#not even Isabela (the only outright mean person) gets it to that extent just because people like to hc her as a lesbian?
kinschi · 2 years
Okay about alma and everything, what gets me is that soooo many ppl refuse to even attempt to understand her. Ppl talk about how she was upset over the candle flickering but no one seems to take into account what follows directly after (or even what the candle means for her). They act like as soon as the candle flickered, a switch was flipped and she was instantly othering mirabel. But all we see of Abuela’s reaction is shock (maybe a little fear because she doesn’t understand what that means for her family since the candle keeps them safe), and that’s all we get! And that’s honestly probably the same reaction most, if not all, of them had. Because it was shocking! In the many decades that this had been going on, something like that had never happened! The only other scene we have of her from back then, is after the ceremony, after everyone had left, after the family had retired, and she’s alone with Bruno that she asks for him to look what this could mean. Because the candle sprung into being to protect them, because it’s her connection to Pedro, and she’s scared of losing that connection, but even more so of losing that protection, that safety. And then her son disappears without a word! Like all her fears come alive! So of course she started to hold her family tighter! Who knows how she would’ve reacted if Bruno had stayed and she didn’t have her worst fears confirmed. I keep seeing ppl act like she only cares about the miracle because of how it makes ppl in the village view them, like their family image is all that’s important to her, and it just like ??? How do you misunderstand a character that bad?? If anything, the way the village views them is probably a double-edged sword for her. She was 25/26 (?) when Pedro was killed and the encanto was created, and she was left all alone to take care of 3 (3!!) newborns all by herself. Ironically, there are actually quite a few parallels between her and mirabel, because I have no doubt she was othered in the village as the one who made the miracle (or who’s husband did) that saved them all. It might not have been as bad in the first few years as everyone worked together to pick up what pieces of their lives they had left, but then when the triplets turned 5 and suddenly had magical powers too?? She wasn’t prepared to raise three kids all by herself with an entire village of ppl suddenly looking to her as the one with answers, and she definitely wasn’t prepared for those kids to then be magic! The only saving grace is she wasn’t homeless! That pressure and stress had to be insane! And that doesn’t make it okay that she then passed that same pressure onto her kids and then grandkids, but ppl act like it was done out of malice and it wasn’t. And it only got as bad as it was in the movie after her trauma was reignited by loss of one of her children. Also, why does no one ever talk about the effect Bruno’s leaving had to have had on everyone in the family, it’s literally only ever about how Bruno was effected?? Which is an interesting concept, tbf, but not when that seems to be the only one. Like Bruno literally made the choice to leave instead of talking to Julieta whose child the vision is about and who seems incapable of looking at her kids without an abundance of love just like emanating from her. And he made that choice because of his own trauma with his visions and with how ppl (namely the ones in town) reacted to them. But why are the consequences of his trauma response okay and almas aren’t? Neither of them are okay. But they’re understandable except no one chooses to understand almas and everyone acts like this 40 year old man choosing not to go to his sister whose child is in the middle of all of this and telling her about what he saw and instead running away without saying anything and hiding in the walls is totally good/heroic actually. Like that’s a harsh assessment of Bruno, and is still very mild compared to how ppl talI about alma. Just wish ppl would dedicate even a quarter of the understanding they give Bruno (and lowkey Camilo) to the women of the family 😩
Y'know I actually have nothing to add to that 👏🏼
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