform to help the students and government job aspirant all over India to prepare for all the leading Government Examinations like – UPSC (Civil Services, CAPF, etc.), SSC (CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, etc.), Banking (IBPS, SBI RBI, PO and SO and Clerc), Railways and many more exams.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
UPSC Civil Service preliminary exam 2020: Tips from expert on how to ace the exam - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/upsc-civil-service-preliminary-exam-2020-tips-from-expert-on-how-to-ace-the-exam-times-of-india/
UPSC Civil Service preliminary exam 2020: Tips from expert on how to ace the exam - Times of India
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UPSC, one of the prominent agencies in the country, yearly conducts Civil Services Examination for the recruitment of IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS, etc. Approximately 10 to 11 lakh students apply for the CSE exam out of which only a few thousands qualify. Considering the mismatch in vacancies and applicants, UPSC Prelims is one of the toughest competitive exams in the country.
In order to qualify the exam, one must put in the consistent hard word, follow the study preparation plan honestly, and a continuous check of your level of preparedness. Every UPSC topper swears by the importance of consistency and honest hard work.
In this article, you will find expert tips on how to ace the UPSC Prelims 2020 Exam.
UPSC Syllabus is your checklist
UPSC along with the CSE notification brings out the detailed syllabus for the UPSC Prelims. One must copy the syllabus or take a print out and use it as your checklist.
The best part about the UPSC CSE Prelims exams is that it sticks to the syllabus, so ensure complete comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.
The best way to get insight into what to prepare and what to leave is by going through the UPSC Previous year papers. Do not miss the past year papers. Analyse and solve ten years of papers to learn how UPSC asks the questions and what is the weightage of different topics. After solving a few previous year papers, you will also learn that UPSC demands understanding and analysis of a topic rather than cramming up and rote learning. Focus on the learnings and solve the papers again at the end of the preparation.
The UPSC syllabus is vast and exhaustive in nature. It is highly crucial that you revise everything that you study multiple times. The trick to qualify UPSC Prelims is focusing on quality rather than quality. The target should be that, if you have studied the topics, you should be able to answer it. To achieve this, multiple revision is required. This practice will enhance your memorisation and retention. Reading a standard newspaper every day should be every UPSC aspirant’s habit. You must cover all the important current affairs and make appropriate notes. UPSC Prelims Exam contains a vast number of questions from current affairs. You can also refer to daily current affairs or monthly compilation of current affairs.
UPSC Prelims exam has a negative marking of 1/3rd marks for each incorrect answer. The Prelims exam is an exam of elimination. If you do not limit your negative marks, you will be eliminated from the competition. To remain in the race and get ahead of your competition, you must revise and solve numerous mock test and test series to limit your negative marks.
The best way to reduce them is by solving the UPSC Test series and gradually learning the best way to attempt the paper and minimise the wrong answers.
The tips mentioned above are time tested, and every topper will vouch for them. Follow the tips and remain consistent in your UPSC Prelims exam preparation, and you shall surely qualify the exam.
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himalaiias · 4 years
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Name: Mr Punith kuttaiah
Rank: 501
Interview Fare: 206
Approach to Personality Test
The preparation of the personality test starts much before the interview. It is very difficult to fake ones personality under stressful condition. Hence, it’s important for aspirant to work on it from an early stage. The guiding principle can be sourced from the constitution especially the preamble and qualities of civil servants, especially neutrality, empathy, impartiality, honesty, integrity and service orientation is key.
To reorient the personality, the change has to originate at the subconscious level. To train your subconscious mind the current affairs issues are the best source. For example, a communal issues can be understood from the perspective of the ideologies of the conflicting communities, the government, and neutral citizen ect . Try to put yourself in the situation and understand the voice at hand. The final  analysis must keep in mind the satisfaction of constitutional principles and the ideal qualities of a civil servants.
Repeacitive practice of the technique will ensure a 360 0 perspective of very issue at hand and reinforce these qualities as part of your personality. So the day of the interview you can completely   be your natural self and answer question with a confidence reinforced by it harmony with your personality.
Dr pemmaiah IRT –IT helped me while working for Himalai for my UPSC-CAPF interview this approach helped me ensure 8th rank all India for UPSC-CAPF 2015.He also contacted multiple mock interviews and helped moulded my personality and – the necessary  officer like quality.
For the UPSE civil service interview Keshav Sirs approach on training the sub concise mind further build on Dr pemmaiah’s good work. This was done through multiple mock Interviewer, feedback system, reducing unnecessary reading and personality reinforcement technique.
I am ever grateful to both these personalities for helping me score 206 marks on the personality test.
Read natural and reputed newspapers and novels. Analyse day to day events and current affairs topics from multiple perspectives.
Have trail runs or mock interviews to train out Unconscious habit  such as excessive behaving, hand or leg movements.
Dream smart, but not Catchy. I personally didn’t wear a blazer. The interview was in May and Delhi was boiling.
Multiple eye contact in the interview may be difficult and may affect  the flow of thought menu it is okay to maintain eye contact with the person asking the question
Ignorance is executable but dishonesty is not. A simple “I don’t know “will suffice in case of not knowing the answers.
Maintain a smile and your  composure under any condition
Do not read multiple blogs, ideologically oriented newspapers yellow press articles.
Avoid Social media
Do not try to display your knowledge or answer more than what is asked.
Do not try let your ego dominate your mind. A fabe ego and a stubborn attitude is what destroys meet of the smart intelligent Candidates.
Do not lie under any circumstance. All the other aspect of your personality becomes irrelevant if you are dishonest.
Do not order emphasis on knowledge before the interview. Last minute reading influences your answer in a negative way.
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unoreads · 4 years
How to clear government exam in first attempt?
In today’s world every young aspirant desires to have a safe and secure future in the government sector. The government jobs seem to attract young generation because they can have got a coveted post and have a bright future for them. That’s why most of them prefer government jobs over any private job.
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Many government sectors like Staff selection commission exam, UPSC Civil service exam, banking exam and Railway exam are the best option for the aspirants. However, it is easier to set a goal then to secure the name in the merit list.
It requires arduous practice and determination to convert your goals into reality. Right from the beginning of the preparation phrase, one must decide which position they want in public sector because it’ll help candidates to identify exact selection procedure and know steps involved.
Getting a government job is a dream of majority of Indians. The given points will help you in your ways to get closer to make your dream a reality. Keep these top-notch tips in mind to crack government exam:
 1.    Get detailed syllabus - It is the most crucial part of any preparation you must have proper knowledge of syllabus prior you prepare any strategy as it can changes any year. It also helps you to evaluate the kind and type questions that can be asked in the exam and be prepared for that. It is necessary to understand the pattern of the exam before starting the preparation. Subjects like Math, English; general awareness must be covered elaborately as per syllabus and need consistent practice.
2.    Previous year paper – Previous year papers of a particular exam plays a vital role in any preparation as it gives you clearer vision of what type of questions are being asked in examination. By doing so you can evaluate yourself as per the level of exam. Try to solve previous year question papers in stipulated time and have an idea to analyze the exam you are preparing for. After going through the paper refer some good books that are summarize the topics.
3.    Focus on Concepts – Conceptual clearance is the key when you understand the pattern and syllabus asked in examination it becomes easy to prepare yourself. You have to decide your strong and weak zones so that you can give required time to learn the basic concepts and formulas. Thus, every concept must be thoroughly understood so that you are able to solve the problems in mock tests. Remember that the cramming of the questions will not lead you anywhere.
4.    Guidance before preparation – Before starting anything makes sure your vision is clear. There is a plethora of material to dig into and get prepared for the exam. Don’t rely on the single source and always gain knowledge from multiple sources, ask your seniors, other government job candidates, coaching friends etc. In addition to that, there are several online learning websites, forum, mobile application that helps in your study and achieve your dream.
5.    Test series & question banks – One thing that would definitely help you in the exam is the mock test /test series with good amount of genuine questions. You should make it a habit to solve at least one test series daily to keep yourself updated and check on your performance. Mock tests are integral part of any preparation through which helps to caliber the weak and strong areas and enhance your accuracy ultimately, make improvement accordingly.
6.    Online or offline mode – Before starting the preparation there is dilemma amongst students whether to choose coaching or not? Both classroom and online study has their own merits. You may take coaching if you think you are facing problems during preparation or may take help from YouTube and online courses. Well, in coaching classes there is fixed time table and they also provide us some extra knowledge regarding the subjects, exam etc., but at the same time one has to focus on study on their own. If one attends coaching classes then also one would have to spend more time on self-study.
7.     Time management – Time plays a crucial role in your selection. You must use it wisely. The Management of the available time before exam is of utmost importance. Have well defined routine to follow and put it somewhere you can see it easily & strictly follow. Provide each subject a strategically managed time also revision must be managed. During exam you must solve questions within time frame hence; you must practice with timer so that you’ll know how to work under pressure. Candidate must figure out which section is important and scoring and how much time slot you must devote during exam.
·        Total 7-8 hours daily study is sufficient for good preparation
·        Set the target time to complete the topic
·        Make notes during study, which helps in the last time of exam
·        Make a study plan and try to finish your syllabus 1 month before exam
·        Find out weak and strong section or topic and work on it will initially improve your score and boost your confidence
Always remember, all questions in exam are not possible to attempt hence, allot your time to the questions that you are 100% sure as there is a negative marking as well.
8.     General knowledge– It is the section which is comes in every competitive exam and have limitless syllabus. For enhancing general knowledge keep track of happenings in the world. Candidates can refer NCERT books 6-10 class History, Geography, Science and Social Science etc. Also, go through the daily newspapers like The Hindu, Hindustan times, Economics Times.
9.     Revision – Revision goes hand in hand with studying new topics so that you don’t forget what you had studied earlier. After completing topics you must spare some time to revise the attempted questions and left out if any. Making small notes would help you in memorizing everything but also helps in revision.
 10.                        Stay motivated and focused – Last but not least, stay positive, confident and focused towards your goals and have patience it is the only key to crack any government exam. Always wake up with the goal in your mind and motivate yourself to cover the topics as planned. Remember stressing out would not help you in any way. Stay determined, work smart and achieve. Your dedication and the intensity you put in will decide your success.
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unoreads · 4 years
How to prepare for UPSC: A beginner’s guide.
A career in Administrative Services tends to be the goal of thousands of people. When a person decides that he/she wants to get selected in Civil Services Examination, they barely have any idea about the environment of the completion. This examination is very prestigious in it and falls under the category of one of the toughest exams of the country.
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If you truly want to clear the examination and face the competition, you are required to put your 100% efforts. Now, there are a lot of people, who put their effort but miss the mark, it happens because the efforts you put needs to be in the right direction with right management and right guidance. By the end of today’s blog, you’ll be learning how to place your efforts effectively, when to place them and where to emphasize the most.
1.     Self-Study- When we think about preparing for an examination like UPSC, the very first thing you must do is to prepare yourself. Now, this is a very crucial step which most of the people are not aware of. What it is that you need to manage your studies on your own. Preparation of Civil Services Examination drains the aspirant completely, both physically and mentally. So if you want to stand out in the crowd of thousands of other aspirants, you need to work on yourself first. Eat healthy, drink plenty of liquids, get a sound sleep of around 6-7 hours, keep breathing in fresh air , try meditation and do some activities to keep your mind relax and body happy.
 2.     Know the syllabus- A lot of aspirants directly join coaching institutes or classes without having an idea about the basics of the examination. Instead of doing this, you should get the overview of the examination first. The Civil services Examination takes place in three steps-
 ·        The Prelims- This is the first step; it comprises of two examinations in total. One is General Studies exam and the other is Civil Service Aptitude Test. The general studies exam consists of total 100 questions for 200 marks. These questions are in MCQ pattern. The total time allotted is 2 hours. For every wrong answer ‘one-third’ of the total marks allotted to that question is deducted. This exam checks the retention ability and conceptual knowledge of the aspirant. The CSAT is an aptitude exam, which checks the logical reasoning, aptitude and problem-solving skills of the candidate.  It has 80 questions for 200 marks to be solved in 2 hours. The negative marking scheme is same as the former. The objective of the Prelims exam is to check the understanding of the candidate regarding the History, Polity, and Geography, Science and Technology and the Current events taking place in the country.
·        The Mains- When a candidate qualifies the prelims as per the cut off marks, he then appears for mains exam. This is a subjective exam that checks the writing skills of the candidates. Here, the in-depth knowledge of the candidates regarding various topics and events are tested. A candidate is required to have multi-dimensional knowledge of the historical, political and the current events happening in the country. It has a total of 9 papers covering almost all the general subjects under the sun.
·        The Interview- This is the final stage of the examination, clearing which makes you a Civil Services officer. This test assesses the personality, psychology, mental caliber and decision-making skills of the candidate. Most of the times, students are so engrossed in preparing for the prelims and mains examinations that they do not give proper time for the preparation of this stage. Avoid this mistake to get your name in the merit list.
 3.     Focus on Concepts- Once you’re familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus, start preparing. Either you’re preparing for prelims or mains; you need to focus most on the concepts of the respective subject. Your syllabus and concepts are the most important part of your preparation. If you just mug up the syllabus, it will not help you. You need to have brilliant understanding of the subject so that you will be able to answer any question from that particular topic. There are some tricky questions sometimes, and conceptual knowledge is necessary to solve them.
 4.     Take Guidance- When you start your preparation, always take guidance from someone who has the relevant knowledge. It may be your teachers, your parents, you friends, relatives, mentors and past year achievers. This helps you in the term of motivation and knowledge. They’ll introduce you to the practical aspect of the examination, subject or your career.
 5.     Make a Routine- Now, comes the management of you time and resources. A very significant component of the preparation is how you manage your time. An ideal routine is , where you give all of your subjects equal time in the week or in the 10 days, where you take 6-7 hours of fine sleep, where you give some time to yourself and where you take some time to revise what you have learned. Make a nice time table and follow that, no matter what. Do not procrastinate your work, because it you break the rhythm once it’ll be hard for you to make that again. Keep a consistency in your time. If you study 6 hours a day only, continue those 6 hours on a daily basis.
 6.     Read Newspapers- Make a habit of reading any English newspaper everyday. It will not only increase your general knowledge but will also help you to speed up your reading game. You’ll be amazed by the results if you continue it for about 6 months only. The newspapers enhance your vocabulary and make you habitual of reading everyday. Lay down special emphasis upon the editorial column and look at the writing styles to make you answers more creative and presentable.
 7.     Use Every Source Possible- In today’s world you have no scarcity of sources. You have hundreds of books, magazines and websites providing all the things you need. Widen your scope, and try to get the best knowledge which you can.
 8.     Choose Your Optional Subject wisely- In the UPSC you have a choice of two optional subjects. You must choose those subjects which are of your interest and in which you have core knowledge. If done rightly, you can score so well in these optional subjects. You just need to recognize your strengths and weaknesses in respect of a subject and to choose ‘your best subject’.
 9.     Test Series and Question Banks- Once you memorize your subjects and move further in your preparation, use a test series to give daily mocks. These mocks improve you speed, increase you attempts and teach you time management. If you’re familiar with sitting for 2 hours for these mocks, you’ll feel familiar with the main exam. Apart from these mocks, solve past year question papers. There is a lot of repetition in questions every year, so do not miss a chance to score in these repeated questions.
 10.                       Personality Development- This is the part that most of us skip. Apart from academics, the final stage of this examination is personality interview. You need to prepare for this as well. Groom yourself, work on your public speaking skills, work on your pronunciation and be confident. Some people clear the prelims and the mains easily but fail to clear the interview. From the very first day when you start your preparation, devote some time for your overall personality development weekly on daily.
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