#okay it was eleven and amy but like it was literally eleventh hour because i got into doctor who during the series 4 specials era
sherl-grey · 3 years
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#but obviously instead of a romance she’s just there to tell spaceman he’s a fucking dumbo and alarm the hell out of the current companion
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literally every night i get stressed about choosing between watching dw, reading dw fic or writing dw fic 😅 it’s possible i have a problem
30 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 05:45:56 GMT
look i’m so tired i’m practically hallucinating but: alec hardy is nine in ten’s body
31 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 09:21:35 GMT
me: haha this song is gonna hurt clicks “add to playlist”
me, listening to playlist and crying: okay so what the fuck did i do that for
32 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 06:33:46 GMT
if you all could pick one episode (or set of episodes) and change the incarnation of the Doctor in it (companion optional too) without consequence to series overarching plot or anything, which episode and Doctor would you pick?
33 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 03:38:17 GMT
Shirley G what's your favourite Eleventh Doctor episode rewrite with Rose? Can be an existing fic, or just an idea of an episode you would have loved Rose to be in from Eleven's run! ☺️
hello loup!! this is so tough oh my... once again i'm lamenting my lack of organization, haha. i need to find a better way to save fics... apologies in advance, this will probably be long!
so, i might just be blanking, but i'm not even sure how many single episode rewrites i can think of with Eleven--a lot of them are either full series rewrites OR original plot + a "Day of the Doctor" rewrite at the end (yeah... here's one called "Time Rewritten" that's also Eight/Rose where Rose wakes up in Eleven's TARDIS with no memory and then gets stuck in the Time War, and here's one called "Three Doctors and a Baby" from the fantastic Tentoo/Rose and Eleven/Rose series Consequences, and another Time War one called "Battle in the Sky" that's mostly EightRose but ends with Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor... it's a good trope!)
that being said! the rewrite I go to most often for pure joy is "Until The End" by mltrefry, which is part of the "Run with You" multi-series rewrite. Specifically for Eleven's chunk of the series, I love "Vincent and the Doctor" (chapters 9 and 10) as well as.... I honestly think this is either original or maybe an EU takeaway, but there's an Eight/Rose and Eleven/Rose episode called "Before the Worst" (chapters 11 and 12) that I ADORE. This series also has Eleven show up in Blink in a previous fic which is incredibly sweet.
honorable mentions that came to mind:
there is a single episode pairing rewrite of the astronaut duo by no_nutcracker that i just read! ("if i believe in One thing")
there’s also one “i’m at odds and ends but that’s me” by CupofSonic if you like OT3 (tentoo is still here)
i absolutely refuse to read this one ever again because i am emotionally traumatized but here's the god complex ("in blackwater woods")
"when the wolf runs" is fantastic angst-with-a-happy-ending that isn't necessarily a rewrite but certain episodes are addressed and redone? essentially, Rose is woven in to Eleven's overarching plot really well and it's a great fix-it for River as well
i know this fic from the series "Tyler Family Adventures" has an Eleventh Hour rewrite at the very least; it's Tentoo/Rose at first and they actually semi-raise Amy growing up, but it shifts to Eleven/Rose when... well, you can probably guess.
"Out of Order" by lastincurableromantic also pops in on some canon adventures without doing full rewrites! we get a tiny glimpse of Venice and post-The Big Bang at the Pond wedding at the very least
I'm sure I'm still missing some good ones; I know there a couple Doctor's Wife rewrites (Sonic and I and someone else? maybe multiple someone elses?) in existence and that episode is always a pleasure since Rose and the TARDIS obviously adore each other, and I really want to read a reunion that takes place during or after "Hide." The line about "it's not a ghost story, it's a love story" and yearning across time and space... that's it. That's ElevenRose. I think one might exist but I keep losing the link.... Sorry for the novel-length answer but there are just so many good fics!
38 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 23:37:08 GMT
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expelliarmus · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
An excuse to ramble on about my favourite dumb show??? Thank you for tagging me (again) @sopheirion!! :D
I’m not going to tag anyone but you can say I tagged you if you want to do it!
Favourite Doctor: MY BOY TEN!! ALSO ELEVEN! I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH ;o; And please please please get Matt Smith on board at Big Finish and then have them MEET UP AGAIN that would honestly be the dream. But I’ve loved all the multi Doctor stories in the comics too, so I mean they have met up more than once, but still, you can never have enough of them in my opinion. :’) But that being said, I LOVE TWELVE so much I’m so proud of him and how much he grew. AND I LOVE NINE. AND THIRTEEN IS MY GIRL no matter what the writers decide to do with her. As for the Classic boys, I love Three and Four and Five. Also Two. AND ONE. And EIGHT. Well actually I love THEM ALL!!!! But to be fair, I haven’t watched much of Six and Seven... it’s okay, I still love them.
Favourite Master: Missy!! I miss her so much, she would have been amazing with Thirteen... even though I know Michelle was saying that Peter was her Doctor and she wouldn’t feel right going up against anyone else. :( I’m excited to hear her second Big Finish series! I still really liked that story in her first series about that clock...
Favourite Sonic: Oh gosh, I don’t know. Maybe Eleven’s just because it springs out and the way Matt waves it around?? (also because my Eleventh Doctor sonic is broken and doesn’t close anymore because I clicked it open one day and the springs snapped........... I need to buy a new one) Also Thirteen’s sonic is just really pretty and I love how my version has the crystal spinning around and the orange/gold lighting is just very very nice. (But actually I love them all shhh)
Favourite Companion: DONNA NOBLE ALWAYS. Clara Oswald is a very very close second though. :’) I miss them both very much and I hope they can come back one day. And (I don’t know why I’m doing a top 3 but) I love Amy Pond!! Just thinking about how much I cried when Amy left and THEN HOW MUCH I CRIED WHEN ELEVEN SAW HER BEFORE HE REGENERATED....... rip
Favourite Story: Blink still remains my most favourite episode ever. I just love the Weeping Angels and the timey-wimey-ness of it all. But does this mean like favourite story arc... hmmm I guess the missing planets from series 4, and the cracks in time in series 5 because I love series 4 and 5 lots.
Favourite Soundtrack: I HAVE TOO MANY FAVOURITES so here we go:
I am the Doctor - I can literally listen to this on repeat every single day, I miss Eleven’s theme SO MUCH
The Long Song - SO BEAUTIFUL I listen to this one every day lmao
The Wedding of River Song
Song of Freedom
A Pressing Need to Save the World
Clara’s theme
The Shepherd’s Boy
The Sad Man With a Box
This is Gallifrey
Vale Decem
All the Strange Creatures
This Time There’s Three of Us
The Majestic Tale (of a Madman in a Box)
The Sun’s Gone Wibbly
Basically, I miss Murray Gold a lot... Haven’t listened much to the series 11/12 soundtracks yet to have definite favourites from Segun Akinola but they’ll come along eventually. :)
Dream Actor for next Doctor: Idris Elba!! Or bring in Jo Martin to take over once Jodie chooses to move on. :D Richard Ayoade would also be hilarious lmao. Or Eddie Redmayne just because Newt Scamander reminds me so much of Eleven.
Dream Composer: Oooh, maybe Lorne Balfe. The music he composed for His Dark Materials is wonderful!!! Maybe a bit more on the epic side than is needed for DW, but yeah!
Dream Story: The Doctor at Disneyland, and specifically that all the animatronic dolls in come to life (or they’re all Autons!!) and want to take over the Earth!! Or actually, doesn’t matter what the story is about, as long as the Doctor goes to Disneyland hehe.
A companion you’d like to see back: DONNA :’( and Kate and Osgood!! BRING BACK UNIT. And Clara and Bill would be the easiest to bring back - they’re out there in space somewhere, Doctor!! You just gotta find them! AND MARTHA! Though I really liked that Thirteen met her in the comics. :’)
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: Weeping Angels!! Also the Time Lords...... bring Gallifrey back again ;o; WHERE IS ROMANA??? Give me the Rani too while we’re at it!
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: Ten, just because I love him the most, but also professor Twelve. I would love to attend the Doctor’s lectures because honestly, what is he going to talk about today?? Who knows!!! I love that text post that’s about Twelve throwing darts or flipping open a dictionary at random to decide what he’ll lecture on because that would honestly be how the Doctor decides lmao. And I would just like to be there to see Twelve and Nardole bicker.
Yay, that was fun!! :’) And I started the book about Ace and Thirteen today! Maybe I’ll make a gifset now, idk. I haven’t really done anything today except attend an online staff meeting for an hour and then I just finished reading Deathly Hallows the rest of the day...... okay bye
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rjalker · 5 years
You know, I don't have any problem with people making up headcannons for characters and writing stories about them in their heads.
But when they try to insist those headcannon are what actually happened in cannon, is when I have a problem. When people try to insist that what they think about the character is more important than what the character actually does in the show, that is when we have a problem.
Because that is how characters like River Song, or Amy Pond, or Clara Oswald (et al), or the Eleventh Doctor get put on some unapproachable pedestal of adoration and perfection that has nothing whatsoever to do with their real, canonical actions.
People who fall into this trap refuse to see past the things they have been forced to make up for these characters. They will go on for hours and hours about how independent and amazing Amy and Clara and River's lives outside the Doctor are, when those lives literally do not exist on the show.
They will go on and on and tell us how great the friendship that River, Amy, and Clara have with the Doctor is, when there is literally no such thing on the show.
Things that we are told? Like how Amy and the Doctor are the bestest friends ever? And how the Doctor always talks about Gallifrey to Clara? And how they have such amazing lives that they live for themselves when he's not around?
These things are not real. These are lies. These things are pure, and utter laziness, and the worst sort of bad writing.
These are things we are told. These are not things we are shown. This is a TV show. Our entire understanding of the show depends on the things we are shown the things we see.
We could see the way Rose and Nine, and Rose, and Martha, and Donna, and Jack, and Ten became friends. With each episode they were in, they grew closer, more comfortable around each other, until there can be no doubt in anyone's mind that they cared for one another.
Sarah Jane Smith and Rose Tyler, in the space of a single episode, went through more character development than Amy, Rory, Elven, or Clara have had in three entire seasons.
Having a character suddenly have a successful career in modeling without any explanation or even mentioning it ever again is not character development. Having a babysitter suddenly become a school teacher is not character development.
If Moffat's era of Doctor who were a fanfiction, you wouldn't be able to get past the first chapter without wanting to tear your hair out. It would be as infamous--if not more so--than My Immortal.
So why is it allowed to continue in so terrible a manner as it does? Because it's on TV? Because you get to look at pretty faces and special effects? Because it can make you cry with feels—but only if you don't pause long enough in wiping away your tears to think about what you just watched?
Why is Eleven allowed to sexually assault women and men? Why is he allowed to forcibly kiss a woman who not only did not give her consent, but is also a lesbian, and a survivor of rape? Why is this okay? Why is there not uproar about this? Because “the actors chose to do it”? Because that makes it okay? That a survivor of rape was bent over backwards so she couldn't get away, and kissed forcibly on the mouth by someone that is supposed to be her friend? And suddenly it's okay, ~because Matt Smith wanted to do to it~? Why is it suddenly okay because ~she slapped him afterward~?
Are you really going to say that if someone touches you without your permission, and in so an invasive way as bending you over backwards and putting you in a position of helplessness and FORCIBLY KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH, everything is back to normal because you are angry at them? That makes it okay? Everything is magically alright because you slapped the person afterward?
Really? That makes the sexual assault vanish into thin air? So if I were to walk up to you, bend you over backward, and kiss you forcibly on the mouth, you would have no problem with it at all? Even if I'm not the gender you are attracted to? Even if you were raped and traumatized by people of my gender? Everything would magically be fine because you got angry at me for it? Everything would be fine because one of my friends told me to do it? Even though I am fully aware of what was done to you?
You're telling me that you'd be perfectly okay with that?
You're telling me you wouldn't want me punished, or lectured or anything at all?
You're telling me that you'd be perfectly fine with it because you slapped me afterwards?
No. I didn't think so.
So why is it okay when it's on our TV? When it's on a children's show? Why are we telling children—little girls—that if someone does something to them that they don't like, the person's only punishment is their anger about it? You are literally telling them that if someone touches them and they don't like it, they can't do anything but be angry about it. And they shouldn't even be angry. Because Eleven laughed after she slapped him. He laughed. After sexually assaulting a survivor of rape.
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cerullos · 5 years
(sorry ik u answered that ask like a week ago) i think tennant staying for s5 wouldve eased the transition in showrunners so the change wouldnt be so jarring but i also dislike about 85% of the stuff moffat wrote for ten so yeah. no thanks. (even tho s5 > 6 and 7)
yeah this is a fair take! i think tbh ten as a character was just...fundamentally incompatible w/ moffat’s idea of what the doctor “should” be. river’s allusions to ten in forest of the dead made that especially clear, like...just hearing this gives me secondhand embarrassment, imagine incorporating praise of your own bad ideas into your original character’s dialogue, and in doing so literally...dragging the main character, created by the show’s actual current producer? no tact and no sense of shame, he really is the whole package
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i digress obviously but...i started with eleventh hour (woe is me, etc.) so i never experienced the change from ten to eleven in real-time. usually by the end of an RTD rewatch i'm ready for something new, just...not what we ended up getting. which is unfortunately...a bit how i’ve been feeling w/ the latest season but obviously to a lesser degree, and in a very different sense. 
definitely S5 is the best of eleven’s three, (the show got progressively harder for me to watch, so i hardly ever touch the first half of S7 w/ the exception of dinosaurs on a spaceship). i do like the snowmen & the rings of akhaten a lot. there’s not much to salvage in S6 either, the opening two-parter is okay mostly because the silence is a cool concept (cool until they were ruined by river lore, obviously) and amy wears plaid. god complex and girl who waited are objectively good episodes even though they’re kind of the monkey’s paw of “i want an episode where amy isn’t a background character” like...oh, you can have it but it’s gonna be gross.
rebel flesh/almost people/good man goes to war/let’s kill hitler are nigh unwatchable, it’s actually kind of unreal....just, one after the other. the S5 finale is a mess but at least it knew how to let loose and have fun sometimes...the whole bit with young amy in the museum was very good, i still love watching it. 
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