#not a coherent conversation just random screencaps from junko’s first several minutes
thebibliomancer · 4 months
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With the mastermind being one of the big mysteries Danganronpa presents we don’t really meet Junko until the end of the game, despite a Junko being in the starting cast.
The danger of introducing an antagonist at the very end of the game is that the lack of time to build them up might lead to an unmemorable or uninteresting character
Junko has three things working for her.
The A Junko we met wasn’t her but Junko did write the script so we know how Junko probably would have acted if she had been among the other students.
She still has a huge voice in the plot through her mascot Monokuma.
And when Junko actually appears in person she gleefully bursts onto the scene and makes a meal of the scenery.
In a game full of memorable quirky characters, she makes a good go at being the most memorable and quirky despite having much less time to make an impression.
She’s a lot. She’s so much.
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