#oh yeah and then there are the trollers who speak their order in riddles and they technically are ordering correctly
hectickazz · 2 months
working at those roblox customer service job games is insane. because last night there was some guy who kept being a smartass and the way he was ordering made me want to pull my hair out and run into the woods. "You want a bacon burger without pork.. so.. a normal burger?" "no. bacon burger with no pork" "but bacon is pork." "N o."
(i just gave him a normal bacon burger, i really have no clue. you ask for a bacon burger, you're getting the freakinf bacon burger)
"Do you want your ice cream in a cup or a cone?" "yes."
this guy was at my register for a total of maybe 20 or 30 minutes i have no CLUE
he was right on the edge of what counted as trolling. like, teetering off a cliffside. I was very close to calling a moderator at some point.
These people put you through hell and back. they make you growl like a wild animal at the screen. they drain you of every ounce of whimsy and life you have. and then, out of nowhere, they tip you 500 freaking robux for what im assuming is the big finale. an unexpected plot twist. (and compensation,) and then they leave.
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