#oc:arc trooper whizz
matchademi · 20 days
Two-bit:This leaves safety brief
Two-bit:don't add to the population *points to Lix and Lyra*
Two-bit:don't subtract from the population *points to Whizz*
Two-bit:don't end up in the medbay*points to White-Out, the newspaper*points to Imp and Lock*or jail *points to himself and Tic*
Two-bit:If you end up in jail establish dominance quickly
Two-bit:and for the sake of my sanity don't piss off the Corrie medics. I actually get along with them
Two-bit:Have a good leave
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matchademi · 9 months
Is it bad I wanna do a "if the 477th either survived long enough or didn't leave in time situation" for order 66?
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matchademi · 9 months
Ahh ok I wanna hug the 477th. They completely go past everyone's radar. They are either on campaign for up to 6 months or spend three months on leave. For a battalion, they are the smallest because they can go entire campaigns without new troopers. When on leave, they are all so antsy and worried about Lyra that they do whatever they can to help others out. Honestly, the only people who realise something is up is the guard and the 501st. But both have too much on their plate to help if the 477th would even let them
They are all burnt out every single one of them
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matchademi · 10 months
Now who's next
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matchademi · 9 months
(Yhe urge to change Whizzs name to Whip because of this)
Tic:why is Whizz more reckless then normal?
Two-bit: Oh, we are working with Fives from the 501st
Tic:*confused noise*
Two-bit: They both went to ARC training together and they built up a rivalry, they are friends, gives me and the 501st medics a migraine though, how can someone lose so many braincells but still be as smart as a whip is beyond me
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matchademi · 10 months
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Whizz: Touch my family. I'll make sure you never move again
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matchademi · 1 month
Funny 477th thing
Most would think Lix or Whizz curses the most (in basic)
Nope, Whizz doesn't curse often at all
And yes, Lix curses like the soldier he is but only ever in mando'a Fordo would smack the back of his head if he cursed in basic so he was trained out of it (Fordo always said "don't be stupid you won't get into trouble of they can't understand you")
It's Tic that curses the most, followed by Twobit
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matchademi · 2 months
Please ask me questions about the 447th boys I miss them
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matchademi · 10 months
Can yall please help me out with ideas for skits for my ocs ahhhh
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matchademi · 10 months
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Whizz absolutely knows when Tic is copying him, he absolutely loves it
I entirely blame @t3mpest98 for t
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matchademi · 10 months
Tic hears the grate of the ventilation shaft pop off and crash to the floor. A hand comes sticking out and drops a small package on the floor before quickly retreating. The note attached reads
Sorry this took a while, been busy lately with…. Things - Stitch
Inside is a fluffy pink sweater with big long sleeves, little patterns all along it.
Tic:*he jumps, pointing his blaster at the vent shaft before realizing it's a vod* What the.... *hid head jerks a bit as a hums opening it seeing the sweater he let's out a excited squeak as he puts it on* thank you vod! Ohhhh, I'm gonna go bother Whizz . *He speeds out of the barracks to a training room. He silently sneaks up on Whizz, smacking him in the face before laughing and jumping away from the playful lunge*
Whizz:Who gave you another weapon?
Tic:a vod named Stitch. I think he is a part of the guard...I'm gonna thank him in person after our campaign
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matchademi · 10 months
Whizz:*storming over to the break room, slamming his hand on the door* who the kark stole Tics hot chocolate he is pissed and is about to throw a unnamed shiny out of the ship
Lock:*looking up slowly*it got moved. it's on that shelf
Imp:*pinching his nose* Who did that
White-out:not me! I may forget I'm mortal, but he would kill me
Tic: SLANA'PIR SKANAH * loud crash and a yell, then a loud squeak*
Whizz:*sigh*I'll calm him down
Two-bit:*chuckles and sighs* I'll go scrap whoever he whoever that was off the ground
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matchademi · 10 months
(I wanna throw myself off a roof. I deleted the last one accidentally)
A couple of troopers in Lix and Lyra's Battalion the 477th battalion
CMO:Two-bit, he is pretty happy go lucky and a damn good medic. He makes jokes at the worst times to try to lighten the mood. He wants to wring Lixs neck at times because of his habit of just straight-up refusing medical attention. He also has chucked food at Lyra when she tries pulling the "the Force will sustain me" bantha shit
Lieutenant:Lock, he is a Slicer and an amazing one at that he would rather not get the promotion, but it happened in a life or death situation after the last lieutenant was killed. He is quiet and is constantly hacking into stuff (yes, he uses it to prank people)
Shiny:Tic, he only just got his paint. He is incredibly sweet and just as dangerous with a blaster he helps out anyone when he can. When he is anxious or nervous, he gets little verbal and physical ticks. He loves meditating with Lyra since it helps with his anxiety
Shiny:White-Out, he is brand new. He hasn't even gotten his paint yet. He is loud and energetic and loves pranks he is good with a blaster but forgets that at times, he can get hurt and tries to punch droids. It drives Two-bit crazy.
ARC trooper: Whizz is the only ARC in the Battalion. He is incredibly smart and quick to learn. You give him any weapon, and he will be able to use it with deadly accuracy. He is quiet and soft-spoken he also has a huge rivalry with Fives. He also is learning how to use a Lyra's lightsaber because he can, and it's a challenge
Sergent:Imp, he is force sensitive and can slightly manipulate the force he is really good at sensing injured troopers and telling when his overworked jetti is being stupid. He can also force push if he is really angry or scared, but it takes A LOT out of him, so he doesn't do it often. He is also on the quiet side, but he does like to cause chaos as well
@sunkissedclones @starrrgazingbunny @t3mpest98
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matchademi · 10 months
Ok, only one person knows this, but only one person in the 477th survives
Lyra and Lix both die we all know that
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matchademi · 10 months
477th shenanigans
White-Out:*causing chaos walking into a room and the door slams shut* LOCK LET ME OUT
Lock:no your in time out!
Imp:Can you both shut up!!
Whizz:You all need to shut up! Captain is gonna skin us alive if we wake him up!
Tic:*head jerks a little* he won't actually right?
Two-bit:he just might
Lix:*practically spawning behind Lock* Let the shiny out lieutenant
Lock:Yes, sir... *opens the door*
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matchademi · 10 months
Lock:Make the plan
Two-bit:execute the plan
Whizz:expect the plan to go off the railssss
Imp:Throw away the plan
White-Out and Tic:*looks terrified*
Lix: Please stop terrorizing the shinys!
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