jiayi-onetwo · 6 months
I thought that Anakin Brainrot is too much for me these days but then I remember younger me, from a bumfuck nowhere at SEAsia, saw Anakin from TPM, and then thinks "I'm doing that!!!" Nothing could've surpassed the level of Fictional Character Brainrot other than that.
Anyway I've graduated with Mechanical Engineering in Taiwan. If there's a miracle where Hayden/Jake somehow ends up in Taiwan, I'm going to beg them to sign my diploma cover.
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jiayi-onetwo · 10 months
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jiayi-onetwo · 9 months
I'm going to apply for a desk job...
*I'm just whining over here lmao*
After graduating and doing paperworks for staying abroad, I don't feel like going to continue studying or immediately find a work related to the field I graduated. So, I've been waiting tables and working part time in a food service while drawing and studying during my off-time.
I found out in a very hard way that supporting the weight of several plates and ceramic ware on your thumb in a prolonged time causes tendonitis (I've worked in this establishment for like... 2 months?). I noticed a slight pain on my right thumb when I'm holding my pen and had a sudden panic thought of "is this permanent? will I lost my ability to use my right-thumb forever?" Finally, I'm starting to apply for a desk job after procrastinating for 4 months.
(I did heard that there's a way to avoid this exact problem by supporting the weight on the palm instead of thumb? interesting)
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jiayi-onetwo · 10 months
Dear Anon, thanks a lot for the crab checkmark!!!!!
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