#omar zidan x tiffany wallace
parisian-nicole · 1 year
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Zillace is my new ship, but I will not get invested in them getting together on the FBI series. I have been disappointed enough with the TV couples I ship. I will love them only in artwork and fanfics ... but if FBIcbs ever gets them together I will ship that shit so hard!
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I’ll Leave a Light on for you
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OA Zidan X Reader 
So this is going to be after the reader is trapped in the glass and OA is visiting her in the Hospital ! I Hope everyone enjoys this. 
A/N: If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Looking down at Y/N she was laid out all across the ground. Her face was ghost white and her eyes were closed. 
She looked so peaceful like she was sleeping. But me on the other hand. I was shaking and my heart was racing and I was a mess. 
I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Everything in my body was on fire but I didn’t care about me only her. 
At this point the only reason I haven’t passed out was because of my adrenaline. 
“Come on Y/N it’s going to be okay help is on the way. Keep fighting okay I know how strong you are okay” I said in a pleading voice. 
I held her hand and just squeezed it . The sirens were getting louder and closer and I just kept saying a prayer in my head. 
Finally after what seemed like hours but really wasn’t the paramedics came and they hurried up and whisked her away. 
When I saw them take her away my body finally caught up. I just remember going down and everything went black. 
I wasn’t sure how long I was down or what had happened. Because when I finally came to I hear beeping noises and nothing else really. I slowly opened up my eyes and was saw I was in a hospital room. 
I was alone in here not sure what was going on.
 I felt like shit. My body , hurt my head hurt. And I felt like someone had run me over with a damn bus. But if I’m being honest I didn’t care about any of that though. 
I just kept replaying that scene in my head over and over. Wondering if there was anything different that I could have done.
 I kept thinking it should have been me in there.  She didn’t deserve this. 
Seeing how scared she was. The panic in her voice and on her face. It’s burned in my brain. The ache and pain I felt in that moment. I never felt so powerless before. 
“Hey Y/N look at me it’s going to be okay your going to be fine. I love you okay I love you it’s going to be okay” I told her the worry in my voice wasn’t even hiding. 
She just looked at me with a face that was hard to read. I could see the tears fall down her face. All I could think about was why wasn’t it me. She didn’t deserve this happening to her. 
Working with sarin gas I knew how it deadly it was. And even if she did wake up what would her life be like after? 
I was only exposed for just a few moment and I haven’t feel this bad ever. 
I kept glancing up at the door. Hoping someone would come in. WIth some kind of news. 
But at the same time I didn’t want them to. Because if it was bad news I could at least sit here and have hope. Right now hope is the only thing I had. 
So many emotions were just crowding my head right now. I just kept thinking of all the things I should have said to her. So many missed opportunities to tell her I love her.  
To tell her that she was not only my best friend but the absolute love of my life.  I spent so much time overseas and then coming home and working undercover. I never felt like I fit in or belonged. 
Then when I meant her it felt like I was home. That for the first time someone saw me for me and I belonged somewhere. 
We always had late night talks where she actually listened. 
We would spend all of our free time out of work together. Going to dinner and watching movies. She would make me go to the mall with her and hold all of her bags. 
No matter how much time we spent together i never got tired of being with her. I had so many chances to tell her how i felt.
 I think I was just scared of loosing her. Scared she didn’t feel the same way. 
Scared that I would loose the important person in my life. 
I didn’t realize the tears were falling down my face until i saw the wet spots falling on my blanket that was on me. 
I quickly wiped them away. Hoping no one would saw. 
Then after a few minutes later I heard a small knock on the door. I could feel my heart stop beating. My chest clench up and the panic set in. 
I looked up and saw Jubal coming with a worried look all over his face. He slowly walked over to me and grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. 
I looked up and gave him a sad smile. 
“Your going to be okay. Your going to be weak for a few days but it’s going to be okay.” Jubal said still holding on to my hand. 
“Y/N did you see her” I asked not caring about me. 
“Yeah she’s uh pretty bad she’s not awake yet but the doctor’s are saying she has a good chance. It’s Y/N were taking about. She’s a fighter” Jubal said. 
I squeezed his hand when he said and I think I just let the tears fall because i saw them hitting the blanket again. 
“I wanna see her” I said 
“OA look at me you need rest” Jubal said 
“I don’t care I’m good please” I begged. 
“Of course” Jubal said. 
 I was weak and Jubal helped me stand up and he showed me down to where Y/N was. 
Tiff and Scola with Isobel were all out front her room with a sad look in their eyes. 
I gave them a small smile and then headed in to see Y/N. She was laid on the bed with an oxygen tube up her nose. 
I walked over to her and grabbed her and squeezed it. 
“Hey Y/N It’s me OA i’m here can you hear me” I Asked 
“I’m not going anywhere I’m going to be here everyday until you wake up because right now you just need some rest” I said 
“I love you so much I should have told you I know this and I’m sorry I was just scared. Scared because I didn’t want to loose you. You ate the most important person in my life” I said 
Everyone came in a few moments after I talked to her. They all talked and shared stories about Y/N her family was surrounded by her. 
A few weeks Later 
A few weeks had passed and I kept my promise to her. I sat with her everyday and I held her hand.I told her about my day.
 I always ended it with I love you. I think I was making up for lost time. 
I would walk in a say a prayer for her. It was the only thing I could to help.  I would be the first one to visit her and the last one to leave.
I would bring a small candle and light it in the room for her. I know I wasn’t supposed to and quickly blew out the flame. But it was my way of letting her know I was here. 
If she couldn’t hear me maybe the smell would let her know someone was with her. 
She was getting stronger every day I know she was. 
I was back at working slowly though. Isobel had me on desk duty I just know it was her way of protecting me.
 She felt bad about what happened to me. It was a hard balance. I fought her tooth and nail on the matter but in the end she is the boss. 
It was a saturday morning now and something in the day just felt so different. I woke up with a happy excited feeling. It was a nice day out there was a shift in the environment. 
I didn’t want to get my hopes up though. Nothing good could ever come from that.  I made my way to the hospital. 
When i got there it was just me and for some reason I wanted to run right into the room. 
Not that i usually didn’t something was just pulling me there. When i got to her floor some of the nurses were smiling at me. 
I smiled back and when I walked into the room. I looked up and I was right it was something different today . 
Y/N was awake and sitting up. She was looking at the tv playing. I walked closer to her and she saw me and gave a huge smile. 
“Omar your okay” She said sitting up. 
I ran over to her and bent down and gave her a hug. She leaned up to me and I could feel her wrap her arms around me and squeeze me tight. I did the same to her not wanting to let her go. 
I placed my head on the top of hers not wanting to leave this position. I missed the warmth of her. 
We pulled apart and I sat down next to her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 
“How are you feeling, are you okay. Do you need anything I could get up and” I was saying then she cut me off
“Omar take a breath I’m okay I just want you here okay” She said. 
“How are you” She asked 
“I’m good doing better back to a 100% physically” I said 
“How are you feeling honestly” I asked her 
“I’m good my head hurts and my body feels a little weird but at least I can’t say I’m tired” She said laughing. 
“I’m so glad your awake I knew you would be okay” I said. 
“Of course I heard your prayers” She said. 
I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I felt a little shy in that moment. 
“I heard everything you know, you talking to me so weird you know hearing you but I couldn’t respond” She said. 
“You heard everything” I asked shyly 
“Don’t be shy and yes I did. I loved hearing your voice everyday it made me feel better , I felt calmed down when you came by” She said 
“Also tell Scola I know about his current situation and tell him that Nina sounds amazing  and he’s and Idiot” She said 
“You can tell them when they come by there going to want to see you” I said 
“Yeah I know but right now just me and you is all I want” She said. 
“It’s all I want to” I said 
“Hey uh listen I want to get this out the way now” She said 
“I just want to ask now because you know I heard what you said but if being stuck in this bed it made me realize I need to stop putting of things, and I don’t want to wait and have any regrets.” Y/n said all in one big breath. 
I could feel my heart beating faster and I prepped myself for the heartbreak that was about to come. 
“When you said all that stuff in the beginning. Did you mean or it did you say it because you meant it or just said because you thought I was dying” She asked. 
I gripped her hand and squeezed her hand tighter. I leaned in a little closer and we were just looking at each other. 
“I meant every word I meant I love you so much I always have. I should have told you sooner but I was scared” I said 
“I love you to so much but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and our partnership we have one hell of a thing going” She said. 
“Hell yeah we do” I said to her. 
“It’s so funny we were both so scared the other didn’t feel the same way. Goes to show how much we have in common” She said 
I leaned in and she leaned in to and I kissed her. She kissed me back softly and I cut it short because I didn’t want to over do it on her. 
“You always kiss so soft” She asked when I pulled away. 
“You can’t handle the real stuff right now” I said smiling 
She laughed so hard and words can’t describe how much I missed that smile. 
We spent a good while talking and catching up. I knew something was different about today.
After a while I called the team and let them know she was awake. They all headed over not to long after. Having to wrap up some things from work. 
They all came by with flowers and a couple boxes of pizza.  Jubal ran right over to her and gave her a big hug and kiss on the head. Followed by everyone else. 
Y/N looked at Scola when he came over and laughed. 
“I heard what you said and your idiot” She said smiling 
“Of course you did and thank you for that” Scola said in his usual sarcastic voice. 
“We all missed you it hasn’t been the same in the field without you” Tiff said 
“Now your just being nice because I’m in a hospital bed I know you like getting all the good action and take downs for yourself” Y/N said. 
Making everyone laugh. 
“In all seriousness though we haven’t been a complete family without you and we are so happy your back to us” Isobel said. 
“Damn Y'all I’m crying but thank you every single one of you for your visit and long talks and even complaints. Hearing all of your voices kept me fighting and reminded me I wasn’t alone” Y/N said 
“ I love you all so much thank you for being my family” Y/N said 
“We love you to and thank you for letting us be your family” Jubal said.  
The rest of the night we ate and laughed. They let us stay past visiting hours making an expectation. 
I thank god all my Prayers worked for bringing her home to us. 
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mistressvera · 2 years
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parisian-nicole · 1 year
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parisian-nicole · 1 year
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OA and TIff from FBIcbs ... They are not, I repeat, THEY ARE NOT THE NEW SHIP THAT I AM NOW STEERING MY ATTENTION TO ... Nope.
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parisian-nicole · 1 year
Lord, another ship? A ship called Zillace!!
I know I don't need to be shipping anything that could potentially break my heart like my Garvez has but here I am, and I didn't even know it was a thing until I happened to read this fic:
And I do watch the show and s a person of color I love the representation whenever I can get it, and so I love the characters of OA and Tiff,. However, I never thought of them as a couple. Oh and I am not, I repeat I AM 'NOT' A MAGGIE/OA SHIPPER!! Sorry, theirs is more of a sibling vibe for me, not romantic in the least. But now I see OA and Tiff aka Zillace, and I'm hooked. Why did no one tell me about this? I love it, and now I am totally invested.
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mistressvera · 2 years
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mistressvera · 2 years
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mistressvera · 3 years
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