#however if they need to get back at each other they enlist their respective partners
moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
Absolutely patting myself on the back for the bullshit trio concept, no shame whatsoever! But I’d love to hear your thoughts on who’s team up with who, if you don’t mind sharing ☺️
hi thanks for this ask!!!!! yes absolutely adore your bullshit trio concept and your take is so mega valid!!!! i do however have a couple of differences but i also disagree with myself soooooo :)
Version #1
mischa: constance and ricky (my beloved favourite trio)
constance: mischa and noel
ocean: noel and penny
noel: constance and ocean
ricky: penny and ocean
penny: ricky and mischa
Version #2
mischa: constance and ricky (a constant for me)
constance: mischa and ricky
ocean: constance and penny
noel: penny and ocean
ricky: mischa and constance
penny: ricky and noel
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not-goldy · 1 month
What's funny as hell is Tae flat out saying in everyone's faces he's excited to go to military alone and do his own thing and will look forward to coming back together afterward to see what its like for everyone. He said you bitches later lol. Vmin shippers & tkk sitting there listening to Tae say that right in Jikook's faces & still think he's dating their favs. What a joke. If my partner said in my face I'm happy we're going our different ways for 2 years, the way Tae said in Jimin and Jk's face I'd probably take that as a sign he's not that into me & call it a day. lol And then there's Jikook saying not us, we going together. Same way Tae said he was happy to be living on his own & spending time by himself & it cuts to Jikook stuck up each other's asses eating at Jimin's together while the other members are doing their thing. So what I gather is Tae likes his space. He likes being alone away from other members and has no problem doing that and saying that to their faces & then there's jIkook saying we come together as a package deal to everyone, including the military officials. I can't.
People are slow to catch on to things and yet they hate on those who do for no reason at all.
I spoke a lot about Jungkook and Tae seemingly wanting to go solo and for Tae he gave me panick attacks at night thinking he wanted out like really out of BTS💀💀💀
This dude looked depressed for years in the band but suddenly when it was time to actually Kickstart his Solo career he came alive 😩😩😩😩😩
I took offense at that not gonna lie🤣
And running off with his Wooga squard doing THE SAME DAMN things he'd done with BTS now zuht wus offensaaaave.
They've been together for years and I get that not everything was great- but most things were and some of us are hoping they BTS till the wheels fall off- it's a scary thought to think some wouldn't want to come back- I'm looking at you Namjoon Tae Suga and Hobi 😩😩😩💀
Most of them were so over living in the same dorms and I recall Hobi talking about how he loved the members but wouldn't want to go back to share a room.
Personal space is so important and independence is never underrated. I don't fault Tae for wanting his independence he's a grown man and needs to feel like it.
No matter how tough it is, I think getting away from eachother for a few years especially knowing yall will soon be back together as a boy band is healthy.
It breaks whatever unhealthy attachments that were formed and will help erase the disadvantages of over familiarity such as breaching and disrespecting eachother's boundaries all the time and taking certain things for granted.
When they come back I expect to see that maturity and respect amongst them however close they get.
It's also possible some might become more prideful and think they are better off without the others.
I'm saying all this to say that I'm side eyeing Jikook. Like I didn't even know the buddy system existed till those two used it.
They didn't just go individually and coincidentally ended up in the same camp they enlisted together with a program that will guarantee they in the same unit same dorm same bed
A very deliberate and calculated move.
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So I laugh when people say they were coerced into it especially when you consider that the whole enlisting was their idea. BTS would have eventually been exempted THEY CHOSE TO GO ON THEIR OWN ACCORD because they were tired sitting around waiting for their government to make up its mind. Enlisting was a power move.
Deep deep sigh.
Lord, I don't want followers I just want to find the mature sane rational honest and bold jikook followers even if there's only 2 of them hide me from any other person account or bot in Jesus name
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fightaers · 5 months
what has sakura been up to post 4th war. again, these are all my personal headcanons and details are subject to change with each respective rp partner(s) i am interacting with !
# — due the villages aspiring for a more diplomatic connection, sakura hops from village to village to assist in tending to the wounded — or what’s left of them. she organises a nation-wide standardisation on how to deal, clean, assess, and manage hospitals and/or clinics all around. it takes her a while, i can imagine she’s gone from eight months to a year ( on and off ) before she fully returns and resides back in konoha.
#— i know canon fast-forwards a lot of stuff, but i imagine the preparation for kakashi's inauguration as the sixth wasn’t as quick. so during the few months of stabilisation wherein the leaf is still under the fifth, sakura is diagnosed with “battle fatigue” ( another name for PTSD because they didn’t have a proper name for it during this time ) by tsunade, and was prescribed medication.
# — in my interpretation, she’s clinically depressed. she changes her medication ( at this point, she self-medicates since she notices the medicine prescribed by tsunade wasn’t working ) after reading some research on it — there isn’t much, she has to go through archives — about a year in, by concocting the pills herself. she did enlist some help, mostly botanist experts, pharmacists, possibly a form of psychologist or therapist (which were rare, and i can imagine coming from another village) and trusted a colleague leading or assisting on the research about her progress. this way, she avoids overdosing. no, she doesn’t tell her friends about the diagnosis nor the medication. her parents are aware of this, however.
# — some of the symptoms she would've shown: a feeling of restlessness, excessive guilt, experiences extreme fatigue ( that she mistakens simply because she does not sleep well ) which can cause her to sleep at random hours. she also becomes unresponsive and experiences lack of interest in normal and/or everyday routine i.e. when ino asks her to hang out and she just seems mentally absent. for a while before her diagnosis, sakura never cleans her bedroom. she doesn't think much of it since she isn't there a lot anyhow except to sleep, and she doesn't care to. it'll take her a while to really look back and understand that that's not laziness.
# — this is just a light-hearted headcanon but, sakura’s mental health improves around her family so, so much. she loves going to her grandfather’s ancestral home near the woods and just spend time with her brother, his family, and her parents. sometimes her civilian extended family joins. she actually doesn’t like them asking nosily about her “shinobi life”, but other than that, she loves the gossips and when they all gather in the kitchen to prepare meals.
# — after the war too, while working shift-by-shift to stabilise the wounded, she attends private funerals ( besides from the mass funeral ) of any family she is invited to. yes, this includes the yamanaka and the nara ( although that was more because she wanted, than invited ). she always finds the time ever since — unless she’s in surgery, or was really needed, then she visits the family after. from that alone, sakura keeps a black dress and/or kimono in her office at all time.
tl;dr — sakura organised a nation-wide standardisation of cleaning and assessing wounds among several villages, an effort which lasted from eight months to a full year. shortly before kakashi's inauguration as the sixth, sakura was diagnosed with battle fatigue, and was given medication. because the medication didn't improve her condition, she sought out to research and concoct a set of pills herself. mostly though, you can find her working in the hospital, or getting ready to embark in her research into battle fatigue, battle trauma, and post-battle rehabilitation.
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WAIT THAT KALIM N LEONA REQ WAS SO GOOD. can i ask for that with malleus and jamil?? like the whole getting jealous cuz some mf servant doesn’t know their place thing.., tysm this blog carries the twst fandom on its back 👑👑👑
(that is an amazing compliment thank you!) 
Malleus Draconia: 
Being assigned a servant that he hadn’t had much interaction with didn’t really make Malleus uncomfortable, most showed him the respect he deserved and did not overstep their boundaries due to his reputation. They had apparently missed the history lesson where you were his partner, however, and though he wanted to go about it in a polite way his temper flared the moment he saw them putting their hands on you. As innocent a gesture it might’ve been, Malleus didn’t see it as such, the icy glare capable of leveling the entire castle if you wouldn’t have been in imminent danger if he did so. You’re quick to sense Malleus’ mood chance and shoo the servant away, sending a request to Lilia that Sebek return to his duties as soon as possible before there was a catastrophe to take care of. Lilia seemed to find it all very amusing, stating that he never knew Malleus had such a possessive side. 
Jamil Viper: 
Jamil tried not to be twitchy about it but it was hard to hold back his bitter feelings. He finally had something (someone) to call his own and now people decided to be envious? They surely wouldn’t be envious of anything else about his situation, would they? So why did they think, after all that he had overcome to even earn the privilege to stand by your side, that they even had the right to look at you? Your relationship is still a carefully hidden secret but had no intention of letting another person hit on you while he was around, smoothly redirecting conversation or enlisting Kalim’s help to divert the attention off of you so he could sneak you off elsewhere, away from all the unnecessary attention. You can tell Jamil is jealous but pointing it out would be pointless, so instead you did what you could to show who your heart truly belonged to. You didn’t need some flashy title or big shows of feelings to know how much you loved Jamil and he felt the same, content to just be near each other. 
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Ladynoir
I think most readers can appreciate a good rec list, but it’s often the same fics that I see recced again and again. I get why they’re recced - they’re amazing! But I want help finding fic I haven’t already read. So I decided to be the change I want to see in the world. The rule: the fic must have less than a thousand kudos on AO3 (but I’m trying to limit to fics that have less than 500.) Obviously this means a lot of my favourites are not included here, but you’ve probably read all of those already anyway. 
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
To get things started and in honour of the quality ladynoir content we just got (which I’m hoping will inspire even more quality fan content!), let’s have some ladynoir recs. Fics are in no particular order.
Amnesiac? More like Amnesi-Chat by therealjanebingley
Oblivio's back, and this time only Chat Noir gets hit. Based on his limited knowledge and the way Ladybug acts towards him, he makes some assumptions.
One-shot. This is hilarious. From Chat’s genuine glee about his superheroes to Ladybug’s affectionate indulgence to having Chat provide an “outside perspective” on Ladybug’s non-platonic behaviour towards him to the teasing... I could see this actually happening in an Oblivio 2.0 episode.
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss...it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. 
What's your favourite colour? by @hermionemonica
Ladybug and Chat Noir sit on a rooftop, watching the sunset.
One-shot. This fic is short and sweet and absolutely lovely. It’s set post-reveal and despite only being 566 words it’s full of sweetness and feeling.
Margins of Error by orphan_account
“Do you…” Ladybug's voice is at an almost-whisper. He can feel her breath fire-hot against his face. “Do you want me to show you how I think they should write our kiss?”
Adrien isn’t here anymore, leave a message after the tone.
Adrien was raised on order. His life is meticulously planned, each day as reliable as the equations he studies in physics and calculus. But Ladybug- Ladybug always has him at a loss.
One-shot. Okay, so I know the author of this one since I download all my favourite fics, but since they’ve orphaned it I’m going to respect that. However, since the author was kind enough to leave the work up so people can continue to enjoy it, I’m going to suggest that people do so! Ladynoir kisses featuring my absolute favourite dynamic: sexually assertive Ladybug and receptive Chat Noir. (Don’t take this to mean the fic has sexual content - it’s just kissing.) AMAZING.
Liquid Luck by @somethingvaguetodo
Ladybug enlists Chat Noir's help in decoding the remaining ingredients for the power-up transformation potions. Together, they work on creating them, and possibly destroying the barriers between them.
Multi-chapter. The riddles of the secret potion ingredients are fun to think about, Ladybug and Chat Noir both get to show off their smarts, and the trust and support between the two of them is showcased. Perfect ladynoir.
when you weren't mine to lose by @bugsandchatons
Change is a scary thing, especially when it feels like nothing has stayed the same.
It's been a year since Marinette became the Guardian of the Miracle Box - a year of struggling beneath a burden she never asked for, a weight that has her leaning on her partner more and more as the hours fly by, of letting him come to her, too, when he needs a soft place to land. A year of falling for the boy who takes on the world by her side with a smile made of sunlight, and fighting the growing urge to tell him what he means to her.
After all, they'll have time enough for that when Paris is safe.
But when the unthinkable happens, Marinette learns the tragedy of loving someone quietly, and the lines she'll cross to save him.
Multi-chapter. This is what happens when Ladybug loses Chat Noir. It hurts in all the best ways and the writing is absolutely gorgeous and somehow we still get a happy ending!
well if i'm beautiful and you're beautiful then who's saving paris? by celebreultimaverba
Chat flirts. Surprisingly, it works.
And then it backfires.
One-shot. This one is so cute and sweet! It’s a quick read but you’ll be smiling by the end of it.
sometimes the dreamers finally wake up by magesamell
"Four days ago a mermaid flooded Paris and an ancient guardian introduced himself to his father as a substitute Chinese tutor. He had thought that would be the end of it."
Ladybug tells Chat Noir all of her secrets.
One-shot. Post-Syren. The fic we all desperately need about Ladybug actively working to restore the balance of her and Chat’s relationship after Fu messes with that. It’s not overly romantic, but it’s absolutely perfect.
i fall in love just a little, oh, just a little by @mlady-noir
If she was asked, Ladybug wouldn't be able to give a specific date when her heart decided to fall for her pun loving partner, but she could point out the night she realized it.
One-shot. Sofffffttttttt. This is just a beautiful narrative of Ladybug’s fall for Chat with a sweet, sweet ending.
Someone I Can’t Fall In Love With by @yslen54
Ladybug agreed with Chat Noir when he suggested that they should finally share their identities with each other, but she’s been dreading it ever since.
One-shot. This is short and sweet. An identity reveal that explores Ladybug’s feelings for Chat Noir and then plays with the divided heart trope.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
You can’t stay away from me by plikki
When Adrien sides with his father, he expects to protect Ladybug and buy some time. He doesn't expect that his emotional state will make it so much harder to resist the girl that he loves, until he just gives in.
Multi-chapter. Rated M. Not-quite an enemies AU, but with all the beautiful angst and tension of one. There’s a fair amount of sex, so be warned but it’s SO SO GOOD. And all of the pain and angst is followed by a sweet happy ending.
baby, we don't have time to be coy by Molebear
"What are we doing?" Chat breathes, the words sending a tendril of lucidity back into Ladybug's hormone-addled brain.
It's a fair question.
The origins of this tryst are a little hazy in her mind at this point. Something about a lovesick akuma, maybe? Ladybug vaguely remembers Chat Noir getting struck by something, only seconds before it hit her too. There was a fight, or... there was something she and Chat Noir had been in the middle of doing - something important, like.... save-the-world important - before she'd dragged him underground with the sole intention of climbing him like a tree.
A scorned lover gets akumatized and gains the power to cast Lust. When it comes to distracting Paris' beloved superhero team, this power turns out to be... rather effective.
One-shot. Rated M. The UST of this one damn near killed me. It’s hot AF and I would commit homicide to read the conversation these two have after that lmaoooo
Charmed, I'm Sure by @chatonne-rousse
Friends with benefits. It's right there in the name, and it's what they are - friends. Best friends. This is just a way for two consenting adults to relieve stress after akuma fights, with the only person they'd trust with this level of intimacy. Really, what could go wrong? (The real question is, what could go right?)
Multi-chapter. Rated E. The sex is really, really hot. It’s in character and full of emotion. And there’s an amazing identity reveal followed by “I’m so happy it’s you!” sex. 
A Little Too Far by imploder
Ladybug gets handsy, and Chat Noir lacks self-control. Alternitavely: "Plagg's Worst Nightmare".
One-shot. Rated E. This one is hot and in character and just absolutely amazing steamy ladynoir content. Features my favourite: sexually assertive Ladybug. Because who doesn’t love playing with gender role stereotypes?
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Volunteer (Pre-Serum Steve x Fem!reader)
Word Count: 500
Warnings: None
A/N Just something that came to mind, it is definitely a little bit shorter but I like it a lot! I love my Pre-serum baby steve
"I am very curious, how many times have you actually tried to volunteer Mr. Rogers?" I said, raising my eyebrows.
The skinny man in front of me cleared his throat nervously. He was very little, suffering from many diseases, including asthma. I still did not know why Dr. Erskine insisted on sending him off. But there was something in his eyes, even as he avoided mine, that showed courage. something else was there but was hidden, only those willing to look under his appearance able to see it "Uh, who is Mr. Rogers? I am Mr. Conway. Perhaps you have the wrong enlistment form."
I smiled at his clear discomfort. "Mr. Rogers, I know everything. Dr. Erskine is one of my partners. It is clear he wants you to join this war, even if I deem you unfit for such activity. I have reevaluated after hearing his reason, so you do not need to lie to me."
His eyes widened with each passing word, clearly surprised that I knew. "I'm sorry ma'am, I mean, Doctor, I did not realize you weren't a nurse. So am I clear to go?" He shifted in his seat, very antsy for someone of his stature.
"You may go," He started to get up, "However, I would like to ask you a question. You are a rule-breaker, and as much as I would love to discipline you, how about you take me to dance instead? All signs of a misdemeanor, however small, will miraculously disappear from your files and we will have a good time. What do you say, Mr. Rogers?"
He gaped at me, not expecting me to be so forward. His pale cheeks filled with color, and he nodded, still seeming to be a bit shaky. "Please call me Steve, if that is not too much ma'am. And where shall we go dancing? It only seems fair that you should choose."
"Well Steve, first off, call me y/n. I personally love the new 51 Club, it has a good atmosphere. Feel free to bring some friends. Meet me back here at 20:00 sharp tomorrow evening." (For those of y'all that don't know, 20:00 is 8:00 in army time lol)
"Yes ma'am- I mean, y/n.  And thank you." He replied. He had a huge grin on his face, and his skin was almost as red as a tomato. He stumbled a bit towards the door, very flustered.
I called back, "Steve." He turned around. "Make sure to dress nice."
He smiled and saluted, grasping his papers and turning the door. I peeked out the window and saw him attempting to run to what looked like one of his friends. I smiled. He was an odd one, but compassionate, I could tell that much. He was different from all the others I realized. While he was talking to me, he treated me with respect, and he did not treat me as inferior because of my gender. This was not a boy, this was a man.
A/N, let me know if you want me to write a part 2 to this! I probably will, but still want constructive criticism!
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
Megan how do you feel about somnophilia if you don't like it that's fine but if your comfortable writing it then can i request a yandere silver delusional number 8 with spicy somnophilia? Either way I respect your decision if you refuse
(I had to ask someone what the hell somnophilia was >///< and I wasn’t sure if you wanted the one into somnophilia to be Silver or his S/o but I went with Silver being into Somnophilia. Hope you like this!) 8. “Look, this is for the best. You don’t understand now, but you will.” (Yandere Silver x Fem! S/o) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD!)
“I want to have a baby” Silver said, resting his chin on (Y/n)'s shoulder as she brushed her teeth and almost choked on her toothbrush at the young man’s declaration. The young woman had just barely, barely made peace with her current situation. Being the wife of the drowsy knight had never been an ambition of hers, yet it was the hand that had been dealt to her by fate and a blade to the throat. “A baby? We’re not ready to be parents yet Sil” (Y/n) said, between heaving coughs as she tried to clear her airways of the toothpaste she’d accidentally swallowed when the male had made his sudden announcement to her. “Having a baby would be a lot of work” she added trying to appeal to her partner’s more rational mind in the hopes she’d be able to dissuade him from his troublesome train of thought. “What makes you think we’re not ready for parenthood (Y/n)? Isn’t having kids part of the point of getting married isn’t it?” Silver said his face contorted into a confused frown as he stared into the mirror over the sink, his eyes fixed on the young woman’s reflection and awaiting further clarification for her hesitation on the matter. Truth be told, children hadn’t been on his mind until his father had seen fit to tease him about the matter.
“You’re already busy everyday from dawn to dusk watching over the king. We hardly have time for each other as it is. Even if having kids is part of the reason to get married I am not ready for motherhood Sil. I think you just have baby fever, it will probably pass in a few days. Then we’ll both laugh about the whole thing and be thankful we didn’t rush into anything before we were prepared for it” (Y/n) said again trying to be rational for both their sakes. “I see, you’re worried over the little things. I know just what to do to help you relax” Silver cooed as he drew his wand from his pocket and began mumbling the words to a spell. (Y/n) felt herself growing unusually drowsily as she looked at the young man with utter betrayal in her eyes even as he let out a patronizing sigh. “Look, this is for the best. You don’t understand now, but you will. When you wake up you’ll thank me” the male promised sweetly. (Y/n) didn't get a chance to argue her case further before she’d fallen asleep and her limbs went slack as cooked pasta noodles. If Silver hadn’t been by her side at this moment the young woman would have tumbled to the floor like a rag doll. Lucky for her that her beloved husband was ready to carry her off to bed for a passion-filled, at least for one of them that is, night of lovemaking.
Silver laid (Y/n) on the bed, finding himself once again in awe of his darling wife’s beauty. He found her to be absolutely stunning whether it be when she was dressed in finery fit for a noblewoman or in the old faded pajamas she’d had since before they’d started dating. However his favorite thing to see her in, was absolutely nothing at all. Her bare body could make lust well up in him like nothing else could.
The young man took his time undressing his partner, treating each layer of cloth like the wrapping paper of a present that was addressed just to him. His mouth latched onto one of (Y/n)’s breasts and he sucked fiercely as he began stripping down as well. All the while his eyes remain fixed on the girl’s face taking note of how her face tensed up with pleasure just from having her tits played with.  
The look on the young woman’s face was all the further permission Silver needed to finish stripping and rub his cock eagerly against her cunt. Normally he would have taken more time, spent his energy eating her out like a fine dinner before he fucked her. However tonight the prospect of continuing their bloodlines as one made him too excited to wait, and he thrust impatiently inside. 
Thankfully the spell he cast kept (Y/n) from feeling any pain as he fucked her, if she felt anything it would be pure, unadulterated pleasure he would make sure of it. Silver’s lips remain latched to her chest as one hand pinched at the other to make sure it was getting enough attention as he pounded his wife’s delightful cunt hungrily, feeling how her insides seemed to grip him like a vise. It wasn’t long before he was cumming with a growl into (Y/n)’s warm depths. Silver kept going, knowing that they’d be more likely to make a child if both of them reached fulfillment as he continued sucking and pinching, his other hand now toying with (Y/n)’s clit making her squirm and moan like a ticklish piglet and only made her even tighter than before. He managed to hold out however, keeping himself from coming again until his beloved had reached ecstasy at least once as well. When (Y/n) finally broke free of the sleeping enchantment, she found herself tucked under the covers and fairly cozy. Almost cozy enough to drift off to sleep proper if it weren't for the sensation of soreness between her legs and the feeling of Silver’s cum dripping out of her cunt as he snuggled against her back and snored softly. The young woman could only guess how long they’d done it and how many times they’d done it. Regardless there was almost no way she wouldn't be pregnant from this encounter, not if her husband had any say in the matter. Even if she didn't get pregnant from tonight’s activities, she knew that Silver wouldn’t give up trying to impregnate her. If their efforts didn’t show fruit soon, it was likely that the young man would enlist the help of his fae guardians and she couldn’t bear the shame of that. So for her own sake she hoped the young man’s seed would take root… THE END
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Being Maeve Wiley’s sibling would include
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She’s affectionate, in her own way. 
·         Be that: Waiting for you after school, waiting for you if you have detention (which happens a lot), the nicknames (mainly “Dickhead”), or sometimes just listening to you rant when you clearly needs to vent. 
·         She cares about you a lot. She’s protective. 
·         If anyone, anyone, talks ill of you, she’s there to kick their ass. 
·         She’s gotten in trouble for it, but to her it’s worth it. 
·         However, she isn’t possessive.
·         She lets you have your own life. Own group of friends and what not. 
·         Two of those friends are Otis and Eric. 
·         She doesn’t really mind, she can tell that they do some good to you. 
·         Your lives aren’t the best, so she’s just happy that you have some friends. 
·         You know Aimee and are her friend too. 
·         On your bad days, Maeve can tell. Not just from you being her sibling, but also from a read she gets from you. 
·         She can read you like a book. 
·         However, you both hide your emotions, so it normally ends with you both telling the other to fuck off. 
·         Although, after a while, you normally do end up talking. Normally late into the night. 
·         She’s the acedemic, you’re the creative. 
·         Whenever you have an idea for a new story (be it original, or fan stuff) she can see a spark in your eye. 
·         You have a notepad of ideas. One you keep guarded close to you. 
·         She also keeps an eye out for it. 
·         One time, it goes missing. You’re alarmed, of course. But so is she. 
·         Otis witnesses a moment of her being soft as she comforts you:
·         She rubs your arm, “We’ll find it, don’t worry.” 
·         She enlists Otis’ help. 
·         When they find it, she tells you about the clinic. 
·         She knows how creative you can be, so she goes to you to help. Be a kind of PR manager. 
·         So, that’s your role in the scheme. 
·         Maeve, Otis, and Eric mainly let you get on with your life, only bringing you in when you’re needed to drum up some business. 
·         You figure out your own identity (asexual, aromantic) but are unsure on how to tell your sister. 
·         However, she can tell something is bothering you, so she pulls Otis aside and asks him to help you:
·         “You care about Y/N, right?” She asks him.
·         “Of course.”
·         “I need you to talk to them. Do your thing with them.”
·         “Why, what’s wrong?”
·         “I think they’re struggling to tell me something. I – I don’t want to force it out of them, I just want them to be ok.”
·         So, Otis pulls you aside. He sits you down and talks to you:
·         “I’m doing this, as a friend, as a favour to Maeve, and as a sex-therapist. So, what can I help you with, Y/N.”
·         And, you tell him. He tries to explain it, but it doesn’t make you feel anymore comfortable.
·         That night, in the RV, she sees you bummed out.
·         “What’s wrong?” She asks, pouring herself a drink.
·         “Otis tried to help me out today. Didn’t go very well.”
·         She tries not to show it, but she feels a bit guilty for it and hurt that it didn’t work out.
·         “Can I help?”
·         She sits with you as you try and explain it: how you never want to have sex or have a boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner.
·         She just sits there and listens, small smile on her face as she sees that spark in you again.
·         She then reaches over with a tentative hand, “Ok, that sounds good. I’ll ward them off for you, then. More for me.”
·         You share a hug, just happy that she’s accepted it.
·         You tell her about Otis’ crush on her, “I know, stupid.” Is her answer.
·         You meet Jackson, and he seems decent, if a bit condenscending at times.
·         Then Sean comes back.
·         Maeve does the talking for you, knowing that this is a sore spot for you.
·         Although, he does try and talk to you.
·         You mainly ignore him.
·         “Maeve –”
·         “Fuck off, Sean. Y/N doesn’t want to talk to you.”
·         As said before, she’s protective and respects your choice.
·         And, again, not possessive, she won’t force you to talk to him if you don’t want to.
·         When it comes to the dance, she looks at him differently.
·         Then it turns out that Jackson had got tips from Otis.
·         You leave with your sister, annoyed at your friend.
·         Then you almost get busted for drugs.
·         Like Otis, Maeve assures Groff that you had nothing to do with it:
·         “Y/N had nothing to do with it, either. Leave them out of it.”
·         “Oh, I’m sure Y/N is innocent, miss Wiley. They aren’t as misguided as you.”
·         They hurt, but she takes them.
·         She is then expelled, but tells you not to worry about it.
·         “I’ll find a job, Y/N. I promise.”
·         So, time goes by.
·         You keep going to school, patch things up with your friends and start a new year.
·         Maeve comes back, much to your delight:
·         “Can I just say that I’m happy to see you.”
·         “Shut up.”
·         “Aw, is Maeve embarrassed that I care?”
·         “Fuck off, seriously.”
·         Then she drops a bombshell:
·         “I don’t think I’m over Otis.”
·         “…Oh, bloody hell.”
·         You stay out of it, letting them do what they do.
·         Now, your mum is back.
·         She, like Sean, tries to talk to you.
·         But, Maeve is having none of it.
·         “You can’t force Y/N to talk to you if they don’t want to.”
·         “I just want them to know that I’m back for good –”
·         “Oh, until you leave again. I’ve got them.”
·         You both seem to fall and care for your younger sister quite quickly.
·         She actually pulls you both closer as you both take care of her when mum is at “work”
·         Maeve introduces you to Isaac. Who you get along with fairly well.
·         Then the big one comes, the party at Otis’.
·         Now, you were on good grounds with your friend.
·         Despite your sister’s crush, she didn’t mind too much that you got along with Ola.
·         She knew you weren’t going to get involved, didn’t really want you to.
·         You both lived your own lives, after all.
·         At the party, someone does hit on you, much to your discomfort.
·         It happens right as she arrives:
·         “Come on, love, let’s go up-“
·         “No….no thank you.”
·         “Aw, come on –”
·         “Hey, they said no. Fuck off and go vomit.”
·         That’s her greeting to you.
·         You do get drunk, but she keeps a watchful eye on you as you let loose.
·         She’s happy for you, having a chance to be free; to be yourself.
·         Then Otis does his speech:
·         “And Y/N. My dear, dear friend, Y/N. They’re torn, really, between myself and Maeve. They’re a good friend, but I expect them to choose her.”
·         That’s just one of the things he says.
·         Maeve walks you home, keeping you upright.
·         She lets you pass out on the sofa.
·         The next morning she gives you some water:
·         “Listen, I have detention. So, take this, stay in today and I’ll see you later, alright?” she says softly.
·         You sleep for most of that day, meaning you miss everything going down with Isaac and your mother.
·         Maeve makes sure to keep an eye on you as you vomit up a lot of what you had to drink.
·         Pretty? No. But, she rubs your back as you let it all out.
·         “Do you want to come to the finals with me today? Get some air?”
·         You go, sitting next to Aimee.
·         On the way, Maeve tells you about her experience, but Aimee seems a bit more confident now. She even gives you a smile and hug as you enter.
·         You watch as they narrowly win, hugging Maeve as she spins you around.
·         Going back, you see what’s happened, with your Mother being taken away.
·         You look to Maeve as you realise what she’s done:
·         “I had to, Y/N. She’s dangerous.”
·         You swallow it and nod, knowing that she is right.
·         And, just like that, your mother is gone. Now it’s just the two of you left.
·         But, you know you can take it on, whatever it is, together.
·         Your protective of each other, just not possessive.
·         You can live your own lives, but you always have a home with each other.
·         Damaged? Sure. But, a home’s a home.
33 notes · View notes
rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
AO3 fics
This is a list of AO3 fics I find and need a place to save so I can read them later! I’d save them in a file on my phone but my phone hates me and quite frankly, I don’t blame it.
Note: I also take fic finding requests! I can’t help you find specific fics but if there is a ship here you aren’t interested in or don’t ship but you want a fic for, let me know what genre you want and the ship or x reader and I’ll find it for you! Genres include fluff, romantic, spicy, angst!
Some of the descriptions are the actual descriptions from the fics, however some are just notes I made about them myself. NONE OF THESE ARE MINE AND I AM NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THEM!
This is mostly just for me but I figured I’d post it so I can create a link for it on my page instead of going through my drafts to look for it.
Guide: ☘️ not completed 🍀 completed ❌ not read ✔️ read 🌶 spicy 🌹 romance 🌵angst 🌼 fluff
If you think an emoji on a fic should be changed, just let me know! I DID NOT PUT ANY TRIGGER WARNING IN THE DESCRIPTIONS! If I think there is something trigger or know there is I will tell you to read the tags and notes but if you read one of these with a mislabeled emojis or you think a 🌵 should be added, please let me know.
On the last day of every month I go through and update the info of if it is completed and how many chapters there are. Because of this some of the info may be wrong as you read this post.
A World Alone
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
10 chapters and part of a Series
🌼🌹 Nico was ready to propose - now he just needed to figure out how. He convinces Will to celebrate Hanukkah for the first time in years. The problem is, Nico doesn't know anything about Hanukkah.
The Ballad of Landon Creek
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
22/32 updated 2021-03-05 left off on 16
🌵🌹🌼Doctor Will Solace had lived in the secluded Oregon town of Ladon Creek for a year when a mysterious stranger arrived and turned his world upside down.
A series of coincidental meetings
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3 chapters - left off on 3
🌼 Exactly what the title says
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1 chapter but part of a series!
🌼 Eijirou wakes up cold, alone, and worried. What hidden truths will he find when he seeks out his boyfriend?
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter but part of a series!
🌵 Ochako recieves a letter from Bakugo she never wanted.
Not Kiribaku centered but includes Kiribaku
And your name for the order is
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1 chapter
🌼 Coffee shop AU where Kirishima is the only one who enjoys taking Bakugo’s order
Tell me the truth (even if it hurts)
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3 chapters - left off on 3
🌵 little not much 🌹/🌼 Kirishima gets hit with a truth quirk but he isn’t the one telling the truth
Tell me Whatever
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 mostly, Bakugo gets hit with a quirk and it becomes impossible to be lied to, and Kirishima is so very open
Bien Cuit
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
7/10 updated on 2021-02-12 left off on 1?
🌼🌹 “It’s the best cafe in town! You gotta try it!!” Kirishima exclaimed. “What’s the worse that can happen?” Kirishima asked. Bakugou should have fucking known better than to trust that Shitty Hair for a simple coffee recommendation.
Or : Bakugou Katsuki accidentally ends up in a cafe meet-cute with Deku’s former number one ride-or-die, Uraraka Ochako, and they catch feelings.
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵🌹 romance and angst, soulmate AU!
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
2 Chapters and part of a series left off on chapter 1
🌼Kirishima is sick and Bakugo takes care of him
I Missed You
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌼 After a long mission, Bakugou and Kirishima talk on their couch, some sweet things are said, and their friends walk in on them making out.
5 Times Bakugou Katsuki was soft for Kirishima Eijirou and the 1 Time Everyone Found Out
Completed ☘️ Read not done yet
2/6 Chapters updated on 2021-01-19 left off on 2
🌼 Sunflowers, daisies, and a discussion about bubbles.
Light it up like dynamight
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1 chapter
🌼 Kirishima had a mission: to discover Bakugou’s favourite band. After all, he had a Christmas gift to buy.
Or, alternatively, in which best bros Kirishima and Bakugou go to a concert and they end the day being more than bros.
Valentine- a Kiribaku fluffshot
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌹🌼 Happy valentine's day! Well, it's not not so happy for Katsuki, who's finally decided to confess to Eijirou. Much due to Mina's pushiness, he decided to confess through cliched Valentine's chocolates. Although he's nervous and doubtful, a good deal of hope sits buried in Katsuki's chest. But what will happen when the Bakusquad hangs out on Valentine's Day and someone notices the chocolates?
We don’t have to be ordinary
Completed 🍀 Read unfinished
8/8 chapters left off on 5
🌵🌹🌼 A Footloose AU that nobody asked for, but I'm certainly providing.
Sounds a little strange for someone who’s never watched footloose- BUT IT’S SO GOOD I PROMISE!
Gotta KiriBaku Them All
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1 Chapter
Eijiro Kirishima is a eighteen year old rock trainer in a world full of Pokemon. His childhood best friend Denki Kaminari travels with him to different regions. One fateful day they decide to enlist in a charity tournament at Lumiose City in Kalos. Who will they meet and what challenges will they face? Follow the boys as they make new friends and battle their way through the competition!
Im unsure how to emoji label this one so please read the tags and notes!
Bakugou and his Journal
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
1/2 chapters updated 2021-02-07
🌼🌵? (Unsure how to emoji label this) Bakugou’s journal.
Clashing Colors
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters
🌼One month into classes at UA and shinso is being transferred into class 1-A, a small problem being that kaminari has started to have feelings for him and just to his luck, kaminari has been chosen to help shinso move into his new dorm.
(Obviously) They’re Married
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6 chapters
🌹🌼mostly, Where Kaminari meets Shinso’s dads. But he doesn’t know who they are. Erasermic family!
5 + 1 Things : Kamishin
Completed 🍀 Read ?
1 Chapter
🌼🌵 5 times Kaminari was too loud for Shinso, 1 time he was too quite. Warning: language and brief mention of homophobia
Let me Scream
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1 chapter
🌵🌼 Mina made Hitoshi drop an extremely personal note before reading it out loud with Denki present. Denki got mad at Hitoshi for the first time. A while later, he angrily opens up and tells Hitoshi why.
Or Hitoshi and Denki have their first argument as a couple.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas
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1 Chapter
🌼Kaminari and Shinsou spend their first Christmas together. Shinsou's never really celebrated Christmas and Kaminari is determined to give him a real Christmas
Catch Me
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
5 Chapters
🌼(but read the tags!) Shinsou and Kaminari meet by chance their first year of high school and spend one whirlwind day together that changes the trajectory of their entire lives. Three years later, after maintaining a long distance friendship, they are roommates, nearly through their first year at the University of Osaka. They are forever on the edge of something beyond friendship, but never quite able to take the leap of faith for fear of tainting their memories of that one, perfect day. That is, until Kaminari gets blackout drunk in a night of frustration and Shinsou won't let it go.
Pizza n Fries
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
3/? Chapters updated 2021-03-10 left off on 2
🌼 So here Kaminari sits, the most popular boy in school, alone, idly poking at his school lunch,, pizza. How the school managed to screw up pizza was beyond him, but at the same time he was once given a single slice of soggy bread for lunch. Just as he was about to get up to throw his plate in the trash, it's entire existence disgusted him, a deep voice sounded in, "school lunches am I right?"
We’ll Hold You When the Sky Falls Down
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼This is a Kaminari x Jirou x Shinsou fic! Soulmate AU where you can write on your arm and it appears on your partner’s arm!
Denki Who is Not His Boyfriend
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1 chapter
Kaminari Denki’s Very Strange Day
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 All hail Denki Kaminari, newly initiated drinker of respect women juice, matchmaker extraordinaire. Alternately, Shinsou Hitoshi simultaneously has the worst and best day of his life.
How did I not Know?
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1 chapter
🌵 Aizawa is concerned when Todoroki starts to fall behind in class but dismissed it as the boy needing a break and that he would be fine when he came back to the dorms after a weekend of being at home. He never would've thought how wrong he was and how one weekend would reveal a lifetime of secrets about the Todoroki household. Though he just wished that the two teens would have been spared from the crossfire that is Endeavor.
Not Tododeku centric but they’re together
The Prince and the Painter
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
1/? Chapters updated 2021-01-30
🌵🌹🌼 Prince Shoto Todoroki is next in line for the Alterian throne. His father rules the Kingdom with an iron fist, giving Shoto no choice but to obey his every order. He is overworked, depressed, and utterly miserable. That is until he meets Izuku Midoriya, an avant-garde painter who starts to bring the color back into his dull life. But what happens when they start to fall in love with each other? Shoto is a Prince, and Izuku is just a painter, surely this cannot end well!
(Basically a royal AU! Lots of angst, family drama, and of course fluffy love. Enjoy!)
Of Flowers and Tattoos
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter and part of a series!
Shouto owns a tattoo parlor. Izuku owns a flower shop. Love (unsurprisingly) happens.
Property Of Prince Shotou Todoroki
Completed 🍀 Read not finished
9 chapters left off on 4
🌵🌹🌶little bit of Bakugou x Midoriya, prince Todoroki x peasant Deku AU! PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND NOTES!
Lady in Red
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1 chapter
🌼 Izuku’s mother refuses to tell him who her Valentine’s date is. Tododeku isn’t the main ship but it’s still included so it’s going here.
Something That I Want
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1 chapter
The Cupid Quirk
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
23/23 chapters updated 2021-04-08
🌹🌼 During an attack at school, Midoriya gets hit by a quirk that leaves him infatuated with the first person he sees, which just so happens to be Todoroki Shouto. Due to an unfortunate side effect of the quirk, Midoriya breaks out into a horrible fever whenever they’re separated for too long, so Todoroki accepts the responsibility of caring for him until the quirk wears off. Problem is, Todoroki sort of, kind of, maybe likes Midoriya as more than just a friend, which makes the whole situation just a little awkward for him.
THIS IS AN AMAZING FIC AND I LOVE IT. You’re not gonna regret this read.
So They Follow in Our Footsteps
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
1/2 chapters 2021-01-22 part of a series!
🌵🌼 Eventually, Aizawa thinks, he’s going to figure Shinsou out. He’s gonna figure out what it means to tote around a kid through the zombie apocalypse like a Chanel bag, and what it means to get truly, murderously pissed when they’re threatened.
Zombie apocalypse AU! So- Apocolypse AU’s aren’t my thing so I don’t know why I have this one saved and I’m probably not going to read it, however I found a link for it on tumblr in the Erasermic tag so that’s where it’s going! ALSO READ THE NOTES OF THE CHAPTER!
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter and part of a series
🌼 Kirishima asks Tamaki about Mirio.
Of Octopus Balls and Contract Flaws
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1 Chapter
🌼 Tamaki really had to be careful about what he said out loud sometimes, or else a simple frustrated phrase such as "I would sell my soul for some decent takoyaki" could easily be taking out of context.
Purple Haze
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1 Chapter and part of a series!
🌹🌼Tamaki wants to know Mirio’s colour. “What’s your color? I wanna know, I wanna know.”
Burst of Sunlight
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌹🌼🌵(possibly) In the aftermath of the Shie Hassaikai raid, Tamaki looks after Mirio. One-shot. Soft Miritama
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌼 Amajiki Tamaki had always preferred the winter, until Mirio came along. Tamaki tells the story of him and Mirio by following their memories through the course of many summers.
Grossly Incandescent
Complete 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
Mirio thinks, perhaps, his journey to find his own sun has found just the right path. Tamaki just do what he's supposed to and ring the bell. Their paths may just merge into one. OR Mirio knows incandescence when he sees it, but it's a bit harder to prove that to Tamaki if he's just going to hide under his hood all day!
Star Spots
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼 mirio looks so sad, beneath the surface, and tamaki wants to say something, but doesn't know what's best for his best friend. what do you do, what do you say, when your best friend lost something so important to them? or, a series of scenes where tamaki and mirio spend their time in each others company, make confessions, and make it through to the other side.
Moments of Peace
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter and part of a series
🌹🌼Mirio wakes up way too early, and he takes a moment to appreciate the love of his life
The “Almost” Perfect Nest
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌹🌼Omega Tamaki likes to take comfort in the nests he creates to have Mirio's alpha scent around. He finds blankets and clothes that smell likes Mirio and throws them all into one big pile. So what happens the day he can't find a specific hoodie that belongs to Mirio? He loses it.
Love Confessions are Hard for Idiots
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌹🌼Mirio wants to confess.
Todoroki x Kaminari
Denki’s Life Essentials:Memes, food, and Shouto
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
Denki tries to explain what memes are to Shouto and accidentally falls in love.
Hawks x Reader
Amans Avaritia
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
3/? Chapters updated on 2021-01-05 left off on chapter 3
🌵🌹When the Prince of the feathered-folk Kingdom, Hawks, threatens to declare war on your kingdom, you’re forced to make the worst and best decision of your life.
Let’s Chase the Sun
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
19/? Updated on 2021-02-22
(I unsure what emojis to use) Your whole life you had been sheltered away from the real world, but you weren’t exactly alone in that aspect. You just had less freedom than him. Now, however, you would take him as a chance to live life the way you wanted to. Who cares about the consequences after all? Life isn’t easy, though, and that’s something you’ll have to learn, even with a capable hero at your side. Because to be honest, being with him is the biggest problem of all.
Im unsure what emojis to use so PLEASE CHECK THE TAGS and the NOTES in the first chapter!
Born Dead
MHA ship writer, mostly Kiribaku I believe
Totally Definetly Legit Leaked BNHA Valentine’s Day Light Novel Spoilers
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 I honestly have no idea how to describe this, some Momo x Todoroki, and Kiribaku
If you don’t take this friendship, I will shove it up your ass
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
3/? Chapters updated 2021-01-31 left off on 2
🌼crack fic, no one ship specific, super funny!
The Todoroki In-Laws
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
13/13 COMPLETED and part of a series!
🌼crack fic Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but… Honestly, where’s the fun in that?
Part 2 coming soon... there’s more...
35 notes · View notes
aerynwrites · 4 years
Misunderstanding - Agent Whiskey x Reader
Tumblr media
Author’s Note: Idk how I feel about this one, but in my own defense I’m running on like four hours of sleep and didn’t get out of class until like 6:30 so i am running on fumes XD. Sorry for any grammatical errors, but I hope you guys enjoy! And as always feedback is greatly appreciated <3.
Requested...Yes! You are Agent Whiskey's partner. He flirts with every female except you, which is frustrating because you have a major crush on him. It is so obvious that he treats you differently that even one of your co-workers notices.  You decide to request re-assignment because your stupid crush is affecting your work and making you sad.  Whiskey finds out you are being reassigned. He begs you to stay, confesses his feelings, & says he was trying not to let his lusty feelings show because he respects you. (request by anon)
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Cursing, angst, fluff
You sat at the large conference table in the Statesman headquarters, staring off into space as Champ gives a briefing to you and the other statesman agents. Some are there physically like Whisky, Ginger, Champ, Tequila, and yourself. While other agents, like Galahad and Eggsy two agents from the Kingsman, were attending the debriefing electronically using the glasses you all had. You were currently ignoring Champ in favor of looking at agent Whisky who sat further down the table. You had been harboring a rather large crush on the southern cowboy since you had joined the Statesman shortly after he had. So, it had been a very long few years of unrequited pining on your part. Jack Daniels, or better known as Agent Whiskey, was a well-known womanizer and flirt around the statesman headquarters. He would flirt with any woman that so much breathed or blinking in his direction. He consistently flirted with Ginger, even though she made it abundantly clear she was less than interested.
However, he did no such thing with you.
The only time he would so much as look in your direction was when you two were assigned together, which unfortunately happened to be a lot. At first you were excited to work with the well renowned agent, eager to get closer to the man you so admired. But the missions soon became a horrible ordeal for you since them were filled with nothing but small talk and professional conversations. You both would get in, get out, then Jack would immediately report to Champ the minuet you arrived back at base, leaving you in the dust. Frankly, it hurt. A lot. You tried to push your feelings aside, but seeing him flirt with every woman but you, made you feel horrible. It made your insecurities bubble to the surface a million times worse than what they were before. You constantly wondered what was wrong with you, why Jack seemed to like everyone but you, and it left you in a depressed state in the past few weeks.
You were finally drawn from your thoughts as Champ drew the meeting to a close and everyone stood to go their separate ways. Champ called both you and Jack to the front of the room as everyone gathered their things.
“Agent Whiskey, Agent Brandy, I need to speak to you for a moment if you please,” he waved he hand motioning you two forward.
You cast a quick glance towards Jack, only to see him not even look your way as you both approached your boss.
“What can we do for you sir?” you ask, your southern drawl heavy as you lean cross your arms across your chest.
“I have a new mission for the two of you,” Champ begins, handing you each a folder, “Doesn’t begin for a few days but I figure’ I’d go on ahead and give you the information now so you can be prepared.”
You felt your heart sink as the words left his mouth, another depression and tense mission with Jack. Before you could voice your objection, Jack spoke up and nodded his head towards Champ, “We will get it done boss,” he turned towards you now and gave you a curt nod, “Look forward to working with you again, Agent Brandy,” his tone is nothing but professional as he brushes past you and out the door of the conference room.
You feel your heart constrict in your chest as your eyes follow him out the door, before turning back to the folder in your hand, looking desperately for anything to ground you in this moment. Champ clears his throat and pulls your gaze to him once more.
“Is everything…good? Between you and Jack?” the use of Jacks first name tells you that Champ is truly concerned about the exchange that just happened, “I don’t think I’ve ever had that formal of an exchange with Agent Whiskey since he joined the statesman.” He looks at you seriously.
You just shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know Champ. He’s always treated me like that, nothing out of the usual here.” You reassure as best you can.
Champ just gives you a cautious nod before waving a hand, dismissing you from the conversation. You nod your head gratefully and turn to leave the room, your eyes falling on your fellow agent and close friend Ginger as she waited by the door for you. she gave you and understanding smile and followed beside you as you both walked to your quarters, which just so happened to be right next to each other.
“Thanks for waiting up Gin,”
She smiles and nods, “Of course, I wasn’t going to get ready without you.”
You look at her, brow pulled together in confusion, “Get ready for what?”
Gin rolled her eyes pushing her glasses back up her nose, “The get together tonight, remember? Champ’s opening up one of the older barrels of whiskey for the Statesman’s anniversary?” she reminds gently.
You let out a low groan running a hand down your face, “Shit. Yeah, I completely forgot, and if I’m being honest, I don’t really want to go,” you say, as you both finally approach your rooms.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N)!” she whines, “Jack’s going to be there,” she wiggles her eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes, trying to ignore the lump forming in your throat at the mention of the agent, “Yeah that’s exactly why I don’t want to go. I’m sure he’ll be all over Rosé as usual,” you mutter bitterly.
Rosé was a new female agent who had been recently enlisted to the statesman, and ever since she touched down, Whiskey had been on her like white on rice. Flirting, sweet talking her, it was infuriating and made you want to cry all at once. So yeah, you could do without seeing that.
Ginger grabbed your arm gently, looking at you pleadingly, “Please, (Y/N)? we never get to do normal fun things anymore, and you know I’ve been looking forward to this since it was announced.”
You look at her for a moment, taking in her pleading expression, and let out a sigh before opening your door, “Fine, okay. Go get your outfit and come back over here to we can get ready.”
She gives out an excited noise before scurrying off to her room, leaving you standing there, immediately regretting your decision.
* * *
Lord were you right to regret your earlier compliance to come to this party.
You were currently sat at the bar, watching as everyone was drinking and square dancing out on the floor of the warehouse. You had been nursing the same glass of Statesman Whiskey that you had gotten at the beginning of the night, silently observing everyone else. You had of course seen Jack, since he was the first face you searched for when you entered the room, and your eyes hadn’t left him the entire night. He mainly stayed at the bar a few seats down talking casually with Tequila while they both had several drinks. You saw Tequila turn around, looking for someone when his eyes landed on you and he waved you over. You gave him a tight-lipped smile and held up your hand shaking your head, a silent no thank you.
He rolled his eyes before waving you over again and you sighed, standing to your feet. If you didn’t go now, he would come over there and drag you, over. You straightened out your knee length dress and pulled your curled hair over your shoulder as you approached, casting what you hoped to be a flirty look to Jack as you approached the pair.
Tequila threw his arm over your shoulder when you got in range and gestured to Whiskey, “Jack here was just telling me about the mission Champ gave y’all,” he said, “It sounds like an interesting one!”
You cast a curious glance to Jack who, for once, was looking directly at you, eyes roaming your body slightly. You felt your heart speed up at this small action, he was actually showing the tiniest bit of interest in you for once.
“Was he now?” you say to tequila, wriggling out of his grasp to stand between the two men, “What all did you tell him Jack?”
The man in question sent you a bright smile, eyes crinkling at the action, and you could’ve fainted right then and there. Yeah…you had it bad.
“I was just tellin’ him that you’re my favorite agent to work with is all,” he said simply, “we work well together, like a well oiled machine,” there seemed to be a suggestive tone to those last words, that had your hairs standing on end.
You opened your mouth to spout a teasing response, when an all too familiar and over powerful perfume filled your nostrils as Rosé waltzed into your little circle. She made a beeline for Jack and leaned heavily into him, as he made no move to reject her advances. You felt bile rise in your throat as you watch his gaze rake hungrily over her form and his arm snake around her waist.
“Hey there handsome,” Her sickly-sweet southern drawl sounded like nails on a chalkboard to your ears.
“Well hello Rosé,” Jack greeted, leaning in to take an exaggerated sniff of her hair, “Is that a new perfume?”
You heard her nasally voice reply but you didn’t comprehend the words as you hastily set your glass down on the bar and moved to leave the now suffocating circle.
“Hey, where you goin?” tequila questioned.
You had to blink back the tears pooling in your eyes and force down the lump in your throat as you pushed past him, “I forgot I have to go…talk to Gin about something,” you said lamely, “I’ll see y’all later.” You were out of sight before any of them could protest, and you missed the regretful glance that Jack cast your way.
You ignored Gin as she tried to stop you from leaving, and pushed her arms out of your way, walking briskly into the hallway and up to Champ’s office. By now tears were streaming down your face, but you could care less. Champ had seen you at your worst to you felt no shame as you barged into his office, makeup smudged and eyes red.
“What in the hell,” Champ sighed as you burst into his office.
“I want to be reassigned,” you cut to the chase, “I can’t-“ you choked on your words as you collapsed into the chair across from his desk, “I-can’t do it anymore Champ.”
“Do what?” the man asked, exasperated at having one of his best agents in shambles in his office.
You balled your fists up in the skirt of your dress and you looked at him, “I can’t work with Whiskey anymore. I can’t be around him. My feelings have gotten in the way of me doing my job effectively, so-“ you paused an took in a deep breath, “Can I please be reassigned? I heard a slot opened up in the Kingsman branch, I could go there.”
Champ didn’t say anything for a moment before finally speaking up, “(Y/N), you’re one of my best agents,” he explained, “You’ve carved a place for yourself here, are you sure your ready to give it all up?” he asks carefully.
You nodded curtly, “If it makes the pain go away, then yes.”
Champ gave you a look of regret, one that said he wishes you wouldn’t leave, but he also seemed to understand.
So, he heaved out a sigh and pulled some papers from his desk, “I’ll make some calls to the Kingsman branch,” he said quietly, “You should be good to leave within the week.”
You gave him a small smile and stood from your seat, “Thank you Champ, it has been an honor working for you. Truly.”
Champ stands too and walks around the desk, pulling you into a firm hug, “The pleasure is all mine Agent.”
* * *
You packed the last of your clothing into the suitcase on your bed, flipping it closed and zipping it. Your transfer had been approved without hesitation. Since the whole poppy incident, the Kingsman have been severely undermanned, and they eagerly accepted the help of a senior agent. Eggsy, who you had come to know quite well since the incident, had called you to tell you how excited he was for you to be part of the team, and if made you smile a genuine smile in what feels like months. It was nice to know that at least someone was excited about your presence. When Gin had found out about your transfer she was destroyed, heavily upset her best friend was leaving, but she understood, nonetheless.
“it will give me an excuse to come to London more often,” she had said teasingly.
You had told her to come and visit as much as she wanted, welcoming the company.
A loud knock from your apartment door drew you from your thoughts and you set the suitcase on the ground, “coming!” you called, as you walked towards the door.
You assumed it was Gin, coming to see if you had forgotten anything, “Gin, I promise I didn’t forget anything, how could I with your –“ as you swung the door open, it was not Gin on the other side, but instead it was Jack, looking very upset and confused.
“Jack?” you breath, “What are you doing here?”
“Is it true?” he blurted, one hand now resting on your door frame, “Did you request reassignment to the Kingsman branch?”
You purse your lips slightly before crossing your arms over your chest, “Yes, it’s true. I’m leaving in a couple hours,” you say casually, “But I don’t see what business it is of yours.”
By now any feeling you had for the man were buried under contempt and sadness, you had hoped to leave without having to confront him.
Jack stood straighter, “Why? You can’t leave, I won’t let you.” he said firmly.
You scoff, “You ‘won’t let me’?” you question, “You have no control over what I do. And last I checked I didn’t think you’d even care that I was leaving,” you say, bitterness lacing your words.
Jack seemed taken aback, as if someone had punched him in the face, “You thought I wouldn’t care if you left?” he breathed, shock written plainly on his features.
Now it was your turn to be confused.
“Well why would you?” you ask, “you never even give me a second look. You can hardly talk to me on missions besides small talk and mission details. You don’t flirt with me; you don’t even act like I exist. And here I am pining over you like some school-girl because I fell in love with someone who won’t ever love me back,” you voice had risen several octaves by now, buried emotions finally coming to the surface, “Why don’t you just go on back to Rosé, since you two seem to be so close.” You spit.
You expected Whiskey to laugh at you, belittle you for even thinking those things, or lecture you and tell you how unreasonable you were being. What you did not expect, however, was two warm hands grabbing the sides of your face and two rough lips colliding with your own. You immediately responded to the kiss, hands resting on his shoulders momentarily before sliding up to the back of his neck. You relished in the moment, the moment that you had been imagining for so many years, that you almost whined when he pulled away.
“Wh-what the hell was that?” you gasped, your confused eyes meeting his sincere brown ones.
“The truth is,” he pauses, eyes dancing across your face before he continues, “truth is – that I’ve had feelings for you the moment you walked through those doors,” he admits, “But I not only had feelings for you, but I respected you. respected you too much to treat you the way I treat other women,” he explained.
You looked at him, and you relaxed your shoulders slightly, giving him an exasperated look, “So you’re telling me- that you felt the same about me this whole damn time,” you begin, “But you wouldn’t even look at me and basically treated me like I didn’t exist because you love me and respected me?” you reiterate his main points, trying to understand.
He sighs and looked down at his feet sheepishly, something very out of character for him, “Well it sounds stupid when you say it like that.”
You let out a chuckle and smack his shoulder playfully, “Well it was stupid, you idiot,” you give him another quick kiss, “We could’ve been doing a lot more of that if you had just treated me like everyone else,” you wink.
Whiskey gives you a wicked grin before picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist, as he enters your apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Looks like we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we?”
Yes, yes you did.
Permanent Tags: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​
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wevegottogetaway · 3 years
Whirlwind Part III - Sirocco
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As Aella sits in the campus refectory, her mind is still reeling from her fight with Harry the day before. She fins herself pushing peas around her plate as though the therapeutic movement could help her instill some order among her thoughts. Or just quiet them altogether. Someone like you. The cringeworthy words have been playing on an unfaltering loop since their author lashed them out to her face without a care. Someone like you. She desperately wants to tune it out, but it's like the record is trapped under the broken turntable needle and launched in endless revolution. Someone like y-
A pea is about to fall over her plate from the pushing, when she's greeted by a rowdy Dazzler and a quiet Tigger. The two form quite the complementary duo she notes, their polar dispositions counterbalancing each other in the most endearing way.
"Hiya, dear Aella. I believe it's story time for you!" Daz exclaims after jumping on the seat across from her, a large smile lighting up his face. Aella wonders for a second if it's not stapled to his skin instead; she's never seen Dazzler sport any other expression than pure elation. His singular request stops her musings in confusion, however.
"Story time?" She inquires with a perplexed frown.
"Love, you have no idea how badly my ears want to be graced with the very details of how you whipped Rex's sodding arse." His enthusiasm for such a mundane thing truly amazes her. And admittedly, she quite envies him and his talent for finding happiness in the smallest things.
"Ah yes, the highlight of my week," is all she acknowledges.
"Mine too, had I been there to witness it. That's why I need the next best thing: an exhaustive report of the whole scene." Dazzler explains, tailgating his answer with a suggestive double-nudge of his eyebrows.
"Well, it's nothing much really." She says looking down at her plate. But once she brings her eyes back to her two companions, she realizes they won't waver until she parts with the story. "Let's just say my uncle taught me a thing or two about pressure points, and that knowledge came in handy a couple nights ago." Aella refrains from giving out the full transcript of what really transpired despite Dazzler's request. She doesn't like bragging about such things. Even if Rex's mortified expression did bring her considerable satisfaction, she still hates the fact that she had to get physical with her peer for her to be respected. Besides, she has an inkling Dazzler's imagination is perfectly operational to fill in the blanks.
"Fuckin' hell, I'm gonna dream about this tonight!" True to his words, there's a childlike wondrous gleam in Dazzler's eyes, making his aversion for Rex almost tangible. And Aella can't help but rejoice in knowing she's not alone in her rancor against the jackass. "So you got him good?"
"Sent him to his knees." Her voice is still leveled, though her own delight at the memory is betrayed at the corner of her lips.
"Oh Aella, you are my new favorite person!" Dazzler's jubilation earns him a smile but the sentiment is quickly washed off her face and replaced by a heavy sigh.
"Yeah well, I wish your mate Harry shared the feeling." Aella says dejectedly, the peas once again holding more interest to her battered brain.
"Ah...so it's not all rainbows and unicorns between you two then?"
The question makes her scoff in exasperation."Try like...tornados and trolls. I mean, does the guy even know how to smile?" Aella doesn't want to get worked up about it, but the fact that she has likely 5 more weeks to spend as Harry's partner is quite a hard pill to swallow if he proves to be the prick she thinks he is.
"Hey now come on, he's been trough a lot recently. He's actually a pretty sound guy." The remark sobers Aella's anger for a moment as she remembers the very reason behind her presence at Top Gun. She knows how loss can shatter parts of the soul that makes us who we are, leaving only but time to glue back the pieces. To some extent she understands the void that Harry must be aching to fill, but her compassion for his pain is short lived. Grieve doesn't give anyone the right to act like a senseless prick. Aella can deal with his sullen attitude but in no way she'll ever put up with blatant disrespect for her mere identity.
"Well, sorry if I don't take your word for it, but all I've seen from him is the same cold and sexist shit I've dealt with since I enlisted." She says, moving on from absentmindedly poking the peas to forcefully stabbing them into a green mess.
"Hang on, Harry may have a stick up his arse from time to time, but sexist? That doesn't sound like him." Dazzler is quick to defend his friend. Of course, she interiorly sighs though she has to admit his disbelief over Harry's allegedly misogynistic behavior seems rather earnest.
"Well, you didn't hear him yesterday. Or seen the look in his eyes."
"Aella, I really thi-"
"Just forget it, okay. I'm use to it and I'll deal with it like I always have." While Dazzler seems to be adamant about his friend's righteousness, Aella doesn't want to here much of it. She just wants to move on, like she'd planned all along. The two men across from her exchange a quick look at her rebuttal and it hits them then, how different it is for Aella to be a navy pilot compared to their own journey. "Besides, I didn't come here to complain. I came to be a better pilot" she asserts in response to their sympathetic glance. It resembled pity too much for her to lay in it.
"Right." Is all Dazzler can muster as opposed to his partner who finally decides to speak up.
"I'm sorry you have to go through that Aella." In truth, she's never really cared for those apologies much since they most never come from the people who actually have apologizing to do. Nonetheless she can't deny how heartwarming it is to hear the sweetness and sincerity of both young men sharing their lunch with her. They can't do much about her situation but at least she now feels supported.
"Thank you Tigger." She replies in genuine gratitude, her smile shyly returning. "At least I have you both on my side."
"You've got Harry too, Aella. You don't know it yet, and he may not either, but he's on your side too." His gaze is heavy on her, the statement coming out in a solemn tone as if it was murmured by a prophesier.
"Don't hold your breath Daz."
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Although she knows they were bound to communicate at some point, Aella is startled when the sound of Harry's filtered voice echoes through her headset. After checking that her straps are tightly locked, she mutters a faint 'yeah' in response and wills her brain to stop overthinking the upcoming mission. It is to no avail though. The oxygen inflating her lungs is saturated with awkwardness and reticence, making her second-guess every choice she's made in the past few months. They can still make it, right? This tension didn't stop them from succeeding the last time after all... Alas, her mind won't let be duped by her feeble encouragements and for the first time in her life, Aella is dreading flying. She doesn't have the time to dwell on it however, as the roar of the F-14's afterburners fills the cockpit and before she knows it, the sky is welcoming them back.
"Alright, let's kick the tires and light the fires." Harry murmurs as the runway keeps dwindling away from their vision, and Aella remembers him whispering the same line before their first venture. She makes no comment though, many pilots come up with little habits and small routines of their own to help them reach the headspace suited for flying. Some disregard it as superstitious gibberish, but in Aella's opinion it can save precious seconds in dire moments. And in the Navy worlds, every second counts.
As Commander Berks laid it out moments ago, this assignment slightly differs from the last one. The level of difficulty is tuned up a bit by the accrued competition: this time all 8 units are flying simultaneously as they battle for a single target towed by Berks himself. The task in meant to improve both aim and awareness as they are still being chased by the other instructors throughout the task. All in all though, it is the same 'target without getting targeted' acrobatics they are all familiar with.
"I've got my eyes on the target, can you read the positions please?" Harry suddenly inquires. The mission has run smoothly so far with few interactions between the two. It seems that's about to change however, as they get in the thick of it.
"Target at reach in 3 miles abeam, 5° on your left, lower, flying South." Aella starts reading her radar at her copilot's request. "Bogey one mile ahead at your ten. I think it's Rex, tailing target at 900 knots closure."
"Shit." Harry curses. Though Aella remains quiet, none of them are thrilled to realize Rex and his radar intercept officer Kurt (or the Zodiac as per his callsign) are ahead of the game.
"You've also got contact 2 miles behind, flying your speed." Aella adds in a poised manner. "Hold on, there's two of them."
"Are they closing in on us?"
"No. Looks like someone's got Rogers on their ass."
Harry briefly smiles. "Good." Whoever might that be, it means one less competitor trying for the target and one less instructor on their case for the time being. That's a win-win in his book.
"Careful though. He might turn on us next." She warns in anticipation.
"Not if I win this mission first." Harry retorts in confidence. His partner wishes she had the same optimism but there is an odd feeling festering in the pit of her stomach.
For a hot minute, there is but the consistent whirring of the engine disturbing the otherwise eery silence permeating the air. Harry seems to be slowly yet surely catching up on Rex and more importantly Berks, when the latter suddenly swerves upwards in unexpected fashion.
"Berks' barrel-rolling." Aella immediately calls the change in movement, the peaceful flow they were reveling in, already coming to an end. "New angle, 2 o'clock high." Harry slightly reduces his speed as Berks executes a vertical U-turn, effectively putting him out of Rex's range and at a higher altitude.
"I see that. I need to get ahead of Rex, can you call the speeds please?" He's trying to determine his best course of action in order to recover his advance on Berks before his opponent does.
"Target going 700 knots, Rex 630 and we're flying 650." Aella answers quickly although she has a plan forming in her brain as always. She's not as forceful as she was during their first operation, already apprehensive of her partner's reaction. "Listen Harry, if you do a J-turn you'll overshoot past Rex right on Berks' tail."
Admittedly her plan is once again on the daring side of the spectrum, so part of her knows Harry won't gleefully jump on board at the mere suggestion. And sure enough he proves her right as soon as the last word is out of her lips.
"Do a Herbst maneuver?! Are you batshit crazy?! That's not even in the program."
She refrains from rolling eyes since they ought to be scanning the data on her flight system at all times. "Fuck the program, you don't end up at Top Gun playing by the book. We can win this mission now, just trust me." She almost cringes at the last words, knowing they were uttered more for the form than their meaning. God knows they are lightyears from trusting each other.
"Jesus, this isn't free-style flying Aella for fuck's sake, this is air-combat." Harry doesn't care that he's letting all his frustration out. Knows he shouldn't be having 'land-talk' whilst they're up in the air on a mission (there will be plenty of time to tell her off once they've landed) but his mind is completely overladen.
"That's right, and you're fighting like a 6 year-old girl. Stop pulling hair and grow up!" Whoever said 'don't fight fire with fire' was obviously never launched at supersonic speed in 25 tons of steel with a person they despise a great deal. Reason seems to have been forgotten on the tarmac by both acolytes as they keep arguing ten-thousand feet above grounds.
"You're delusional, have you even ever done one?!"
"I'll guide you through it, trust m-"
"No! No fucking way, it's too dangerous." His tone is adamant, once again leaving Aella no room for discussion. She hates that he has the final word when it comes to flying, but alas he's the one in control of the aircraft.
"Urgh!" She cries out in irritation before mumbling under her breath "fucking coward."
Harry tries to ignore the silent dig taken at his expense as he focuses back on the problem at hand. His jaw is clenching so hard underneath the helmet, he can almost hear the sound of his teeth grinding. He is in the middle of regulating his breathing when Aella speaks up again bringing his heartbeat back into tizzy.
"Great, now we got Rogers on our case. Congrats."
"Fuck." He doesn't even register her passive-aggressive jab, more so preoccupied with the new threat charging after them.
She'd been right. She knew Rogers would be coming for them next if they didn't change tactics. Now all she can do is calling positions and silently cursing the stars for putting her on Harry's path. "800 knots closure, he's coming at your six."
"I'm well aware Aella, thanks." His voice overpowering the loud beeping noise echoing through the cockpit. They're about to be figuratively shot but not so figuratively eliminated from the competition, as Rogers is one second away from locking in on them and firing.
"He's not budging, you need to bug the fuck out." She discloses her input even though she feels like no matter what she suggests, he's gonna opt the other way.
"Like hell! The target's not bugging out." Harry quips back, once again confirming her assumption.
"You won't get the goddamn target if you're down." In a different world - and let's face it, in a different life - she might applaud his resilience, but in this universe she loathes his stubbornness, especially since she's the one enduring its wrath.
"Fucking hell, just call the bloody positions. I can't let Rex win this mission." Or any other for that matter, is what he thinks. A sentiment that, any other day, Aella would reciprocate but she's given up for the day. If he doesn't want her opinion, fine. Let him get shot, that'll teach him.
"I told you, he's in the fucking saddle, at your six. Closing on 800 knots. 850. 900."
She knows it before she hear it then: another ear-splitting beeping erupts within the cabin, dramatically informing Harry of their defeat. Rogers took the shot, it was over.
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As soon as Aella steps back on solid grounds, she's overcome with a lingering sense of déjà-vu. The horizon incessantly spiraling in her vision surely doesn't help quell the dreadful sensation, though she doesn't dwell much on her lack of visual focus. No, her mind is completely consumed by the urge to rip Harry a new one. And she doesn't usually indulge in those urges. Seldom lets her resentment out in the open, for fear of appearing too "emotional" for some people's taste; and because quite frankly, she has better things to do. But this is killing her from the inside. Cutting right into the flesh of her dreams and strangling the part of herself that only bows to freedom. This is the other half of her unit dismissing her talent on the basis of her gender. And that she can't take in, much less bottle up and store away in a sealed chest at the bottom of her mind.
"For fuck sake Harry, you're supposed to be my partner!" Aella cries out to him.
He doesn't want to make a scene any more than she does, but likewise has tremendous difficulty keeping his rage all in. As Aella chases after him, he keeps stomping away from their shared TomCat. He doesn't think he's capable of facing her without loosing his shit. "That's a two way street Aella, and I don't reckon flying us both to the grave is part of 'the partner's' job description." The air quotes he uses at the mention of the word partner does nothing to assuage Aella's already blazing fury. She thinks he couldn't be more obnoxious in that moment if he tried.
"That's because you don't listen to me!"
"Damn right I don't!" He shouts back while spinning around to finally face her. "And you can thank me for still being alive because of it." Aella feels like she might implode like a pressure cooker forgotten on the fire. The audacity...the insolence... Each word he breathes out is wracking one by one every single nerve ending of hers. He's so full of himself, she wonders how she could fit in the cockpit without his human-size ego crushing her. She might have joked about having to find a 3-seats Tomcat for their next mission to fit them all, if the situation weren't so seriously heart-rending for her.
"You. Are. Such an asshole! Why am I even here? Huh! Why am I even sitting in that fucking aircraft with you?" She's about a wit away from yielding to the pressure boiling in her chest; still Harry is relentless in his comebacks too.
"Funny, I was wondering the same thing." He knows he's being harsh but his mind won't give in. Won't let him cut out a fragment of trust to share with her rule-breaking mentality. Not after what happened with Fox.
"You're despicable. I can't believe I actually hoped you'd be a decent guy. But god no! Mr Styles is too precious to be paired with a woman, so why should he give her the time of day? And why did he have to be partnered with a lady in the first place, yeah? All they can do is sit pretty or unleash their crazy, imma right?" She realizes how close she's gotten to him during her diatribe and has half the mind to push at his chest but somehow she doubts it would make him budge much. Once again she finds herself inches away from his stiff stature, as she fervently tells him off. "Dammit, you're just like the others, it makes me sick."
That's the final stroke for Harry. She can deem him as stuck-up as she pleases but he won't have her repeatedly question his integrity. "I don't fucking care that you're a woman, alright! Christ, you care about it more than I do!" Admittedly, he's had a couple sneak-peaks at her mistreatment and while he sure does feel for her struggle, sometimes she's too in her head about it to see good from bad. And he's tired of being at the wrong end of it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She questions half-offended and half confused, as she can't fathom any sense to the statement.
"It means, I know some guys don't treat you right because you're a woman; but I never did, and I'm sick of you accusing me of it anyway." His eyes are sharp when they connect with hers, compelling and brutally honest, yet they send a chill down to her toes. "But you know what? The world is unfair. Tough love, darling. You have to prove yourself more than us but think for a minute who's against you and who's on your side, because it seems to me that you waste a lot of energy fighting the wrong persons." He's the one who delivered the words, yet Aella is the one out of breath. For a hard second, all she does is frown as a dizzying silence takes over the heated exchange. Their staring hasn't relented, in fact Harry's eyes are agitatedly seeking question-less answers in hers in a mirrored frown.
When Aella finally speaks up, her voice is hardly louder than a whisper and that's how she knows she has Harry's full attention. "You don't know the first thing about being a woman." She notices him gulping as if preparing for the sobering speech he knows is coming, so she indulges. "You don't know what it is to live in a men's world and not be man. You don't know how it feels to be stationed at the same base for months and still be treated like a stranger. You don't know how it feels to work twice as hard if not more, to get one iota of the same recognition men do. You don't know what it is to be picked last by your superior for any given promotion even though you know you've got the best stats of the whole squadron." Though she's kept a reasonable volume, she pauses to regain her countenance over the ever-growing pain in her voice. "And you sure as hell don't know what it is to be your only ally."
Her harpooned gaze never unhooked from its two emerald preys, and for once Aella feels like he's listening. So on she goes. "Today, up there, I had more balls than you did. Tough love, you said? Well same goes for you, Harry. Because no matter what, you're stuck with me. I'm your copilot and you may hate it but you can't do anything about it. So, please do yourself a favor and grow a pair when you need to, because I sure can't "prove myself" if I'm flying with a coward."
Aella is quite satisfied with her tirade, almost certain she's had the last word once again but one look at Harry's face is enough to make her doubt that. Though he's been towering over her smaller frame for a bit, he looks downright threatening now with flaring nostrils and figurative smoke steaming out of his ears.
"You don't know what you're talking about either. You fly as recklessly as your arrogance will let you. That's dangerous, thoughtless and most of all, selfish." She's starting to recoil, having taken one step backward, but Harry barely registers her uneasiness. She's the one gulping the wounding words now. "I should be ashamed of flying with you and your crazy decisions." Ouch "Oh and one more thing. Don't you dare call me a coward ever again, understood?"
She doesn't give him the satisfaction of a nod but his spiteful prose successfully rendered her speechless. And Aella is not one to relinquish her self-assurance or fold under any man's intimidating number. But somehow this feels different. Harry is not a halfwit who can't handle women's ascent into the Navy world. No, Harry just plainly hates her guts, regardless of her sex. And that hurts more than she'd ever expect to. So much so, she can't bear to look at his chiseled features anymore and recoils a step further away from his hurtful disposition.
It's only then, Harry finally picks up on her shrinking form and bruised spirit. He didn't want to go this far. Didn't intend on carving her confidence right out of her chest, but now that he sees the anguish embedded in her delicate traits, he fears he might get sick on the spot. He's had the most strenuous past few months, staggering from loss and numbness to longing and grief, but this had to top all pains: he didn't know who he was anymore. When had he turned into such a inconsiderate prick? Self-loathing took over his sense, the feeling unwelcome yet familiar, and all Harry could do was turn around and run away from the crime scene.
And run away from Aella.
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shrimppebbles · 3 years
Through the Generations
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there’s probably another challenge named this, but I am not good at names, so I’m keeping it
*this challenge is currently unfinished as I am play testing it and fell into a rut, but feel free to start from this point*
this challenge is a free forming challenge meant for me to hopefully enjoy the sims more and have structured legacy that I like without anything that seems to hard. this legacy can be bended however you want and the gens played in whatever order you want (each gen however has a backstory and will not work if you switch them around, so create your own backstory if you switch generations around) there are a lot of pack requirements I didn’t intend to make, but you can skip those or modify them to your will.
Also, feel free to play with siblings and such to make fun family trees, just make sure to have “auto-age current household only” on!
we’ll get into all the rules below the cut to make it neat, but incase I ever delete my tumblr or it gets deactivated, HERE is a google doc of the rules too 
@sims4challenges​ @ts4-challengenet​
Some Basics before we get into the Generations
Heirs are whoever you choose unless specified 
You can give the next generation however much of the family funds of the current generation as you choose
Piggy-backing off of that, unless specified you can use however many funds you want to build/buy new lots
You can create sims to be your spouse and add them into the world unless specified
Any lifespan length is fine, although regular is recommended
Start each gen at young adult unless specified 
You can have pets in any generation unless otherwise specified
You can have same-sex or hetero couples per each generation (your choice). In same-sex couples, you may adopt or use a mod that will allow try for baby and pregnancy between them
and lastly...have fun and please tag me if you play or use the tag #ThrGen, I’d love to see it!
Generation one: A Big Happy Family 
family oriented, [your choice], [your choice]
any family aspiration
You grew into young adulthood with absolutely no-one, no siblings or parents, it’s not something you would wish onto your worst enemies, let alone your own family. You vow to make a large, happy family for your own children and never want to lead a boring life for your kids
Marry one of the first sims your spouse meets
Have 10 children (you can use mods if you wish, but just replacing them as they move out is fine)
You can live in whichever world you want, just pick the biggest lot of that respective world
Paint, write, or any other work from home job (your spouse may hold a part-time job or do the same)
Max the parenting, cooking, and charisma skills
Grow a nice little veggie garden
Have good relationship with all children
Most of your children should have the happy toddler trait and at least one positive character trait
Generation two: Work, Work, Work
 [your choice], [your choice], [your choice]
fabulously wealthy aspiration
You didn’t hate growing up in a full, loud house, but you saw how much your parents sacrificed of their own freedom and ambitions for you and you never want your family to come in between your dreams and you like that. So you move to the city to build up a career for yourself completely kid free.
Move to San Myshuno, working from a small apartment up to a penthouse
Reach level ten in either the Business or Politician careers (you can pick which branch)
Take any career opportunities the game offers you
Only after you reach the top of your career can you look for a serious relationship (you can have one night hook ups here and there if you wish, just nothing serious)
The only way you can intentionally boost fun is by listening to the radio or watching the television
Have a child with your spouse once you complete your aspiration (this should be into adulthood, the older you are the better)
Only have one child building a strong relationship with them and spoiling them rotten
If you or your spouse dies of old age, the respective partner should also die in some manner shortly after (to set up for the next gen)
Generation three: All on my Own?
snobby, [your choice] , [your choice]
start with whatever aspiration you think fits, but change it to and complete the Friend of The Animals aspiration
With the sudden passing of both your parents, you have no idea what do with yourself and how to live on your own. In a rash decision, you sell the penthouse and all it’s belongings. You blow through all this money quite quickly on drinks and gambling until you have barely enough money to move out to a small house on the coast (you will probably need to cheat this, just cheat it down to 20,000). There you try to find yourself and make a life for your new normal. After job after job, you notice the amount of strays in the area, which inspires you to open a small family clinic
Do as the description above says, only starting once both of your parents are dead
Move to Brindleton Bay
“Try” (you can just work at them for a couple days) three different jobs before deciding to open a small vet clinic
adopt at least five animals over the course of your life
You can meet your spouse wherever (perhaps the clinic) and have 2 children with them
Take your children on trips to different parks, museums, etc., every week
Max the pet training and veterinary skills
Generation four: The Nuclear Family
athletic, paranoid, [your choice]
strangerville mystery aspiration and successful lineage aspiration 
Your parents always encouraged you to pursue what you wanted, but also encouraged economic conscious and independence. Not sure what you want to do, you enlist in the army and move to StrangerVille, trying to figure out what you want, but as your there, you get enveloped into what’s going on
As a teen, have a part time job
move into the trailer park in StrangerVille
Enlist in the Military
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration
After finally taking down The Mother, you are finally able to decipher what you wanted, a Writer. You leave your position in the military and pick up a job at the local paper (the writer career), where you tell your stories of your adventures and other strange happenings in Strangerville. At the paper, you meet your spouse and settle down to have a few children with them. But still feeling unsatisfied, you find solace in a stranger at a bar and do things very questionable as a married sim.
Move to the Suburbs of StrangerVille
Become a writer and choose the Journalism path
Meet your spouse at work
Have 3 children (preferably at least one boy and one girl)
Cheat on your spouse with someone you meet at the bar (this can be a one time thing or a continuous theme)
Complete the Successful Lineage Aspiration
Max the Writing Skill
Generation five:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
green fiend, perfectionist, [your choice]
Eco Innovator Aspiration 
Sensing something was always off in your parents marriage, you wanted everything else in life to be perfectly in your control to balance it out. One of the biggest problems that seemed to be out of your control however, was the environment and the negative impacts of it, until you learned about a little town on the coast, Evergreen Harbor. There people of your similar mind lived and coexisted, working on creating a community of a better environment. So, soon after your eighteenth birthday, you pack your bags and move. 
Move to Evergreen Harbor
Always live in a tiny home, the smaller, the better
Grow a garden of at least ten different plants
Go into the Civil Designer Career, specifically the Green Technician Branch (you can also choose the conservationist career, just cheat the aspiration go
Concerned about their environmental impacts, have only one child, you can either by adopt or a have a one night stand resulting in a child ( you can be in contact and be in a relationship with the child’s parent, but they should not live with you) 
Have at least fifteen renewable energy sources
Make your neighborhood (and maybe others!) the cleanest it can be
Generation six:  Paintings of Cityscapes
creative, loves the outdoors, [your choice]
 pick painter extraordinaire aspiration, but also complete “friend of the world” along the way
Growing up with a single parent, your life was a little interesting, but never dim or unloved. Growing up in Evergreen Harbor gave you access to many interesting and cool people who shaped your view of the world and it’s beauty (Rory and Lorelai Gilmore type vibe ig?). Interested in broadening your world view, you move yourself all the way to the big city to pursue a career in arts. There you meet all sorts of people 
Move to San Myshuno, try moving into the smallest apartment possible, make it into a studio/loft and live there for as long as possible
Meet all your friends at art galleries and karaoke bars
go to as many festivals as possible, trying to paint and photograph them as much as possible
Max the Charisma and Painting skills
Never to boggled to settle down, have at least two children to at least two different people, preferably “casual” friends
Never live in an apartment bigger than what you need in the name of being unique (basically no mega big apartments and penthouses)
Marry as a elder to your highest romantic partner
Take your kids on trips to art galleries and such every week
You should have an extra stock pile of money, don’t spend it on stuff you don’t need
Generation seven:  A Higher Degree
genius, [your choice], [your choice]
Academic aspiration and then whichever aspiration you think fits
Living with your eccentric parent in a tiny apartment with your siblings, at times, felt quite odd and claustrophobic, but your parent always introduced you to new people and new places that widened the lens of what you could do in your life. With the help of your parent, who put away any extra dollar they could so that you and your siblings could to go to college and pursue your passion, you apply for university and move into the dorms. 
Go to University and get a degree in Psychology, History, or Literature and Language
Join at least one student organization
Meet your spouse while in university (they can be attending or you just meet them somewhere on campus)
Have a big graduation party with all your friends and classmates
Marry your partner soon after graduation
Pursue a career related to your major
Max your Logic and Research & Debate skills
I will add  more to this as I get here 
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outworldgay · 5 years
Hi! Your headcanons are amazing! I was wondering if you would write some for how Kung Lao, Erron, Kabal, Kuai Liang, Hanzo, Nightwolf and Kenshi would react to a tomboy S/O who is a fighter and is dominant in bed? (Obviously she’s affectionate with them though)
CW for sex under the cut
Erron Black
Erron grew up in a family full of tough women, so he honestly doesn’t think much of your tomboy attitude.
He’ll take you on missions with him, loving both your company and the extra protection.
You won’t hear him say it, but he secretly loves seeing you butt heads with Kano. He loves it when you put him in his place.
Erron is 100% a sub and will fully embrace you dominating him.
He might even be a bit of a pillow princess if he knows you’re taking good care of him.
But if you order him to please you he will oblige and even be a bit turned on by your forwardness.
He loves roughhousing so he’s glad you’re rough around the edges like he is; definitely a “birds of a feather” kind of relationship.
Anyone who didn’t know you were dating would assume the two of you are really good bros (Which like, you also are) because of how you frequently physically pal around (roughly but lovingly shoving each other, noogies, bear hugs etc.).
Encourages you to participate in the Black Dragon fight club. He’s your #1 fan and he’ll always be cheering you on louder than anyone else from the sidelines.
He’s a dom himself, but he can’t help but find you domming him super hot.
He’ll challenge your authority in bed however, cheekily pushing his luck to get you all heated.
Two doms become switches for each other. You’ll both be pushing each other to your limits, being on the brattier more stubborn side whenever it’s time to sub.
Kung Lao
Anyone who can hold their own in a fight with Kung Lao will automatically earn his respect and admiration, so he warms up to your fighting spirit very quickly.
He’ll love sparring with you and won’t hold back, knowing you can take it.
He’ll boast about how tough you are and how great your fighting skills are to anyone who’ll listen (Usually Liu Kang).
He’s caught off guard by your dominant nature the first time you have sex, immediately getting flustered and turned on the first time you pin him.
Lao says he’s a dom but he’s really a switch and once you take control of any sexual situation he practically melts into his role as your sub.
He goes from protesting you being on top to being such a  whiny and bratty sub in the drop of a dime.
NightWolf/Grey Cloud
He adores your headstrong attitude and it plays off his more calm demeanor very well; very much an “opposites attract” kind of relationship.
Loves doing any sort of low stakes but physically demanding outdoor activity with you (hiking, chopping wood, landscaping etc.)
He knows you already spend so much of your time fighting, so he likes to do more leisurely activities with you to give you some time to rest.
He’s a gentle dom and because of that he doesn’t mind letting you take the reigns.
Even as a sub he likes to act as a form of stability for you, so he welcomes any kind of roughness you might have for him. He can take just about anything you throw at him.
In a way he still has a bit of control. He will always ask how you want to take him/you want him to take you. He will always be prompting you, asking you if what he’s doing is okay, if you’re feeling good etc.
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
He mistakenly reads your boldness as brashness and is a bit put off when you first meet. He comes around after spending time with you and getting to really know you.
Likes to challenge you and push you to be your very best. He wants you to be on par with him, skill wise.
When he trusts you enough he might even enlist your help in training Takeda in order to give him a sparring partner other than his Grandmaster. That way Hanzo can observe him from the outside and get a more objective point of view on his skills.
Hanzo is so used to taking charge that he welcomes the change when you assert yourself in the bedroom.
Very few would challenge Grandmaster Hasashi’s authority in general let alone in bed, so he’s a bit inexperienced and even a bit nervous as a sub, but that makes him all the more willing to let you seize control over the situation to guide him.
Turns out he’s got a knack for being a sub. He’ll completely let go of any inhibitions and worship your body as you ride him, praising you up and down as you make him feel so good.
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
He’s a bit taken back by your bold nature, but it’s a welcomed surprise.
You make a name for yourself among the other Lin Kuei as “Grandmaster’s intimidating girlfriend”
He might even ask you to join his clan or at least sit in on a few training sessions. Your opinion as a fellow fighter is very important to him.
He is not the most experienced sexually speaking, but in a way that makes him more open-minded. He’s more than willing to let you take the lead and even guide him a bit.
He very much enjoys the change of pace you dominating gives because like Hanzo, he’s use to taking charge as the Grandmaster of his clan, but unlike Hanzo, that doesn’t really translate into his sex life.
Wants to make sure he’s doing everything right so he very sweetly seeks your approval as your sub. Even in the throes of passion when he can barely get the words out, you can see him looking at you to gauge your reaction and make sure your satisfied with him.
Takahashi Kenshi
Kenshi already knows what he’s in for when the two of you start dating, and frankly that’s what drew him to you.
He’s looking at you with heart eyes whenever you take charge in any situation.
You: *effortlessly kicks some dude’s ass.* Kenshi: That’s my fucking gf.
He will ask you to be a bit less abrasive with Takeda, knowing he’ll probably need to get used to you before being fully comfortable with having you in his life.
He knows exactly what pushes your buttons in the bedroom and he will push every single one of them just so you can really dom him.
Normally he’d use his telekinesis to make things more exciting in bed, but if you tell him not to he will oblige, loving the idea of surrendering total control to you.
However, he might get a little too into it to the point where he can’t keep his thoughts to himself, so while he might be a whimpering mess who can’t speak at the moment, you’ll hear his mind practically screaming for you.
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
BrattyShipping Headcanons Pt. 6
Previous Posts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
New Home
- The property the two ultimately decide on is along the route to Ballonlea Stadium. The location makes it easy for challengers and spectators to notice on their way through and, though the town is smaller anyway, it also ensures an easy trek for Bede.
- Bede attempts to ensure that the location isn’t too far from Opal’s house. They try to be more subtle in their motivations, though Victor catches on fairly quickly and assures them that it’s high on the priority list.
- Remodeling the first floor into restaurant space takes around six months. Since the construction process is primarily concentrated on the restaurant space for a while, Victor is left in charge of working with the crew for that time.
- Victor starts regularly staying up with extra logistical work after the crew leaves. Eventually, Nurse Joy finds him conked out in front of the Pokemon Center at one in the morning, having fallen asleep on his way back home for the night. His partner gives him a very stern lecture about his self-neglectful tendencies and insists he sleep at Opal’s house when he’s too exhausted to reasonably make it to Postwick or set up camp somewhere.
- Several times over the course of the next week, Bede wakes to find Victor passed out either on the couch or next to them in bed, with complete certainty that he wasn’t there when they fell asleep. Opal admits she got curious herself and waited him out one night, and Bede nearly has an aneurysm when she reveals he ended up groggily arriving at quarter to two. Victor gets an even sterner lecture than last time as soon as he wakes up.
- From then on, Bede makes a habit of heading to the site as soon as they close the gym. As expected, Victor is concerned about them going out of their way to help with the extra work on top of their own job. And, as expected, their stubbornness ultimately wins out in the end.
- Victor quickly learns that attempting to stay up unreasonable amounts of time is futile, as Bede can and will physically drag him away if he tries to work past eleven p.m.
- Victor is organized in the sense that he perfectly understands his system but is the only one who can. Bede quickly learns the most efficient way to go about it is to simply ask him to find or point out what they need instead of spending half an hour trying to find it themselves.
- They make a point to take at least one day off a week during the process, usually spending it with their respective families, doing their own things around Galar, or hanging out with Gloria, Hop, and Marnie.
- Most of the work on the second floor living space is saved for the League’s off-season so Bede has more time to get involved. Not much is changed from the standard Ballonlea interior design, aside from moving the living room stuff upstairs and a couple personal touches.
- Victor insists they keep the Vengeance Board in their room, adding his own mementos of Bede to it that he’s kept over the years.
- The living space only takes half the time of the first floor to prepare, since converting the first floor into a restaurant was more complicated. Both are around twenty when the process is completed and they’re finally ready to move in.
- Bede helps with the restaurant’s employee-hiring process at their own insistence. Victor’s ends up with a case of déjà vu from how similar their methodology is to Opal’s when he challenged her gym puzzle.
- They invited their friends and families to the unofficial pre-opening the day before the restaurant is open to the public. Gloria ensures Raihan is among those who show up, knowing he’ll have the most success spreading the word through his social media.
- When everyone leaves for the night, Bede takes care of both of their Pokemon and orders a pizza for their own dinner so Victor can take a much-needed break after catering for everyone at once.
- Victor sets up a small TV in the restaurant set to the League channel. His attention will occasionally wander to it whenever one of Bede or Marnie’s matches plays.
- The Ballonlea Stadium and restaurant are usually closed on the same days. Victor and Bede’s relationship still isn’t public, so the common theory is that the restaurant follows the schedule since it uses the stadium to draw in customers. A couple of the employees manage to connect the dots though.
- Neither of them are full-blown morning people. The closest to being one is Bede, but only because they can will themselves out of bed faster. Victor usually has an easier time getting up once Bede is up and about.
- On the occasion Victor still can’t bring himself to get up, Bede enlists the help of his Boltund to lick his face till he’s awake.
- Victor usually makes breakfast while Bede is in charge of coffee. Strangely enough, Victor’s Inteleon has taken to drinking it too.
- Bede is the resident blanket-hog, since they need warmth to sleep. Victor manages to avoid being affected by it by being the self-proclaimed “resident Bede-hog” and clinging to them like a Komala more often than not.
- Victor’s clinging habits have earned him the role of big spoon more often than not. Bede refuses to openly acknowledge this and Victor only brings it up in private to playfully tease them.
- Gloria got them a queen-sized weighted blanket as a housewarming gift, since Victor’s old one wouldn’t accommodate them both.
- On the occasion Hop is working in the Ballonlea area, he’s invited to crash on their couch.
- When Gloria learns about this arrangement, she extends the offer to herself and just shows up one night. She claims it’s mostly to mess with Bede, but it’s also partially because she misses living with her brother.
- Due to Victor’s nature as a mediator, the two don’t have full-blown fights often, and when they do, they usually don’t last longer than two or three days. Gloria’s short-lived “invasion,” as she and Bede refer to it, was the cause of one of the longer ones, as Bede were fairly upset that Victor was just letting her barge in basically unannounced, while Victor was upset by Bede’s behavior towards his sister. When Gloria finds out, she ends up feeling guilty about it. In a rare move for her, she sincerely apologizes to the two and admits her true motivation behind showing up.
- Bede is the most ticklish of the two. If you don’t think Victor takes advantage of this at least a couple times, you’re horribly mistaken.
- Hop offers to watch the restaurant for a day or two so they can have time off for their anniversary. They spend it camping in the Slumbering Weald after a quick visit to Victor’s old home in Postwick.
- Victor starts growing plants that he finds interesting or ingredient-worthy around the house. A number of leaves and vines can be seen spilling out the second-floor windows from outside.
- Bede doesn’t collect anything, but they can regularly be seen caring for the local wild Pokemon that tend to hang out near the restaurant. They’ve managed to learn all of them in the time they’ve lived in town.
- Bede usually takes the longest to get ready, as they’re generally fussier about their appearance. Victor mostly just tidies up and throws on comfy clothes.
- After one of them has a rough day, a favorite de-stressor activity of theirs is cuddling on the couch and watching the soft colors of Ballonlea’s bioluminescent mushrooms through the window.
- Victor suggests dancing around the living room or the closed restaurant in the mushroom light a few nights. Bede doesn’t get it at first, but once they try it they end up enjoying it a lot (they still call Victor a mushy sap, of course, but Victor knows they mean it in a good way).
- Victor has an entire album on his Rotom Phone dedicated to pictures he’s taken of or with Bede. A number are candid shots of them in instances where Victor decided they looked particularly adorable (like the time he found them caring for an injured Phantump) or hot (like the time the wind from a Dynamax attack hit them just right and made their now longer hair look so freaking majestic). Others are more... “private” ones Bede has sent him themselves.
- Bede has grown accustomed to Victor’s holiday enthusiasm by now. And now that they live together, they have essentially no escape from joining his festive spirit. They end up coming to the Stadium wearing a mistletoe earring a couple times in December, though the Gym Trainers know better than to pry.
(WARNING: This part delves a tad further into Bede’s abandonment issues and general grieving process. If you aren’t a huge fan of this stuff or it hits a bit too close to home, I’d advise moving past. If you ARE a fan of this stuff, good for you. Hope you enjoy.)
- When Opal eventually passes away, Bede is completely devastated. They end up not leaving the house for a solid week, only trusting Victor to see them in such a vulnerable state.
- Bede’s abandonment issues begin to act up during their grieving process. They become unexpectedly clingy for a while, terrified of losing Victor too since he’s the only person other than Opal they allowed themselves to get as attached to.
- Their friends and the other gym leaders each offer their condolences and to help out however they can. It’s mostly up to Victor to accept their help since Bede tries to insist they’re fine without it.
- When Victor can’t be around to help, Bede’s primary means of comfort is Hatterene, since they have the strongest bond with her, she can keep an eye on their emotional state, and her body is made of hair, giving them something soft to hug when they need to.
- It’s primarily through the help of Victor and their Pokemon that Bede starts healing from her loss. Victor even steps up to keep the media off their back until they’re finally ready for comment.
- The two end up taking in Opal’s Pokemon in addition to their own. Bede also dedicates one of the front-row seats at the Stadium to her.
- It’s thanks to the event that Victor finally convinces Bede to see a therapist instead of relying on one or two people for their entire support system. After the first few sessions, Bede reluctantly agrees that it’s helping them more than they expected.
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rigb0ner · 5 years
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Okay, you guys asked for it! I hope you enjoy reading! :)
In order for Lance and Shiro to make it out alive from the Blade of Marmora trials, they have only two choices:
1. to fuck
2. to fight
However, Lance doesn't want to fight, and Shiro doesn't want to fuck.
a.k.a. an AU where Lance accompanies Shiro to the Blade of Marmora instead of Keith, and there is no "Knowledge or death" but a choice to "Fuck or fight".
Shiro's behavior has been rather... aggressive, especially towards Lance in the last few days. Neither of the two could conclude the reason why though. However, Lance had a few ideas. He knew he was annoying at times. The groans he often earned from his teammates where more than enough proof, but he was harmless. Lance was the Blue Paladin, the heart of Voltron. He was a huge asset to the team, not because he had the ability to easily lift their spirits with his silliness and contagious smile, but because he cared. He valued his teammates' concerns over his own. Yes, he was arrogant, but he was also, and mostly, considerate.
But, for some reason, he wasn't able to lift everyone's spirits. He liked to think that he had a specific bond with each of his teammates, even Keith. Aside from all the daily bickering over very ridiculous topics, there was mutual fondness and respect between them both. However, it was Shiro who gave him the darkest of glares and the most disgusted of sighs. It hurt, to think that someone whom he deeply admired since he first enlisted in the Garrison, would treat him so condescendingly. He was his hero, and it killed Lance to be scorned so often by him, for reasons unknown. But Lance wasn't an idiot. He knew when to stop himself from escalating situations from bad to worse.
And now, with no one else to be by Shiro's side, due to having their own tasks that were specifically correlated with their lions, Lance would stand by his leader. And he would be there for him, no matter how difficult the situation, to help him, and maybe, to prove himself to Shiro that he wasn't careless, and that he actually gave a shit. But he could tell by the look on Shiro's face that he was not at all excited to have him as his only choice. The Blue Paladin did well to resist the urge to scoff and cross his arms in irritation, and stood tall, prepared to begin for their mission.
Lance and Shiro had learned that the Blade of Marmora were a secretive rebel group fighting against the Galra Empire, and the only way they could form an alliance was to attempt several trials to become members to fight along side each other when it was time for battle. The two Paladins would endure intense battles in each of the several rooms, together. They would be stripped from their Paladin uniforms, and any bayard would be confiscated.
Lance knew bringing their personal weapons was forbidden, but he thought he'd bring his bayard just in case. However, like Shiro, he was given a new suit, as well as a new weapon. Lance's hand now tightened around the tang of his blade—an item that felt so foreign in his hand—feeling his palms sweating as his legs trembled. This was definitely not his usual weapon of choice. It didn't feel right. But the Blue Paladin watched Shiro in awe, standing in place as his leader suddenly let out a battle cry, then clashed his blade with their opponent's. He moved swiftly, dodged quickly, and stabbed mercilessly, leading them to the next chamber. Lance couldn't feel more useless. To his amazement, however, Shiro clearly knew what he was doing, taking down each opponent with the intention to succeed, with or without Lance. The Blue Paladin felt pathetic to say the least.
But as they continued to press onward from each room prior to the next, Lance had noticed that their opponents grew more numerous. Shiro, now bruised and bloody, slowly losing his strength and breath, was struggling to fight, as their opponents came at them in full force. Lance had to do something. He needed to help. But what could he, an inexperienced fighter, do to help his leader? It was obvious that he couldn't just stand there and watch. So, with a firm grip around his weapon, Lance breathed in shakily, suddenly bracing himself, then ran fast, and lunged forward—although clumsily—at their opponent with his blade, hearing Shiro immediately shout his name. Lance ignored him, or perhaps, he didn't hear. However, his weapon clashed with his opponent's, steel scraping against each other as their blades collided.
Despite Shiro's strength receding, he continued to slice and kick with all the might he had left, watching Lance from his peripheral vision as his opponent's limp body fell to the floor. His heart was racing with adrenaline as he heaved a heavy breath. But then the sound of a painful hiss caught Shiro's attention as his face turned completely towards Lance's direction. The sight of blood oozing from his partner's shoulder made him run fast, stabbing the opponents’ abdomens without hesitation. When he withdrew his blade he stared at Lance with the slightest bit of concern before scowling. "Why did you interfere?" he questioned breathlessly, although raising his voice. 
Lance held his painful shoulder upright, not appreciating Shiro's tone and glare whatsoever. He inhaled a sharp breath and pumped up his chest defiantly, brows narrowing in irritation. "Stop treating me like I'm your bitch," he hissed, slightly surprising himself from the sudden outburst. "What kind of question is that? Did you just expect me to stand there and watch you get hurt? Whether you want me here or not, I want to help you! Why is that such a problem? You can't die on us!"
"Watch your tone," Shiro retorted, scowling at Lance's disobedience. "I can take care of myself!" he added. Lance scoffed, "Yeah. Of course you can." He dared to give Shiro the most annoyed look before breaking eye contact, walking towards the next chamber as the doors slid open.
So stubborn, they thought.
This next chamber they entered, Lance noticed, was smaller, unlike the previous ones. There was another thing his eyes caught sight of; a bed, in the middle of the empty room. It was the strangest thing he’d seen since they entered the Blade’s headquarters. The uneasiness in his stomach only grew when the sudden flash of a hologram appeared in front of them, revealing the face of Kolivan, the leader of the Blade of Marmora. He then spoke, "You have made it to the final trial, upon which you have succeeded on the previous challenges. But, for this last trial, however, you have two choices to make."
"What are they?" Lance questioned anxiously, not quite understanding the small curve forming on Kolivan's lips as he spoke. 
"You two must choose to fight, or to bond," Kolivan explained. 
"Wait," said the Blue Paladin, "what do you mean 'to bond'?"
Shiro's expression looked just as perplexed, and then there was a slight pause, before Kolivan elaborated. "You must join together to breed. If not, you must fight each other. There is no other option."
Lance gawked at Shiro in horror, beyond bewildered.
No way.
No freaking way is this happening!
I don't want to fight, but I...
"Make a choice," Kolivan said, before the hologram subsequently disappeared. Lance couldn't help but quiver in fear, feeling unbelievably gawky as he stood subconsciously close next to Shiro, hearing the doors close from behind them. How ridiculous he'd felt.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
What do we do?
"Lance," Shiro spoke suddenly in a deep tone, earning the Blue Paladin's attention, who’d hesitated before responding nervously.
"Yeah, Shiro?"
Oh my god! Does he actually want to do this with me? 
"Are you ready?"
Holy shit!
"U-um... actually, I... I've never done this before," Lance admitted bashfully, watching Shiro narrow his brows in response.
"What do you mean? Of course you have. Did you forget about all the battles we've been through? Or, perhaps, our training?" Shiro questioned.
The Blue Paladin's eyes widened, realizing they were clearly not on the same page. "Wait. Shiro... do you actually want to fight me?" he asked in an obviously frightened tone.
Shiro laughed. "Well, I'm certainly not going to fuck you."
Lance couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling in his chest as his leader said those anxiety-inducing words. "But, I... I don't want to fight!" he exclaimed, watching Shiro draw out his blade. 
"What are you suggesting?" his leader questioned in a warning tone, watching him squirm in place. The Blue Paladin was clearly contemplating on what to say, but he couldn't form any words. 
Don't say it, you idiot!
He doesn't want to hear it! 
Shiro cocked a brow, feeling impatient as his weapon was now pointing directly towards the Blue Paladin. "Well?"
"Please, Shiro," Lance begged, arms surrendering over his chest as the tip of the blade brushed against his palm. "Don't. I don't want to fight."
Backing away slowly from his leader, his hand tightening around the tang of his own blade, completely unwilling to use it against Shiro. He couldn't. Not when he was aware of his leader's capability to take him down so easily. He could certainly try, though, but he thought it was pointless. Shiro scoffed, but oddly wore a small smirk on his face. His unusual behavior was all too concerning for the Blue Paladin. "Come on, Lance," he began. "Let's put your training to the test."
But Lance looked troubled, pedaling back once again as Shiro slowly stepped forward. "I'm not going to fight you, Shiro," he stated. "I won't!"
The smirk on his leader's face suddenly faltered, staring at the boy's frightened but immune expression, which was pleading him to reconsider. Lance clearly wasn't going to quit, and it only pissed Shiro off. But Lance stayed still, watching the older Paladin come closer, slowly lowering his outstretched hand in front of him. However, the young Paladin couldn't exactly pinpoint the intention behind his leader's fervent stare. Whatever it was, though, Lance couldn't help but feel excited, and cautious, as Shiro walked into his personal space, hand tightening around the weapon next to his thigh. Then, Lance felt a hand cup his chin — Shiro's dark gray eyes never leaving his blue ones. "You're not a cadet anymore, Lance. You're a Paladin of Voltron, a defender of the universe. And as such, it is your job to protect the innocent," his leader explained, leaning in close to the boy's face. "Isn't that right? Don't you want to protect the ones you love?"
Lance simply nodded, feeling desperate and confused, although entranced by Shiro's thumb caressing his lips, which trembled slightly from the contact. "For someone with so much potential, your carelessness overwhelms it all. I just can't seem to get any peace and quiet with you around." The Black Paladin sighed subsequently, but in an eerily relieved kind of way that Lance didn't understand.
"You don't mean that," the younger Paladin retorted, voice shaking. "I know that I can be irritating at times, but Shiro, I'm more than that! You know that it's..."
"That's enough already!" Shiro interrupted, suddenly shoving Lance away, causing him to trip on his feet and fall on his back.
WIP #2: Sharpshooter
Lance experiences his very first blowjob with the Captain of the IGF-Atlas—Takashi Shirogane—also known as his longtime hero and crush ever since he enlisted in the Galaxy Garrison.
“Good morning, Cadet.”
Lance furrowed his brows in confusion, turning his head to see—Commander Iverson, and, oh, some things just never change.
“Good morning, Sir,” he cleared his throat, “but, with all due respect, it’s Lieutenant, now.”
Commander Iverson chuckled. “Indeed. How you’ve grown.”
Lance nodded. “Yes. I’d say so.”
A sudden tension filled the air.
“I... um, I believe I owe you an apology.”
Lance pretended not to understand. After all, he’d hoped this moment would come. He knew that he’d prove himself eventually.
“What for, Sir?”
”For not seeing your greatness within.”
Now, that—that wasn’t what Lance was expecting to hear. Those exact words... he’d heard them before, but not like this. It was strange, to say the least. But nevertheless, it flattered him. And yet, he didn’t care. Commander Iverson never cared, and Lance was sure those words were meaningless.
But... it’s all in the past, now. Lance knew that he couldn’t please everybody. Although, having other people’s respect, especially from those who doubted him, was, admittedly, very satisfying. That was all he ever wanted—besides flying.
Lance broke the silence. “It’s fine, Sir. I know that my behavior in the past wasn’t the best, but, as you can see, I am pretty great now.“
Commander Iverson cleared his throat. “You are. Thank you for your service, Lance.”
The Lieutenant offered a smiled in response. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”
Despite your lack of faith.
“Anyway, what are my duties for today, Commander?”
”Oh, well, perhaps you can start by checking inventory.”
“Actually, before you do that, Lieutenant McClain...”
“Captain Shirogane wants to see you.”
He was stalling himself...
Lance wasn’t really sure why, but all he knew was that he was actually nervous to see his Captain. In fact, he was taking all the precious time in the world, with the intent of distracting himself by whatever means necessary.
And, truth be told, he felt absolutely ridiculous.
The Lieutenant hadn’t realized how tight his grip around the clipboard was. He was clutching it for dear life, but why?
Lance wandered around the building, uncertain of where he was going, passing by instructors and other commanding officers—until, he reached an empty corridor. It was slightly dim, and quiet. Good. He needed a moment to himself.
The Lieutenant sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. His mind was suddenly flooding with dreadful thoughts:
Why am I hiding? We’ve been dating for a few weeks now! But...
“God,” he muttered under his breath, resting his head back against the wall, “I’m so pathetic.”
And that’s when he realized, it had been a while since they’ve communicated, which was understandable, considering the fact that they’ve both been very busy with their own individual assignments. Lance missed him, of course. Lance rarely got to see the Captain during the day.
They didn’t always get to see each other everyday, but sometimes they were given the chance to share a few minutes of conversation with each other—mostly during lunch, and meetings, however.
But now, Shiro had asked to see Lance personally. And, despite what people may think of him, Lance wasn’t such a fool as certain people claimed. He’d noticed the expression on Shiro’s face the last few times they’ve interacted, and it sent shivers down his spine. Although, his Captain was very clever at covering it up with that polite and handsome smile. It was the look of lust. That was definitely the look Shiro giving him. Lance knew it because he’d been staring at him the same way.
Granted, again, they’ve only been dating for a few weeks, and their busy schedules gave them less time to communicate and spend time together, even when they were both free. But make no mistake, there was clearly tension between the two of them whenever they were in the same room, and Lance liked it, but he also feared it because of how powerful Shiro’s presence was whenever he entered the room. Everybody would stand immediately in respect, whether Shiro expected it or not. And Lance wasn’t surprised, but he didn’t know what to think. He loved his Captain’s intimating side, but at the same time, he feared it.
And... that’s all I’ve got, if it weren’t for my damn writer’s block!!! :’(
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading the progress of these fics because I honestly enjoyed writing them. I would have loved to finish them but I just can’t anymore... it sucks, I know, but that’s how it is! I love you all <333
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lokilickedme · 5 years
Because of "The Department", I am starting to become interested in Hozier. Are there any songs you would recommend for new listeners? Does he have anything romantic and sad?
Ohhhh my goodness.  Does he have anything romantic and sad…DOES HE HAVE ANYTHING ROMANTIC AND SAD?!  (sorry, I’m hyperventilating with excitement here)
Sit down honeypants, have I got a playlist for your listening pleasure.
First, you’re fortunate that he’s only got two officially released albums, two EPs, and a handful of covers and film tracks - because frankly the world couldn’t handle much more than what he’s given us so far.  We need time, we need to acclimate, we need to be strong enough to take it.  And for what he has given us thus far, we are thankful.  *amen*
I don’t even know where to start categorizing his songs individually, but since you specifically asked for “romantic” and “sad”, I’ll begin there:
Work Song - Gotta start here, for reasons.  This song is what I would call the epitome of romance.  It’s a nod to the field hymnals of the deep south, with the religious solemnity replaced by a mournful sort of romantic adoration for a lover who somehow saved him from a past he had all but lost himself to.  Sweet and gentle and worshipful, it fairly reeks of bad man redeemed by the love of a good woman.  He thanks the higher powers every day for the gift of his lover, whether the gods are listening or not, whether he is worthy of their attention or not - he no longer cares about that, because if there’s no eternal heaven for him, this moment on earth with his love is more than enough.  You are his deity now, his redeemer, his savior…and he’s at peace with his past because he knows you love him as much as he loves you.  Beautiful and hopeful, and almost painfully romantic.
Like Real People Do - Gah, I don’t even know where to start with this one.  It was inspired by Seamus Heaney’s series of poetic odes to the bog bodies discovered in the wilds of Ireland, which in itself doesn’t seem like a very ripe field to plow for romantic sentiment.  However, let me direct you to the following verse:
I will not ask you where you came fromI will not ask, and neither should youHoney just put your sweet lips on my lipsWe should just kiss like real people do
Yeah, we’re done here.  Basically it’s a vague fairy tale whose implications you’re free to ascertain for yourself.  Is it grave robbing?  Murder?  Some dark fae magic resurrecting an ancient being for some dark purpose he can’t recall? A lonely woman enlisting a disreputable spell to conjure a lover for herself from the long-dead bones of a forgotten victim?  Or was he simply buried by his grief/pain/sadness and “dug up” by the love and care of a stranger?  Whatever it is, it’s lovely.
To Be Alone -  Howling and intense, feral and wild, this is a tune to fuck to.  Romantically, of course.  The Celtic drums, the yowling chorus, the stomping that brings to mind a tribal Druid ceremony, untamed and darkly sexual in all its heathen glory…
Honey, when you kill the lightsAnd kiss my eyesI feel like a person for a moment of my life
Need I say more?  How about this:
To feel your weight in arms I’d never useIt’s the god that heroin prays to
Powerful, right?  And any song that has Feels good, god it feels good as a repetitive chorus can’t be anything but babymaking tunes.  Trust me.
Better Love - This is a film soundtrack song that appears on the ending credits of The Legend Of Tarzan.  Lush and frantically heartfelt and literally gushing with a profound romance that rises and rises until it hits a crescendo that you just gotta listen to on headphones with your eyes closed.  It’s a religious experience, the kind that’s easy to imagine yourself screaming OH GOD!! in the middle of.  Yeah, that kind.  The rising fury of the music, the piano, the horn section, his voice, is all very reminiscent of that kind of love.  Just beautiful, urgent, and will have you imagining yourself in a Victorian dress standing on the bank of a river somewhere waiting for your love to return from some distant place.
Dinner And Diatribes - Speaking of that kind of love, here we have a song that uses those very words to describe what loverboy wants and is asking for from you, his passionate yet momentarily bored significant other.  The two of you are stuck at some hideously stale social engagement and his soul is dying slowly with each dull conversation he has to participate in; his only reprieve is in staring at you from across the room and sending you subliminal messages about what he would very much like for you to do to him as soon as he gets you out of there.  Let there be hotel complaints and grievances raised, yeah that kind of love.  Romantic?  Not strictly, no, not on the face of it.  But really, what’s more romantic than knowing your partner well enough to know that one look from you across a crowded room will have them searching for a way to excuse themselves from the party so they can go home and absolutely rail you?
Scarcely can speak for my thinkingWhat you’d do to me tonightNow that the evening is slowingNow that the end is in sightHoney, it’s easier knowingWhat you’d do to me tonight 
 And we’re not even going to discuss the pounding Celtic tribal drums that set up a rhythm through the entire song that subtly mimics a headboard banging against the wall.  Rowdy loud romance at its pulse pounding best.
In A Week - Nothing says romance like two lovers decomposing in a field together, scaring the cows and slowly turning into food for the foxes and crows.  A beautiful tune, gorgeously sung as a duet with Karen Crowley.  He claims this was meant to be very tongue-in-cheek, and god I hope he’s not lying because I worry about the boy sometimes.
Nobody - My personal favorite, this one is a road song chronicling a love through comparison.  He tells his sweetheart how much he misses her, not with the actual words I miss you, but through a series of either/ors:
If I had the choice between hearing either noiseThe excitement of a thousand, or the soothing of your voiceAt first chance I’d take the bed warmed by the bodyI once warmed my hands over a burnin’ MaseratiStill I’ve had no love like your love
A cute love song full of playful devotion to an absent lover.  Just perfect.
Shrike -  I should have put this higher up on the list, I know.  You’ll understand what I mean when you listen to it.  A Shrike is a murderbird, btw.  Yeah, he’s comparing his powerful desire to express his love (after having tragically/stupidly missed a prior opportunity to do so) to a Shrike (him) impaling food on a thornbush (her).  Again, it’ll make sense when you listen to it.  A beautiful, haunting, lushly lyrical song about wistful longing.
Wasteland Baby -  This song, geezus.  The world is ending, it’s here, it’s happening, and he’s watching it all come down while sitting next to you, holding your hand, waiting for it to reach the pair of you as the flames lick the sky.  Neither of you are scared, just at peace, together, waiting for the end of it all to take you.  Oddly beautiful, and his voice - god, his voice.  Wasteland baby, I’m in love, I’m in love with you.
Movement - A love song to all the things you see in your lover that are lacking in yourself.  Poetic and poignant, coming from a towering giant with a tendency to trip over his own feet, singing about his lover being graceful and feeling moved by the way she moves.
NFWMB - Yes, it means what it looks like.  Nothing Fucks With My Baby, and yes he says that word every other line.  But the way he utters it with such dreamy conviction is just…ugh, it’s a horny song okay?  Just unabashedly horny.  And romantic, because he’s not making a bar room threat as in NOTHING fucks with my baby!!, he’s issuing a laid back warning that if you DO fuck with his baby, she will straight up fuck you up and he will sit back and watch, shaking his head in an I told you so sort of sympathy.  His baby is so terrifying that the goddamn apocalypse willingly averted itself when it saw she was in the vicinity.  An ode to a strong lover that he respects with every fiber of his being and by god you should too.
From Eden - Basically a love song from the devil’s point of view.  I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.  That’s romantic, folks.
Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) - My second favorite song in, like, the entire history of music.  Remember when I said NFWMB was unabashedly horny?  Well, this is a song about oral sex.  No qualms, no masking in flowery terms, and a whole lot of borderline blasphemous comparisons to religious verbiage to boot.  And it’s one hell of a banger, with Hoz howling like his baby just put her mouth on him (which is the chorus, more or less).  A no-apologies hard driving ballad devoted to fellatio, which I find oddly romantic in the simple fact that he speaks of it as a holy act of devotion.  He worships his lover, who is, ironically, the one on her knees in the holy posture of prayer in front of him.  And god does he love her for it.
Jackie And Wilson - This one is tricky, because it’s a rousing catchy tune flowing around a set of words that, once you listen carefully to them, become a whole lot of not what I thought.  He speaks of love, and of being saved, and of the attentive care that his lover gives him.  Only later do we hear the truth behind those words - that the love was obsessive and immature, that the savior casually abandoned him without even saying goodbye, that her care was no more than an amused tolerance to his childish adoration.  She knew all along that she wasn’t in it for the long haul, while he was making plans for forever.  But all hope isn’t lost - he’s not irreparably damaged, he isn’t ruined for life.  He simply goes and digs up the version of himself that he buried at the beginning, and starts again.  A little more experienced, a bit more jaded, but ready to do it all over again because maybe it’ll be right next time.  A hopefully romantic little cautionary tale that somehow doesn’t lose its playfulness, even as he’s putting out his cigarette and noticing that she’s gone.
Do I Wanna Know - this is a cover/retool of the song of the same name by Arctic Monkeys, and it is sublime in its sad yearning.  While the original is a driving, dark, sexy ode to obsessive love, Hozier’s version is a gentle, tender, hauntingly heart-tugging song about longing and uncertainty.  It’s a slow game of she loves me, she loves me not being played by a lover who is unsure if it’s worth the bother to try to fall in love with someone else if the current object of his laconic affections is no longer interested in him, or if he should just keep trying to win her back and keep the status quo as is.  And his voice…god, the way he caresses words is like he’s making love to your ears without the messy cleanup afterward.
There are more - but I’m going to draw the line here and say ENOUGH FOR NOW, YOU’RE NEW, YOU’RE NOT PREPARED FOR THE REST.  I mean…Angel of Small Death?  Sedated?  Arsonist’s Lullaby?  The hardcore underlying symbolism of his flagship ballad Take Me To Church?  It Will Come Back, for god’s sake??  No, not yet.  Go, dip your toe into the waters, and then come back when you’re ready for more…because everything this man has ever done is brilliant and beautiful and profound, and oh boy do I look forward to ruining another innocent with it all :)
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