#not doing 'see results' bc yall skewed so hard last time for that
raayllum · 4 months
Snake Boi Callum explanation here & here (to peruse before voting if you're interested). Thanks for voting & I would love to hear about what option people picked in their tags! I read all of 'em cause I'm deeply curious
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astrognossienne · 6 years
poll results: ⛰️earth signs⛰️
This was tied with the air sign poll as the second most popular poll. Pretty strong opinions for them too, haha. Polling is now closed. Thanks to all who responded and took ALL of the polls. The ones I want to thank the most are those who were REAL ACROSS THE BOARD and answered all polls as objectively, honestly and as comprehensively as possible (meaning not triggered by me in either telling me what they think I wanna hear, or by being childish and trite, trying to be vindictive towards all Virgos and Capricorns just because of their dislike for me as a Cap moon/Virgo mars and Virgo and Cap dom.🙄 Cute try, children 😏).
In summation, the answers were pretty interesting, to say the least. For instance, in contrasting the results for Capricorns in this poll and the results for Cancers in the water poll, was as predictable as it was laughable, since at the end of the day, both signs are flip sides of the same coin 💁‍♀️. Also, someone said that one of these signs reminded them of Naomi Campbell…last time I checked, she’s a Gemini, but ok 🤷🏻‍♀️. I only counted one answer per person, so needless to say, I happily deleted any double answers from the same person trying to skew the results in a certain sign’s favour. And as with the water sign poll, I gleefully deleted all of those who just put periods or smiley faces or typed random letters in the alphabet to get to the next question or said stupid shit like “because”, “shrug”, or “idk” as a lazy cop out of actually using their brains and giving a valid reason as to why they preferred the signs they did. Yall don’t count. Oh yeah, some user decided to use their answer to bitch about how the poll was not “specific” and just whining about it in general instead of just answering the question and keeping it pushing. If this person was an adult about their criticism and wanted me to actually respect it, they would have come to my inbox off anon and voiced their concerns/critiques there. Don’t like how someone does things, then do your own thing instead of pettily grumbling like a baby about how someone else chooses to run things on their platform. Needless to say, that has been gleefully deleted as well 💁‍♀️.
After clearing all the extraneous, incomplete, and clearly triggered opinions and focusing exclusively on those who actually have VALID reasons, there were:
100 total who answered the water sign poll
70 total who answered the fire sign poll
77 each who answered the air and earth sign polls
All coherent reasons (even if it was just as basic as expressing pride in your own/certain signs) were copied verbatim, atrocious spelling and grammar and all. Bolded the best ones. Here’s the breakdown:
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The reasons for Taurus:
I personally have a complicated relationship with Virgos from my experience. While I like them more than some other signs, they still make me mad quite a bit, for reasons. Taurus people, on the other hand, more often have something pleasant about them and they are easier to get along with. They are a lot more diplomatic.
Taurus people are cool and calm, harmless, adorable, just want to relax and enjoy their life, most of them have very good tastes in clothes, food and the like. Can be stubborn and material asf, but generally they don’t try to shove their opinions down others’ throat, which is cool
Virgos are far too critical and OCD for me. Tauruses are calmer and more approachable.
They’re hot!
taureans can be very hard-headed or selfish, but virgos are very particular about every little thing. it’s hard energy to be around.
taurus is more stable, naturally bc its fixed, and virgo stresses too much for my liking
I feel that Taurus is more laid back than Virgo. And because of their sign being associated with Ceres I imagine Virgo as being completely removed from society, whereas Taurus can appear rather distant but still lives among civilization (I always see them as more simple urban people or humble townspeople). There is also a dark and intense side to Taurus that I personally love.
I like both signs equally, but maybe as I know more Taurus people and get along well with them more than Virgo…
Very chill
Not as boring but honestly it’s close
taurus know how to chill and enjoy life and i respect that
Taurus’ are the most understanding sign
They’re huge sweethearts and so kind
Feels like home with a Taurus.
I find Taurus people really beautiful and sensual. And I get along with them. I’m not friends with any Virgos.
these motherfuckers know how to dress in ways i could only dream about
not perfectionists 
Kinder and more generous; virgo is just critical and stingy and just dark energy
Tauruses are less critical and whiny about other people. They don’t point out your every weakness or flaw because they understand that everyone has those and yes it’s okay. Virgos always whine about your flaws or weaknesses.
Taurus is affectionate and also knows when to give you space and let you do your own thing. Virgo is neither
Cause im a taurus sun haha
Virgo’s just flat out annoy me
Virgo’s are too flaky and deceitful.
Virgo’s love to criticize everyone else, but criticize them back and they throw a whole bitch fit.
Taurus is less nitpicky, and they like comfort a lot which is nice
Tauruses are a lot more humble and less nosy.
Virgos are to bossy and egocentric. Taurus are more relaxed
Taurus are more confident and chill to me. I mean they temperamental as FUCK, but when I feel like they take life less seriously. If it would be about bussiness tho I would definitely go with Virgo. They smart as fuuuuuuck.
As a Virgo I find Taurus’ energy quite calming
Not rude like virgo and not judgemental 
They are as wonderful and majestic as nature it’s self
virgos are annoying control freaks suck my whole unorganised left tiddie Also im taurus
Bc I seem to get a long more with them and meet them more often. My boyfriend is a Taurus too
Tauruses are my absolute favorite. Virgos are a little bit too particular for me I think. I love how easy Tauruses are to be around, they have a really relaxing presence.
I’m a Taurus sun… and Virgos need to chill
i’m a taurus and i like the aesthetic more. also venus 
Taurus are more loyal
many of my family members are tauruses, they are just adorable, sweet and funny
Their calm, their sexyness. Virgo are too nitpicking compared to Taurus
The reasons for Virgo:
Virgos are funny as fuckkkk yall have this witty sense of humor that i love. Taurus are cool too but can be boring
Love them both, but I just click with Virgos (my moon sign).
taurus is too stubborn for me
Virgos are generally more interesting and insightful people in my experience. I respect Taurus archetypes but they can be very boring on a day to day basis.
Because I am a virgo dom myself and want to learn to love that side of me more
I always click with them. Most of the Virgos I have met are mature, reliable and have fun side to them
They’re my fellow Mercurians!! Of all the signs I’ve lived with, Virgos just get shit done and make our shared space feel like home. They’re beautiful, raw, earthy, intelligent, and maternal in a way I will never be. I have so much respect for them.   No hate for Taureans, though! They’re also beautiful
i keep getting drawn to virgos to have the deepest communication with out of other signs. typically what happens is the communication makes me grow, makes me hate them, or both. so i prefer them bc nothing striking typically happens when i meet a taurus
tauruses almost never seem to have anything interesting to say or do (unless they have gemini or aries influence in their chart). They’re definitely more chill than virgos but at least virgos keep things interesting (i have a gemini moon so i need to stay interested and virgos offer that)
Taurus’ are slow and can be lazy and I don’t think they care about others as much as Virgos
Honestly, I prefer Virgos to Tauruses (Taurii?) because I am a Virgo myself and have found that my Virgo friends understand me and my shortcomings better than my Taurus friends. I don’t love my Taurus friends any less, it’s just easier for me to explain my thought processes to my fellow Virgos.
Taurus is self centered while Virgo is self sacrificing  
aaa, virgos are always so sweet and comforting. they have this thing to them where they always know what to say in the moment.
Virhoes are the thing, motherfuckers!
Virgos are strong willed and in my opinion I love how they work hard to reach their goals
My mum is a Taurus and I don’t like her jk
my best friend is a virgo
My narcissist mum is a Taurus, and they remind me of her. Cant help it. Also mega boring honestly
I love Taurus Moons for their chillness, but the sun sign is too ridiciously stubborn.
My fiancé is a Virgo
Virgos are so intelligent and shshsshshshs I love how smart they are and how straight to the point they are
As a capricorn i tend to talk too much shit about them cause they are weirdly too perfect but so imperfect at the same time??? but to be honest they are the cutest persons goodbye they make me go all heart eyes fUCK
They’re less stubborn, more fun to be around and they’re more direct. None of that passive aggressive shit that Taurus have.
Selfless but selfish at tha same time lol
Cuz I’m one lol
Because they’re bad bitches
More analytical with regards to opinions and doesnt hold on to things just for the sake of stubbornness.
i’m a virgo
Idk I love both of them, but Virgos are calmer and collected. Even the really talkative and annoying ones seem to have their life somewhat more together than the rest of us. I like the sense of harmony they bring when they speak and they are pretty patient.
Virgos are more adaptable
i relate to them a lot and they aren’t hash or ever attempt to pick a fight with me over nothing like taurus do with me lol
More adaptable, intellectual focus, flawless work ethic, intuitive wisdom about nature’s cycles and healing through them, great writers bc they handle the technical as well as the nature perception element well, critical perfectionists and prize self improvement in themselves and others, service nature who really helps others out
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The reasons for Virgo:
Again love them both, but my affinity for Virgo is stronger.
Again, I love Virgo’s Mercurial characteristics. Also, my mom is a Cap dominant and they can just be so cold sometimes. It’s kind of a badass trait, but only if its energy is manifested correctly. And, tbh, I’ve only ever known of one Capricorn who’s done this correctly.
Capricorns are too serious for me. Virgos are more personable and usually easier to get along with.
Caps are too rigid
Again, I choose Virgo, for the same reason that I chose Virgo over Taurus. I don’t consider any sign to be inherently better than another, but I do think that certain signs are better than others at specific things. Naturally, being a Virgo, I find that Virgos understand how I think better and more quickly than other signs, and for this reason, I prefer Virgos to the other Earth signs.
Virgo is more lively than Capricorn.
Virgos know how to have a good time
They’re strong and confident, and overall cool
again, same as last [last meaning: “virgos are always so sweet and comforting. they have this thing to them where they always know what to say in the moment”]. caps are okay too but 🤷🏻‍♀️
bc my best friend agai n
i love how they think and their personal values
Im a cancer, and I really enjoy Virgo’s healing and caring nature. They are high maintenance usually, but so worth the emotional security they never fail to provide.
Caps are too nihilistic for me. Know too many that are just depressed by it than actually seeing the chances of nihilism. Always mocking religion with their supreme Logic™.
I love my fiancé. She’s a Virgo
Virgos are just my fave sign
Virgo are just easier to get along with. They’re a lot more charming and I’m just so sexually attracted to them.
Capricorn’s aren’t original, most I’ve met are broke & going through an identity crisis
Because capricorns complain too much;They are also too critical of others.
Have a good heart
Idk why but I hate Capricorn, they are rude, depressive and idk, just no
i’m still a virgo
It really depends on the person,but I generally like Virgos a bit better just because they’re more humble 
Capricorns are generally more self absorbed
So pure, so kind… unique
caps are big NO
im a capricorn and i just love virgos with my whole being
The reasons for Capricorn:
This is my own sign, and I’ve also found that most people who have understood me most are fellow Capricorns.
This one was sooo difficult but capricorns are sexy and also have a sense of humor similar to virgo but where virgo leans more towards witty capricorn tends to be darker and dryer which i LOVE
Most Caps I know are old souls, mature, collected, ambitious, always have plans for 10 or more years ahead, know who they are and what they’re doing with their life; are the kings/queens of stamina, workaholics, but that’s okay bc they’re hot asf
Caps are hot. The aloof, cold, but controlling nature of Caps comes across a lot better than the neurotic and controlling nature of Virgos.
I keep thinking of Naomi Campbell, soooo it’s self explanatory!
just love the cap dry humour, wit and ambition
capricorns are tough but i feel that they’re more self-aware and don’t impose on others as much as virgos.
I admire Virgos from afar. We square each other (I’m a Gemini) so sometimes we struggle to get along. Capricorns on the other hand when they aren’t boring and depressive are extremely genuine, loyal people with great sense of humor.
They are so underrated and in reality funny and ambitious people
again, its a stability thing. virgo is too passive aggressive for me/avoidant/blame themselves/overthink. the only passive aggressive cap i know is my dad, and his mars is in………..VIRGO!!  plus capricorns are, while usually stuck in their ways (which is characteristic of all earth signs), generally direct. and taurus is the only earth sign thats comfortable talking about its feelings so emotions dont count here.
Again, I prefer the materialism and I think that Capricorn will always have a sense of establishment and sophistication. I think that they are also blunt and honest while not going too fr on their words. Virgo can easily be too neurotic or obsessive IMO and their style is much more bohemian of the three signs. I like more sleek and modern.
May appear cold, but actually very warm, friendly and EXTREMELY witty
i get attached to caps, probs because of my cancer dominance, but i like how stable they are in every situation and how they typically encourage me to be stronger 
i admire their discipline i guess? they’re not boring and neither are they as hypocritical and nitpicky as virgos. They’re critical in general but don’t overdo it and actually are pretty fun to be around with so- best of both worlds.
I get along well with caps more in general, in my opinion they’re headstrong, conscientious and resourceful. Their quiet nature is what appeals to me also (at least from the caps I know in real life) :)
Less boring than Virgo
i respect capricorns and their work ethic. they also know how to maintain their composure and some caps have the best sense of humor
Ambitious and sometimes stupidly so. An attractive side of Capricorn imo.
Capricorn is my daddy
I love Capricorn men
I like how professional and sophisticated Capricorn can be
Same reasons. I’m not friends with any Virgos. While I love Capricorn men. I’m in a long-term relationship with one. And I admire Capricorn women!
They don’t just complain but actually act on it.
I understand how guarded but yet soft Capricorns are inside, that’s why i chose them. They try to hide it, but they really are soft on the inside.
totally not picking cause I’m a capricorn ??? I love a good ass rich man/woman bye (also they are too cute they kill me).
Capricorn is less neurotic and more straightforward
I wanna date one
Capricorn people are at least a little bit more mature than Virgo’s
I like Capricorns ambition
If you weren’t able to tell I just don’t really like Virgo’s like that.
Capicorn are more leader-like and less concerned with everyday drama
Caps are more ambitious and they get stuff done
Capricorns know how to make my dick hard, what can I say? 🤷‍♂️
Capricorns are (to me) as smart and organized as Virgos but more ambitious and that’s something that I personally appreciate. Also they are more funny to me ? I just love their sense of humour. I also love about Virgo the deep conversations I can have with them out of nowhere, they are usually super cultured and can talk about all the weird shit I like.
Like Virgo, Cap stresses themselves out too much, but I feel like I relate to them more. They seem controlled, just in a sadder way. They are really sincere and they tend to say what they think, unlike Virgo, who tends to calculate their responses based on their environment (which is not a bad thing, just something that I find sort of dishonest). Also Caps don’t really get mad, just disappointed.
Love caps!!! My sister sign, organised goal oriented likes money i love them
Simply bc I can’t really stand Virgos and I respect Capricorns more
I think capricorns tend to get a reputation of being kind of cold and calculating, but the ones I know are so loving and caring, they just don’t show all there emotions as strongly as a water or fire sign might. They’re so smart, hardworking and responsible and would do anything for their friends, in my experience.
Cardinal and enterprising spirit, work hard party hard, self-made independent dominant people who have seen real struggle and saturnine limits and rose above them, look fine af due to their good refined aesthetic taste, will build their ambitions into reality, true melancholics of the zodiac with deep sensitivity which they hide in their ivory tower.
This was harder. But ultimately Caps because they get shit done (Virgos are helpful but neurotic), and Capricorn is my second dominant sign. So, biased.
capricorns are less boring??? idk i get alsong well with caps
Capricorn’s understand me better than Virgos
my best friend is a capricorn, i really admire their strenght, ambition and they have amazing sense of humour
I admire their drive.
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The reasons for Capricorn:
Again, my own sign, but they understand me more than any other sign does.
Capricorn hands down. Taurus are like discount brand libras, just as boring but not as willing to have fun
Caps are just my ideal type of man and women okay?
I’m a Taurus, but I can admit that Tauruses can be very stubborn, hold grudges, are blunt but never actually talk about their feelings. Caps can definitely be the same way, but for the most part are able to hide their feelings better and are more careful with emotions, grudges, etc. They won’t waste their time or feelings on something that doesn’t really matter.
I like their seriousness and maturity.
love the cap wit, work ethic and ambition
simply because taureans l, in my experience, can be a bit more selfish and entitled.
Capricorns seem to have an easier time finding their purpose.
I feel like I get along with caps more than tauruses
I imagine images when I see Capricorn and Taurus; Taurus is in a city apartment, with cool grey paint on the wall near a bright window, waiting for breakfast to be served while in a slinky satin dress, accessorized with a diamond and emerald statement necklace and earrings set. I imagine Capicorn in a darker space, with a fedora on, sleek hair, wearing an oversized dark green and black satin tux jacket with fishnets and black pumps on. Smoky eye makeup accentuates the features while she uses a cane with goldwork on the end to balance/lean suggestively. Most days I would pick Taurus, but lately I prefer the energy of Capricorn. That complexity and high fashion that still doesn’t seem too out of touch with humanity.
Haven’t met a lot of Tauruses
again, caps are more encouraging to me personally
Taurus is serious, slow, sometimes lazy and conceited. Capricorns are more ambitious, less conceited and maybe more serious but they don’t take offense as easily.
Taurus are more head in the clouds types, which in itself is not a bad thing, but I prefer the Capricorn’s general attitude towards life and work.
Capricorn is a worker while Taurus is a hoarder.
i just respect capricorns a lot lol
Capricorns indeed are likely to be of my preference because of their archetype’s qualities such as: Private, logical and elegant. This kind of people often seem mysterious and hot to the public eye (because of their guarded feelings and, of course, the money stability); another thing I’ll point out is that it’s my sister sign for what I’ll say I’m drawn to this sign rather than Taurus. [extraneous whining that has nothing to do with the answer at hand deleted].
While I like Taurus, Capricorns are more special to me. Already mentioned the reasons.
Capricorns are HOT. Dominate me thanks
all of the earth signs combined through capricorn
Haha ok I’d rather discuss with a downer Capricorn than a stubborn Taurus.
My mother is a Capricorn
I love how hard caps work
Gotta love their sense of humor.
Taurus can be very irrational and stubborn compared to Capricorn
Not as stubborn for no reason
Sometimes Taurus can be annoyingly stubborn
capricorns are so steady and awesome and i always get along with them
I’m screaming because I love them both so much. I chose Cap just because they are more compatible with me, like with my chart in general and from experience. But god they both amazing.
Capricorns are pretty fun to be around, but they are chill and they let things go. Taurus can act like they have a stick up their butt for days, but Capricorns are more forgiving.
I know a few Capricorns and we usually get along well
More interesting not as lazy
i love my fellow capricorns bc i feel like we all understand each other ina very unspoken way
I love them. Always will
More ambitious and worldly with a strong sense of politics, is less egocentric and more open to try different things and explore, more public focused
that was kinda hard, but i just like capricorns better
Their drive still.
The reasons for Taurus:
love them both. I have Venus in Taurus and for some reason, I click much easier with Taurus planets than Capricorn ones.
my bff is a taurus. i love taurus energy. i love her. theyre consistent, honest, and not afraid of feelings, and they know themselves well. capricorns are great too. tbh i love earth in general.
Taurus is just so beautiful and natural. My Taurus placements give me such a deep spiritual connection to the natural world, which I consider a blessing. My Capricorn planets seem cold and almost blocked in a way.   To me, Taurus’ Venusian properties make her irresistibly harmonic and loveable. Although the stubbornness of underdeveloped Taurus can be a bit much…
All the ones I know are chill
Easier to talk to- Caps can be so closed
I prefer Taurus to Capricorn because I find Taurus to be much warmer than Capricorn. I find Capricorn suns to be much less unyielding than Taurus suns, but that warmth is something that can’t be beat for me.
Taurus are understanding
Taureses are just unique
tauruses are also big softies n they can be rly sarcastic which is smth i like
Always gonna love a Taurus. Good natured, calm, soothing and always making you feel welcome. Love them!
i like them more
But I prefer Taurus men a little mire over Capricorn men
my brothers a taurus
my boyfriend is a taurus and they are sweethearts tbh
Kindness of the heart
Tauruses are more laid-back. They don’t overthink everything and are not so strict about how you should present yourself.
I WAS LEFTING TAURUS BEHIND AND ME, AS A TOO GOOD PERSON WHO CAN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT MAKING ANYONE FEEL SAD OR BAD (unless is an asshole), I CAN’T DO THAT. Also taurus has a lot of good and positive things! They shine man, and even grumpy n everything they are loveable af, man I love earth family I cri
Taurus is more affectionate and laid back. Taurus is also more hard headed and secretly controlling like their sister sign so this was a hard one. Caps are less complicated
Sooo funny
Tauruses just go with the flow, and mind their own business.
My moon sign lol
Sensual and laidback
Taurus people are the only earth signs I tolerate most of the time
Capricorn people love to act like they’re more superior to everyone else, and act all high and mighty, but can be some of the most petty people I’ve met.
I like how Tauruses are usually so much more peaceful, trustworthy, and humble.
Taurus are friendly, Capricorns are rude
As a Capricorn moon I appreciate the stability and relaxing vibe of any Taurus placement
because im taurus also caps ? disgusting
I love tauruses so much. I do like capricorns, but Tauruses are honestly probably my favorite sign. They have such a comforting energy for me, and I just think they’re really easy to be around. Their patience is kind of amazing and wonderful as a friendship quality.
Taureans have more heart, imo.
i’m a taurus and capricorns are a little more closed off which i think can be a problem
Capricorn’s care too much what others think
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