#not sharing them bc god forbid i have opinions on the internet
n4rval · 4 months
hmnmmm... theories in my head
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810nd1 · 14 days
I feel like a boomer saying this but thats what makes me laugh about modern society its made up all these differing terms or "slang" just to define someone in some way yet it also often makes no literal sense. like how some male idols have to have a dainty feminine image than what the idol themselves wants or just bc they might wear skirts and whatever else doesnt mean they have to be given different pronouns and whatever else. idfk.
Whats your thoughts on if kpop wouldve been around in the 80s or 70s? would people still have been that nuts / possessive or obsessive about idols as they are online? I was thinking it would be nicer for idols if the internet didnt exist cause theres so much crap on these platforms. It seems like every other thing is indeed a scandal again, imho, unless its an actual crime then usually scandals seem very um made up to cause hysteria when none is to be made and so on. god forbid when idols start marrying lol. the internet will go into meltdown about it. Maybe it is because their audience is becoming younger and groups are becoming younger, I mean universe ticket debuted a literal child. But things that the internet seems to go into meltdowns about seem almost childish to me?
The internet seems to make something like kpop less fun for others because its so extreme or their fans are so extreme or almost hypercritical, I should say. Theres not really a neutral ground anymore even among varying opinions and thoughts on topics to do with idols. I think thats why I would rather just admire them from afar than ever claim to be an xyz "stan".
Same for jeans vs newjeans theyre still two different groups with some similarities yet people seem to want to make all sorts of copyright claims against the girlies so now every other week there seems to be something new said against the group despite obviously they are still a different group. yet ppl making those claims dont seem to understand how music works lol.
Personally if I were going to be an idol I would have to pick an older generation to debut in and I mean pre internet.
for example everytime jungkook and his fs are brought up then all hell breaks loose on tarot blogs especially. idols vaping? so what its their body or their choice, idols swearing? again so what, idols dating? so what again its their life choices not ours.
Do you then think the way these idols are treated by korean public on one hand theyre highly respected and demanded by the public but on the other hand if they so much as put one toe out of line ppl will absolutely shit on them for it. it just seems very mixed messages, idols can do no wrong but still get shitted on compared to idols who actually do something wrong. I think maybe if there were more adult aged idols then theyd be treated better by people yet older idols just arent a thing anymore sadly :(
sorry for rambling idfk kpop seems so toxic lately yet frigid as well, like its stuck in its ways of doing things and not venturing out of its comfort zone enough.
Ramble as much as you want, it is my safe space and I can share it with you
1. I’ve noticed we create more and more words to describe people and give them labels. We wanted to escape labeling people’s identity. We were fight so hard for this just for someone that „doesn’t label people” say xyz must be gay because he likes to wear a skirt, or she must be a lesbian because she wears flannel shirt. You’re falling into that trap again. You let your brain label people. Again. You can be a straight men and wear a dress, makeup and look soft, while a homosexual man can be into cars, wresting and not knowing how to dress. Let people define themselves.
2. I think kpop wouldn’t be as interesting because it was America’s golden age of music. It would be hard for Enhypen (just an example) to became famous without signing with an American label. And back then I don’t think people were as obsessed with strangers, I mean they didn’t have so many means of communication to follow them. Back then music stars were more like strangers, now feel they are closer to us because we have their instagram, TikTok, twitter. We can see them whenever we want and interact with them more (lives, comments etc). Back then it was impossible. Kpop is so popular because of how well it uses social media to create that bond with their fans. Unfortunately quite often it goes south and instead of people thinking it’s the celebrity-fan connection or at least friend-friend, it sometimes is boyfriend-girlfriend connection. At least from the fan’s perspective. That’s why I think back then kpop wouldn’t be so popular. The companies wouldn’t have had an opusto establish that connection.
3. We have less and less diversity in our opinions, cultures, clothing, speech you name it. That’s because of globalization, it’s the world’s problem, it’s not just about kpop. We slowly leave our traditions to become one big population with no diverisity. This is seen especially in the „rich west”
4. People that are mad someone is smoking are just strange to me. You’re trying to tell an adult what to do. If this was me I’d literally light a cigarette and blow the smoke at the camera. I know exactly what smoking does to my lungs, I know I will die faster. (Why do you think I smoke I wanna die lol just kidding)
5. That’s just how Koreans are. Especially elderly people. They are very strict. But my head can’t understand one thing. You’ve made Karina apologize for dating a good man but you don’t care while Hyuna is dating a sex offender and faces no consequences? That’s it? You’re just going to let it slide? If you want to be toxic at least stay consistent, now you look like a hypocrite. But I think that’s because of the boundaries that they set with their fans.
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kafus · 11 months
i’ve been DID fakeclaimed before and i’m thinking about it again bc of how ridiculous it is because it’s always been due to expressing joy. like god forbid after 3 years of DID therapy (yes i have a DID therapist and have been professionally diagnosed for over 3 years) sometimes i enjoy my alters’ presences and want to talk about them or draw them cause i’ve spent so damn long building communication and learning to love myself (and my alters are “myself”)
it is downright shitty to expect a person w DID to be miserable and closed off about their condition forever as “proof” they have the disorder. you also don’t know the whole story from what someone posts online. like yes i am way more likely to post cute art of me and ayano than tell you the details of how my grandfather sexually abused me and conditioned me to have amnesia! i am pretty damn sure anyone would rather share the former! jesus christ! i do not owe you my trauma history to not have my happy DID artwork posted to f/kedis//rdercr/-nge or whatever!
anyways those posts r gone now and i obviously trust the opinion of my therapist more than internet strangers, it does not trigger denial in me, it just really irritates me how cruel people can be to folks with DID under the supposed guise of “protecting people who ACTUALLY have the disorder” fakeclaiming helps Literally no one if you think someone is faking just don’t interact w their shit and focus your energy on helping people you believe or whatever. but maybe reevaluate why you think people are faking in the first place because you may be bitter that people are happy despite their circumstances or projecting juust a little
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
i wish as a community we could say "yknow i dont really like this opinion you've shared" about or to a trans woman without it resulting in a massive hate campaign against them complete with doxing and death threats.
because like. it gets nothing done besides a trans woman harassed. she is probably going to double down on her beliefs if she isnt run off the internet. or maybe she just worded it poorly but now she def sees everyone who had a problem with it as in the wrong and is going to swing in the opposite direction. other people outside the lgbt+ community will use it to harass her endlessly and pretend it is justification. anyone who has ever liked her or was friends with her has to issue a public apology like we dont let the average cishet white man say worse. and god forbid you still not particularly care for her bc of it but dont want to hate on her, because you can no longer breathe even one iota of criticism without stirring up the hate mob and being complicit in her harassment or being accused of trying to do so.
like. not everyone is perfectly articulate 100% of the time. not everyone is perfectly educated on all topics. sometimes you will say something out of ignorance or just bungle the whole conversation putting your foot in your mouth. but esp for trans women with a platform that is simply not allowed. a few people speak up and go "yknow i don't think you should have worded it like that--" and the floodgates are open as waves and waves of hate spill out and drown out every reasonable criticism or opinion on the topic.
and it doesn't just happen to trans women but happens to trans women by far the most often. now no one is in a comfortable position. you either hate this creator entirely and think they are irredeemable or they are good and have never said anything wrong lest you join the hate mob and become another justification for bigoted vitriol.
its no fucking wonder we have a black and white morality problem in the fucking community you aren't allowed to be casually shitty or say the wrong thing if you happen to be the wrong person or in the wrong place at the wrong time. and all the while actual predators, rapists, abusers, and grifters freely get to exist with little to no scrutiny. its to the point people like james somerton are using hate mobs that DONT EVEN EXIST to cover up their actions because they know no one wants to just be another mindless drone fanning the flames of a bigoted hate mob because you made one tiny slip up.
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