#or like a very large and furry jelly bean
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
There is another person living here temporarily and he brought a dog.
Which granted, she's like a furry jelly bean pretty much. Not the smallest dog I've ever seen, but pretty damn small and light. But also she's already shit on the carpet in a place. But she's small so it was small and she just traveled liked 5-7 hours in a car and is in a new house. And overall behaving well. And the person is almost 90 and can sorta be fine on his own but also not. And his temp room shares a wall with ours. But at least we're not sharing a bathroom. But also all the fucking fam is gonna wanna dote and be over. But also it's probably fine. And I technically have to do bare minimum to help. But also I am the one at home by myself most often and he will always be here unless with someone. At least nick has leave this week. But he agreed to come in for a couple days because he's a good worker and also wanted the money. But I have plans some days and also have a car I could just make up plans. But I will receive some criticism from the family that is not in this house with us. I don't like them anyways so who cares really. But I would be leaving an old man in the house by himself...
And on and on and on
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
You must have always wondered if the things humans can eat are also made for dogs. We think about the taste of our beloved dogs and what to feed them so that their health is maintained and they also find it tasty. Of the many foods that come to our mind, jelly is one thing, but can dogs eat jelly? Are there some negative effects of jelly? How safe and dangerous is jelly for dogs? We will answer all your questions through this article, and you keep reading. Let us now answer your first question, can dogs eat jelly? After that, we will gradually give you entire information related to dogs and jelly in this article.         The short answer to your question can dogs eat jelly? No, jelly is sweet and harmful to your furry canine companion. Jelly does not contain any nutritional value that your dog can benefit from. If you are thinking of feeding sugar-free jelly to your dog, be aware that sugar-free jelly may contain xylitol which is extremely unhealthy for your dog. Eating too much jelly can cause swelling in your dog's body and lead to diabetes. Although eating a small amount of sugar is not bad, you should give it under your supervision.   Is Jelly Unhealthy For Your Dogs? Jelly is rich in sugar and hence harmful to dogs. You have to remember that if your dog has diabetes, then he should not be able to reach the jelly even in his dreams. And if your dog is healthy, it is a very good thing. If you want, you can feed it a small amount of jelly. Its large amount will increase the obesity of your beloved canine companion, as well as play a certain role in developing diabetes and heart disease. Let us see whether jelly can be good for your dog.   Is Jelly Healthy For Your Dogs? Jelly is made from fruits, and although some fruits are healthy for dogs, this does not mean that jelly made from fruits is also good for your dog. Jelly contains about 50-54% sugar, meaning it is a high-sugar product. However, jellies contain some nutrients, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. But all these nutrients are less as compared to sugar. One of the reasons for not giving jelly can also be that dogs cannot digest jelly due to its sugar. Let's get more information about jelly. Can Dogs Eat Jelly Beans? No, just like regular jelly, jelly beans are not good for your dog's health Because even jelly beans are not sugar-free. They contain high amounts of sugar, many artificial flavors (xylitol), and colors that can be unhealthy for dogs. Guys, it turns out that some brands of jelly beans contain caffeine which is a stimulant. Consuming high amounts of caffeine increases the heart rate. It also has negative effects on the liver, kidneys, and brain. Overall, if it is said in brief, jelly beans are also not safe for your dog like jelly, so it is better to keep your beloved dog away from them.   Health Risks Of Jelly In Dogs Your canine companion may face health problems if you feed jelly to your dog daily or give too much in one go. Diabetes— When your dog has high blood sugar levels, he may develop diabetes. In such a situation, even a small amount of sweets can be poisonous for the dog. Pancreatitis— Sugar contains glucose, which the pancreas digests to produce additional digestive enzymes. And when there's too much production of digestive enzymes, it inflames the pancreas. This is the cause of pancreatitis and can it cause a lot of pain to the dog. Cavity— Jelly is sweet, and sweets are bad for dogs' health and teeth. Dogs get cavities due to jelly, which also damages their gums. Due to this, your dog may face problems like toothache, gum swelling, bad breath, etc. Obesity— Sugar makes your dog fat and makes your dog lethargic. Obesity reduces the quality of life in dogs, due to which dogs lose interest in playing and become lazy. Due to this, the dog may have to face many problems.        What Ingredients Are In Jelly That Is Toxic To Your Dogs? The taste of jelly is sweet and pleasi
ng to the mind. That's why people like to eat it and want to feed it to their dogs too. But this food is not recommended by veterinarians for dogs. But have you ever wondered why vets say that? Let us know about the toxic ingredients in the jelly for your dog. Fruits: Jelly is made from fruits, but some fruits harm dogs. Such as grapes, cherries, tomatoes, lemons, or plums. If jelly is made from which of these fruits, then you should not feed it to your beloved furry friend. Sugar: Sugar is an important ingredient that is used in jelly. It accounts for about 55% of the jelly. Although your dog enjoys sugar because it is sweet, it is extremely harmful to dogs. Eating sugar puts your dog at risk of becoming obese, which can make him feel lethargic. Eating sugar puts your dog at risk of developing diabetes and can lead to cavities. Remember that jelly is completely sugar, so keep it away from your beloved canine companion. Acid (lemon or lime): The acid is an essential ingredient for making jelly. The acid used to make jelly is lemon or lime juice. Without it, jelly cannot be made. Both of these ingredients are not good for your canine companion's health. If you give your dog lemon or its juice in excess, its acidity can upset your dog's stomach. This makes your dog prone to vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, etc. Pectin: Pectin is a naturally occurring soluble polysaccharide found in fruits. It acts as a thickener for the jelly. You have to keep away from your pet dog. Eating it can cause your dog to have stomach cramps, loose motion, abdominal pain, and even diarrhea. What Should You Do If A Dog Eats Too Much Jelly? If your dog eats jelly, you should first calmly check to see if it contains sugar or a sugar substitute (xylitol). If there is a problem, take your dog to the vet without delay because it's too poisonously hot for your dog. If you want to give dogs the taste and benefits of the fruits present in the jelly, then Feed natural fruits like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. It is completely safe for your dog, And dogs love the natural sweetness of the fruit, too.   FAQ   Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Jelly? However, if you feed fresh strawberries to your beloved dog, then it will not be harmful. But mixing with strawberry jelly can be dangerous, so do not distance yourself from your veterinarian.   Can Dogs Eat Grapes Jelly? No, Grape Jelly is extremely bad for your dog. Because it can cause many health problems for your canine, it is unsafe for your dog.   Can Dogs Eat Cranberry Jelly? You can feed small amounts of cranberries to your dog, but when mixed with jelly, there is only a trace of sugar in it, which the dog cannot digest. And he gets gastrointestinal problems.   Can Dogs Eat Raspberry Jelly? Raspberries are safe for your dog, and your dog can eat them. But raspberry jelly can be bad for your dog because it is very high in sugar which is harmful to your canine health.   Conclusion As you can see, jelly or jello is harmful to your dog due to its high amount of sugar. Jelly is not a food item for your dog, and dogs have very sensitive stomachs. You should only feed your dog if you think about something. The high sugar or xylitol in jelly harms your dog's health. Overall, jelly is not bad for your dog; therefore, feeding it to your dog is unnecessary. That's why you keep your dog away from jelly, and this is for the good of your canine companion. For more information, contact a veterinarian.  
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puppyexpressions · 4 years
Thanksgiving Foods - What is safe and not safe for dogs
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Thanksgiving is here and with it comes turkey, stuffing and all sorts of desserts and side dishes. But while it's OK for humans to indulge in those items, the same may not be true for your furry friend.
Here's a roundup of what you can give Fido, and what you should keep away from your four-legged friend.
It is totally OK for your dog to eat turkey — but make sure it's just the meat. Do not give your dog the turkey skin, or gravy as they often contain spices and butter which are too rich for dogs and can cause pancreatitis or other digestive ailments..
Turkey Bones
Bones can cause severe indigestion in dogs and cats, potentially causing vomiting and  obstructing the bowel. Bones may also splinter and cause damage to the inside of the stomach and intestines. In some cases, turkey bones may even puncture through the stomach and cause a potentially fatal abdominal infection.
No to stuffing - Thanksgiving dressing is often made with onions, scallions or garlic. These ingredients, however, are extremely toxic to dogs and cats and can cause a life-threatening anemia (destruction of the red blood cells). It’s best to avoid feeding any amount of stuffing to pets.
Avoid ham - Ham and other pork products can cause pancreatitis, upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Pork is also high in fat, which can lead to obesity in pets. Even a small amount of ham can contribute a very large amount of calories to a small dog or cat’s diet.
Mashed potatoes
Unfortunately, your mom's mashed potatoes are a no-go for dogs. The butter and dairy is too rich for dog's bodies. They also sometimes have other ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like garlic or spices, which is also why you shouldn't give your dogs any side dishes that have a variety of ingredients, like casseroles.
However, it is OK for Fluffy to have plain, cooked potatoes or sweet potatoes, just as long as they don't have anything else on them.
Salads with Grapes/Raisins
There are many salads served at Thanksgiving that include grapes or raisins as an ingredient, from fruit salad, to waldorf salad, to ambrosia. However, grapes and raisins are very virulent and potentially deadly. Grapes can cause severe, irreversible and sometimes fatal kidney failure in dogs. Be sure to keep all dishes that include grapes and raisins away from pets.
Rolls and bread
Plain white and wheat bread is generally safe for dogs to eat as long as you don't butter Fluffy's roll.
However, you should keep any uncooked dough away from your pooch.
When a dog or cat ingests raw bread dough, the yeast continues to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. This can result in bloated drunken pets, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring hospitalization.
Cooked, plain vegetables are actually a great treat for dogs, so feel free to give your pet pumpkin, peas, carrots, green beans, corn (off the cob), squash and celery, as long as they don't have any additional spices or ingredients (so no creamed peas or canned veggies).
But make sure nothing you give them contains raisins, grapes, scallions, onions, leeks or garlic, as these are all potentially toxic for dogs.
Cranberry sauce
While it's OK to give your dog plain cranberries, don't give them cranberry sauce or jelly. The iconic jellied concoction that adorns most Thanksgiving spreads is packed with sugar, and sometimes other ingredients, that aren't good for dogs.
It's OK to give your fuzzy buddy some plain fruits while you're baking, like apples, pumpkin or sweet potatoes. But don't give your pet any pie filling or cooked desserts, as they may contain ingredients that can be toxic for dogs.
Plain cooked fresh pumpkin is fine to feed to dogs, but pumpkin pie filling often includes xylitol which is very toxic and potentially deadly for canines. Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in many canned pie fillings and pre-packaged desserts, so be sure those are out of your dog's reach.
Also, don't give your pet anything with chocolate. It’s highly toxic — especially dark chocolate — and can stop a dog’s metabolic process, resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and even death.
Be prepared
As always, the best advice is just to do everything in moderation. It's OK to make sure your pet has a good Thanksgiving with their own mini feast of treats, just don't overdo it.
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21 Best Family Hotels in New York City of 2019 – That All Ages Love!
The post first published at https://familydestinationsguide.com/best-family-hotels-new-york-city/
New York City is an ideal spot for a family vacation because of the number of attractions and activities that it has to offer to all age groups.
From world-class museums and expansive parks to global cuisine that will leave you wanting more, there is never going to be a time when you run out of things to do.
When you are traveling with kids, a city like NYC is best enjoyed when you set up a base at a centrally located property that is designed to host families.
Here, I have compiled a list of the best family hotels in New York for you to choose from!
1. Four Seasons Hotel New York — Midtown East
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It is difficult to go wrong with a Four Seasons property and this particular one is one of my favorite family-friendly hotels in NYC.
Not only will this upscale accommodation option give you chic rooms to rest at night, but the staff here will also go out of their way to ensure that your kids are having a good time at the property.
In addition to fun perks like child-sized robes and slippers, coloring books and DVDs, the hotel can also provide a wide range of baby-proofing material, bottle warmers, strollers, baby monitors and so on.
If your kids are older, they may enjoy the different tours that the property puts together especially for children.
But this isn’t just a fun hotel for kids. For the mom and dad’s night out, babysitting services can also be used – so you can have some fun and relaxation too!
See Best Price
2. Freehand New York — Flatiron
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If you prefer the feel of understated luxury where each room is impeccably designed with exclusive murals — shout out to the Bard College — Freehand New York near the iconic Flatiron district is the right option for you.
This child-friendly property has a wide range of accommodation options, ranging from basic rooms and suites to a special kind of room that has a twin bed bunked over a queen bed.
You could also opt for the room with two sets of twin bunks, depending on the size of your family.
The hotel has a couple of on-site restaurants for you to choose from and a coffee shop for those caffeine requirements.
The location is quite central with Madison Square Park and Shake Shack just 5 mins by foot.
See Best Price
3. Hotel Beacon — Upper West Side
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Many travelers prefer to stay around the Upper West Side as it is a great place to stay in New York with kids.
One of the best options in this area is Hotel Beacon, primarily because of its central location — you can walk down to Lincoln Center, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park and a bunch of other top attractions — and because of the comfortable one-bedroom and two-bedroom suites that the hotel has to offer.
The best part about these suites is that they come with small kitchens, which can be used to prepare meals for the times when you don’t want to step out.
See Best Price
4. Hotel Gansevoort — Meatpacking District
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Gansevoort in the Meatpacking District is one of the most popular options for people who don’t want to compromise on style when they are visiting New York with kids.
The location is spectacular, with the Whitney Museum of American Art, the High Line, Hudson River Park’s bike paths and a bunch of playgrounds within walking distance from the property.
The hotel itself offers a wide range of amenities for families with kids, for example, cribs, wipes, diapers, baby toiletries and strollers.
If your kids are slightly older, they may enjoy the free Nintendo Wii video game systems as well as the heated rooftop pool, which is otherwise a rarity in the city.
See Best Price
5. Hotel Wales — Upper East Side
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Situated less than five minutes from Central Park, the location of this hotel is what sets it apart from a bunch of different options for family-friendly hotels in NYC.
If you are looking to cover a number of different museums on your trip, for example, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim and the Museum of the City of New York to name a few.
You have a few options in terms of accommodation, with two-room family suites with a kitchenette or regular rooms with a sleeper sofa for the kids to sleep comfortably.
There is a lovely lounge on the second floor of the hotel, as well as a rooftop terrace for you to watch the city’s skyline as the sun goes down.
See Best Price
6. Lotte New York Palace — Midtown East
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Lotte New York Palace may be considered synonymous with luxury in the city, but that doesn’t mean that the kids will feel out of place at this property.
If you choose to go in for the “Little Royals” package offered by this hotel, your children will be able to experience the life of royalty, even taking home a princess of knight costume when the trip is over.
As a family, it may be recommended that you opt for the two-room suites, which come with large bathtubs for those bubble baths.
After a full day out and about in the city, the parents can also avail of the services of the luxury hotel’s spa for a refreshing massage.
See Best Price
7. Loews Regency New York — Upper East Side
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Another good family hotel in New York City is Loews Regency New York, located a stone’s throw away from Central Park and all its fantastic attractions like the Zoo and a range of playgrounds.
The accommodation is very comfortable and sleek, with the option to choose between the standard rooms and larger suites for families that are planning to stay for long.
If you are worried about whether or not your tykes and tots will have enough to do, you just need to sign them up for the Loews Loves Kids and Teens programs, that run for kids of all ages.
The staff can also help arrange a babysitter for the nights that the parents want to step out for some alone time.
See Best Price
8. Millennium Times Square New York
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Times Square is one of those iconic areas that each and every tourist in NYC has to see once before leaving.
If you really want to get the feeling of the place, you can choose to stay at the Millennium Times Square New York by choosing between the regular, basic rooms or the family-friendly suites.
Your children will especially love this property, primarily because of the Ask Alfred program, where all the little ones will get kid-friendly toiletries, jelly beans when they check in, a teddy bear to keep, as well as kid-friendly menus for those hunger pangs.
The mom and dad can also get some time off while the kids stay engaged.
See Best Price
9. The Muse Hotel — Midtown West
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If you and your family want to spend some time watching some of the iconic shows on Broadway, The Muse Hotel in the Theater District may be the ideal choice for you.
This hotel is unique as it lays equal emphasis on being parent friendly, kid friendly, as well as pet friendly, for times when you are traveling with your furry family members.
While the little ones get a welcome gift when you check-in, parents can request cribs, get complimentary bikes or yoga mats, enjoy the nightly wine receptions offered by the property, or simply go sweat it out at the gym.
You can also avail of the hotel’s babysitting services.
See Best Price
10. NU Hotel — Boerum Hill, Brooklyn
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Staying in Manhattan with your family may seem like the only option when you first visit NYC, but over time, you tend to realize that the real life of local New Yorkers can only be experienced across the Brooklyn Bridge.
The NU Hotel at Boerum Hill gives you the most authentic experience of living in NYC, as you take on the family-friendly neighborhood with the kids in tow.
The hotel offers a “Bunk Bed Room” with a queen bed and twin bunk beds, which is ideal lodging for a small family traveling together.
In addition to the free Wi-Fi and breakfast, you can also get bikes to explore the neighborhood. The Brooklyn-themed coloring book given to kids is an interesting add-on.
See Best Price
11. Omni Berkshire Place — Midtown East
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Omni Berkshire Place is an interesting choice for family-friendly accommodation in Midtown East, mostly because of its proximity to some of the major areas that you may be interested in.
The kids seem to be particularly fond of this property because of all the pampering they get from the Omni Kids Crew at the hotel.
This includes an interesting goodie bag at check-in, which includes activity books, crayons, games and binoculars.
The kids will also enjoy the cookies and milk that is sent across for them on the first night.
The parents can enjoy their evenings on one of the nine terraces that the hotel has to offer.
See Best Price
12. The Peninsula New York — Midtown East
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If you are visiting NYC to experience how celebrities really live, The Peninsula New York has to be your first choice.
The hotel offers a wide range of packages and special perks for families that are traveling together, one of which is the “Camp Peninsula” package.
Here, your kids can set up a tent inside the suite, enjoy some s’mores, have a fun poolside picnic and so much more.
The hotel offers special robes and slippers for its little guests.
Another popular option is the “Peninsula Academy”, where your kids can be a part of private tours of some fantastic museums, get cooking classes and so much more.
See Best Price
13. Residence Inn New York Manhattan/Midtown East — Midtown East
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If you’re looking for a family hotel in Manhattan that offers great value in combination with a fantastic location, the Residence Inn New York is a good choice.
Families flock to this property because of the convenient suites that have two beds, a sofa bed, a small kitchenette, as well as a full-size refrigerator in the room.
The free breakfast is great value addition, as it allows you to fill yourself up before you step out for a day full of sightseeing and adventure.
In case you want to spend the day in, there are plenty of board games available in the recreation room.
If you want to cook something in the kitchenette, you can also enjoy the 24-hour grocery delivery.
See Best Price
14. Row NYC — Times Square
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Another good option for people who want to stay close to the bustling Times Square is Row NYC, a chic and stylish accommodation that will be enjoyed by both, the adults and the kids.
The rooms are comfortable and well designed, while there is no dearth of eating options at the property.
This includes a fantastic food hall and the Sugar Factory, which can turn into a favorite of the little ones.
If you are interested in taking your kids to some of the nearby attractions, including the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, you can opt for one of the special packages offered by the property.
See Best Price
15. The Roxy — Tribeca
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Tribeca is a fun and family-friendly neighborhood, which makes The Roxy one of the top contenders for the best family hotels in NYC.
The rooms reflect a mid-century kind of feel, without compromising on comfort, which is the main reason why more and more families are drawn to this property.
The suites come with a turntable and a wonderful vinyl collection, while your kids can learn how to take care of other living beings by fostering a pet goldfish while you stay at the hotel.
See Best Price
16. Staybridge Suites Times Square — Midtown West
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Staybridge Suites offers accommodation options that are not just spacious, but also come with their individual kitchenettes and an area to work out of.
With the incredible location of the hotel, you will never be short of things to do, but the fitness center, free Wi-Fi, breakfast, as well as social receptions make this a fun option to stay at.
The laundry facilities and a 24-hour pantry snack station are particularly helpful when you are traveling with kids of all different ages.
See Best Price
17. TRYP By Wyndham Times Square South — Midtown West
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NYC isn’t really a city that has hotel rooms that can house over four guests in one go, but TRYP by Wyndham in the Times Square area has family rooms that can easily house up to eight people.
Located close to Penn Station, this property is designed to capture a more casual vibe that maximizes comfort, especially where larger families are involved.
Complimentary Wi-Fi, gaming options, flat-screen TVs and iPod docks are all valuable additions to be appreciated.
See Best Price
18. The Watson Hotel — Midtown West
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The Watson Hotel occupies the space that was formerly a Holiday Inn property close to some major tourist attractions like Central Park, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall and multiple Broadway theaters.
While the room may not be luxurious and over the top, the emphasis is on comfort and cleanliness, which is especially important when the full family is involved.
You can also choose to stay at the double guest room if you don’t want to be away from the kids.
Finally, the rooftop swimming pool is great for splashing about in the hotter months.
See Best Price
19. Z NYC Hotel — Long Island City, Queens
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The best part about staying in Queens is that you can look at the picturesque Manhattan skyline from a distance, which makes it look more magnificent than you’d imagine.
The Z NYC Hotel is a contemporary boutique hotel that can be a good base for you to explore NYC, especially considering the fact that it is just a subway stop away from midtown Manhattan.
The rooms are comfortable (baby cribs available upon request), there is a fantastic rooftop lounge as well as an art gallery in the property.
See Best Price
20. New York Marriott Marquis — Times Square
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The New York Marriott Marquis is one of the largest properties on this list with 1,949 rooms that are all well designed and spacious.
One of the best choices for families that want a trusty hotel chain to stay at, this property offers rooms with pull-out couches and the option of adding a crib free of cost.
While there are no rollaway beds, you can also opt for connecting rooms in this 49-story building.
See Best Price
21. Hampton Inn Manhattan — Chelsea
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The last option on this list is a mid-range solution for families that want to stay close to Madison Square Park, Eataly, the Flatiron building and other such NYC landmarks.
With trendy, yet subtly decorated rooms with flat-screen TVs, comfortable common spaces, free Wi-Fi, complimentary breakfast, tea and coffee, there is very little that the hotel does not offer to make your stay memorable.
If you want to travel towards Central Park or south towards the Financial District, there are plenty of subway lines that make travel easy.
See Best Price
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List of image sources
The 21 Best New York City Family Hotels of 2019
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Four Seasons Hotel New York
Freehand New York
Hotel Beacon
Hotel Gansevoort
Hotel Wales
Lotte New York Palace
Lowes Regency New York
Millennium Times Square New York
The Muse Hotel
NU Hotel – Boerum Hill
Omni Berkshire Place
The Peninsula New York
Residence Inn New York Manhattan/Midtown East
The Roxy
Staybridge Suites Times Square
TRYP By Wyndham Times Square South
The Watson Hotel
Z NYC Hotel
New York Marriott Marquis
Hampton Inn Manhattan
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kbhousetohome · 7 years
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8 Creative Ways to Celebrate July 4th (That Don’t Include Fireworks)
Whether they swizzle, pop or bang, fireworks are usually the main attraction at every 4th of July celebration. But as much as we love those red, white and blue declarations of independence, our clear skies above do not (and our furry friends agree). 
With this summer holiday just around the corner, the KB Home team is sharing some ways to celebrate the day without compromising the environment.
Whose Idea Was This Anyway? Why We Celebrate the 4th of July with Fireworks.
Credit John Adams. It was his intention that the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence be celebrated with “illuminations” and beginning in 1777, orange firecrackers marked the event. Colored fireworks, like those we use today, emerged in the 1830s.
Why Fireworks are Bad News for the Environment.
Turns out those brilliant illuminations are actually a chemical cocktail. The gunpowder used to launch fireworks contains charcoal, sulfur fuel, potassium nitrate and perchlorates. (I have a rule: if I can’t pronounce it or spell is, I don’t want to breathe it!) The smoke from fireworks contains small metal particles, which are responsible for producing color, and include strontium (red), aluminum (white), copper (blue), rubidium (purple), barium (green), and cadmium (various colors). Some of these chemicals end up in our lakes and water sources, on the ground, or linger in the air. Not such a pretty sight, after all!
Fortunately, there are other ways to light up your holiday that don’t include polluting our air and water. Here are some earth-conscious ways to enjoy the 4th of July:
Eco-Friendly Alternatives That Sparkle and Delight (For Kids and Kids-at-Heart):
1.      Toys that go POP. Toy poppers are a great kid-friendly option. You can find simple plastic disks that pop up after being turned inside out, or more sophisticated cylinder tubes (alternately called toy crackers, Christmas crackers or toy poppers) that pop open with confetti, small toys and charms, and/or candy. You’ll also find a host of how-to sites online if you want to make your own versions for very young children or to personalize the contents.
2.      Stuff that glows. Glow sticks can bring a little light into your holiday. You can find versions in necklaces, bracelets and wands. The necklaces can also be a good way to keep track of family members in a crowd if you visit a theme park or outdoor gathering that attracts a lot of people.
3.      Paper sparklers. For kid-safe sparklers without the flame, try this DIY project from say yes that uses festive straws and colored paper.
4.      Community Party/Pool Party/Barbeque. Skip the fireworks display and make the main event a neighborhood gathering or private party. Early July is a great time to throw a pool party and if you live in a community like The Villas at Copperleaf (Aurora, Colorado), a shared pool is the perfect place to gather. In communities that offer barbecue areas, like the Lotus community (Orange County, California), you can fire up the grill while you enjoy the day with neighbors. (Remember to check in with your local HOA when planning any type of party.)
5.      Red, White and Blue Food. You’d be surprised what can substitute for patriotic food. One year I filled a mason jar with red, white and blue jelly beans. It was a great snack and also a pretty table centerpiece. (Who knew candy could multi-task?) Buy a star-shaped cookie cutter and you can instantly turn simple sandwiches into Fourth of July fare.
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6.      Reusable Plates. Whether you’re throwing a neighborhood bash or hosting a family get-together, just say no to plastic or paper plates. Most disposable plates are not recyclable once they’ve been contaminated with food. Instead, skip single-use plates and choose lightweight glass dinnerware like Corelle® Vitrelle® plates and bowls. You’ll help the environment even more when you wash those dishes in a WaterSense® Whirlpool® dishwasher, standard in every new KB Home.
7.      Decorate Yourself. We all know the person who wears giant flag earrings or dons the occasional tri-color top hat. (And there’s nothing wrong with that.) For the rest of us, there are less conspicuous ways to announce your inner patriot. It’s easy to wear red, white and blue clothes (you’ve already got a head-start if you’re in blue jeans). A bandana is a simple way to add one of the three holiday colors. You’ll find that many local retailers offer a 4th of July edition t-shirt each year for men, women and children.
8.      It Takes a Village… to Enjoy Fireworks. Gather a large group of friends and neighbors and watch a nearby public fireworks display together. The fewer private displays across the country, the better for our environment.
Want to Celebrate Your Independence?
Say goodbye to rental payments, and hello to the freedom of home ownership. Now that sounds like independence! Buy a new KB home and enjoy the perks of an energy-efficient home in a vibrant new community. To see available homes near you, please visit kbhome.com. Have a Happy 4th – we hope your celebration is a real sparkler!
 A.J. Bowker is a contributing writer to From House to Home. She has lived on the East Coast, in the Midwest, and is now settled in Southern California. One thing she has learned from living in various parts of the country: home is a state of mind.
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