#no one wants to hire a 30 yo with almost no work experienced
wow i almost made a whole dollar off of redbubble (19 more to go and i can finally get my first paycheck ($20 minimum))
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 6 years
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Maybe @sixpenceee is interested in some spooky witch Halloween throwback to the time my uncle and his coworkers were on a rural construction site and the huntings were so bad that one guy accidentally stabbed another, they were too scared to go to the bathroom alone and it got to the point they had to call a town council meeting to ask the witches to please stop bothering them..but didn't help.
the story is that they hired my uncle for a construction out of state, my uncle's condition to do the job right and on time was was that he would take his own workers because he could trust them so they didn't hire anyone from the town which bothered the townspeople. Oh, I have yo mention this was a rural town..village if you will, If you see Colombian country towns they are kinda creepy because the houses are old, they're surrounded by forests and mountains (if they're not high up on the mountain) and there's like an old decrepit church every other block. But my uncle and his crew weren't even sleeping in town they were Far out in the woods at the site.
So anyway it all started with my uncle's hats (or well that's how he noticed), you see he always wears hats ..always..always even to my wedding he wore a hat. It started small though, every night in his office/room he would take it off and put it on the nightstand but then it started appearing in different places, other side of the room or on the floor. It happened a few times and he started feeling really uncomfortable so we left his own tent and went to sleep with his workers who all shared a tent, but that's when shit got real.
Their tools and belongings were always getting taken or moved, if they went to the bathroom at night -an outhouse near the tree line- the treetops would bend in the direction they were moving as if something was following them, normal haunting stuff I would guess. But the worst was at night at least one of them would start shaking and struggling/fighting in their sleep, as if they were being choked; my uncle experienced it at least three times he said it feels like there is something sitting on your chest. It was so bad that it got to the point were the guys started sleeping with knives and shit under their pillows until one night while a guy was having an episode (being attacked) someome tried to wake him up and the poor guy in his panic swing his knife from his pillow and well...the knife went clean through his helpers hand and my uncle was like "nope we can't have more weapons under the pillows". They had tried everything our lore tells us, Throw salt, yell "today day of the Virgin Mary" since witches are supposed to be the exact opposite of her and well they get repelled by her idk, candles, inside out clothes and underwear( our lore is old okay idk what that does, but yeah my uncle and the construction workers were all walking around with inside-out boxers) tried to make peace with the townspeople and many other things but nothing helped. The only way my uncle could sleep was on the phone with his wife praying but that didn't stop it either because it wasn't "if" they were going to get attacked it was who was going to get it that night. You could say sleep paralysis but I don't know if that can spread through 30 or 40 men. It got so bad, they had to abandon the camp and travel every day back and forth to sleep in the town but that still didn't Change much.
My uncle says its because they offended the townspeople by not offering them jobs, and that he has an idea who it was, he said that during the meeting there were three woman staring at him almost to the point of burning holes through him, they all had long hair and were attractive but had something about them that made him uncomfortable. I also asked him if he gets a lot of experiences since he does a lot of rural work for the goverment and he has sent us pictures of odd light disturbances and shadows but he was like "Nah, unlike your mom I don't go looking for it I don't watch scary movies or pay attention to them, this was just my fault cause I made someone angry in that town" and it was like "cool cooollll coolldope, makes sense yes"
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I want to clarify that Colombian Witch lore, it's still very...Spanish inquisition-ish. They supposedly usually attack men in their sleep by choking them and scratching them, they are repelled by the virgin Mary and other religious and other stuff, like odd numbers(or even i can't remember) inside out clothes and salt, my granpa says that if they ask for sugar give then salt. They can also attack women though like one of pur neighbors she was being followed by one very mean very angry witch that sent them a box with....human ...things..inside....... And if you go to Cartagena de Indias a town that still preserves the evidence of colonial life, stone roads and period houses, you will see that every roof has hooks because they believed they witches would get hooked on them and they could punish them in the morning. I know America has a different idea of them nowadays but thats just my traditional ass country.
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