#no wasting precious time in the show pulling the will they wont they. just embracing how much two men REALLY FUCKING LIKE EACH OTHER
boylikeanangel · 2 years
you all gotta stop saying ed/stede is a slowburn for real....in episode 5 stede says ed has been aboard the revenge for a few days. in episode 6 izzy says it's been 2 weeks. in episode 8 it's the next full moon after the one in episode 4. there is literally a month between ed and stede meeting and them being captured by the navy. i'm sorry to disappoint the 300k fic fans in the room but "slow burn" is not even in these two's dictionary!!! they fell in love so fast the fucking moon didnt even have time to complete one cycle!!! they couldn't pretend to not be in love with each other if they tried!!!!! this is not a slow burn it's a fucking flash fire!!!!!!
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH9
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,976
- Author Note: i update slightly late and i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 9
“I am going to kill Jin hyung and Jungkook once they are back” he snorted sharply while throwing glances at the round clock.
“Gosh, 8 minutes and counting yet they are not here. Where the hell are those two?” Jimin wiggled his dangly legs in frustration. He found himself getting annoyed with the waiting, it was torturous considering there was a ticking bomb outside. The girl that he met earlier, he still couldn’t find the heart to trust her. It seemed all lies.
Not seem, it was too vague. He was confident her forehead spelled LIES since the beginning.
Sauntering to the door, he pressed his ears against it with hope he could catch the sound of movement from outside. His lips pursed into a small pout “It is quiet, has she left?” he was about to twist the doorknob but only to be welcomed by a loud knock on the door.
“Let me do my job, get out” she scowled. Seul continued to pound the door lightly using the black vacuum in her hand. He got to be kidding her, she needed to leave as soon as possible before unwanted faces Min Yoongi showed up and things got even messier than before.
Startled at the sudden impact beyond the door, Jimin straighten his body as his brows pinched together, unamused by the tone of her voice “Skip my room. I can clean it later, plus I can’t trust you just yet” he cleared his throat to ease the awkwardness.
“It is not just your room you know. It is Hoseok-ssi too. Have you asked him to skip the cleaning today?” Seul pressed with an intention to tease the shy guy even though it was pointless. She found it was amusing to tease him consider how he easily got startled.
“Hoseok-ssi? Hyung will be fine, he has the cleanest room. There is nothing to clean here. J..ust.. go away… you weirdo” he murmured the last word afraid it might offend the other party.
“But…” she glanced at the name on the door before continues, since Jimin mentioned Hoseok then the person beyond the door must be Jimin. “Jimin-ssi, you might have a clean-freak roommate, too bad you are not Hoseok-ssi. I can tell your boxer is laying freely on the floor screaming for help” she smug.
Needless to say, it was barely two months since she started doing this job, yet Seul was able to catch up some of their habit. For instance, how Jimin loved to trash his boxer on the floor openly. When she first tended the job, Seul was honestly disgusted by that. However, as time passed, she was used to seeing Jimin’s infamous boxer came with different set of colour and pattern whereby sometimes it could be a sore to her eyes.
Jimin eyes rounded at her response “W-hat…are you..” his eyes scanned his room and it stopped at the corner of the room where he could find his purple boxer laid helplessly there. Just how much this girl knew about him? About them? His cheeks turned fifty shades of pink at the thought of Seul picking up his boxer from the floor and did the laundry afterwards. That was embarrassing.
“Are you… how did you know? You are creeping me out!” he gasped dramatically.
Seul’s eyes rolled a little “Whatever you say drama queen. Don’t blame me for your messy room” paying no attention to Jimin’s childish tantrum, Seul proceeded with her cleaning to the next room. The door said Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin’s rooms, she stared angrily at the name of “Min Yoongi” hoping this would be all nightmare.
Reluctantly, she entered the room and started the cleaning “Somehow it contrary to his foul mouth, his room is not that messy, as usual. Thank god, I don’t have to clean a lot today” she vacuumed the whole room while humming to Tony Montana. Yes, odd but it came out naturally without she realized.
On the other side, Jimin exasperated a sigh of relief knowing you had moved on to other room and stopped pestering him. Ironically, he was a little conscious with your presence there. He sat on his bed, reflected on many things like how he let a stranger saw the most private part of his life; his body and boxer.
She cleaned the dust on Yoongi’s shelf, patting the books softly, she arranged it accordingly which apparently gave satisfaction for her in the end. Seul was a little too perfectionist sometimes. Her eyes landed at the picture frame on the nightstand, something was pulling her close and she found herself had the photo in her hand already.
Her eyes scrutinized every face in the photos with a small smile “They look happy, he takes after his father I supposed” she never expected a harsh guy like Yoongi would have a family frame close to his bed, guess he is a family guy after all. Appearance can be deceiving most of the time. Who was she to judge him? If an only she had no issues with Yoongi, he could be a possible future friend.
Seul put down the frame quickly as it came to her realization, this was an invasion of privacy. It did not end right there, she was attracted to this one corner with different polaroid hung neatly there. She could see Bangtan group photos together, his selfie and a white mushy little creature namely Min Holly. A smile spread across her face at the sight “Aww, Min Holly is adorable. How can a guy like him pet something cute like this? Min Holly sure deserved better” she mentally judged him with a deep frown.
This was not her first time cleaning their rooms and she paid no attention to it before, why out of all day she was so interested with Min Yoongi’s room. Like everything that she learned from his room did not reflect his attitude. Who is the real Min Yoongi? She pondered upon the idea of finding the real Suga and reality hit her hard. She was wasting her precious time for someone who didn’t deserve her attention.
Seul shuddered at the mistakes that she almost commits few seconds ago. Moving on to Seokjin’s room, Seul must stop herself from getting involved in someone’s else life. After all, she had no intention to befriend any of Bangtan members. That would be the craziest idea that she ever had in life.
Seokjin’s room was as cleaned as Yoongi, so it took her only ten minutes to clean everything. Seul was ready to leave but something brushed passed her legs causing her to squirm in fear. She jumped a little finding the source of movement beneath her “What the hell was that?” tucking the strand of hair behind her ears, she crouched down to have a better view of it.
Without she realized, something slipped inside her hoodies making her to excrete the highest squeal of century “OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WHAT IS THIS” she jumped a little tried to get rid of the moving creatures underneath her hoodies. It was a total chaos when the thing started to slide creepily around her neck.
“HELP ME OH MY GOD! HELP HELP” she screamed.
Her voice sure garnered Jimin’s attention “What was that? Did she just call for help” he was contemplating whether to check on her, but the voice got louder and unstoppable? Gathering his courage, Jimin dashed out to the source of the voice only to be welcomed by jumpy Seul.
“THANK GOD! HELP ME PLEASE! THERE IS SOMETHING MOVING INSIDE MY HOODIE HELP ME OH GOD!” Seul squealed in panic. Her cheeks were flushed and Seul’s unsteady breathing feared Jimin that she was not kidding about it.
Jimin approached the scared girl with wide eyes “What should I do, what is inside your hoodie” he questioned.
“HOW SHOULD I KNOW! It is moving under my shirt, GOSH PLEASE HELP ME FASTER” she hurriedly pushed her hoodies above her head, but it got stuck in the middle. “Are you just going to stand there, help me to take this off me” she mumbled underneath the thick clothing.
“Okay wait wait!” Jimin held her arms, and carefully pulled the hoodie. He found it was harder with her moving around so he warned her to calm down and sat her down on Jin’s bed “Now, I will get this hoodie off you” he exclaimed.
Why the hell am I doing this. Helping a freak like her. He deadpanned mentally.
Jimin got hold the hoodie with both of hands and pulled it off exerting a small force careful not to hurt Seul in any way. Little did he know the moment when he pulled the hoodie it came together with the only piece which supposed to cover Seul’s body “Okay I am do-SHIT!” he gulped and immediately blushed.
He saw two small creatures moving away from Seul’s skin underneath Jin’s pillow looking for a place to hide. It was Jin’s sugar glider Odeng-ie and Eomuk-ie. Jimin’s attention now was not on the sugar glider but shirtless Seul.
Seul felt the coldness embracing her skin as she quickly brushed off her hair from covering her eyes, and it hit her hard upon seeing the shirt and hoodies in Jimin’s grips. “Shit…” Jimin cussed under his breath.
“WHAT IN THE WORLD” she covered her chest instantly and screeched crazily. Jimin flinched at her loudness, charging towards her “YAH TONE DOWN YOUR VOICE! PEOPLE MIGHT THINK SOMEONE IS IN DANGER!” Seul was alarmed by his sudden movement.
She let negative thoughts flowed in, making her shifted backwards in defence. Jimin’s legs were caught on the vacuum below him as he landed on his side in the centre of what appeared to be Seul’s body, their bodies were pressed together.
Her heart stopped beating, she didn’t get to breathe anymore. Jimin was way too close, super close to her that she could feel his fine body against her bare one. Oh god, that sounded so wrong, but it was the truth.
Both Seul and Jimin froze, having a staring contest seemed to be out of context now however for some reason this happened to them now. They were both paralyzed did not know how to react. Jimin had one of his hand rested at the side of the bed to balance himself at first, yet it failed him.
A familiar gruff voice brought them out of their daze “What the fuck?” the individual let out a loud gasp.
Seul pushed Jimin off him and hurriedly took her hoodies, putting it on with deep taint blushes spread across her cheeks. She tried to digest everything that happened to her few minutes ago, did Jimin just see her in her bra and he kind of fall above her? Her breath hitched at the memories which she wished to erase.
Jimin groaned while rubbing his bottom “Oww, what the hell woman!” he growled and stood up.
“Jimin what the hell? Why are you with her? In that.. Wait let me process this, what the hell did you guys do? Did you?” before he could jump into any conclusion Seul cut him off “NO! If that is what you think, he was trying to help me with something” she mumbled timidly.
Yoongi snorted with a sarcastic remark “By undressing each other?” he eyed Seul from top to bottom. She felt so violated with that sexy eyes of him, and she mustered her courage to shoot a death glare his way. First of all, need her to remind everyone, she shared an oh not accidental kiss with Yoongi before, and now getting caught in act by Yoongi like this didn’t do any better.
“Something moved inside my hoodie! I was trying to get help!” she justified herself.
Jimin butt in “Yes, it is not like what you think. Odeng and Eomuk got away from their cage!” he went to pick the cause of the problem underneath the pillows and showed it to Yoongi as if it is the evidence of the crime scene. He hoped it could resolve the misunderstanding.
“THEY WERE IN MY SHIRT?” Seul shrieked in disbelief.
She sighed deeply “Since when Seokjin-ssi pet them?”
“He umm… brought them in yesterday” he didn’t even dare to meet eyes with the girl in front of him. Everything happened too fast and the image of her remained fresh in his mind. This was awful.
Yoongi had enough watching those two getting all worked up in front of him and decided to have a private conversation with Seul “Leave us alone, I need to talk to her privately” his eyes were as hard as stone, it was intimidating.
“Hyung.. are you-?”
“YES! Out now Jimin” he ordered. The younger guy scurried off without complain though he was dead curious what was about to happen between them.
For once, Seul didn’t want to let Jimin go, as much as she hated the scenes moment ago, she would rather to stay with Jimin all day rather than Min Yoongi. Now, he is going to confront her about the lies and the kiss. How was she going to escape this?
She found herself shuddered under his hard gaze, taking few steps behind to create space between them Seul managed to stutter the words out “What.. d-o you w-ant” Yoongi tilted his head accompanied his little devil smug.
“You of course” he replied bluntly.
Seul jolted in fear “W-hat….”
“Need me to remind you, the thing that you did to me weeks ago?” he came closer weakened Seul’s knees. She was in deep shits with no place to escape. Speaking of escape plane, didn’t she plan to play dumb and pretended nothing happened between them.
Yes, that was her master plan. Play dumb and act you are innocent.
“Umm..no.. I cant recall” Seul coughed a little, looking away while taking a slow step back until her back hits the cold glass door behind her. Her mind started to panic as soon Yoongi closes the gap between them, she hated the look in his eyes. It was a hint of playfulness and annoyance. The combination was driving her crazy.
“Really? Try to remember it again?” he trapped Seul in between, smirking at her reluctance.
“You must be mistaken, I am here to do my job. And I am done, so I must go now. Please excuse me” she pushed his shoulder, so it could open a path for her to walk and breathe especially.  
He pinned Seul’s shoulder, staring into her eyes deeply “I remember how our lips move, though you really caught me off guard that day. I would not forget how you kiss me” one of his brow arched in amusement.
How persistence. What an interesting girl. Yoongi chuckled in his head.
“Wh-at are you talking about? That sounds so wrong. I DIDN’T KISS YOU” she snarled angrily.
“Oh speaking of playing hard to get little missy. Do I need to bring you back to that day?” he leaned his face dangerously close to Seul. One more swift movement, his lips would sweep hers immediately. Seul’s breath hitched at the close proximity, while her mind finding way to escape this evil lair.
He scanned her face from her long lashes which batted beautifully, followed by her unsteady breathing, it was intriguing to see how she mewled under him. Yoongi took the chance to appreciate her natural beauty up close, the last time he was closed to a woman, he paid no heed to her facial. Until today, he realized how woman’s facial bones differ from a man like him. Giving it how a woman had a feminine face in comparison to a man.
“What are you doing, get off me” Seul chewed her lower lips slowly afraid a slight movement by her might cause another kiss tragedy between him and Yoongi. It would be bad if they kissed again. The first one might be intentional, to save her ass. But the second one later would be confusing to her.
“Are you by any chance like me?”
“NO WAY YOU COCKY ASSHOLE! WHY WOULD I? YOU ARE LIKE A TOTAL JERK!” the foul mouth Seul is back to attack causing the latter to chuckle softly, impress of her sinful mouth.
Yoongi rolled his eyes “You will be regretting it for calling me a cocky asshole. But, you still kissed me though, doesn’t it imply something. Or are you trying to seduce us? Just how you get Jimin?” he accused.
Seul was offended by his words, now that calls for real fight. Did he just indirectly turn her into a psycho bitch “The kiss was a mistake!I… did that to defend myself. You were about to murder me, you jerk! Jimin-ssi was helping me from murdering Jin’s new pets! ARE YOU INSANE?” Yoongi whom first jerked his head backward now return to his earlier position.
Their lips were now inch close again making Seul’s lips sealed completely.
Jerk, jerk! Jerk! She cursed angrily in her head.
“Now you remember, I thought you forgot it completely. I guess you are still reminded by that. By the kisses that we shared” he smirked.
“For your information, there is no kisses. It was only a kiss. Don’t get ahead yourself”
“Oh, lets make them kisses then”
Just like that, her lips are reunited with Yoongi soft one. Her adrenaline rush was so high at the moment and Seul had no idea how to recover from it. The way his small lips move against her was driving her mind crazy.
Did it just happen? Another incidental kiss with Yoongi?
Why is he kissing me! Seul screamed mentally. Part of her wanted to push him off, but why her muscle didn’t budge. Screw this.
Ji Seul, you are so done.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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a-seed-in-need-blog · 6 years
The Seed’s on a date (head-canons)
- Oh this boy is gonna take you places, especially restaurants. Downtown for haute cuisine, a flat specializing in Mediterranean fusion foods, indulge in some rolled-ice cream. 
- Dress nicely. He is always preening for his S/O, spending hours grooming himself for you, and he expects you to do so in return. He wants the world to know you are the hottest power couple of the century, he wants to absolutely show. you. off. 
- Oh and shopping. Oh good lord the shopping. John Seed is going to spoil you rotten with that pretty little (limitless) platinum card. Louis Vuitton red-sole pumps? You got it. Marc Jacobs nomad saddle hand-bag? Sold, you deserve it. It helps that he also loves to shop and spoil himself. You two can spend all day at the mall.
- It might seem odd at first, but John loves vehicle shows. Car shows, plane displays, boat viewings... He is extremely well-versed in the trivia surrounding these events: history, makes/models, uses, etc. He loves to share his knowledge with you, and it’s adorable to watch him become so giddy at these outings. 
- Most dates end with some dessert indulgence: gelato, an assortment of macarons, perhaps he takes you to a little place that serves “the best tiramisu you’ll ever taste.” John always wants to end his dates on a high-note, what better way to do that with sweets? 
- A homebody at heart, it’s hard to get this boy out of the house. However, that does not mean he is incapable of appreciating the little indoor dates you coordinate. Binge watching action movies (with the occasional comedy/romance thrown in there), kicking your ass at Mario Party (what do you mean he’s “too old for video-games?”) or even just huddling around a fire in the back yard.
- There are a few things he’ll leave the house for, although. Take him paint-balling once and he’ll be hooked. Hyper competitive in nature, he has the time of his life asserting his dominance while simultaneously protecting you. Honestly, the other team doesn’t stand a chance.
- Hiking is another beloved past-time. He loves to be in the quiet of nature with you, not speaking, just enjoying each-others company in the cool mountain air.  Occasionally he’ll point out interesting phenomena to you: the way flowers grow to face the sun, fresh prints in the mud, how to detect nearby water. It helps you realize how in-touch with nature this man is.
- Jacob wont often say no to bar-hopping. Drinking numbs his trauma and emboldens his confidence. Plus, bar food is killer, who doesn’t like chicken wings and greasy-ass fries? (If you don’t like bar food, what the hell are you doing with this boy?) Wont wait around for you to primp yourself, just throw some sweatpants on, let’s go get fucked. 
- Once you two stayed indoors and got drunk off vintage whiskey and vodka, critiquing the SHIT out of infomercials until the early hours of the AM. You’ve never seen his face so flushed, heard him laugh so heartily. Cuddled up on the couch, you both scream “Asshole! You absolute tool!!!” at the T.V screen. Who needs a kitchen pan specifically made for omelettes, anyways? 
- This girl is fun central, she wants to squeeze as much activity as she can into the time she is given. Will not hesitate to create a schedule if you decide to go somewhere large with her, like Disney Land or Cedar Point. Cannot waste time waiting in lines, absolutely has to have a fast-pass at these locations. 
- Concerts are also a great experience for the both of you, she loves the music, the bass, the energy. She wants to hold your hand, be close to you, let the music flow through her and into you while you both embrace each other in the night-venue. Just wait until you try a concert experience in The Bliss, absolutely spiritual.
- Faith, however, is also interested in more low-key, stimulating dates. Getting up around 10 to meet you at the farmers market by 11. Loves it when you encourage each other to try new and interesting foods (usually strange fruits and other produce.) Holds your hand the entire time. You wrap up your afternoon stopping by the flea markets; she loves to see the little relics for sale. To her, they’re little monuments full of love, she adores seeing which things will catch your eye.
- You and Faith have probably been to the Zoo six-hundred times. She knows the names of all the animals, but she is never any less excited to be there. And, oh, the petting zoo. “Look at the goat! Isn’t he precious? Come here, give him a little pet, he loves it!” Strangely enough, the animals seem to adore her just as much.
- Sometimes, however, the dates are simple. A quiet walk through the botanical gardens, arms linked, steps ginger with enthusiasm. She loves to tell you about all the different flowers, both beautiful and deadly; you both agree this is your favorite place to be together, something about the environment just feels right, it just pulls you two closer. 
- Oh, Joseph is down for anything. Honestly gets excited at the prospect of letting you pick the destination of their date, loves to see what unique places you’ll bring him to. Is always listening to you like you’re the last person on Earth; if this place/activity has meaning to you, then it must be of utmost importance.
- Is a sucker for going out to breakfast. Shows you this little hole-in-the-wall diner that serves the most amazing eggs and hash. Stares at you quietly over his coffee while you wait for your food, smiling at you, relishing in his love for you. When the food arrives, however, you both find yourselves lost in the amazing cuisine, he did not lie. 
- In his opinion, just sitting around talking is a great date. Sits outside with you in the midst of the twilight hours, watching the breeze tousle your hair, asking your opinions on the world, on your life. You sit together, swaying gently in a tree swing. He listens to your words as if they were gospel, cherishing every moment he has to spend with you. Occasionally, he will move your hair from your face, admiring your gentle features.
- Much like Jacob, he likes to enjoy natures beauty with you, just in less strenuous ways... his preference is a picnic. Somewhere quiet where the both of you can talk and admire the wildlife around you. If he’s feeling romantic (50-65% of the time) he will pack the basket, surprising you with little foods you love, and maybe even a bottle of wine to share. 
- Loves to get creative with you. Wants to paint with you, create music or take up some productive hobby. Wants to express himself beside you, allowing his soul to pour into his work, while allowing himself to witness your soul poured into yours. Will always keep and cherish whatever you make, as he considers it “an expression of your heart, a beautiful gift.” 
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awfeasges · 3 years
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