#noel is only involved in one bc he's very involved in his own chaos
moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
Absolutely patting myself on the back for the bullshit trio concept, no shame whatsoever! But I’d love to hear your thoughts on who’s team up with who, if you don’t mind sharing ☺️
hi thanks for this ask!!!!! yes absolutely adore your bullshit trio concept and your take is so mega valid!!!! i do however have a couple of differences but i also disagree with myself soooooo :)
Version #1
mischa: constance and ricky (my beloved favourite trio)
constance: mischa and noel
ocean: noel and penny
noel: constance and ocean
ricky: penny and ocean
penny: ricky and mischa
Version #2
mischa: constance and ricky (a constant for me)
constance: mischa and ricky
ocean: constance and penny
noel: penny and ocean
ricky: mischa and constance
penny: ricky and noel
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