#oops dungeon callout sorry i love you all
flameohotwife · 2 years
Most recent ask game: 21 and 58!
Coyoteeeeeeee. This is harrrrrd!
21. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. Oh this is really hard. I don't actually know? Maybe I'd co-write a book with the whole dungeon on the intersection of feminism and female sexuality. With a good chunk in there on fragile/toxic masculinity and patriarchy and how that can present in the bedroom in cis-hetero relationships. I think it's especially important right now, as the reproductive rights of women and other uterus-having people (have been taken away by the courts, to assert our rights and demand our equality in whatever ways we still can. If I knew more about the influence of these things in other types of relationships I would include those, too, so maybe someone else from the dungeon could cover that part. With the number of times we've all had conversations about this already... I think we could do it, haha.
58. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it? GOOD QUESTION. I think it was the Council of Five and who was on it/how it functioned, for the fake dating fic. Very thankful for the avatar wiki, which I also used to reference the layout of their Ba Sing Se house among many, many other things.
Thanks for playing this ask game!
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