#ofluminance ; lumine
mmriesoftvat · 4 months
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@ofluminance | FROM
lumine certainly LOOKS exhausted. he can almost understand why she'd throw herself into a fight without considering her own needs first, but he's very disapproving of her methods. if he knows anything about the traveler, is that she tends to be more RECKLESS than anyone should be. then again, those with visions tend to ignore their limits. not that he's an exception to that rule, but as a puppet, he can take more than anyone can. the same is probably true of the traveler, considering she can wield strange powers even he doesn't understand. though in this instance, it's definitely a case of her taking on more than she can handle. kaminari's glad he'd shown up just in time to take care of the last of the worms, throwing a couple vortexes at them and sending them flying and landing a great distance away. it hadn't been much, but it'd clearly been enough to ease her self imposed burden.
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"pathetic," he grumbles, responding to his thoughts as he lands before her. "you're pathetic." shaking his head, he turns to survey the area around them. he can admire that even during a low point, she's still able to summon up enough strength to decimate her enemies. most of them, anyway. he'd barely lifted a finger, which is just as obnoxious. he'd have loved to throw a couple more idiots around.
turning back to lumine, he crosses his arms. "i'm not following you, but i'm glad i found you anyway. you look like you're on the brink of collapse." he's still wearing a disapproving expression. as for WHY he's out here, he's not going to say. whatever he's assigned to do is between him and nahida, and the traveler does not have the privilege of knowing everything about him.
"forget what i'm doing, what are you doing out here?" it's a hypocritical question -- lumine's just as entitled to her privacy as he is, but the difference is, she's some sort of hero around teyvat. her business tends to involve everyone, somehow. so maybe not that hypocritical, but he still doesn't expect a serious answer.
"can you walk, or do i actually have to carry you to safety?"
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devourensarc · 3 months
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ / from !abyss lumi ? :)
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A glance around the hillside reveals electro - scorched grass, smoking Meks, and the bemused expression of his newest battle partner. The rogue machines had descended upon them before he'd had a chance to size up this stranger, and he'd leapt into battle expecting her to get in the way.
Far from it. He could admit when someone was just as good as him — perhaps even better, and how could he miss the chance to test himself, attempting to fell two Meks for everyone she did.
It scratched the growing itch inside him, and his whole body ached with satisfaction after a fight well fought, side - by - side with someone who could keep up.
❝ Ah — ❞
He did have a competitive streak, but lately it had gotten. . . worse. Hungrier. A sheepish smile stretches over his face and he lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck.
❝ I suppose I did get carried away there a bit. It's truly thrilling, to fight with someone so skilled. I'm Childe, pleased to make your acquaintance. ❞ He fixes his gaze on her, deep blue still burning with excitement, and now curiosity. ❝ And you? ❞
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daybreakrising · 4 months
@ofluminance: ❛ just relax and let me take care of you. ❜ / wriolumi!
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The suggestion almost makes him laugh. Relax? That's not a concept he's very familiar with. He can't even recall the last time he felt well and truly relaxed. He has spent his entire life on edge, on guard, waiting for the next problem, the next conflict, to arrive. He cannot afford to relax, to grow complacent.
And he has equal trouble allowing someone to take care of him.
Sigewinne is different, of course. She has looked after him for as long as he has been within these walls, and in any case, he dare not argue against her. She is kind, and sweet, and gentle, yes - but he has seen enough of her skills to know not to risk her wrath.
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But to let somebody else in? To relinquish his constant control, even for a few minutes? That isn't something he finds easy to do. Yet... he does feel a strong sense of comfort around her, and he knows he can rely on her - he has relied on her, trusted her. Somehow, without him being aware, she has wormed her way past several of his defenses and set up camp within his walls.
So, as much as he itches to decline, to brush off her concern and simply get on with his work, he decides to take a chance. To let someone take care of him.
And he is so, so tired.
"Alright..." He concedes, offering Lumine a smile that betrays a little of his weariness. "Maybe I can take a break for five minutes."
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shrineofprophecy · 4 months
@ofluminance / ask answered
"I've got a reservation for a good restaurant tonight but they canceled on me. Would you want to come with me instead?" / lumine inviting yae miko out to dinner is that good content I needed today 💕
"Who would dare to cancel on a lovely lady such as yourself?" There was a hint of anger but she didn't want to ruin the moment. It was a special day and no one could stop them from having a wonderful time together so she opted to lighten the mood a little.
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"Unless this was your plan from the very beginning. Next time, you are free to simply ask me to dinner. No need to make up an excuse." Miko chuckled, always loving to tease but she felt comfortable around Lumine enough to expose even some of her deepest feelings. She was very interesting and good company to be with. This evening would be a fun one indeed.
"But since you went out of your way to make a reservation, I'm not one to decline a free meal."
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wwriothesley · 4 months
What type of villain are you?
Then Let Me Be Evil
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You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER.
tagged by: @daybreakrising THANKS. IM CRYING NOW tagging: @predvestnik, @ofluminance ( for lumine c: ), @arlquin, @lupusmatra ( if u want!!! ), @diiluvies, @visionkept
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ccaptain · 3 months
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s'cuse me: your kaeya and wrio make me do this each and every time i see them pop up on my dash. we recently became moots but man oh man, am i mad that we didn't become moots sooner!!!!!!! your portrayal of kaeya is so spot on that i can literally hear him speaking when i read the speech dialogue in something you've written - i love seeing you on my dash, i love all of your headcanons, and i absolutely cannot wait to delve into more things with you soon! i am making grabby hands at you!!!!!!! okay love you, mwah<3
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no but like you're genuinely so nice??? all the time????? im glad we became moots and i want to gently hug lumine......... kaeya wants too and once i get to our thread with the flower crown its OVER for u
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goldenpeng · 8 months
@ofluminance / for Lumine.
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Xiao doesn't usually linger after his work is done. This time, however, he spies a familiar face in the distance - one he doesn't feel the need to avoid. "Traveler," he greets. "What brings you here?"
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dynmghts · 5 months
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AHA. because charlie already sent one in that i've answered, guess what? i'm gonna make it about you dandi. strap in. i got all the words for you too.
what i like about your blog: i don't know if i ever mentioned this, but i fucking love shiny things. stars count as shiny things. i love the shiny. but beyond that, you've done SO WELL setting up your blog to feature your main muse at the moment - being lumine, of course - and that's down to using those light and pastel colours to your advantage. i love how they look! i love how you balanced them together! and tbh that's not even mentioning your amazing collection of icons and varying psds that fit each of them, because? you have collected so many?? you're DEDICATED to the muses you have and i absolutely love that.
what i like about your character(s): again, where do i START. i just love to read your content, and no matter how short or how long, how goofy or how serious it may be, i love it! you capture all of your muses so, so well, and i absolutely love your interpretation of lumine on the dash, i think that you've really made her into your own seeing as her canon personality can be at the whim of the player's actions sometimes. i love how you interpret all of your genshin muses, really! and tbh, we should definitely remember to discuss katsuki interacting with them in his genshin verse, because i think that'd be so much fun while you're not so focused on bnha.
but ON bnha, i love how you tackle all of your muses. from the ones that don't see as much action like mina and jirou and ms. joke to those that do, like toga and ochako, you really give ample consideration to their canon counterparts and work in conjunction with it. and when you don't, you adjust accordingly so that your headcanons are unique while feeling like a part of canon at the same time. you don't NEED to stick to the canon material for them to feel authentic and true to their characters. and honestly, i love seeing it all unfold!
but of course, i can't go without talking about how amazing your ochako is. i mean! you do not shy away from the fact that she is a BADASS. she nearly bested katsuki bakugou, of all people, in the sports festival, and even though their quirks have evolved since then, they would still be on par with each other in terms of quirk strength, speed, and quick thinking... she DESERVES to be recognised as a force of nature even when she aims to specialise in saving and helping people, and you really showcase that - all the while maintaining her personality as a very sweet person who likes to help in any capacity. all this to say your portrayal of her is so perfect for katsuki and i would die for them
what i like about you in general: holds you gently in my hands. you have also been around from basically the beginning of my blog, you've seen my katsuki evolve and change as the manga has progressed, and in turn, i've gotten to see you evolve your characters and take on new ones with just as much investment. i love your persistence, your consideration, and outside of tumblr, in discord? you've always been one of the nicest people to talk to! you have always seemed like a genuine person and honestly i'm so glad that we're friends!!
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momdstadt · 8 months
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#MOMDSTADT  → a selective multimuse roleplay blog featuring muses from Hoyoverse's GENSHIN IMPACT. Low & sporadic activity due to mental health & life events. Portrayals are bewitched by Jazzy ( She / Her ), mun is 29 with 12 years of roleplay experience. Responses may be slow to get to & typical responses range between short - novella in length with beta editor. 
UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS: Yoimiya ( June 21st )
QUICK NAVI: Rules | Muse List | Interest Checker | Dynamics Bias
BLOG ROLL: @lunarscorned ( Lumine ) | @starjynx ( main mumu )
AFFILIATES: @risingsol | @requiemofrebellion | @wordscarred | @ofluminance | @outwards
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Jean Gunnhildr ... Mondstadt Yoimiya Naganohara ... Inazuma Candace ... Sumeru Dehya ... Sumeru Layla ... Sumeru Wanderer ... Sumeru
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dehvours · 23 days
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𝐃𝐄𝐇𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 — an indie. & priv. & highly sel. Tar.taglia / Chi.lde from G.enshin Im.pact. Guided by Dandelion/Ember ( 21+ | they/it ). Multimuse & oc & duplicate friendly. Remade 5/24.
Also found at : pyregenic, ask for multi
headcanon masterpost | hsr verse masterpost
be no more the prey BUT THE HUNTER
Carrd | Headcanons | Memes | Permanent Interaction Call | Message for plotting.
an exploration of : reclaiming MONSTROSITY, the loss of childhood dreams, a hunger never satisfied, a child made weapon of war, the never ending performance, DEVOURING THE DIVINE, and some good ole fashioned violence
locked in combat alongside:  icerberus / goldgambit (blogwide) & spnarosula & ofluminance (abyss princess lumine) & falseons / astraltm (columbina, sandrone)
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starshinc · 6 months
@ofluminance said; i like it when you're nearby. / from lumi to razor! <3
Razor looked up suddenly, halfway through the skewers that Lumine had made. He paused to swallow, tilting his head to the side a little bit as he took in her words, taking some time to come up with a better response.
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“I’m glad.” Razor began carefully. “It makes me happy when you’re here, too! I like when I smell that you’ve come back to Wolvendom.” He does truly enjoy the visits, and journeying with the traveller, even for a short while was always lots of fun! “If you ever need my help, just call me. I will be there.” Lumine was definitely part of his Lupical now - and Razor truly did want to help Lumine where he could, even if it was limited to their time in Mondstat.
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txnichtgut-archive · 8 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ [ BITE ] — sender gently bites down on receiver's lower lip as they kiss / chilumi 😌 ]  ❞
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"oh my, miss traveler." childe chuckled lowly, a smirk slowly settling on his features but this couldn't have been everything. arms wrapped around her frame, slowly backing the lady up against the wall behind her, sealing their lips in a tight locked kiss. it was truly wonderful, knowing the blond cute baby girl was here with him tonight in this theatre of... whatever was actually going on. fontaine was a world full of surprises and for some reason he was back on stage. even if his deals were clearly going against her beliefs or motivations, he didn't want to let go of this moment.
"i haven't seen you in so long. you have become even more beautiful? and so daring. i would like to lay my claim on you." but maybe this was impossible. lumine didn't belong here... or did she? was this only his feeling? wasn't there something rather ethereal about her? childe sighed a little. "my pretty lady."
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devourensarc · 4 months
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
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Love as a Flaw
Cowering, your love hides in the dark. In shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. Afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. When you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. Your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. It’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. Get it out, just get it out now. You don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. Being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. It is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
tagged by : @todestochter (tyyyyy <3) tagging : @rayonnere @pairidaezah @icerberus @daybreakrising (thoma or vautrin, perhaps?) @orchideae @ofluminance (lumine or clorinde) + steal!
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daybreakrising · 1 month
@ofluminance: " if you think that i'd miss today, you're a lot sicker than i originally thought. " teasing, lumine looks up at baizhu with a warmth in her golden eyes followed with a grin. on the stove bubbles, a delicious smelling honey char siu and in the kettle steeps the infamous chenyu brew.
" happy brithday. " pushing herself up on the tips of her toes, lumine touches a hand to baizhu's cheek, and pulls him in for a deep kiss.
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He is not used to being... doted upon like this. Birthdays in years past have been spent rather humbly, sharing an evening meal with Qiqi and Gui and, occasionally, allowing them to bestow a gift upon him that he doesn't insist they keep. There is little significance that he places upon the day for himself - it is simply another day - but he will indulge those around him.
And he certainly had not expected her to be here, not when her travels were taking her across the sea. Yet, here she stands in his kitchen, as at home as he could ever wish for her to be, and whatever it is she's cooking on his stove smells delicious.
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"You should have told me you were coming," he utters with a soft laugh, setting down the notes and scroll cases he has carried with him from the pharmacy, "though I suspect this was intended as a surprise..."
He crosses to her, Changsheng slithering away to coil in her favourite spot, and happily accepts the kiss she draws him into. He indulges for longer than he knows he should - he has missed her, terribly so, and her surprise return is by far the greatest gift he could receive today.
"Thank you, my dear." His hand lays gently upon her cheek, his smile soft and fond as he looks upon her. "Truly a wonderful surprise. Now, I do hope you have plenty of tales to share with me whilst we enjoy this delicious dinner you appear to be cooking for me..."
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daybreakrising · 2 months
@ofluminance: if you want me to go , i will . do you want me to leave ? / wriolumi
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Do you want me to leave?
What an unintentionally loaded question, he thinks. Or, perhaps, it was intended. He glances over at her, offering a smile despite the pain that pulses from inflamed joints. She's caught him at a bad time - at a vulnerable moment, one he might not have allowed her to witness if she wasn't already aware of his history.
But he has confided in her so much already. He trusts her. This deserved weakness of his will not make it out of this room, not from her.
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"No," he shakes his head, gives it a little jerk to beckon her closer, "you don't have to leave." You don't have to, he says. What he means is, I don't want you to. Hopefully, she is insightful enough to hear the unspoken meaning.
"In fact... could you help me?" And in case she didn't pick up on his meaning, this question should be much clearer. The Duke doesn't ask for help often, not for something so personal. "I need to rebind my hands and it's much easier with two."
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daybreakrising · 2 months
@ofluminance: a kiss in the rain filled with the foreboding of a goodbye / she has to leave, to continue her journey in fontaine ― but lumine desperately doesn't want to leave baizhu's side ;___;
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Rain is refreshing, renewing. There's a revitalisation to a good downpour that the doctor appreciates, enjoys. And, whilst it is certainly detrimental to his health, he loves to stand and bask in it. This activity often gets him chided by both Gui and Changsheng, but he cannot help himself. He finds such... joy in such a simple thing.
But there is little of that joy to be found this time. He is not basking in the rain on this occasion, but preparing for a goodbye he does not want to make. And whilst he understands, whilst he would never stand in her path... he will miss her. Terribly.
He can see the sorrow in her eyes, the reluctance in her expression. She, too, does not want to make this goodbye, but... she must. She must seek her brother, must find a means of reuniting with him. Family is so important, he knows this, even if his own is... challenging.
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He offers her a soft smile, his hands reaching to draw her in against him. Fingers lift to sweep back a damp lock of hair from her face, then trail so lightly down across her cheek until he can cup, so gently, under her chin.
"Don't look so sad," he murmurs, eyes warming with fondness as he leans down towards her, "this isn't goodbye forever, after all. You always know where to find me." There's a quiet chuckle, barely audible over the drumming of the rain around them. "And Fontaine isn't so far. Perhaps I might visit Yilong Wharf..."
His arm settles comfortably around her waist, temporarily pinning her to him as if he couldn't bear to let her go, to part from him. His lips find hers in a kiss that is equal parts soft and intense, a kiss that says goodbye but also promises that it is not their last. If this is to be his last moments with her for the forseeable future, he is going to make sure she remembers this.
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