#oh go i just relized i need to diffrent desins for other aliens aaahhhhhhhhh
supupdog · 2 years
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MY FUCKING BRAIN BROOOOOO ok so here is H’zashi in my alien MHA story: Into the dark
my spell check is still not working im sorry
 so zashi is bird man, of course. My brain refused me working on this man with my laptop/drawing aplications, sooooo I used paper after how fucking long. The plant they come from as a little bit divers but mostly lands on the hot side. Zashi comes from a place with a lot of sand and has feathers that will help blend him in with sand. They got retractiple teeth, kinda like toothless. Two sets of arms for this motherfucker, first set are the ones you can see that are basiclly just wings with two fingers.
The other par of arms are under all that fluff, they look like bird feet exept that they have hands and only 4 bulky fingers. I am only now relizing that I forgot to add his tail feathers in, they are only used to help balance. The arms that are hiden are used to carry as their wings arnt good at that but as their bone are like normal bird bones, they can’t carry much. 
the spaces in their spongy like rib cage is so that their longs can suck up more air so they can scream longer. They can reach frequences higher then any other race but Aizawa’s race can compet with how long they can hold the note. They chest puff out when they get that much air in their lungs. I’m not good at drawing skeletons but I tried my best because if I didn’t you would honestly just see fluff.
they have two sets of eyes because in evolution they needed to see everything and everyone. They where not at the top of the food chain and having more eyes let they see more thing, specially sence they cant move they eyes. They can only look around my moving their heads. I how this was more sparce than Aizawa’s stuff but I’m tired. 
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