#only when i was going thru puberty my relatives were like oh you’ve lost weight so small
andrwgarfields · 1 year
Last anon here: wanna also say I don’t think the “fandom war” thing is any kinda excuse for being hateful toward a brand new teenage actor - in fact it makes me even angrier because they’re being hurtful for such a stupid reason!
I’m sure he’ll be fine - as Kit said recently, they’re “big boys” and can handle themselves - but you seem like an empathetic person so if it makes you feel better… remember that soon (if not already!) he’ll be filming with some very big industry people. Who probably all have a lot of experience with handling social media/fan-base nonsense, and can offer support and advice that very few people in the world can.
its never a good reason! I think im definitely more iffy just cause people have a thing abt hating things when it becomes super popular and its the same with hs as well, unfortunately joe is ALWAYS the punching bag
awww :’) i’ll take that as a compliment hahahaha im a bit more sensitive just cause i grew up with side comments from my relatives and family abt my looks and even now when friends and colleagues are like oh you’re so petite or you look so cute im forever going to think myself as this huge ugly duckling forever 🥲 like the self consciousness is always going to be there…because such comments were made when i was so young. And joe is still a teen you see so its sad to think that in a way he has admitted to some extent the comments do affect him bt like you said hopefully he’ll have ppl who would be willing to offer support and advice! Its definitely something you have to work around!
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