#or doumeki's conversation with that guy who's been giving him info about yashiro
corfisers · 2 months
Do you think Doumeki will get out of the yakuza?
i think he'll be out by the end, one way or another. not necessary out of his own volition, but it's not like he's attached to being in the yakuza in general anyway. i keep thinking back to his conversation with kamiya where he says that he shouldn't expect him to get promoted (ch 38) and the fact that doumeki ultimately doesn't have any ambitions, the only reason he got in is to exist in the same space as yashiro. it's hard to tell for sure but i feel like he wasn't really trying to get a higher position, he just got promoted because of the incident with nikki. like, i don't think he actually cares where he is in the hierarchy? and now that yashiro's back in the picture things are getting really messy. tsunakawa already doesn't trust doumeki, kamiya is smart enough to know that something's up, there is potentially more going on with izumi too. idk, i'd be surprised if doumeki stays after everything plays out, and i'm getting the impression that he doesn't expect to stay either
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