#no need to also unpack when i played wow hahaha
vetteldixon · 5 months
not sure how to say this succinctly but lemme tell ya before i came to f1, the fandom i was most heavily involved in was magic the gathering (i left because i was completely priced out of it, but that’s another box of worms). and a major issue towards the end of my involvement that i was on the sidelines of was that the judges who put in long hours on their feet trying to guarantee the competitive integrity of the thing that made the game valuable started to demand to be paid actual wages. this was as the companies that hasbro contracted started raise entry fees and gleefully advertising the record-breaking crowds they got at events. i hope this sounds eerily familiar. this is just the tip of the iceberg off the top of my head. then i came here and participated and i’ve gotten to watch first-hand as engagement and interest in f1 skyrockets. tl;dr—don’t forget f1 is run by people who don’t really give a shit about you but they sure know how to make the most out of the fun you have…
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yue-muffin · 3 years
Ultimate Note (2020)
Episode 11
XIAOGE HAHA. He has become a mud monster too. Love Wu Xie’s “ARGH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN” energy. Though he’s accepted that the disappearing act is part of Xiaoge’s nature, it doesn’t make him any less stressed out every time he derps off. Sometimes you gotta let some of that anxious energy out.
@jaecomments waait this xiaoge really does have such big cat energy!! He disappears despite everyone wanting him to stick around, then when he does show up, he’s like “feed me please” hahaha. classic cat.
Xiaoge really has come a long way. It’s an interesting little thing with him and food - he doesn’t eat much, doesn’t seek food out much, and doesn’t ask for it either. But Wu Xie didn’t forget to leave him some food in his pack! But also, see how this man really is not as stoic as he lets on haha. He dares just lift his hand and ask for food after Wu Xie flipped out haha. I loved Wu Xie’s hands grasping air, like “I wanna wring your neck but not really you know how much I worry about you!! D:<”.
Anyways, back to Pangzi and Panzi’s conversation in the medical tent. Nooo, Panzi, stop raising death flags for yourself omg. Now you know something bad is going to happen to him after that speech (…and I’m still not over Ah Ning). But also interesting point about his character - he throws himself in dangerous situations and is too willing to throw his life away indeed. There’s a lot to unpack there.
This Xiaoge has very nice fingers (and i’m not talking about the weird fake fingers they use for his pointer and middle fingers). Well, that’s like one of the criteria to play Xiaoge aside from the pretty face and ability to do all the stunts isn’t it lol.
Ah, yes, Xiaoge’s tendency to not tell his companions what he’s planning and just throw them off cliffs or into mud in this case. Remember that time he pushed Pangzi off the cliff in TLT2 without saying a word (in the Qinling Sacred Tree arc)? He’s always act first, explain later (...or never). That very gentle face slap though xD.
Now Wu Xie’s like a kid playing in the mud haha.
WU XIE. You complain about Xiaoge not telling you before throwing you in the mud, then proceed to do the same to Pangzi. They are all such CHILDREN lol.
“Xiaoge, why didn’t you tell me earlier” is just their whole life at this point.
XIAOGE SMILED. Still won’t high five, but Wu Xie is happy enough with that in the end haha.
The blind man and the pretty boy lol.
Does this mud really work. Of course, because Xiaoge said it does.
Wu Xie will listen to anything Xiaoge says haha. He trusts him implicitly and always has after all.
Who is Wu Sanxing? Indeed, this man is like the series’ biggest mystery lol.
Wait, Ba Ye was still around back when Wu Xie was little? I don’t think it’s ever revealed what happened to him, or what became of him.
Yeah, Xiao Hua definitely keeps out of trouble and doesn’t need to be rescued as much as Wu Xie haha. You can see why everyone wants to protect Wu Xie, it’s just that he’s as stubborn as his uncle and won’t stop as long as there’s a mystery in front of him to chase.
Look at these two, chilling in the dark with sunglasses on haha.
Hei Yan Jing is great as always lol. Also, Liu Yuning is doing a great job as him. I totally did not expect to see him here, and had no clue what he would be like acting but he’s great.
Uh-oh, Wu Xie lost his vision? Why does this stuff always happen to him lol??
What is going on lol. Why can’t anyone see? Oh, poisonous gas! Of course!
Xiaoge actually got bitten by a snake? Wow. Ha, love Wu Xie’s “wait, Xiaoge’s hurt??” He’ll always latch onto that even if he’s half out of his mind and panic-stricken.
Ah, that’s what the sunglasses were for. Playing dead I see.
I’M ALWAYS LUCKY?? How about the exact opposite?? But it’s ok, we know you’re concerned about Xiaoge. Also, I guess Xiaoge’s magic blood doesn’t work against this venom?
HEY. It’s the first shirtless Xiaoge scene of the drama! It happens every time, except in TLT2 which was a SHAME. Cheng Yi even mentioned it in an interview lol.
Xiaoge, stop staring so intently at Wu Xie lol. He’s so obvious about it.
Oh! Pangzi guessed right with the imposter thing in all his rambling. Xiaoge obviously knows but hasn’t told anyone…
HAHA they’re just using this as an excuse to tease Xiaoge and pinch his cheeks. The fact he’s fine with that (and showering with them) shows you just how far they’ve all come as friends.
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x15 brain dump
Oh my gosh this episode was an absolute gift!!  Especially after the news we got last week, this fluffy beast of an episode could not have come at a better time (for me, at least)!  I’m not sure if part of the reason I enjoyed it so much was that we didn’t really see it coming?  I thought it would be sort of a filler episode that we typically get around this point in a season, that the OTA snippets we saw in the trailer would be about it, but boy was I wrong hahaha!!  I am still a mess!  There is so much to unpack here, I can’t form fully cohesive thoughts still, and this is shaping up to be another whopper, sorry 😬😬😬….
Fresh off the pregnancy reveal to Oliver from last week, our ship is still a-sailing!! The heart eyes are back, the eye contact full-stop is back, the supportiveness (”We’re a team, too” “Always”😭😭😭) , the united front.  The little touches are getting there (we’re working up to that sex scene, I can feel it 🤞🤞🤞).  Oliver even looks better in this episode!!  Now, this could be the SCPD-issue tight t-shirt (it’s certainly not the hair), or just his more all-round peaceful demeanour that he seems to have achieved through baby/Felicity joy.
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Continued below the cut.
We got so much Olicity this week!  Multiple times! Olicity, all the time!  The first proper Olicity scene, has Oliver being all Zen-like over the SCPD set-up, meanwhile, Felicity already knows it’s gonna be a shit show.  Our girl is a genius, what more needs to be said? Turns out Oliver is so gung-ho with the SCPD because he wants to do everything he can to make their city a safe place for “our baby” (complete with little adorable smile) HCOJIDNFJKDNVJBDBV!!! This scene also has Oliver offering to make food for our starving/nauseous pregnant Felicity (squeeeee) and a DOUBLE KISS!!!!
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Then we got a scene with an increasingly-frustrated Oliver (the Zen didn’t last too long) over the aforementioned inevitable SCPD shit show.  Where Felicity got to give a pep-talk resulting in this delightful exchange:
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Source: oliverxfelicity
We got the eyes, the compliments, THE MINT CHIP!!  Scenes out of fanfic have arrived people!!  We see that Felicity has been busy getting the Arrow Cave back up and running, and we get some quality Green Arrow/Overwatch comms action too!!
Then, we get the absolute heart-warming/breaking scene at the end of the episode, which again the fandom could have written for us!!  Felicity is adorably checking out her non-existent bump, asking Oliver if she’s showing, to which he wisely says no 😂  Then they talk about baby names!!  Who would have thought this day would come??!?!!  Oliver is adorable in offering up the name Mia, as many predicted, in tribute to Moira.  I loved how Felicity had a far-away look in her eye, describing the name as “sweet and fiery” (well we got fiery, and a little bit of sweet haha).  Oliver just made me weep in his earnestness and sincerity here; all he wants is to make his children’s lives better than his has been. 
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Then they lament how the children will “always have each other and they’ll always have us”.  Well if that didn’t shoot me straight in the gut!!  Because we have seen the future and 😭😭😭 *ugly sobbing ensues*.
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Flash Forwards
These just keep getting better and better.  I know they’re still a bit divisive, but I’m seeing more and more people squeeing along with the likes of me at them haha!!  This week focused entirely on William and Mia (YAAAASSSS), and sees them at the Star City Bazaar doing a spot of Antique shopping, namely looking for a cassette player to play their “old tape from the 80s” 😂😂😂. Wow, way to make me feel ancient lol.  Will being the naïve cupcake that he is, bungles the transaction leaving Mia to go and beat up the vendor.  I loved seeing William hold her back, hilarious!  SO MUCH OLIVER!!  This is something Will tells her after, and it absolutely devastated me (and Mia, by the looks of her reaction) that she didn’t know the iconic “You have failed this city” line.  How is this not a thing of legend in Star City???  The answer to that hurts me too much so I will skip over for now!
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Anyway, thanks to William’s techy genius (“like, literally” 😍 he is such a mini Felicity), they manage to cause a distraction, allowing Mia to knock out the vendor and for William to get the tape player.  That’s team work, guys!  Bonus lolz to Will’s saccharine “thank you” as he walks off 😂  Back at Mia’s base they eventually decide to play Felicity’s tape (“What are you waiting for?” “I dunno, what are you waiting for?” I STAN THESE SIBLINGS SO HARD)  And then here is where I died.  Firstly, Will’s nerves at hearing Felicity’s voice after 20 years 😭, Mia’s reassurance that they will listen together, and then Felicity’s message itself.  
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Felicity is alive bitches!!  After a delightful Felicity-ramble, she apologies to them both for keeping them apart, stating that “We did it because we love you” WE!!! Present tense!!!  Oliver lives too!!!  This is my happy place and I am staying here for as.long.as.I.possibly.can.  
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She then directs them to give the team some coordinates then get the hell outta Star City.  I loved how there was no deliberation at all from the siblings, “So we’re ignoring her?” “Definitely”.  And they’re off to The Glades...duh duh duuuuuhhhhh!!!
OTA is well and truly back this episode, following Dig’s apology last week.  There wasn’t masses of Diggle in this episode, and that is one thing I would have liked to have seen from this episode, but to be fair we have been so well fed that I will not complain!!
They told dig!!!!!!
Dig can tell that there is something Olicity aren’t telling him, and the kind of bashful joy on Oliver’s face is just so beautiful and heart-warming! 
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Dig is so pleased for them!!  I love Uncle Dig!  And as always Uncy John has some sage advice for our OTP.  He tells them that in order to clean up the city for their family, without sending Oliver back to the Big House, that they have to find another way.  This is a motto that Arrow lives and dies by, but it felt all the more poignant here for some reason, maybe because OTA were finally coming back together?  Maybe because we’re aware now that the team as we know it is soon going to drastically change?  Maybe because the fracking show is ending soon HFDOVHUIERGBVSDVIFDVJDSHVODNVKODW!!!  Anyway, I had feelings about this whole scene (cue Beccie in floods of tears, again).  *whispers I would’ve really liked a hug here ok*
As if that beautiful OTA scene wasn’t fabulous enough, we got bonus Delicity!! I think this was so needed, given their particular distance so far this the season. Dig is still kissing arse a little bit (rightfully so), and not only offers felicity some sweets to help her morning sickness 😍 but offers her some reassurance that she’s got this.  “You were absolutely amazing out there, your tech was phenomenal”.  My Delicity heart is soaring!!  He goes on to point out just how brilliant her security system is (extra kudos for Felicity shading Curtis lol), and that it could be the basis for something much bigger….Smoak Technologies anyone??
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Team Arrow/SCPD storyline
The training montage at the start of the episode was everything!!  Felicity’s in particular facial expressions were absolutely hilarious; the utter horror of not being able to hack, and using outdated computer systems were just delightful! Even Wild Dog got a quality quip in there about having their own uniforms.  
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I really wasn’t looking forward to this aspect of the episode, as I just find the whole SCPD angle annoying and ridiculous this season.  Luckily, this episode was a means to an end, and finally addressed the problematic nature of mixing the Police with the Vigilantes in this way.
The SCPD didn’t seem to want to learn anything from Team Arrow.  Where is the sense in having these people join the force if they aren’t going to provide some unique skills and training?  And the first thing they do is strip them of their weapons and their suits (ahh, if only literally….*ahem*).  They do have a point when it comes to gathering evidence legally, not using coercive ‘interview’ techniques and so on, but presumably, by some kind of TV magic, they were able to successfully convict plenty of criminals caught by Team Arrow previously…so what has changed?  
The evil little Mayor keeps popping up this season, trying to undermine the Team. Oliver never seemed to have this much clout with the SCPD when he was Mayor Handsome.  So why does Mayor Tiny spend so much time there?  Clear off!  Her interference, and the apparent loss of Dinah’s cry, leads to Dinah having a crisis of confidence, briefly picking the SCPD over the Team.  Wild Dog gets all up in her face with a sense-making motivational speech, which he seems to be doing a lot of this season…who knew he had it in him??  Anyhow, Dinah eventually comes to terms with losing her cry, and decides to continue being the Black Canary.  This plot point seemed superfluous to me.  Sara nor Laurel had a meta-cry, and they turned out alright as Canaries…..wait….never mind.  If only they had some friends with medical and meta-human expert knowledge and technology (looking at you Larry)?!?!
Anyway, I enjoyed the twist that Team Arrow had actually been working with the SCPD during the final mission scene, following Dig’s advice that they needed to become ‘something else’.  DD blackmailed dirty Mayor tiny into giving Team Arrow free-rein under the SCPD umbrella still, and repealing the anti-vigilante law.  Yay team Arrow!!  No more SCPD storyline!  All’s well that ends well!
Black Siren/Emiko
I think they took up an acceptably small portion of the episode, and it was just about enough for my liking.  This reaffirmed that I only really care about BS when she’s in scenes with Felicity, but it was nice seeing her try to do the right thing with solving Diaz’s murder.  As many predicted, Emiko killed Lizard Boy, as she is working for Dante.  Even doing this didn’t endear me to Emiko any more I’m afraid.  I just don’t care about her, sorry.  The showdown between BS and Emiko has potential to be interesting, and could lead to conflict between BS/Felicity/Oliver/Emiko in coming episodes, but my babies don’t need any more conflict, just let them be pleeeaaaase!!
The surprise that no one saw coming (I didn’t see anyone call it; well done Boss Beth!), was the appearance of baby Bronze Tiger, Connor ‘Hawke’ Turner.  Connor Hawke from the FFs is Bronze Tiger’s son, adopted by Dig and Lyla?!?!?!  Fab idea, writers!  This likely means that Ben Turner is going to die imminently, which is such a shame because he had so much potential in the prison arc!!  I loved seeing him again in this episode!
Looking ahead
THAT TRAILER GUYS!!!!!  MSDOI;’#GFHGSD;VNSD’K[GSDJVANVNFDK!!!!!!! I was not ready.  None of us were ready it seems!!!  We’re gonna see Mia’s birth this season!!!!  Oliver will be there!!  There’s a photo of Olicity and baby Mia!!!!  AAAAAAAAAGHGHAGHAGHAGHA!!!
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The Team is back!!  But now we see this joint ‘black ops’ type scenario joining Team Arrow and the SCPD together, along with the repealing of the Anti-Vigilante law, the landscape isn’t tying in with the FFs. How do we get to the point where Vigilantes are utterly outlawed and hated by society, when they have done so much to help the city over the years?  What changes?  Is this why Oliver is ‘gone’?  Why Felicity appears to have to give birth to Mia in some abandoned farmhouse somewhere? Where Mia has to be kept hidden? Where Mia and William can’t know of each other’s existence, or be spoken of in the same sentence (seriously….the TEARS!!)?  Where Mia can’t even go by the name Queen for her own safety?  I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!  I think Emiko could be at the bottom of this somehow.  She’s literally doing nothing else interesting.
Either Oliver and Felicity, or Rene and Dinah must be on the outs from the Team soon, to explain the latter’s unawareness of Mia.  Could this be this why only Rene and Dinah have been set up in the FFs so far, because this is the only place we will see them next season? (Assuming they are coming back for S9).
I am so unbelievably excited for next week now.  It’s gonna be dark, I know, but I’m hoping we get a decent amount of questions answered, and see Future Felicity and Diggle!!  (I’d love to see future Oliver, but not holding out hope for that just yet).  I was looking forward to the all-future episode anyway, as I’m living for Mia and William right now, but now???  Bring.it.on!
As always, huge thanks to the amazingly talented gif-makers in our fandom. Kisses and jazzy-hugs all round 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗
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OK so since @tom-hiddleston-god-of-mischief and other people showed interest, I bumped up my schedule and so... Here is my ‘Craig is totally gay and was in love with the MC in college’ post! So, first off- this is Craig Cahn and the thing that made me first think that he was gay instead of bi. (And fyi I am a Bi myself, so this is more headcanoning and exploring character and not trying to stomp on other headcanons, jsyk.)
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Yeah the very first time we met. But look- divorces do happen, and do happen in a chill manner. But... let us note a couple things. One, the divorce literally only happened ‘last year’. Which could mean anywhere from (assuming this is the spring due to college letters and school timetables) 12+ to only 3-ish months ago depending on what counts as ‘last year’. You only get a SECOND of him being uncomfortable while breaking the news before he is on even ground and is like ‘yeah it’s old news and everything is in perfect order now’. AND THE DIVORCE HAPPENED EITHER WHILE SMASHLEY WAS PREGNANT OR JUST HAD RIVER. Now, this could be a him lying, except... it’s never really brought up again as a thing? Like, we deal with Mat’s feelings for his dead wife, Joseph’s failing marriage, and etc but despite how recent it was we are lead to believe their divorce was perfectly amicable despite the timing.  (Now placing a cut here because this gets long and has more pics.)
My theory is that it’s because Craig, who emphasizes the Romance in bromance, was open to Smashley when he started going ‘wait... I think... I’m not attracted to women???? At all???’, but that is a lot to unpack and Craig is the overachiever who is desperate to be great and responsible on all levels, so I imagine it was a long process of discussions and figuring stuff out and recognizing their marriage was failing, and maybe a couple final sexy times to confirm whether or not he really WAS attracted to women, because if Smashley isn’t just as much of a bro as her name implies I Will Be Disappointed (and I mean, not just doing it for Craig, but also sex is fun and he’s sexy and she loves the dude who is her bro and husband). River was the result of that near the tail end of their marriage. That also explains the age gap between River and the twins, if she was the result of years of sex just never happening, and then it suddenly WAS happening because Confusion and Confirming if the Marriage is Really Dead And I’m Gay. Not to mention Ok she goes by Smashley (while in her late 30′s/early 40′s), was the kind of cool person who probably hung out with the MC who has the possibility of being a trans gay man- so she’s probably not bigoted and to a degree Gets It, and so really when the marriage ended it was fine. Now, we’re gonna put a bookmark into this and come back to it near the end for a finishing move, but now we are gonna lay down the ‘...and Craig was in love with you in college’ bit.
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This is how we get re-intro’ed to Craig. Doooooeees anyone remember the ‘so I was kinda plain back when we knew each other in school but now we are meeting again years later and I got hot and suddenly you’re noticing me and I had a crush on you years ago and I’m suddenly realizing I never really got over it holy shit’ cliche? From Craig’s perspective, this is what this is. Look at how happy he is by you complimenting how he looks. And before you go ‘well... it’s a compliment!’, think about all the compliments he gets in his first date from other people and how he reacts to THAT. Yeah. And it should be noted that, out of all the Bachelors, he is the only one who asks you to go out with him first. To ‘catch up on old times’, yeah, but it’s a break from the narrative with the others. Joseph invites you to the neighborhood grill event and possible counseling, but other than that? Craig is literally the exception here. And not only does he go ‘Hey you should come jogging with me!’, he then FOLLOWS UP BY BADGERING YOU WITH MULTIPLE TEXTS LITERALLY THE NEXT MORNING AFTER YOU MOVED HOUSES. THE BLESSED THIRST OF THIS MAN.
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And what does he do the first time you meet up? He tells a story from your college days. But the funny thing is, the first thing he recalls about it is not some epic stunt they did together but... how you vowed to make him feel better. This is what Craig remembers about you. Not so much the epic bro who did epic things with him- nah, we know from some other stories you/the MC was often on the sidelines watching and worrying at times. But he remembers that you CARED and did something utterly ridiculous for him to make him feel better. And the way he tells it, it’s not ‘hahaha remember that time you stole a fish for me in the most stupid fashion possible’ (which is how the MC remembers it). Nah, he tells it like it’s the Best Story Ever, a Tribute to Your Bro-hood And Why You Are Awesome. And the thing is, I’m not sure if Craig has had someone be there for him like that for a long time. Don’t get me wrong, my headcanon is that Smashley was awesome, but she was busy too. And a chunk of Craig’s romance revolves around needing someone looking out for his emotional wellbeing, which you always had his back on. And then, the first official date happens.
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Look. In most other dates you are only get a kiss on the final date. Some have some hand holding by the second, but you go straight to flirting and forehead kissing on the first here, leading to a very Unimpressed River. (I love her.) And LOOK HOW MANY POINTS YOU SCORE WITH THAT. Like. LOOK AT ALL THOSE EGGPLANTS, SWEAT, AND HEARTS? THAT IS A LOT. And that is AFTER he turns down a bunch of moms, after he talks about being ‘too busy’ to find someone. But the MOMENT you hint at him giving you a kiss, even ‘teasingly’ he does and is all. over. it. First date after roughly 17-ish years of not seeing each other. Oh, and earlier in the date, when you go ‘I’m sure someone will come along for you and fit right in?’ That was another big scorer. Because he hopes you mean yourself. And earlier on he kept on apologizing for not being able to be alone with you, and actively takes you back to the empty baseball field where he knows literally NO ONE will be. That’s not a ‘maybe we should go to a coffee shop and be by ourselves’, that’s... setting up a atmosphere man. That’s a hopeful move. That’s a ‘I just want it to be the two of us, even if it’s just for a second’.
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This leads us to the second date, where you display you are a good dad to his baby and are not a dick about inconveniences. (Important in Craig’s route, man.) But here I want to bring up Why I Think He’s Gay. Because even when the Waitress is not hitting on him before this, he kinda just... wants it to be the two of you again. He kinda ignores her a bit. And then when she interrupts you/the MC and hits on him... man he gets super sad/uncomfortable really fast. And he gets uncomfortable ALL THE TIME when women hit on him. Now- many of these women are nice, motherly types. The Waitress was hilarious with River before hitting on him.  But he shows less than 0 interest. It legit bothers him. Because he just recently is slowly accepting he’s gay, then you just happen to come back into his life after he moved back and the divorce was finalized (though I wonder if his reasons for moving back to Maple Bay didn’t happen to include a vague hope or two there), and he can’t get a moment with you without a woman hitting on him and making him feel weird and kinda guilty and heeeey doesn’t dealing with internalized homophobia suck ass. And then, the third date. Which is aaalllll about you two being Alone, with a capital A. Now, here I want to briefly touch on my bookmarked Smashley bit, because she is totally cool with taking the kids in for a couple days (which, good since she is their mom), when if all of the above is a correct interpretation she KNOWS they are gonna bang. Like. I’m just saying. (Let us take a moment to picture Smashley talking Craig through things and being like ‘Bro, you can do it. You can make this move. Just first swimming opportunity? Strip, your butt will call to him.’) And ok even if this DIDN’T happen, if Craig was going on a overnight vacation with a guy when I knew he was attracted to men, and this is a friend he gushes about and kinda adores? Yeah she knew. And was cool with it. But my final piece of evidence your honor in the ‘Craig was in love with you back in the day’ is this lil’ series here.
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HE. MAKES. THE. FIRST. MOVE. AND PROGRESSES IT HELLA FAST. You move closer? Oh he turns over towards you immediately with his head close enough to breath on your neck. You turn over? His eyes are opening and his hand goes to your waist. You both go in for the kiss, but immediately after he confesses to you. And here’s the thing... this happens whether or not you end up together. And while the other bachelors have emotional moments leading up to the confession/kiss which might overrule their ‘Oh I don’t actually want to end up with this guy’ brain, this is a chill, quiet moment. A chill quiet moment which IMMEDIATELY leads to sex if you interpret the final lines of the night that way. The only 2 other bachelors you are implied to immediately have sexy times with on the 3rd date is Joseph because of high emotions, hopes, and a failing marriage and cheating, and Mat who is on a high of playing for the first time in forever and realizing you enable him to do it and WOW. oH, And Hugo I think? Need to replay but once again- he just went to a wrestling show, met his hero, slammed his horrible student in glorious fashion, and wrestled you. I’m just saying, emotions high in every case... except Craig’s. So, on the ‘bad end’, why would Craig do all this if it turns out he ‘didn’t mean to lead you on’? Maybe it’s because it’s something he’s been thinking about off and on since college, and then it was ALL HAPPENING, and then... it happened, and it wasn’t like he thought, and he realized you weren’t what he thought anymore. In the bad end, he still gets some kind of closure on his feelings. But in the good end, let’s think about this. ‘Feelings I can’t deny anymore’. How long has he had those feelings? How long has he DENIED them? If in the very first date, after not seeing you for 17 years, he was desperate to spend alone time with you and leaped at the chance to give you a forehead kiss.... I say it’s been a long ass time he’s had those feelings. And that is my ‘Craig Cahn is hella gay and was in love with you in College’ post. Thanks for reading.
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
1-5 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: I'm doing the next one sorry for all of the messages
wow what was even that opening
what girl?
febuary 2017. I remember this month well.
Q: Who's this girl?
hey she looks like an adult! Second girl without her main feature being boobs :D
no mai is dead I took her spot though, she was in the tutorial level.
:D yay am I better
yes phoenix please I like this girl a lot
i didn't know my name could also come with one m!!! My name is Emma, I had no idea people could also be named Ema with one m
aww so she isn't an adult I still like her though
phoenix please she's only like 10 years younger than you
BF: Hahahaha yeah, Ema is the Maya stand in for this case
BF: She returns for the fourth game, which takes place 7 years after the third game
BF: Still not very busty, even in her mid twenties haha
Q: :O Interesting!
I like Ema.
Q: What age of people did they think were gonna play this game? If kids then why does it seem they talk down to them so much?
I'll get back to playing
Q: oh so that beginning scene actually meant something
She's know Mia because she was kinda well known
okay why is she bad
how did she even get in teh office in the first place?
hahahaha no im not trading my badge for 50$
what do you mean ''yet''
Q: it's obviously a coincidence that the two siblings are so alike, but if it motivates you then sure I wanna get to the second game
Q: you're telling it from the witness' perspective Lana. Do you remember what happened? What was your motivation?
Q: hi cowboy detective please don't kick me out
Q: why are we having this stepladder conversation again
Q: this office looks like Edgeworth
Q: maybe you wouldn't be low on money if you did your job
Q: five thousand???
MAN edgy must be rich!
BF: The stepladder debate is one of the running gags of the series haha
Q: interesting!
Q: that and Phoenix (and later Apollo and Athena) presenting his badge every chance he gets, and cross-examining non-human witnesses
Q: yaaaaay I liked cross-examining the parrot. 
I still can't believe they let me do that
Q: wait a second the bundle doesn't come with the fourth game just the first 3
oh well it's still a lot
Q: examining the examined. This could be useful.
Q: yeah, no, just the original trilogy
Q: alright, makes sense. Are they still making games for it?
BF: the fourth game came out well after the original trilogy ended, and it only JUST got an updated port to iOS and the 3DS e shop
Q: great an adult woman with a main feature being boobs. I liked the other ones more.
ah, alright. how good/bad is the anime I'm curious
BF: and yes!  in the main series, there are six games total...five and six only came out in digital form for the US, no physical release
don't focus so much on the boobs, it's just drive you crazy
and Angel really isn't THAT busty, she's just got a bust emphasizing outfit
Q: huh, alright. If I feel like it maybe I could get them.
fine. I'm not eating whatever she just handed to me though, she doesn't seem very trustworthy true I guess, not really as bad.
BF: she very much does that on purpose to put you off your guard, btw
she's not EVIL
but she's smart as hell, and she's not necessarily on your side right now.
Q: oh so it's intentional, alright that's more forgiving than the developers just wanted another boob-joke.
Q: angle please we're looking for evidence please stop freaking out Ema
Q: yaaaay edgy! I knew this was your office!
BF: hahaha yep
his office is as frilly as he is
Q: "this office looks like edgeworth"
why is there a dead body in your car that car looks too dirty to be yours it isn't even purple
BF: oh and to answer one of your comments from last night when I was asleep...Phoenix/Edgeworth is an overwhelmingly popular ship, to the point where it can become a bit annoying if you ship either of them with anyone else.
or if you like any of the rarer pairings, period hahah
Q: edgy we know you didn't do it I'm on your side and always will be
except when you're not on my side
With how his dialogue was set up in that chapter I am not surprised how much of the fandom ships it.
Q: Phoenix that was a very cruel joke, remember the case two months ago? Very cruel.
Q: gumshoe isn't dead lol must be mia's fualt he randomly appeared in my head, same with maya
Q: ya why do random flashes of random people keep appearing
how do i investigate this
BF: hah...if it's the bit I think it is, that's just Phoenix connecting him to the INCREDIBLY NEAT AND CLEAN OFFICE
BF: which Gumshoe totally takes times out of his day to keep tidy because that's just the kind of stuff he would do for Mr. Edgeworth, pal!
Q: Well I bet the lunchlady and edgeworth and I'm investigating while edge is in his office.
possibly but phoenix actually commented on "why did i just have ___ randomly appear in my head". whatever I'll keep looking
I guess!
BF: gumshoe just a big old loyal puppy who loves Edgey
lol no that's the reason hahah
Q: gumshoe!!
still needs a better name
Q: I need to copy paste my reaction in a place I'll be able to easily get to later because this will probably be very valuable to me later on.
(Edit: Fuck me for making me do this)
Q: edgy tell me what the trophy thing is
no mumbling
edgy you did good why are you being so defensive over the shield
Q: well the fact it's broken could be important so please tell us
Q: oh ya! I can examine the examined now :D
Q: well 5:12 and 5:15 are very close to each other so this is important that they are so precise
who's this cartoony cop!!! he doesn't look like he's drawn in the same style as everyone else in the game!
Q: noooo i want the report
Q: Edgeworth in the Wild: A Documentary
Ema why
Q: huh, so apparently phoenix doesn't just teleport? man that must be so annoying when I don't know where I'm going for them
Q: blue badger looks like a pokemon that is why he seems familiar
Q: yaaay i found gumshoe
ema knows too much poor edgeworth indeed, I hope soon he can get a break
dance till you die
Q: "they make a good pair" so I guess this game isn't against gays, cool.
Q: well i mean the letter probably will get us somewhere if this game is going to progress
Q: oh so is Angel dating Marshal? What a turn of events
yaaaay i can get in now
...I just realized I can use headphones on a DS... Interesting....
Q: the music hahaha. Marshal theme song
Q: don't think too hard on cannibalism and you'll be fine
Q: Marshal is fun
BF: hee hee yeah, I like him.
Q: "well if phoenix showing his badge to everyone is a running joke guess I better help with that by showing it to everyone".
This case is pretty fun so far, not even a single irritating thing yet
BF: LIke Ema and Lana, Jake Marshall is actually deliberately made to be sort of a nod to another pre-existing character haha.
BF: and yeah, Rise from the Ashes is a good case!  I remember finding some of the trial segments to be tricky, but overall, it's solid
tQ: "Noe to self: when finding evidence, think of Texas"
who is this pre-existing character?
BF: and it makes good use of the new mechanics that were introduced for the DS
Q: it does!
BF: you won't meet him until the third game haha
but yeah...Ema and Lana are clearly meant to be nods to Maya and Mia
BF: Jake, less obviously, is sort of a nod to Godot
Q: and thankfully this gets Phoenix motivated again
godot... who's that? I should probably know
BF: Godot plays a MAJOR part in the third game, you'll know him the second you see him.
He...stands out.
to put it mildly.
Q: can't wait to meet him
when will the Y guy (shack guy DL-6) appear again he's already pretty interesting that's probably spoilers
BF: Yanni Yogi?  He only appears in that case, sadly.
though there's a background reference to him in one of the spinoff games.
BF: He's one of Zarla's faves
Q: I assumed... he seems pretty interesting, sad he had to leave so soon. As you saw I was REALLY shocked when a character zarla drew appeared that I didn't even know would be in the game... sad to see him leave so soon.
Q: forgot to talk with Marshall, maybe I can progress through this
oh yay the autopsy report
Q: tell me about yourself marshall, how long has your cowboy career been going on?
why would you kick out gumshoe!!!
D: I don't know if I should break the news to him or not
Q: well that isn't even an option so
the detention center doesn't even update ever
Q: uuuhhhhgggg I hate being stuck like this where can I goooo
Q: still stuck >:( It's been almost an hour
just let me gooooo
03/24/2018 (Two days later)
Q: FINALLY I DID SOMETHING there was a note in the trunk but it seemed to have done nothing... don't even know if the two people I can talk to would react to it.
as i suspected it did nothing >:(
I think the phone is the key but the only thing it will let me examine is the trap!!!
Q: I asked my brother to help and he FINALLY HELPED
He found another scroll bar on the examination thing that I never noticed and found it :D
Q: no cowboy pls i really worked hard to get this far
Q: phoenix has a phone? how come we can never use it?
...what do i do with the phone?
how did my brother turn it
= and -... where are those buttons?
Q: going to my brother
Q: why not press the button again???
Q: where do i gooo
Q: i give up I need to draw
BF: hahaaha
BF: aaaah sorry I've been busy unpacking boxes
I wouldn't have even thought to tell you about those double screen investigation rooms!
there are like...at least two of those in this case.
the car park area and the evidence room
Oh, and because this took me FOREVER to figure out when I played it the first time: when you dust for finger prints, you blow the powder away by blowing into the mic on the DS
Q: I don't expect anybody to be on while I send messages. Do not worry, I do not expect responses immediately. Also packing boxes??? did you move :O
double screen investigation rooms? tell me more. If you mean ones where you have to move the screen I did do that a lot... and yet I still can't find much. I finally got the phone in my inventory and tried to check the last call but it still won't do anything THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME THAT IN ADVANCE I GARENTEE I WOULD'VE GOTTEN STUCK
Q: Where I am si that I think I have all of the items in my inventory. A full page and then the phone on the next... am I missing something? I heard that Ema is supposed to tell me that I have everything I need
BF: aaah if you are in the car park, one place you need to check is the muffler of the car
Q: muffler? I got the paper that was in the back, I'll examine the car more I guess
BF: and yeah, the game usually gives you some hint when you've found all the things
BF: I forget if you can get it now or not, but there's some cloth shoved into the tailpipe of the car
Q: dont' think i can thanks though
I'll tell you what I have in my inventory and you tell me what I'm missing for the first part
Q:badge, id card, knife, shield trophy thing, parking stub, blue badge pannel, goddman's autopsy report, note from the back of the car, and cell phone
BF: hmmm....and you've shown absolutely everything to everyone and poked at everything on every available screen?
Q: yeeeesssss
:( I'll try again
BF: (oh and to answer your earlier question, yes, I did move into my house today)
Q: yaaaaay
shouldn't there be a wiki or something for this that says what to do
BF: if you are absolutely stuck, I'd look up the Games FAQ walktrough
Q: :(
why does this game make me so stuck all of the time
BF: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ds/925589-phoenix-wright-ace-attorney/faqs/44304    here, this one is spoiler free, you just gotta get down to the right case
Q: :D thank youuuu
Q: Lana why are you not on edgy's side
Q: of course you don't know everything going on here phoenix, if you did we would win but right now we don't win
this game but we know everything beforehand
Don't believe your client, just believe in them. got it.
Q: oh ya angle exists i forgot about her
I had to trim the grass in the front yard. We got an actual letter saying that we needed to so that was odd. It's done now though
angel will never stop talking, and Edge doesn't seem as annoyed as some of the others. huh.
oh my god judge can't you be a little more professional ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO EAT RIGHT NOW
Q: you decline every offer phoenix until an impossible one pops up. Phoenix why
Q: If you hate prosecutors so much then maybe you could help me
please I'm begging
Q: wait you have more then one boyfriend
did i hear that wrong
ugh so she does
"care to join" If that is what I have to do to get information out of you!
BF: hahaha
yes, Angel and her many boyfriends
Q: Ema's notes are funny
BF: this boyfriend, that boyfriend, the other boyfriend
you know, as you do
Q: "the yet another boyfriend is still open"
I'd like to know who is who
Q: wait isn't B block for defense attorneys not visitors?
Q: how she names them reminds me of the chicken 'mine'
"That's mine, that one's also mine, that's another one of mine, that one is yours, and that one is not yours." we actually considered naming our chickens that haha
Q: Ema is learning my table-slamming technique.
Q: "my boyfriend worked in the photography division" WHICH boyfriend?
Q: "Prosecutors are, by nature, well-versed in the location of a man's vital organs" I already had to prove with twice Edgy did NOT murder anybody!
yes phoenix kill the egg
Q: okay so i learnt as much as I could while pressing, and there seems nothing wrong... I need to find the objection item
Q: of course it was planned! We already established whoever the killer is planned to do it in edgeworth's car
Q: "mommy, are prosecutors bad people?" hahaha oh my god
yes lets tell the audience how to commit murder
edgy that pun was terrible and you know it
Q: Ema what is that note
you can't smell his breath from over here what
I do have an objection!
Q: I'd like to know how she got into the food business
Ema you're on MY side
Q: remember?
Q: it's so rare when the thing I immediately think of and object with actually works and the characters see what i see
Edgy you look like you're on my side
Q: Ema do you hate me
Q: The person that seems most on my side in this case is f***ing edgeworth and he is actually the one pitted against me so you're all failures.
Q: >:(
I got so stuck at this part and had to retry a few times and I finally gave up and went to the tutorial and that isn't helping
Q: :(
Q: Why can't I just gooooo none of the evidence I have works at all
Q: she'd lie because as I said she has a grudge
Q: five minuets???
wow that's a long time
Q: if you have evidence please tell me
how was this judge hired
what is this blood type it could also be common
Q: why does edgy continue to seem like he is on my side lol
Q: that brings in the question: how many lunches do you actually have in there
Q: if it does how come she was blee- oh ya the hand injury
Q: ohhh to wash away the bloood okaaaay
now to defeat you edgy
Q: Okay so more then one photo, I NEED MORE PHOTOS.
Q: Mia thank youuuuu
oooo the fun music started playing, im onto something
Q: "Yeah! (I'll think later" is the best line in the game
Q: Salmon swimming upstream in a river of quicksand
ya sounds like Phoenix
Q: the muffler in the muffler
Bad feeling about following advice given to you by Marshell??? What a silly thought!
Is something wrong edgy? why are you so upset?
what is bothing you Eedgy pls tell me
OH MY GOD ANOTHER SUPRISE CHARACTER HOW HOW IS HE IN ACE ATTOURNY WHAT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
is he just gonna stand there or...?
Q: Udgey... that's a new one
afriad indeed, terrified I might say.
Wrighto... also new
Q: when i send my live reaction to the game should i have more context to what is going on
Q: rereading it i think i should
Q: I've been taking more pictures of art I wanna send you but it still isn't doing anything
Q: Alright so i opened the Ace Attorney save file and I have no idea where i am. I'm pretty sure this is right after the first trial
tiny village... where am i and why
i think this isn't my file??
BF: I was about to say...
Q: ruinion and turnabout?
what? something is wrong
BF: if you are in a tiny village, the only one I know of is Kurain. and you don't go there the first time until 2-2
yeah, you are in game 2 there
that's Maya's village.
Q: we fixed it!
My brother wanted to play and he mistook the game two save files as extra save files and he just decided "fuck it im not waiting for her to finish" and just started playing through
interesting :o
swimming? why that specifically?
little worthy? is that a name?
aww so if he's number one he probably won't be on my side :(
damon gant, I like this guy
OH YA I forgot about edgeworth! Worthy haha didn't think of that nickname yet. I'll add it to the list. He must be very scared of this man
BF: hahah yesss Gant is great.
Q: so a muffler is a scarf? is that just another name for a scarf or is it a type of scarf?
he just keeps standing there and blinking
edgy back on this feet, finally stopped just sitting there silently in what I'm assuming is anger and fear
BF: it's a type of scarf. I can't tell you what exactly makes a muffler a muffler though. they just wanted to use the pun, though, I think
aaah the Gant stare.
Q: they seem to love naming puns, not just the people's names now.
"That's not fair!" There are a lot of things that aren't fair in this world, edgy.
That kid from earlier in the audience: mommy is this how trials usually go? Mom: no. I am not even sure what is going on.
BF: hahah trust me, the pun names get more intense with each game.
Q: I feel bad for edgy haha
I can't wait
Q: ...the note may have something to do with this
but along with everything else i think of in this game it's probably wrong
nah okay
Q: time to look through my items another 20 minuets and hope the character see what I see
Q: when in doubt press on everything
Q: good job ema! I'll examine the knife!
Q: SL-2... something similar  that wasn't a tag. again was it the note
Me and gant both love 'objection'. I'm still mad at Edgy for that. I will hold it against him forever.
BF: you and your habit of updating the autopsy report
Q: "Do you have evidence?"
"yes! (I'll think later)" is still the best line in the entire game
a habit of mine? is that not something everybody does?
I feel so honored being told "I win, Wrighto!"
BF: heh
Q: :D He'll tell me about the knife now!!!
Q: I only get to hear bout one thing.... better choose wisely.
Where the victem was found could help, seems like it could work How the victim was killed could be a little more risky but all of these are pretty good When the victim died... it could also be 5:15, and I could find a way to show it was planned... but I'm not sure
there probably wont be any consequences though
I'll roll my di
Q: it's 1 so i guess we're going with that
Q: didn't we GO to the evidence room?
Gant: :long stare: Gant: You two make a great pair! I swear this is intentional. It's not even just that chapter.
Gant: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gant: :long stare: Gant: Sure why not! well alright then! I'm learning about it unofficially :D This is already very casual so why not
Q: why is the victims gender there
that is unimportant WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HE MURDER
Q: Gumshoe won't die Phoenix he was in the credits!
Q: alright now not only is edgeworth being called worthy he's being called little worthy
do these two know eachother???
Q: that id is the same as the one we have here >:O
Q: :D the fun music is playing
Q: hehehe FINALLY Edgy looks like the fool instead of me :D
Q: What i think happened is that they were killed, and their body was dragged through the back of their care, and brought here
oh boy angel's back
Q: What I think happened: somebody killed the detective, put the body in the back of edgy's car, Edgy drove back to where he should, left, later the girl opened the back. something about her stabbing him.
Q: no that doesn't fit
screw this case
Q: oh no I'm defending Meekens now too???
Meekens just looks a lot more cartoony then everything else
Q: why did they let him bring a megaphone
Q: oh so goodman's the villain.
BF: uhhhh...nooot exactly, no
Q: i learnt that quickly
I found gant again! he has his own theme song. Sounds like a king.
Q: Honestly I still feel bad for Edgeworth, hope he gets out of this.
Q: uhhhggggg I just got stuck i really wanna figure this out fast instead of wandering around forever. Not sure if it's just with me or if this game just needs better... instructions maybe?
Q: In court when your stuck press everything. In over world when stuck talk to everyone again, present every piece of evidence again, and examine everything again. Then still find yourself stuck.
BF: this case is one of the worst for that sort of thing, I'll admit. I've played it multiple times and there are still places where I forget how to proceed
Q: I don't like using the tutorial at all but I've had to use it twice to proceed, at least I have that. When this game came out people would just be stuck and never get to f***ing leave, and when they did they would be like "THAT WAS IT THE WHOLE TIME I MUST BE DUMB". Are the later games better at this?
Gant: If somebody just walked up to me and asked for 50$, i'd give them 50$! in that case can i have 50$
Q: You know I want to get to the evidence room but why not let's just sit here and talk with Marshell for another 6 hours
Q: I can finally go the the evidence room yaaaay
Q: See, Gumshoe's got the right idea on those 50$
BF: it varies by case, I'm not going to lie!
Game 2 has some added trickiness because it introduces a new mechanic during investigation mode.
said method is a touch more refined in the third game.
Q: in your opinion what is the best game (random question)
general stuff happens, i didn't comment on it
Q: I'm sorry, the game wants me to go to the secret room, do all these things, get no sign that I found then all, and then go to edgeworth's office???
Q: fine a little bit of a clue but this case really wants players to get stuck
Q: hahahaha I can see how you got stuck when the game told you the blow, It did NOT specify in the mic.
Q: non bloody prints???
I can't choose any of the fingers and all 5 are bloody! what do you want me to do im stuck on this sceen
Q: my brother helped :D
BF: heh
BF: Um...my favorite...well, tough to say.  Obviously, I'm particularly stuck on game 2, though on retrospect game 4 is pretty fascinating (both for what it is and what it could have been)
BF: Generally speaking, most people agree that game 3 is the best of the original trilogy, though (game 2 isn't hated, but it has this ONE CASE that is near universally hated)
BF: Of the spinoffs, I'm personally partial to the second Ace Investigations, though that one you can only play in English via  a fanpatch
I'm still playing game 6, so I don't know how I'd rank that one just yet
and there are two spin off titles that I have no way of playing in English at all right now, which is frustrating. No idea where I'd rank either of them. but the animation for those is PRETTY.
BF: Oh, but if you get a chance, one game I strongly recommend that was created by the original creator of Ace Attorney that isn't an Ace Attorney game (though it is allegedly set in the same universe) is a game called Ghost Trick.
Q: Interesting! I'll be sure to check out ghost trick. I wonder if I'll be able to tell what the hated case in 2 is when I get to it...
BF: hahah I'm willing to bet you'll figure it out. I personally liked the case, but it has some issues for sure
Q: alright. I was gonna start playing again if you still want me to send you the endless messages that give you no context to where i am or what im reacting to
BF: AMONG said issues is that it does what no other case had ever done before it, and it has a couple of cross examinations where you can get frigging penalized for a bad PRESS
Q: oh no D:
BF: It warns you when you get to it, but it's still really annoying
taking away my ability to badger the witness without repercussion!
but yeah no, feel free to ramble, I'm just here working and rewatching episodes of the Maxx
Q: >:(
I saw a post and thought of the judge from this game. "The judge could sentence you guilty for murder wearing hello kitty pajamas under their robe and you would never know” yaaaay
Q: About to go to the court thing. FINALLY lana is back it's been a while >:(
Q: oh yay lana gets to be a witness
nvm im a moron the cartoon guy i forgot his name gets to be
Q: there seems to be a lot of talking down to kids in this game :(
Q: why do people let him bring his megaphone
same answer with the kid and his sword
Q: i mean i like the blue badger
Q: bet the tape won't help much
well hey it was a little helpful
Edge: :slams hand on desk: What the hell was that wriggling piece of plywood!?
my new second favorite line
Q: the problems was he was wearing gloves
probably not that's what first comes to mind though
Q: or the light was already on
Q: gloves were rubber? how did i not notice that
Q: why would he need the gloves in there if he was goodman
Q: he could've stolen the card
who is the 777... card at the top
Q: :D I think edge just complimented me, it's probably going to turn into an insult though so ill just enjoy it while i can
Q: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu
Q: the fake killed goodman not lana
no that wouldn't work dammit screw you
awww lana's finally being useful
Q: Ema don't run it's just a serial killer
Gummy why >:(
saaave pooiiinnt
oh my god Marshell i forgot his personality
Q: please provide me with a reasonable explanation why there were bloody handprints of yours in the evidence room (and no ID saying you signed in but i think i just missed something on that)
Q: somebody actually messes up in grammer in court and one of them yells objection but its about the grammer and they keep fighting about i
Q: edgy don't worry just let me get to my menu my lack of experience means nothing
wait is he giving me advice? is he being nice???
Q: noooo just let him beeee
or not his reasoning was okay though
Q: At first i was sad to find out it was his brother now im just thinking COWBOY PROSECUTOR THAT WOULD BE FUN
Q: what do you think happened to your brother jake
you know i could put that anywhere in almost any case and it could still work (with a pronoun swap but aside from that)
Q: edgy is being very nice to her yay
Edgy is used to me making claims with the idea "I'll think about it later" in mind of course hes going to scoff at everything i say
Q: hey hey jake's back i was wondering where he went
Q: "Just one moment! I will not let such far-fetched balderdash in my court room"
Q: why is everybody immediately blaming edgy again I already defended him from two murders WHEN A VERDICT WAS ALREADY GIVEN
Q: stop being so mean to edgy
Q: hi lana please help me
ocassionally what what i didn't understand what they said i need to know
awww how dare you now your going to get all three of us in trouble
Q: that kid in the audience actually as an adult took the weirdest trials hes been to and put his own characters in it and made it into a game
oh my god the noise of the crowed is so terrifying because it's on repeat i need to turn the sound off
Q: saaave
Q: good think ema isn't dead
Q: Ema it’s not yours its your sisters putting blame on yourself just leads to depression okay
Q: Deal with the devil as a minor so that when your older he doesn't have a legal claim to your soul.
that's unrelated and unhelpful but
Q: now to show you every single piece of f***ing evidence
Q: or not
Q: do do do
do do ddoo dodo doo dodo do doooo ddo do dooo dooo doDOdodoooo
(Edit: do do doooo
do doooo
do doooo
(now go reread it from the top with those last two as the start) )
Q: no marshel come baaaaaack 
Q: I just wanna get to 2-4
Things are going well!
Q: :D Thank you Jake!
Q: Well gant does make a good point
Also about you paying my rent Edgy
Q: I wonder if there are anymore choices or it it's just dialogue.
did I win??
Lana smiled at me :D
"stop it mah you're embaressing meeee" is how this dialogue feels like
Q: yaaaaay I win
Q: awww ema I she'll say she's proud of you too
Gummy you keep doing this
bring him back
Lana :D
Q: Maya will be very proud of me when she comes back
awww hugs!!!
wait edgy was hiding why is he angry
aww ty
Is Lana making you scared I'm pretty sure she was your boss at some point or something I forgot at this point
Q: oh nooo Gant make Edgy scared of who he might be in 10 years. Somebody teach him not to do that.
Q: Aww thanks Lana
the difference between you gant and vampire is that you have friends doesn't that makes you feel better
Q: bye edgyyyy
Edgeworth you keep saying that and it's wrong every time >:( please stop breaking promises
what a storybook ending
couldn't you make edgy do it instead i don't have money
BF: Did you notice you could do fingerprint powder on the bottom screen during the credits?
Q: ya! Can i blow it too?
BF: Make bonus images appear haha
Q: :D
After this i need to sleep this is fun though!
time for game two :D
Q: will blue badger get to stay though is my question
Q: Hey so Angel will be on my side, it will just be in the next game!
Q: I really do think the judge it wearing hello kitty pajamas under that robe
Q: credits done! That was very satisfying :D
1 note · View note
champagnediva · 6 years
Marrakech ,one of my favorite cities  in the world. The city that inspired me to photography. A city that welcomed me with open arms. A former imperial city dating back to the Berber empire. It’s the 4 th largest city after Casablanca , Fez and Tangiers.
I was told not to go , specially not alone . Fear is a crazy thing !! it keeps you from living.  I decided to go anyway, as it was on my bucket list . I read all I could , in order to make sure I was safe. The first day I aired on the side of caution , Of Course ….
As my plane few over the Red City , landing in Marrakech . the excitement started to build. After a long flight , I had to navigate  the massive amount of taxis waiting to take me to my resort. Of course not knowing my way around, I  overpaid for the taxi ride, but that’s 0k, since it always happens the first time  😦
Arrived at the Palmeraie golf and  resort . a really beautiful resort . My room absolutely 5 * .  was more like of an apartment.
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Unpacked my bags and immediately decided I was going to start my Moroccan experience immediately .  For sure  it was a couscous day, and I was starving .  All I  could find walking distance , was pizza.  . Somehow a New Yorker eating Pizza in Morocco, unheard of.. At Least not on the first day.
Went back to my hotel to ask the concierge wether there was a restaurant nearby, they suggested
EL KARMOUSSA  restaurant, just in the neighborhood.
grabbed a taxi and off I went..My mouth was watering as I arrived , only to find the restaurant closed .
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I could not get over the resemblance of my waitress with a good friend of mine in Miami.
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The Band and staff could not have been nicer.
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I walked in , expecting to be turned away and explained ,  I had just arrived from New York and really needed  a good Moroccan meal. To my surprise they asked me to come in and sit , they  prepared a wonderful meal . WOW!!! This was just unreal…They  brought in two musicians to play ,while I had lunch. The only client, in a closed restaurant. Now  that’s VIP treatment.
Throughout the day a seemingly endless stream of merchants, tourists, locals, and entertainers arrive with the activity only slightly interrupted by the frequent calls to prayer from the many nearby mosques. While there is a large Muslim population in Morocco there are also many other groups, Berbers being the most numerous, who are split between Muslim and Christian populations.
Koutoubia Mosque
The name is derived from the Arabic al-Koutoubiyyin for librarian, since it used to be surrounded by sellers of manuscripts. Koutoubia Mosque.
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My morning ritual, the sweetest  fresh squeezed orange juice , I’ve ever had.
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How can you resist such a beautiful face.
My experience as a solo woman traveler, made walking around the Souk an experience in itself. Needless to say you will be approached by all kinds of seller and  people wanting you to take photos with monkeys and snakes ect.. some people may Yell “Hey La gazelle” at you  and tattoo “artist” may just grab your hand and start  decorating ( just pull you hand away and say no), I just found that there are better places to get a henna tattoo). Of course it can get more annoying than dangerous , so either ignore or politely say no and move on.  I must admit I did take the monkey and snake photos. HaHaHA
  Don’t be afraid to explore, if you get lost just ask for the golden doors. They are close to the exit. 
  Had a really funny experience the first day in the Souk. When I travel I don’t buy souvenirs but I always try to take home a pc of local art.While visiting an art gallery ,  the gallery owners daughter took a liking to me and decided I was the perfect woman to marry her brother Jamal.
So she started asking me questions about my status  and decided that since I was single , she was going to play match maker.I kept insisting that I had no intentions of getting married on my first day in Marrakesh , but she was insisting more than me.So she called her brother Jamal  , cause she figured , once I saw how handsome he was I was going to change my mind.
Jamal arrived and I agreed with her that her brother was handsome ( what else was I going to say LOL)  but I still was not getting married. Then she suggested that she would have her mother come and meet me , and probably seal the deal. Needless to say this was going a bit too far for me.I bought a lovely painting and told her I would be back after I have had time to think this proposal over.  Hahahaha
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My almost sister in law  LOL
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The man in question Jamal
No Clue what they are doing . possibly just passing time ,waiting to do henna tattoos.
The souk is separated into different departments , this is the Morrocan Olive market
Spices arranged  in pyramids , the scents are overwhelming.
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  Water bearer
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  Dancers entertain at night in the Plaza ( this is a boy dressed as a women)
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Nightime  Jeema El Fna
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  Food stands built in the evening just for the night. 
  Snails anyone ? Delicious !!
There is so  much to see, do and experience in Marrakech.  I could not possibly cover it all, this was one day. a surprise waits at every corner.
Please follow me for further blogs, on this amazing destination.  If you have question or experiences, good or bad  Please comment.
Marrakech ,Morocco. Marrakech ,one of my favorite cities  in the world. The city that inspired me to photography. A city that welcomed me with open arms.
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December 3, 2017
So today started off about 4 hours after my last one ended… LOL lacking sleep if a perpetual thing for me now sigh but I met up with Vincent at like 7:45, and we took a taxi to the airport. It’s pretty clear to me when someone doesn’t really know how to travel by the way they pack/organize their stuff. Not saying that he’s inexperienced, but HAHA. But anyways, the flight to Bangkok was from 10:45 to like 12:30. So we stopped by Burger King at the airport HAHA omg I haven’t had burger king in so long, I almost forgot what it was like :’)
Everything went pretty smoothly, and we were boarded pretty quickly. We were seated separately unfortunately… but its okay haha it was supposed to be a pretty short flight. However, our flight was delayed in taking off for almost an hour, so we didn’t land in Bangkok until like 1:30. I had organized a driver to come pick us up, and I told them we were supposed to land at 12:30, so it was a bit worrying for me. Another thing was while we were going through immigration, we all had a card to fill out and I did it on the plane and before we got into line I forgot to remind Vincent to see if he had one. Turns out because he was sleeping he didn’t get one, and didn’t know about it. So we had to leave the line after we were at the front =__= On top of that, while we were In line, there was a mainland tour group behind us, and I literally was about to punch the lady behind me. Like the amount of squishing and pushing they do is insane. Like bro if you push past me, you’re still stuck in line so just wait your damn turn -__- I was like mildly stressed because of the timing but it was nbd.
After we got past immigration, I picked up a sim card and also exchanged my hkd for some baht. Ugh what’s a bit troubling is that my Charles schwab is running dangerously low for travel, and I couldn’t transfer more money over because the service was down lol. Running low on cash while travelling is the worst feeling, thank god I can rely on my friends if I needed anything. But anyway we met up with our driver and he took us to our “villa” which was essentially just a house.. LOL but it was a 4 story house. The first floor was the dining room, second floor was the living room and the first bedroom, third floor was 2 bedrooms, and the last floor was one more bedroom. Total of 5 functioning bathrooms, so that was pretty nice. Bangkok is so hot holy. The mosquitos here are also insane, like the house was just infested with them lol. Vincent and I chilled for a bit in the house before we went to a place called Siam Paragon? And it’s essentially a mall with a huge food court and an aquarium. We were there for the aquarium, but we stopped by a thai restaurant for our first meal. there were actually a good amount of American brands or international options, but I FOUND JAMBA JUICE LOL. I didn’t get one because it was ridiculously expensive but holy jamba will never leave me.
The food was good! The portions were a bit small, but enough to fill me up ^__^ I got the shrimp fried rice and the deep fried shrimp egg rolls. Thai cuisine is pretty similar to Viet cuisine imo, or at least in certain areas. I enjoyed it ^__^ overall around 15 dollars for my meal. More pricey than I would have anticipated but that’s okay. After dinner we went to the aquarium! And oo that was nice ^_^ like ugh I really hate zoos because I feel like it’s wrong to keep animals in captivity, but aquariums, especially the ones that promote ocean conservation, and ones that have healed animals are okay with me. I know a lot of the larger fish in the aquarium were either breeded, or they were caught because they were injured and then nursed back. This aquarium I would have to say is on par with Monterey, maybe it even tops it haha But that’s just because they had a lot of glass windows that allowed us to get really close to the fish haha. They also had this one tunnel that we could walk through, and we would just be surrounded by the fish and sharks. Probably my favorite part ^_^ Vincent was also patient enough to take enough pictures for me thank god LOL. One thing I did notice though is that he refuses to put his arm around me for pictures LOL. Which is fine, I don’t mind but it’s awk when I reach to put my arm around him and he doesn’t reciprocate, or when we take the picture I’m just awkwardly next to him HAHAHA I don’t really care tho I just noticed it to be random.
After the aquarium, we were both a bit hungry again so we walked around the massive food court and ok I swear there’s at least 20 restaurants in the area. But we ended up choosing mcdonalds LOL They had something called “party sized french fries” so I got it and I was DISAPPOINTED LOL because it literally was just like a large size in the states HAHA. But they also had fried chicken wow that was bomb af LOL I think it’s one of the best fried chicken I’ve had in like fast food style chains. So succulent, I would’ve eaten more if I wasn’t full.
After that, we headed back to the Airbnb, and we just relaxed there – playing music and planning for Tokyo for a bit. I actually really like the fact that Vincent sings ^__^ I think its relaxing to listen to, we can sing together, and I like that he’s comfortable enough around me to sing LOL. Maybe cause I just don’t have that many guy friends who sing… I don’t think Van counts cause all he sings are his Japanese/Korean songs… or despacito.. LOL. He did freak me out for a bit though ugh. So basically I was on the third floor in one of the bedrooms, and I thought that he was in the room next to me so I called out his name and he didn’t respond. So I went out to the stairwell and called his name a few more times with no response… and then I heard like 3 really loud bangs. And I got sooo scared LOL but like I told myself it was probably nothing so I went down super slowly and called his name out one more time when I was on the last staircase, and he answered =__= omg the amount of stress.
The rest of the crew arrived in Bangkok from Phuket at around 1:30 am, and they just quickly unpacked, showered, and we all went to bed around 2:30. So that concludes my first day in Bangkok, and all I can say is damn it was an experience LOL
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