#not fucking astre or whatever they think my name is
"Astre, please, don't be like this. Come back home. Back to me. "
Astre regarded the beautiful woman in front of them. Her hair was singed off in places, and there was blood flowing freely from a cut on her cheek. Their stomach turned at the sight, even now, but Astre had always had a hard time with blood. And this was Calypso.
"I can't," they finally said. "You know I can't." It was hard to keep their voice from breaking. It fell harsh and discordant from their lips.
"Because we're on opposite sides, now, right?" Calypso snapped. "Because I wanted a little recognition, and you wanted...this."
"Calypso, you know damn well this isn't what either of us wanted. You can't expect me to believe you're happy like this. You never needed to be a hero for a whole damn city."
Because you were always happy when it was just for me.
"Do you ever miss it?" she asked. "Just, you know, being together?"
Only with every breath. "I think we needed different things. But I never stopped missing us. You," they confessed.
They shared a soft look. It was nice, to just be together. It was okay to miss it. Calypso was, for better or worse, Astre's other half.
Astre reached out for her hand, rubbing their thumb over all her little scars.
They will never forget the roughness of her hands. Her power bit and blistered, leaving angry ruins behind. Astre knew them like they knew the night sky. Her hands, and her mouth, and her laugh.
She leaned in, lips just barely brushing against theirs. "Astre, I..." she whispered.
Astre quieted her with a slip of their tongue. "What if we just stopped? All this. Let someone new guard the city. Just be us again."
They didn't need to be The UnMaker. They didn't need to be Endless. They could just be Astre, with her.
The ground rumbled under their feet. Astre's knee gave a sharp hiss of displeasure.
Ashwinder was in town, and she was looking for a fight. Astre couldn't afford a few more moments with the only person that mattered. They needed to get Calypso out of there.
So Astre breathed out, held their power in their chest, and became Endless again.
"Get behind me!" they shouted. Their voice had already split into its broken layers. Bright, crackling energy surged down the wiring in their arms to erupt from their hands. Beneath them, the rebar rattled violently.
White-hot fire blazed past their ear. Calypso was fighting, too.
One of the power cores in their chest thrummed. The energy in their hands gave a shriek. Endless pulled, and thick steel cables rose from the ground at their command. They threw them at Ashwinder, knocking her down.
Calypso grabbed their wrist. "Run!" she screamed. Endless darted away, throwing up barrier after barrier. They had to keep Calypso safe. Ashwinder would kill her. Ashwinder would kill them both.
They led Calypso through a subway. Sharp right, left, left, straight, left again, right. Down the maintenance tunnels. Down a twisting maze they only barely remembered. She was so scared.
Finally, they reached it. Astre's secret bunker. "I reinforced everything myself," Endless said. "Even Ashwinder couldn't break it."
They smiled, but Calypso stepped back, unsettled. "Power down," she demanded.
So Endless held their power in their chest. The plating on their arms began to tuck back in. Their power cores dimmed from a harsh buzz to a low whine to nearly silent. Their eyes lost the white smoke they'd been bleeding.
Slowly, haltingly, Endless became Astre again. Human, or as close to it as Astre knew how to be.
They smiled at Calypso again, this time without displaying Endless' rows of needle-sharp teeth. She smiled back, and allowed Astre to lead her inside the bunker proper and close the door.
"I guess I always figured it would be different," she said. "Being a hero. I get all the praise and adoration I could ever want, and no one ever wants to just talk. Like people."
"I get that," Astre replies. "The sidekick gig seems pretty nice, though. Teaching a new generation of heroes and all that."
"Pfft, sure, if they survive. You know how many sidekicks I've had since we split? Six years, and I've gone through twelve of them. Twelve! I don't even know where my newest one is, he disappeared after we had an argument. Fuck. He's probably dead."
"What was his name?"
"Simon. Psychic type, he can compel people. His folks won't stop calling me about him, and there's only so many times you can tell them it's classified before they try to break into your house. Again."
She doesn't care about you, they'd told him. They could at least take him back to his parents tonight. Being with other humans had to be better for his recovery than...whatever Endless was.
"I think I want to stop. I can't keep doing this. I can't risk hurting you."
Calypso lit up. "You mean it? You'll come home, please, tell me you will."
Home is wherever you are.
"Give me a month. Let me wrap some things up. And then I'll come. I'll come home."
She kissed them again, soft and earnest.
"Wait," they said. "There's something I have to tell you. Your kid, Simon. He's been hiding out at my place. I didn't know he never told you."
"You have Simon? He's okay, isn't he?"
"I had to build him back," Astre confesses. "But I plan to send him home tonight. You can figure out what to tell his folks."
"Astre...I can't even tell you how thankful I am. Jesus. I didn't kill this one. I didn't kill him. Astre, thank you. God."
You're useless to her, they'd told him.
"Whatever you need," they tell her.
"I love you."
Something inside them bolts alive. Something else breaks. "I love you too.
The city rumbles above them. Astre pulls a laptop from a drawer and watches the city cameras until they can confirm that Ashwinder's gone. Until it's safe. They lead Calypso out of the tunnels.
"You'll call me if anything changes, won't you?" she asks. "My number hasn't changed."
"Always. See you in a month," they said, and kissed her cheek.
A month later, Endless wishes they had killed Simon when they had the chance.
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queencamellia · 6 years
Kuro Gakuen AU (Ch.1)
Based on this post by @rheaaasss​. I think I’m going to be writing a lot for this AU LMAO.
Ao3 Link Here!
Chapter 1: Signing Up
I’ve learned so much about fencing from writing these two and nOW I’M LEARNING ABOUT KENDO. I’ll be a martial arts expert by the time Lizzy appears again in the manga.
(Yana, bring my angel back. I beg of you.)
 The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford, known as “Lizzy” to most, stood up from her seat, having already prepped her bag minutes before. Emerald eyes darting from the left to the right, she sent her seatmate a friendly smile. “Well, cheers to Spring vacation,” she said, offering a hand.
“Take care of yourself, Lizzy,” Sieglinde instructed, shaking her hand and rolling her eyes. “The boys from the upper division hardly look...innocuous.”
Lizzy snorted, knowing her friend was only saying so out of concern. “I’ll keep that in mind. Please... try to come outside every once in awhile?” she begged, clasping onto her friend’s hand. “We have twelve days of relaxation until the school year starts again.”
“I have books to read, new inventions to be made, and other matters to be addressed,” Sieglinde droned, counting off her tasks on a hand. “Not to mention preparation for the coming school year.”
“Sieglinde …”
“Just kidding,” the raven haired girl laughed, nudging Lizzy gently. “I’ll come to whatever barbecue party you’re arranging for the cherry blossom festival.”
Lizzy brightened, beaming at her friend. “Great! I’ll text you with the details, later.”
“Is that your brother?”
“Huh?” Lizzy turned around, blinking in surprise and recognizing the irate look of her brother surrounded by various gushing teenage girls. “Oh, I’d better go save him before he spontaneously combusts from embarrassment. See you later, Sieglinde!”
“Take care.”
“Nii-san!” Lizzy called, exuding innocence as she shoved past all of the squealing girls. “Ready to go home?”
Edward gave her a look of blatant relief for saving him. “Y-yeah. Let’s go, Lizzy.” Gently, he attempted to pry one of the fangirls off of him. The two Midfords took off as if they were being chased by vultures — which, in a way, was a fair comparison. Once they reached the lower-division’s shoe lockers, Lizzy literally shoved her bag at her brother to slip on her shoes as quickly as possible.
“Come on, let’s go,” Lizzy tugged at Edward’s sleeve desperately, grabbing her bag back with her other hand.
But by then, it was too late.
“Damn it,” she muttered under her breath. Pivoting on her heel, she gave a tiny smile at the approaching figure. “Grey-senpai, nice to see you. Will you be coming to the barbecue party as well?”
“Of course, I never pass down free food,” Grey dismissed immediately, slowing down as he caught up to the two Midfords. “Anyways, that’s not what I came to speak to you of.”
“Has my mother cancelled kendo lessons?” Lizzy guessed.
In response, a flier was shoved in her face. Lizzy blinked, stupefied for a moment, then took the flier. “Sign ups for Kuro Academy’s kendo...club?” she read aloud, glancing at Grey in question. “I thought we didn’t have a kendo club?”
“Phipps and I got it running ourselves,” Grey proclaimed smugly. “We’ve already got a couple of fellows to sign up, including your brother.”
“Hm. That’s great.” Lizzy handed him back the flier, smiling at him. “Good for you.”
Grey stared at her, then his silver eyes narrowed. “Is that all?’
“Uh...I’m glad to see that kendo is becoming more popular around here? It’s about time a club was started up,” Lizzy tried.
His scowl deepened.
“...you’ll do well as a coach?” she tried again.
His glare darkened to the point that several bystanders took a step back.
“I’m rooting for you...and Phipps-senpai...and nii-san ?”
“God damn it, Midford,” he snapped. “I’m asking you to join the club.”
Realization dawned on Lizzy’s features. “Ohhhh, I see now.”
“About time,” Grey muttered to himself, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Well?” he demanded.
Lizzy shifted awkwardly, glancing longingly at the doors. “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Great, now just sign—what. ”
“I’m not joining.”
“Why.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand.
Lizzy shrugged.
Grey glared.
“...is this still about you trying to be one of those weak and dainty lolis that your cousin has a complex for?”
“Astre does not have a loli-complex,” Lizzy protested immediately, whipping around to face him. “But strong girls make him feel uncomfortable. I’m his cousin, for heaven’s sake, and he already can’t attend school because of his sickness. And Ciel’s recently gotten a job at a café, so he’s probably even more lonely than usual.”
“Grey-san,” Edward said suddenly, cutting in. Lizzy nearly startled: she had forgotten that her brother was standing next to her. “Don’t you have to find Phipps-san?”
Grey scowled, but glanced at his watch and winced. “I’ll be back, Midford,” he promised darkly. Then, with a dramatic flourish, he stalked past them to search for his fellow silver-haired classmate. Lizzy stared at the empty space he once occupied thoughtfully, then nodded at her brother and began walking outside.
They had just exited the school when Edward said hesitantly, “Lizzy…”
“Are you sure about this?”
Lizzy angled her head slightly so she could meet her brother’s eyes. “About what?” she echoed, waving at Paula, their chauffeur. The brunette servant waved back, flustered, before entering their slick black car.
“You don’t need to sacrifice your happiness for him,” Edward explained softly. “Astre will understand. That new butler has been keeping him company, anyways, and I heard that Uncle Vincent is hiring a few new hands that are closer to his age, too.”
Lizzy was silent for a few moments, entering the car once it pulled up to the pair of siblings. “He’s still mycousin,” Lizzy said hoarsely. “I don’t want him to be...to be scared of me.”
“Exactly,” Edward insisted. “He’s your cousin, which is why he won’t think any less of you even if he learns of your kendo prowess. He’s your cousin, so he’ll still love you just the way you are.”
“You care too much, Lizzy. You’re an amazing girl, and I’m proud to have you as my sister. Astre loves you, and the fact that you’re strong enough to take home several kendo trophies won’t make him love you any less,” Edward said affectionately, leaning over to ruffle her hair. “He...he’d want you to enjoy yourself. I want you to do what you want, too.”
Lizzy stared out of the window in contemplative silence.
“Oh my god , Grey-senpai, how the hell did you get inside my house?”
“Your mother invited me. Early kendo practice, remember?”
“Then... why are you in my room?”
“”Because you would be here? Anyways, I brought the kendo club sign ups right here, all you have to do is sign.”
“Lizzy, I heard screaming. Is something goin— how dare you defile my little sister like this, you ungentlemanly swine!”
“...why the fuck does he sound like he’s quoting Shakespeare?”
“God damn it, Grey-senpai — run!”
“Why are you in my kitchen?”
“Like I said: your mother let me in. These creampuffs are delicious, by the way.”
“T-those were supposed to be for Ciel and Astre, you dumbass.”
“I brought the kendo club sign up sheet—oi, Midford, where are you going?”
 “Midford! Oi, Midford, get out here!”
“Why is Charles Grey standing outside of our house calling for you?”
“Ignore him, Astre. Here, why don’t we head to the living room where there aren’t any windows?”
“It vaguely sounds like he’s talking about kendo—”
“Let’s go, Astre.”
“Give. Me. The. Sheet.”
Grey blinked in surprise for a minute, then hastily fumbled in grabbing the paper and literally throwing it at her with all his might, as if afraid she would suddenly take back her statement if she considered it a moment longer. “Have my charms finally won you over?” he asked, giving her a cocky grin.
“I just realized that if I didn’t address the manner, you’d ruin the flower viewing party with your insistent demands,” Lizzy sniffed, setting down her shopping bags and whipping out a pen. She’d just finished shopping with Ciel for Astre’s birthday present. “Don’t give yourself so much credit.”
“Hah, you know, Midford...there’s a term for girls like you.”
“And that is?”
“Tsun…” And here, Grey leaned closer, leering at her and poking her forehead with his finger. “...dere.”
Lizzy adopted an affronted look, swatting away his hand and grabbing her bags. “I am not .”
“Are too.”
“Am not ,” Lizzy said with finality, rolling her eyes and resuming her walk back to the parking lot where Paula was waiting. “And we are not going to get into one of those kind of childish debates.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Grey easily fell in pace with her, maintaining a distance of about ten centimeters between them.
“I’ll see you at the party?” Lizzy presumed, raising an eyebrow and signing her name on the sheet with a particularly dramatic flourish. Then, she offered said sheet to her suddenly smug silver-haired companion.
He took the proffered paper with particular grace. “Of course.”
“Good. I’ll see you then.” Lizzy nodded at Paula in acknowledgment for opening the car door.
“The first practice starts on the first. Don’t be late,” Grey called after her.
“I’ll be there,” Lizzy returned coolly, shutting the door. It wasn’t until they had driven for several minutes before she finally allowed herself to slump back in her seat, sheer giddiness making her unable to stop smiling.
She’d done it! She actually signed up for the kendo club! It’d taken her several days to gather the courage to do so, but suddenly it felt as if a large weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Lizzy couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her lips, buoyed by the bubbling happiness in her chest.
She did it.
Signing up for this would either become the best or worst thing in her life.
next chapter will be out soon??? maybe???
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