#oc: whruna
whruna-pathmaker · 3 months
8 , 11 , 12 for whruna!
8. do they enjoy the spotlight or try to hide in the shadows? are they actually well-known?
whruna prefers to be in the shadows, literally and figuratively, but seeing as she's commander it's a bit hard to not draw attention wherever you go. it stresses her out sometimes, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like the praise she gets.
11. obligation or initiative, why do they do what they do? is there something/someone specific that motivates them? (bonus: has their motivation changed over the years?)
before she became commander, whruna solely relied on her obligation to the legions. she's always helped people, but only after forming the pact + dragon's watch has she realized that you should help people because it's the right thing to do. she kinda had to learn empathy and now feels Way Too Much.
12. generally, what's most people's first impression of them? + what impression do they want to leave on others?
people's first impression is usually 'wow what a weird charr why is she so quiet' and then 'holy shit why is the commander such a weird charr why is she so quiet'.
in my lore necromancers are kinda feared/untrustworthy and also being a big murder cat, whruna wants to be seen as calm and collected, so she's quiet, doesn't make many movements, and usually only talks when she sees fit (around dragon's watch she's much more animated and a bit goofy), things she thinks make her seem respectful but in reality creep people out.
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whruna-pathmaker · 4 months
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redyed some of whruna's clothes, i think she looks much more necromancer-y now
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whruna-pathmaker · 3 months
#8, 9, and 19 for the ask game! I wanna know more :P
i'll do it for both of them!
8. do they enjoy the spotlight or try to hide in the shadows? Are they actually well-known?
whruna's response is in this ask!
cameron doesn't mind the spotlight, he likes being recognized for his achievements, especially after years of being looked down upon. he tries to not let it go to his head but sometimes really enjoys being paraded around as the commander, hero of tyria.
9. how easily do they make friends?
both of them struggle with making friends. whruna tends to only make friends with people that have a shared goal with her (like dragon's watch and her warband). she's not the kind of charr to go up to someone and strike up a conversation, to her the strongest relationships are made when you go through the same things together.
cameron's a bit better at making friends, though not by much. he grew up on the streets of divinity's reach, and knows how to talk to people and to get them to lower their guard. he's a great conversationalist, he could go on talking for hours, but when you leave you realize that you know nothing about him and he knows everything about you.
19. do they love easily (platonic, familial, romantic, etc)? is love easy for them to express?
it took her some time (and learning empathy), but now whruna loves very easily. she loves her friends, her people, everyone in tyria-it's why she's the commander. she mostly shows love through actions, she's very observant and likes getting gifts for her loved ones based on things they'd like.
cameron is the opposite, love is extremely hard for him to express, to his friends or loved ones. you can occasionally get a hug or pat on the back from him, but other than that he's a bit awkward. he doesn't really know how to deal with feelings like that
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