#not me wondering if I should reread TWK now too
scarletaire · 2 years
Favorite TCP Moments: Chapter 24-Epilogue
A very much delayed conclusion to the TCP reread for @wornpagelibrary​​’s January Book of the month! Every single scene in this last set of chapters could easily make my favorite moments list. But just like Cardan and Jude, I too have endeavored to repress myself and my raging feelings:
1. “I smile a lot when I’m nervous. I can’t help it.”—I love how this radically recontextualizes Cardan as a character. Up until this point, Jude has consistently narrated Cardan as powerful and scornful. He is always smiling mockingly at her. But this one line demolishes that veneer and exposes him for what he truly is: a dramatic, drunk, problematic hot mess with a crush on a pretty girl that he doesn’t know how to act around. Aka, the simp we knew he was all along.
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2. The whole first kiss scene is a moment—It’s as much a kiss as it is a fight: with each other, and with themselves. And when they give up and give in, it’s both a sweet loss and a wicked victory. My favorite part about this whole scene and the conversation that precedes it is Cardan’s self-aware embarrassment about it all. He’s this combination of resigned and self-deprecating as his feelings are dragged out of him by the ruthless object of his affections. Makes me laugh every time. Also: he’s imagined kissing her!
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3. The following very interesting duality of Jude Duarte 👀
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I could go on and on. Instead, here are more lists because these two are idiots, and just like them, I couldn’t keep myself restrained, either.
More things Jude notices as she swears she absolutely hates Cardan:
his deft hands splitting the deck of cards, even as his glittering eyes stay on her (glittering eyes count total: 4)
how he is sickeningly handsome, stretched out on a cot
his bed-messy hair that makes her hot with shame
his long fingers curling against hers
his long fingers tracing over the paper (Jude thirsting after his long fingers count total: 5)
the way he looks at her through dark lashes
his lazy grin and the sick thrill it gives her
the memory of his mouth on hers stealing into her thoughts, so that the possibility of kissing hangs over everything (Jude thirsting after his mouth count total: 17382014486)
Moments when Cardan’s feelings were way too obvious:
when he knows her so well that he knows she already has a plan
when he lets his guard down to greet his Door Friend even though his sworn-enemy Jude Duarte™ is standing right there
when he’s powerless to resist tracing the curve of her ear
when he grabs her wrist and tells her to take care before talking to the other Courts
when Nicasia comments that he finally slipped from Jude’s bonds and he goes, “Did I?”
when he admits to his depraved tastes, aka his sworn-enemy Jude Duarte™
when he tucks her arm firmly through his before entering the throne room
when he can’t help but parade her around on his arm
when he notices the bruise on her jaw after her fight with Madoc
when he lets her sit on his throne because one day he’s going to give Jude her own throne
Moments when I felt physically and emotionally attacked by this book:
Pages 1 to 370
In short: I should reread books I love more often, it’s so much fun.
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