#oft times the parts i never talk about are the bits i dlslike and you can work it out if you narrow it down
ssaalexblake · 1 year
chibnall era fans as a group are the wet paper towels of era fans and it’s not annoying, it’s Depressing. When was the last time anybody saw any rtd or moffat era fans say in Every positive post ‘it isn’t perfect’ despite how very Not perfect those eras were? What made everybody think you have to compromise your way into saying you like something? If somebody reads your post and they believe you saying you like the era is you saying you like Every single choice made, every story decision, every behind the scenes decision and word uttered from the cast and crew, and every second of screen time was utter perfection then They’re a moron and/or acting in bad faith and aren’t worth anybody’s time beyond a cursory block button hit. 
it upsets me on peoples behalf at this point. We’ve ended up the personification of the 10 crying in the pouring rain.gif. You don’t have to bargain with people who dislike it to express a single positive feeling about it, you don’t need to shove a disclaimer on every post, there is no need to be Guilty (or at least, no need to be any more guilty than people who like the Other eras should) and that people have been such dicks about the era that it’s gotten this far is truly absurd (it’s also Doubly sad because a great deal of these people who actively engage are just showing their own biases, being rude as shit, and offering no good faith analysis. They are Not worth conceding anything to. The polite ones worth conversing and debating with you will hear nothing from because they’re not, you know, rude). 
no, i don’t think it was perfect, but if anybody assumes i think it was because i say it’s my favourite era they’re engaging in bad faith performative outrage because they hate that somebody likes something they don’t, and that’s literally the end of it. 
There is a difference between critical analysis that ends in a negative place and just plain not liking an episode or a choice and voicing that dislike casually and like... a dog rolling on it’s belly in submission to people? I, and everybody else, have as much a right to like this era best as rtd and moffat lovers have to their own favourites and i’m not going to act all submissive about it when they don’t about their favourites. And I don’t expect fans of any other show runner to shove a disclaimer in every one of their positive posts, either, it’s absurd. And i’m not mad that those eras were their favourites, I like things about all the eras and have different critiques about them all as well.
This is absolutely a rant, but... It’s coming from a place of??? People shouldn’t have to do that. It’s not fair. This happened because people were utterly awful. It’s a rant in defence. With everybody else tearing into us with bad faith, unchecked and proud bigotry, and sometimes just plain entitled fan whining, the last thing we need is to tear ourselves down for them. 
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