#ok honestly this was just an idea of scenes for a wacky genre screenplay i have in mind and isn't real nor is it of import
faibunny · 3 years
falling in love with her was an accident, i think.
and i hate when people write about falling in love -- it feels derivative, almost, because what can you say that hasn't already been said; love is easy, love is hard, like falling asleep or drowning or full bloom, love is everything and nothing and whatever lies between those. but.
when i met her it felt like pink. it was 2am and i smelled like beer but she held my hand and took me to the curb and we sat until the feeling in my chest was painted in the sky. my face hurt from smiling and she wrote her number around my wrist and it was the only bracelet i never wanted to take off.
once we were lying on a hill and she asked me between tokes why the stars at night are so pretty and i didn't know but then i saw the look in her eyes and i told her it's because the universe didn't want us to be scared of the dark and she smiled and said "but you're afraid of the dark anyways" and i know it was a jab but i've never felt more loved.
this isn't going anywhere. it's not a story of falling in love, just a story. it's not even true, really. but we were sitting on our couch looking through zillow and i said i wanted a house in the ocean and she laughed, said that she wants tulips every spring and you can't have a garden underwater. she was wrong, which i told her, in a customary long-winded farce, but she's the only one who can tell when i'm just making shit up. so. she looked at me, said anything else? and i hate to lose so i took my love for her in my hands and i whispered:
i like to be
under the sea
in an octopus' garden
in the shade
and she kissed me, because of course she did. i can't tell you how i fell in love with her, because i don't think i did. i think i met her, and it felt like pink, she felt like love to me.
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