#nor are u even gonna want to read it lbr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sorry my dude
bartsugsy Ā· 7 years
Why everybody calls Ed or Jackson boring? Cause they are good people I guess. Because beyond that I don't see the reason. We didn't get to know Ed. Both Ed and Jackson had a good sense of humor and sass. The only difference is that Ed was in a sense a boy while Robert now is a man and Ed was genuinely a nice person while Robert can be rude. Cause don't mix sass with being vile. All I see is Aaron n Robert fighting not having any fun
I mean, I canā€™t speak for everyone butā€¦ personally I didnā€™t think Jackson was boring. I donā€™t actually have much of an opinion on him, in all honesty? Iā€™m never quite sure how I feel or felt when watching him with Aaron. I donā€™t think he ever would have been enough to keep Aaron away from Robert though, had their timelines crossed.
Ed was boring to me - he was very sweet, very good, butā€¦ like, thatā€™s not a character built to last in a soap. Good characters who are comic relief are one thing. Good characters who are just surrounded by all of these other characters who have done and are doing terrible things stick out like a sore thumb, in a bad way. Like. They become Too Good for the soap universe. Kasim falls very firmly under this bucket as well - they need to either leave bc they just donā€™t deserve any of the shit the other characters put them through, or they get tainted by everyone around them and become worse people and thus, characters capable of being involved in drama. Thereā€™s not really another option.
(Unless they somehow morph into comic relief, I suppose)
I gotta say, if youā€™re looking for characters to ship who are just sort ofā€¦ happy and having fun in the long term, youā€™ve gotta start shipping the comic relief characters. The characters who get the big storylines and the drama get a good dose of misery. Or they get broken up.It would be so inappropriate for Robert and Aaron to just be having fun right now (see LITERALLY LAST WEEK! where they were having a merry old time and then the show turned it on its head and made sure we, the audience, knew this was all avoidance and Not Healthy). Theyā€™re not in a good place. Thatā€™s the story theyā€™re telling right now. Literally, thatā€™s it, thatā€™s the current story. Theyā€™re not doing ok.
The show isnā€™t saying - hey look at this couple, donā€™t you wanna be like them!!! The show is saying that these are two fucked up people in love and in a relationship with one another and theyā€™re struggling.
Theyā€™re not telling the story of the perfect made in heaven dream boat relationship we all wanna have in our own lives. Thatā€™s not this and it never was.
Robert and Aaron have been put though a hella lot of shit - and in some ways, I think that is actually a problem in the broader sense, because they donā€™t get too many extended periods where theyā€™re completely ok and most of the (very! big!) issues theyā€™ve had together are still ongoing over a year later, which is an interesting way to structure a story šŸ˜‚, but the issues havenā€™t been dropped so I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily bad writing overall and I think the show does give them enough periods of being largely very happy together that itā€™s not completely depressing
and itā€™s clear that even though they have no šŸ‘šŸ¼ idea šŸ‘šŸ¼ how to really make a relationship work with one another just yet, because they have all of these issues still, but they do just really want to be together
(and thatā€™s sensible, in light of how their relationship started and how bad it was back then, I think. Iā€™m glad that they didnā€™t whitewash their relationship (beyond pretending the lodge never happened lmao) and try to tell us that these two people are a šŸ’• perfect šŸ’• couple šŸ’• *dreamy sigh*)
and ok i get my kicks out of the seemingly futile tragedy of that - that they love one another but maybe canā€™t be together right now - but I also think thereā€™s specific shit they could work on that would make their relationship easier for both of them - itā€™s just that they havenā€™t gotten there yet and theyā€™re sort of floundering and they have a lot of issues outside of themselves that are getting in the way and making it harder for themā€¦. but, ok, this is sort of what Iā€™m saying. Thatā€™s not boring to me. Thatā€™s painful and itā€™s difficult to watch at times, but itā€™s interesting storytelling.
The idea that the two of them being in a relationship alone isnā€™t enough, that actually where the source of the drama used to be that they couldnā€™t be together because Robert was married, now itā€™s that even though theyā€™re together, thereā€™s not a magic happy ending pill that makes the rest of their shit go away. Like. Thereā€™s still natural issues and drama built into the core of their relationship that drives their stories.
Iā€™ve said it so so so many times but I would never want a relationship like Aaron and Robertā€™s irl - but in fiction, itā€™s so engaging to me. Itā€™s completely fascinating. The fact that even though itā€™s rooted in such strong love but theyā€™re falling apart is so engrossing, I could flipping talk about it all day and thatā€™s sort ofā€¦ the point? And then when the show starts to touch on those issues, or makes steps towards trying to sort them, itā€™s so satisfying to me. Like. This idea that one day they might be able to get to a place where they can actually do it. Itā€™s a slow and painful crawl, but theyā€™re starting to get there. Theyā€™re like. The ultimate disastrous Work In Progress, u know?
(and likeā€¦ they do honestly love each other too. and the show shows us that time and time again because it would never be as engaging if there wasnā€™t that big driving force behind it where they do just want to get to a point where they can just be together and be happy, where theyā€™re not both getting in their own way)
I will say, and this is controversial, I think the way the show treats Aaron and Robert is by and large with so much more care and consideration than they do any other couple, despite the impending hell spawn. They could have made the incident (or either of the kisses) about Robert having some latent feelings for Rebecca but they made a very specific point not to and have made it incredibly clear both in and outside of the show that they donā€™t plan to do that. Like. That sounds like a ridiculously low standard but this is a soap and legit look at any other cheating storyline youā€™ve ever seen? Idk I think they are being careful to maintain that relationship and keep them going (which is how you know that even if they break up at some point itā€™s gonna be a mopey, weā€™re staying in each otherā€™s orbits and weā€™re having storylines together and getting back together asap type thing lmao). And I love that. Thatā€™s the kind of shit that keeps me going and keeps me invested - that level of obvious investment from the show.
But like. Again. Thatā€™s just me??? And if you dig things that arenā€™t pain and misery and the whole ridiculous idea of epic, terrible love in fiction then thatā€™s very understandable šŸ˜‚ butā€¦
People are gonna enjoy what theyā€™re gonna enjoy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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