nightspeakswrites · 6 years
Update and Worldbuilding
This will be part update, because I haven’t posted in ages, and part world building day 1.
Crystal Wars, and all of its world building from last year still exist. I promise, at some point, eventually, I am going to go back and work on it more and finish. I just… I have no idea where the plot is going, and I really need to grow as a writer before I can really tackle that project in the way it deserves. I’ll likely write snippets about the characters now and again, and I will always answer asks/prompts about Crystal Wars to the best of my ability. But for now, it’s a project that will be shelved while I learn more about who I am as a writer, and what kind of story I want to put forth.
So for now, I’m going to work on some smaller scale, less in-depth projects. D&D (and rpgs in general) have been really important to me in terms of learning to build characters and worlds that are engaging and have their own spark of life to them. At present, I have a handful of characters based in a homebrewed setting, which I plan to work from for @worldbuildingjune, as well as to write smaller pieces, much like Here When You Wake. Although most of these characters (Leto, Sho, Ash, Kharwin, and Nyct) are in various locations, they all exist within the same overall setting.
Leto & Sho
Leto’Velia’Lalwen’Menel and Sho Satoru meet just outside the Elmwood, or Lalven in the elven tongue, which is the forest where Leto has lived their whole life. As the name implies, the forest is almost entirely comprised of ancient elm trees. On the east the Elmwood is bordered by grassy plains, stretching for a few days ride before reaching human settlements and towns. It is along this border that Leto meets Sho, as the bard was travelling with a caravan of entertainers headed back east, eventually coming to the city of Bentsler. Bentsler is where Leto and Sho part ways for the time being. Bentsler is a large, bustling city. Mainly human, but there are elven and dwarven quarters of the city, and other folk -- halflings, gnomes, even dragonborn, tieflings, and half-orcs -- are also fairly common.
Ash & Kharwin
Ash Ofer and Kharwin McKennon come from Hylith, an old town, at the eastern base of Mount Pelloway. Hylith looks like many cities that have been rebuilt several times throughout their history, trading hands a few times due to wars or raiding parties, but for the past few generations peace has reigned thanks to treaties and alliances between the neighboring kingdoms that surround Mt. Pelloway and the rest of the Orodruin mountain range. Within the town, Ash has his own workshop up on Journeyman’s Hill, as does the McKennon’s cooperage (run by Kharwin’s father, Kharl), and an upholsterer & textiles shop run by Mr. & Mrs. Tucker and their daughter, Scarlytt. Ash’s mother, Holly, runs the best of the local taverns -- a homey place called The Golden Lager.
Nyctophilia Swiftstar grew up in The Halls of Mysteries, a religious temple dedicated to the Goddess Mystra, who oversees magical knowledge. An abandoned tiefling infant, she was taken in and adopted by Torlin Swiftstar, the master cleric of The Halls. The temple sits on a hill at the edge of the small town of Laraby. A small community, Laraby is home mostly to farmers and smaller craftsmen, providing a quieter life than in Westheim (a major trading hub located a few hours’ travel further along the river). Westheim is a bustling city, and home to the Unseen University, a well respected institution for arcane studies. While many of the university students choose to pray to Deneir (patron god of knowledge) at the House of Learning in Westheim proper, some students seeking more specific guidance make their way to Laraby to offer their prayers to Mystra. In recent weeks however, tensions have been rising in Westheim, to the point that even those in Laraby are worried. There are whispers of political corruption, unsolved murders in Westheim, and parishioners of all faiths seeking guidance as an unease and sense of foreboding fills their hearts. Is it all linked? Is someone pulling the strings?
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night-speaks · 7 years
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Hey! So I spent today cleaning my desk (so I’m not writing for NaNo from my couch). I also went through most of my old notes, so I could transfer relevent ideas to index cards. No WBJ update for today, but I do have some things in the works for Sky, so don’t fret! I also updated my map of Beryl, so this should be much easier to read now. 
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nightspeakswrites · 7 years
World Building Wednesday!
Hey everyone! My plan (fingers crossed) is to get caught up on entries today. Frontier will be the city of Morganite as seen from a foreign-corn alchemist. Transportation I touched on a bit in Technology, but I can go into greater detail. For Important Figures, would you like to meet the main characters? As always, my ask inbox is open for any Crystal Wars questions! -NightSpeaks
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nightspeakswrites · 7 years
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Writing to do list:
World Building posts for The Sky, The Frontier, and The Backpack
Character Bios for Saoirse Mairenn, Pallex Eastmund, Remiel Kai, Zadkiel Lucas, Garrett Ilmen, and Denetta Mairenn, maybe others?
Continue finding and transferring notes from post-its and old notebooks to index cards (color coded!!)
Add locations of crystal mines and other landmarks to map
Name landmarks, rivers, lakes, mountains on map
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