#or it’s lil chest buster babies either
idk, I kinda think about the “conundrum” of killing baby Gorn like this:
I am afraid of scorpions. I don’t like them. But sometimes I see a scorpion mama carrying her widdle babies on her back and I don’t mess with her or them. I could kill them, but I am so much bigger than them that they are not an imminent threat to me, and as long as they stay away I can magnanimously decide to let them live.
Now scale up a scorpion to the size of a human. Scorpions are predators. Being so small normally, they naturally cannot hunt humans and as long as they aren’t stinging me, I can ignore them. But if they were my size they would absolutely see me as food. So would their young, which would be the size of dogs. Their hides are tough (though nymphs have softer shells) and my weapons may be of limited use against them. Scorpions are TOUGH motherfuckers. I can’t afford to be magnanimous now. These DOG SIZED SCORPION BABIES ARE TRYING TO KILL AND EAT ME, I don’t care if they’re children. This is the only opportunity I’ll have to gank em before they become HUMAN SIZED and indestructible. Also, they just popped like rat-sized tsetse flies out of my friend and they want to maybe do that to me next.
Now assume that the scorpions are at least as intelligent as you—and they are using that intelligence to better hunt and eat you. They have no interest in you for any other reason. Why would they? You are a weak, fleshy food bag. We don’t ask our chickens if they’re okay with being killed for supper. We don’t even consider trying to broker peace with chicken-kind for even a second. The thought doesn’t even cross our minds. Why would we? Chickens are barely threatening at all and they are also delicious. Humans believe we have a right to feed ourselves with the fruits of our planet and the blood of its “lesser” species. And we as a species are capable of building spontaneous empathetic bonds with paper cups with faces drawn on them. Our brains are quirky like that.
According to SNW lore so far, the Gorn either are incapable of empathy and compassion or see no reason to extend it to other sentient species. We are part of their lifecycle. We are food and incubators. If their genetics borrow strengths from their incubator species’ unique DNA, that’s even more reason to feel entitled to our bodies. This is how the Gorn proliferate. A good portion of humans treat half of their own species as incubators who should have no say about whether they are used as such; that’s just their “purpose.” The Gorn don’t even have the hurdle of recognizing their incubators as their own species and maybe feeling a pang of recognition or remorse (which hardly seems to matter to the Gorn anyway, since they kill each other without hesitation). They do not see themselves in their hosts. The galaxy is their hunting and breeding ground, and they are at the top of the food chain. They don’t have to care about anything beneath them, and they don’t see any reason why they should.
These babies want to eat you, they are not interested in becoming friends with you, they cannot be tamed or reasoned with. Their driving instinct is to kill you. Even as infants, they are frighteningly stronger and faster than you. It doesn’t matter if they’re sentient and intelligent: the dog-sized scorpions are hunting you. And even against these stacked odds, this is the only stage at which you have any chance of surviving them, and they have no reason or interest in stopping to chat.
Maybe it’s tempting for some to see the Gorn babies as cute, hyper lil lizard tykes with sharp teeth and some impulse control issues. But me? Nah. The reason humans extend kindness even to the babies of other apex predators on our planet is because we have the luxury to do so. Our technological superiority makes us so much more deadly that we can afford to be merciful when we feel like it. Back when that wasn’t the case and there were less of us with less lethal technologies and we were surrounded by other hostile animals who absolutely could and would kill us (either for food or just because we were trespassing), we couldn’t afford the luxury of that mindset.
That’s where the Federation races are with the Gorn. So forgive me if when you say: “this smart, sentient baby with adult strength and sharp teeth is trying to eat you 😃 what do you do?” my instant answer is “KILL IT. KILL IT.” I’m not interested in the “buuut they’re kiiiids!” 🥺☹️😭 argument. Don’t do that thing where humans project ourselves and our values onto everything. These are not anything like baby humans. Handwringing gets you killed.
Anyway, I find it intriguing that Star Trek is exploring an enemy that’s more like an implacable force of nature: unrelenting, unyielding, and utterly unswayed by begging and pleading. From the human perspective, they are evil—but they aren’t evil in and of themselves. They’re just doing what they do. But that doesn’t change the fact that what they do is destructive, and when faced with that, how should we respond? How can we?
I can tell you right now the answer isn’t to just roll over and die. But what is the solution, then?
The thing is, humans have had to grapple with this question before and there are still ways that we are grappling with it now. It’s a nuanced question worth exploring, because yeah, sometimes you can’t reason your way to a mutually beneficial solution. You can’t plead with a tsunami and expect it to move. You can’t reason with entities that want you dead and don’t care about you at all, full stop. What do you do then? This is new territory for Trek, and I’m looking forward to seeing their answer, if there is a clear one at all.
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pocmuzings · 6 years
-rubs hands together-
Who is more likely to raise their voice? maybe isaiah, but it would never be at ashley. he can get pretty worked up sometimes though.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? ne...i ..t her?? they like each other too much lmaoWho actually keeps their word and leaves? i feel like ashley always keeps her word, like the one time you can trust her to keep something to herself, it’ll be regarding isaiah. whereas i feel like isaiah is the kinda person that would leave, because he feels like he isn’t being good enough for ashley.Who trashes the house? ashley maybe? isaiah is pretty clean.Do either of them get physical? nope no no they are healthy n lovingHow often do they argue/disagree? pretty much never? the only time they kinda get a bit ... uppity .. is when ashley tries to shrug off people’s shitty behaviour. Who is the first to apologise? both of them usually do. ashley is too pure for the world and always apologises even when its not her fault.
Who is on top? for the most part, isaiah, because he’s more dominant.Who is on the bottom? ashley probably, but lbr isaiah would lov her on topWho has the strangest desires? probably isaiah. he’s tried a lot of diff things.Any kinks? he really likes when they tease each other in public, and know they can’t do anything about it. or he likes just being able to sneak off somewhere, and come back, obviously disheveled and pretend like they’re fine. he also loves sexting, or if she sends him pics. Who’s dominant in bed? isaiah.Is head ever in the equation? almost always, isaiah likes to make sure his girl is good n ready for him :-)If so, who is better at performing it? isaiah loves doing it more, but ashley is probably the best at it.Ever had sex in public? they probably would, yes, like in a bathroom or changing room.Who moans the most? ashley maybe?Who leaves the most marks? ashley, we hope.Who screams the loudest? again, hope it’s ashley.Who is the more experienced of the two? they’re both experienced in different ways. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? bit of both.Rough or soft? for the most part, and to begin with- isaiah is a soft bean.How long do they usually last? look if ashley is going down on isaiah, he will last like... a minute, max, because she’s really good. but at sex in general, i feel like they can last a while. maybe 20 mins for just sex, but if there’s good foreplay thrown in there, then a couple of hours.Is protection used? isaiah defs would be all over the condom sitch, bc he wouldn’t want to make her have to take a pill, or iud, or rod or anything.Does it ever get boring? nope, nope, never.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? probably behind the school bleachers, right after a game, when isaiah was high on adrenaline from winning. 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? i don’t really think they’d be thinking about that for a long time.If so, how many children do your muses want/have? ashley would probably want a cute little baby? but, isaiah is kinda... fine with where he is.Who is the favorite parent? isaiah, maybe? just because he’s such a dad, and makes lame jokes and doesn’t mind embarrassing himself to make kids smile. ashley is more just like, the sunny, bright, always positive one. they’re both loved tbhWho is the authoritative parent? again, isaiah. he’d be the one to be like “nope, time for bed.” and then they’d all ‘awww’ and ashley would join in and isaiah wouLD STRUGGLE TO KEEP UP.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? ashley. they’d cough once around her and be like ‘i’m sick’ and she’d be like ‘omg of course baby, stay home’Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? again, probably ashley? not excessively, but she’ll playfully let them ‘sneak’ cookies behind isaiah’s back. isaiah always knows, of course, but they all pretend he doesn’t.Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? ashley is the best damn unofficial cheerleader. she’d probably be all up in those pta meetings, or just helping with dances and stuff, whereas isaiah would be more of like.. a sports coach kinda. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? both of them for sure!Who changes the diapers? ashley would be exhausted, no doubt, so isaiah does not mind doing the heavy lifting from here.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? isaiah, bc ashley needs her sleep.Who spends the most time with the children? they both spend quite a bit of time with their kids? they’re good at balancing it out, because they both know what its like to have shitty parents. Who packs their lunch boxes? ashley, and she does it so well, she has it down pat. she puts little smily faces in their salads, or sandwiches. whereas, isaiah gets clueless and ends up just giving them a paper bag with $10 in it, to buy lunch.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? GODDD, isaiah would try to lead it, but lbr, ashley would take over bc isaiah would struggle.Who cleans up after the kids? both!Who worries the most? ashley worries more openly. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? ashley, probably, she’d let one slip by accident, and that would probably be their kids first word. 
Who likes to cuddle? ashley isn’t so used to cuddling, so i feel like isaiah often initiates it. they both like it though Who is the little spoon? ashley, for sure. she fits perfectly in his arms!Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? omg... both have their moments honestly. it really depends. if isaiah is feeling really relaxed, and happy, and a bit pumped up, then he’ll initiate it. i feel like most of the time, ashley initiates it accidentally. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  isaiah usually hates pda, but he’s always kinda gotta have his hand in hers, or his arm brushing against hers. he needs contact basically all the time #clingybitchHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? isaiah probably falls asleep with his arms around ashley, and she ends up having to squirm or be like ‘isaiah ur lying on my HAIR’ . so maybe .. an hour?Who gives the most kisses? ashley, she gives lil cute kisses, all the time. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? just being around each other in general? lmao, these bitches love each other.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? a bed . isaiah still likes to stay private about over excessive pda. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? ashley probably, and isaiah would wanna die. How often do they get time to themselves? quite a bit. isaiah often goes into his own holes n stuff, and ashleys good at pulling him out. 
Who snores? neither? If both do, who snores the loudest? isaiah snores sometimes, and sleep talks sometimes, but for the most part they’re both pretty good. one time ashley did have an awful cold though, and isaiah refused to leave her side. she snored so loud that the walls literally shook, and isaiah knew not to say anything bc he knew she’d feel bad. Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share, always. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? if it’s rlly hot, then they might lie a bit apart, but still hold hands. for the most part, they’re cosy n together.Who talks in their sleep? isaiah probably. or ashley mumbles little funny things like ‘no, snowman, you can’t take my penguin’ and isaiah grins so big. What do they wear to bed? isaiah probably just wears boxers. ashley probably has like ,, this sexy af bralette and short shorts or something. Are either of your muses insomniacs? hmm, not clinically, i don’t think, but ashley definitely has trouble sleeping with everything shes been throughCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? for ashley, yes.  isaiah keeps them there, and insists she takes them if it’s a really bad night. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? wrapped up like a pretzel.Who wakes up with bed hair? ashley? isaiah probably loves it.Who wakes up first? definitely isaiah.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? isaiah again. he’d like bring a tray over, thinking he’s so romantic, and be like ‘wakey wakey’ and ashley would probably scream and knock the tray over, and they’d end up getting breakfast out instead lmao. What is their favourite sleeping position? cuddled up together on their sides. or isaiah likes lying on his back, holding one of her hands with his, against his chest. Who hogs the sheets? maybe ashley? neither, bc they’re both so selfless.Do they set an alarm each night? not really, isaiah’s body clock is pretty good.Can a television be found in their bedroom? for sure.Who has nightmares? ashley :(Who has ridiculous dreams? ashley :)Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? isaiah probably, without even noticing.Who makes the bed? both of them, they do it together, and probably end up messing it up all over again. What time is bed time? they don’t... have a bed time?Any routines/rituals before bed? isaiah always, always asks her if there’s anything she needs, or for him to help her with, before he’s about to sleep. they both usually shower together too, because isaiah likes to help wash her hair.  and vice versa.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? maybe ashley, but not really? she’s more just... sleepy still. 
Who is the busiest? they both have a good work ethic, but i feel like ashley probably runs around a lot Who rakes in the highest income? ... maybe... isaiah. sigh.Are any of your muses unemployed? nope they’re good at taking care of themselves. Who takes the most sick days? neither?Who is more likely to turn up late to work? ashley, because she fell asleep.Who sucks up to their boss? isaiah probably.What are their jobs? currently? mystery busters! in the future i’d like to think that isaiah is on a professional lacrosse team, or coaching. ashley would make a really great childcare worker i feel. or she’s good with fashion, so anything there. Who stresses the most? isaiah, usually.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? currently ... a bit of.. bothAre your muses financially stable? isaiah is, therefore he makes sure ashley is too, but ashley by herself .. maybe not.. so much? 
Who does the washing? isaiah.Who takes out the trash? isaiah.Who does the ironing? isaiahWho does the cooking? isaiah lMAO he gotta take care of his girl ok, she work hard.. she aint gotta lift a finger. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? ashley hahahaahahaWho is messier? maybe ashley? she’d probably try distract him by throwing flour or something.Who leaves the toilet roll empty? hopefully neither.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? if hes in a rush, isaiah will.Who forgets to flush the toilet? pls god neitherWho is the prankster around the house? maybe isaiah?Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? ashley, omg.Who mows the lawn? isaiah. and he’ll do it shirtless and sweaty, so he can cool off in a shower later with his girl ;-)Who answers the telephone? either?Who does the vacuuming? isaiah.Who does the groceries? isaiah. or they go together!Who takes the longest to shower? ashley maybe.Who spends the most time in the bathroom? ashley, bc have you seen her amazing makeup skills? girl has to take TIME to put on her FACE.
Is money a problem? isaiah would never let it be, but that would probably cause a problem in itself.How many cars do they own? isaiah has one. i don’t know if ashley does, but lbr, isaiah would get her one if she needed.Do they own their home or do they rent? rent currently, but isaiah would defs get one.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? coast.Do they live in the city or in the country?  city.Do they enjoy their surroundings? definitely! isaiah makes sure it’s a friendly neighbourhood and nobody is problematic.What’s their song? take your pick from my playlist! (my personal faves are probably white ferrari , simplethings and saved by khaled)What do they do when they’re away from each other? probably text each other constantly, or send a bunch of emojis. theyre so annoying.Where did they first meet? at  A FRAT PARTY SDJKNSNJHow did they first meet? zach was friends with both of them, and introduced them. he was just like ‘ha ha, two of my friends, meeting!’ and they literally took one look at each other and zach was like ‘o fuck, they in love’ Who spends the most money when out shopping? LISSTEN isaiah will literally THROW his credit card at ashley. he likes when things make her happy, so why not buy them? he does spend quite a bit on shoes, though. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? isaiah would flash a bicep to ashley, and ashley would flash some cleavage to isaiah. but in public ... i mean. probably ashley, by accident. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? neither, they aren’t meANAny mental issues? probably tons. Who’s terrified of bugs? ashley.Who kills the spiders around the house? isaiah.Their favourite place? with each other :) or at chalk!Who pays the bills? i mean they both would, but isaiah probably just debits his card automatically. Do they have any fears for their future? losing each other, after all the people they’ve already lost. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? isaiah, for sure. Who uses up all of the hot water? maybe ashley? but tbh isaiah wouldn’t care.Who’s the tallest? isaiah omg.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? isaiah for sure. Who wanders around in their underwear? ashley, and isaiah probably stares literally falling more in love by the secondWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? both of them ?? maybe? What do they tease each other about? maybe isaiahs glasses, sometimes ? or not knowing that the other like the other? Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? neither? they’re both pretty well dressedDo they have mutual friends? ha ha.Who crushed first? literally it was both at the exact same time. Any alcohol or substance related problems? i don’t think so. isaiah chains smokes when he’s stressed, and he smokes a bit of pot, but... nah he’s pretty good.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? maybe isaiah after a game? bc if it was ashley, you better believe she wouldn’t stumble home, bc isaiah would pick her ass up anytime, anywhere. Who swears the most? isaiah lmao.
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