#ovi ovum
kairoschant · 7 months
although here I am chatting shit about the vulgate being easy and I had just blithely read septem milia ovium as seven thousand eggs, before coming back and being like hang on. Does it actually make sense for job to have 7 thousand eggs. They did not include that in the good omens scene
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
Etymology adventure of the day:
“Hm, that’s interesting, the word ‘albumen’ has the word ‘album’ in it. Is that a coincidence, or are they somehow related?”
Both come from the Latin word “albus,” which some of you may already know means “white.” How the albumen got its name, then, is a no-brainer, since the colloquial term is “egg white.” The full Latin original term for it, in case you were wondering, is “albumen ovi,” “the white of an egg.” We recognize that “ovi” is the base word for the medical term for the egg cell, “ovum,” which is kept in the “ovary.” Most Americans will also probably be aware that the Spanish word for egg is “huevo,” and we can see that this came from “ovi” or “ovum” as well.
“Album” is the confusing part. It’s not easy to just guess why the word describing an album would come from the word “white,” and some history is needed.
First, in Roman times, “album” was the word for a writing tablet for official use that was white in color that was written on in black. Fair enough—they’re always white, so go ahead and call them “those white things,” I’m not gonna argue.
Apparently, in 18th century Germany, it was popular to create “friendship books,” which were like yearbooks but for adults because everyone in the 1700s was kind of adorable. They were used both as just a nice way to vow friendship to each other, including when two friends parted ways such as when someone graduated from university (so yes, literally exactly like a yearbook), and also as a sort of letter of recommendation—a professor from one university could write “I think this person is pretty neato” in your friendship album and you could show it to the next university you wanted to go to like, look, this person thinks I’m pretty neato, let me go to your school.
The 1700s were also a very pretentious time, so instead of just calling them whatever the German word would be for a blank book for your friends to write in, Germans took the Latin word for a blank thing to write on and the Latin word for friends, and this became the name for such a friendship book: an “album amicorum.”
In this way, the word “album” took on a second life as a collection of things. We can see the legacy of the idea of an “album amicorum” directly through the idea of putting treasured photographs of people we care about into a blank book and calling it a “photo album.”
By the 1800s, the word had an established history of meaning “a book that is a collection of similar things,” and sometimes a collection of sheet music by the same person all written around the same thing would be called an “album.”
When record players came around, people would of course come to own more than one record for their record player, and they wanted a safe way to store all these easily damaged records. The solution businesses came up with will be familiar to anyone who can remember a time when CDs were the main way people listened to music—they started selling large books full of empty sleeves that people could place their records in to keep them safe. They called this storage method a “record album.”
It didn’t take long before record companies used this format to publish collections of records that were all based around one theme, such as a collection of songs that were all by the same artist, or even publishing things like operas this way because an opera was far too long to fit on a single record. These, too, were of course also called “albums.” And I think you can guess what happened from there!
Your main takeaway from this post, by the way, should absolutely be the fact that when people refer to that one Beatles album as the “White Album,” technically they’re just calling it the “White White.” Which I think is funny. Maybe that’s just me.
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sheepeggs · 9 months
Every time I see ur url I remember that the Latin words for sheep and eggs are similar :) sheep is ovis and egg is ovum/ovi. if you had a scientific name it could be ovis ovi
You are the first person to pick up on this A+++
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dasffodil · 1 year
Jurnal Jo 📒
Penulis : Ken Terate Rating : 4,5/5  Bukunya ringan dan lucu banget. Cerita disini ngalir dan waktu baca ini bikin inget sama masa-masa pas SMP (dulu aku kayak gini ga ya? apa aku alay kayak gini juga?). Aku suka karakter Jo disini, dia apa adanya banget, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab. Tapi serius aku baca ini banyak ketawanya dan jadi mengenang jaman SMP. Misalnya aja: - Novi yang menyarankan buat ganti nama biar jadi anak smp yang keren dan gaul. Ini bukan ganti nama yang nama nisa jadi Jessica. Tapi disini nama panggilan dari Novi jadi ovie. Aku ketawa pas bagian si jo bilang (Terdengar jadi ovum ditelingaku) dan penulisnya beneran nulis novi ovum disetiap pov nya Jo. Aku awalnya ga relate sama bagian ini. Tapi setelah aku buka twitter dan teman-temanku memanggilku pake panggilan “unyu” yang mereka buat pas jaman smp (dan temen-temen kuliahku sampai sekarang juga ikutan) bikin aku geli sendiri. Ternyata aku juga sama aja seperti si Novi Ovum ini. - Punya Geng. Disini si sally atau ally (panggilan yang dibuat si novi ovum buat sally) punya geng yang isinya anak-anak hits dikelasnya. Nadine si cewek campuran jerman-indonesia yang mendominasi alias ketua geng, mei si cina, dan satu lagi aku lupa namanya. Mereka sekelompok anak-anak yang kaya dan sifatnya sama. Dan sally ngerasa keren karena gabung sama geng itu. Hmmm kalo diinget inget pas SMP aku sendiri sempat punya beberapa geng. Aku gatau pertemananku ini bisa disebut geng atau enggak, tapi dulu aku ngerasa bestie banget sama mereka hahahaha.  - Deket sama kakak kelas itu keren. Disini lagi-lagi diceritain dari pov gengnya nadine yang mana mereka pengen banget deket sama kakak kelas. Kakak kelasnya macem Andre yang lama-lama aku menilai dia “cowok ga banget”. Awalnya aku suka sama Andre karna disini dia diceritain sebagai ketua club sastra, bisa bikin puisi, dan suka baca buku. Ternyata enggak!!! Si Andre ini sasimo alias sana sini mau buat keuntungannya dia. Dia manfaatin si jo biar mau ngerjain tugasnya sebagai ketua club sastra. Puisi yang dibuat juga ternyata dapet dari internet.  Tuh kan, nulis 3 bagian aja aku udah banyak flashback ke jaman SMP. Intinya buku ini worth it banget dibaca apalagi pas keadaan pikiran stres gini karena lagi cari kerja.
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noiizemaze · 4 years
“ O-Ovi...Ovipositor..? That’s sounds like a silly name for genitalia, pretty neat though! Never heard of it!”
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“It... deposits ovum,” Tara responds, genuinely taken aback for a moment by the little yellow motorcar chattering at him. “Uhm, in other words, it’s for laying eggs in a host?”
Here he thought it was self-explanitory.
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unicornery · 4 years
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so it turns out those sheep with egg-mode cats on them are from Pennsylvania, not the Portugal-adjacent Azores. My Portuguese translation, ovo de ovelha, stands though! In Latin it’s ovum ex ovis.
Here’s the OP: https:// www. reddit .com/r/aww/comments/716fmd/youve_seen_rabbit_on_a_goat_now_here_are_my_cats/
and the corresponding imgur post https:// imgur. com/gallery/5oTOH
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Well... the lating word for Egg is Ovum so... Egg?
thats for you to decide dear but never reveal if i am found~-mod ovi
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silvokrent · 7 years
An excerpt from the zoological text The Hunter’s Encyclopedia of Animals (First Edition).
The etymologies are meant to be approximate translations or interpretations of the various taxa names. This list is meant to be used in conjunction with the taxonomy page and species index. [Last updated 21st March 2019.]
Abinferno L. ab, from, + īnfernō, hell. Translation: "[one descended] from hell."
Aculupa L. acula, needle, + lupa, she-wolf. Translation: "needle-wolf."
Acuspina L. acula, needle, + spīna , backbone. Translation: "needled backbone." Literally translates as "spine-spine."
Advena L. advena, alien.
Anemopoda Gr. ἄνεμος (ánemos), wind, + πούς (poús, -poda), foot. Translation: "wind foot."
Aponarthraceum Gr. απών (apón), absent, + ἄρθρον ‎(árthron), joint, + L. - āceum, resembling or having the form of. Translation: "having the form of a missing joint."
Apophis Gr. Ἄποφις (ápophis, from Eg. ˤ3pp (apep)), ship. The etymology may be derived from a portmanteau of Eg. apep + Gr. óphis.
Arcacollum L. arcus, arc, + collum, neck. Translation: "arc neck."
Armutonitridae L. armātūra, armament, + tonitrus, thunder, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "thunder armor."
Arpazonyx Gr. Αρπάζω (arpázo), seize, + ὄνυξ (ónux, -onyx), claw. Translation: “seizing claw.”
Asperacutidae L. asper, rough, + cutis, skin, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "rough skin."
Aspiceros Gr. ἀσπίς ‎(aspís), shield, + κέράs (keras), horn. Translation: "shield-horn."
Aulocephalos Gr. αὐλός ‎(aulós), pipe or flute, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head. Translation: "flute head."
Avecoronidae L. avē, hail, + corōna, crown, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hail the crown."
Barbavetidae L. barba, beard, + vetus, old, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "old beard."
Biosanapnoi carpitor Gr. βίος ‎(bíos, bio-), life, + αναπνοή ‎(anapnoí), breath; L. carpitor, harvester. Translation: "life-breathing [gardener]."
Caelincola L. caelum, sky, + incola, -incola, dweller. Translation: "sky-dweller" or "[one that lives] in heaven."
Calcatrix L. calcātrīx, treader or trampler.
Callodigitidae L. callōsus, calloused, + digitus, finger, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "calloused finger."
Calvaria L. calvāria, skull.
Capillatura L. capillātūra, false hair or wig.
Centrinis Gr. κεντρίνης (kentrínēs), spiny shark.
Cetiformes L. cētus, any large sea animal (shark, whale, serpent), + fōrmis (from fōrma, shape), having the form of. Translation: "having the form of a large sea serpent."
Cetuserpens L. cētus, any large sea animal (shark, whale, serpent), + serpēns, snake. Translation: "sea serpent-snake."
Chalbysaurus Gr. χάλυβας (chályvas), steel, + σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "steel lizard."
Ciccum Gr. κικκος (kikkos), a trifle or something worthless.
Clipeurostrum L. clipeus, shield or sun disc, + rōstrum, beak. Translation: "shield beak."
Collaripluma L. collāris, collared, + plūma, feather. Translation: "collared feather."
Coriumasca L. corium, leather, + masca, mask. Translation: "leather mask."
Decorala L. decōra, beautiful, + āla, wing. Translation: "beautiful wing."
Discuvultus L. discus, disc, + vultus, face. Translation: "disc face."
Dromos Gr. δρόμος ‎(drómos), racecourse.
Electodon Gr. ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron), amber, + ὀδών (odṓn, -don), tooth. Translation: "amber tooth."
Euoviraptor Gr. εὖ (eû, eu-), true, + L. ovum, ovi-, egg, + raptor, thief. Translation: “true egg thief.”
Felifacies L. fēlēs, cat, + faciēs, countenance. Translation: "cat-faced."
Fengaronympha macroura Gr. Φεγγάρι (fengári), moon, + νύμφη (númphē), nymph; μακρός (makrós), long, + οὐρά (ourá), tail. Translation: “long-tailed moon nymph.”
Fengzheng lung; F. gaoyadian Ch. 风筝 (fēng zhēng), kite; 龙 (lóng), dragon; 高壓電 (gāoyādiàn), static. Translation: "dragon-kite"; "static-kite."
Ferridae L. ferrum, iron, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix..
Flagrulinguidae L. flāgrum, whip, + lingua, tongue, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "whip tongue."
Flovorator altilis L. flōs, flower, + vorator, eater; altilis, fattened. Translation: "fat flower-eater."
Fragoreptilia L. fragor, a crash or a shattering, + -reptilia, from reptilis, creeping. Translation: "shatter-reptile."
Gastrosclodia longauriata L. gaster, belly, + Fr. luge, from L. sclodia, sled; longa, long, + auris, ear, + -ātus, adjective suffix equivalent to E. -ed. Translation: "long-eared sled-stomach."
Gymnopteranoidea Gr. γυμνός ‎(gumnós), naked, + πτερόν (pterón, -ptera), wing, + -oidea, a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "naked wing."
Harpaga L. harpagō, harpoon or grappling hook.
Haustranguis L. haustrum, bucket, + anguis, dragon. Translation: "bucket dragon."
Heliosaurus Gr. ἥλιος ‎(hḗlios, helio-), sun, + σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "sun lizard."
Hoplycan Gr. ὅπλον ‎(hóplon), armor, + λύκος (lykos), wolf. Translation: "armor-wolf."
Icensidae L. īcēns, stinging, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Iskiuba G. ήσκιος (ískios), shadow, + L. iuba, mane. Named for the Lord of the Mearas.
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Kangmi E. yeti (from Tib. གཡའ་དྲེད (g.ya' dred), rock bear, or metoh-kangmi, man-bear snowman.
Lapicrusta L. lapis, stone, + crusta, shell. Translation: "stone shell."
Lapideagnatha L. lapidea, stony, + Gr. γνάθος (gnáthos), jaw. Translation: "stony jaw."
Lofiocyon Gr. λοφίο (lofío), crest or plume, + κῠ́ων ‎(kúōn), dog. Translation: "plume-dog."
Lunaflora vulpina L. lūna, moon, + flōs, flor-, flower; vulpīna, fox-like. Translation: "fox-faced moon-flower."
Macropaleosoma Gr. μακρός (makrós, macro-), large, + παλαιός ‎(palaiós, paleo-), ancient, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "ancient large body."
Magnaraptor L. magna, great, + raptor, thief. Translation: "great thief."
Malleucaput L. malleus, hammer, + caput, head. Translation: "hammer head."
Malleucaudidae L. malleus, hammer, + cauda, tail, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hammer tail."
Mandibulaformia L. mandibula, jaw, + fōrmis (from fōrma, shape), having the form of. Translation: "having the form of jaws."
Mandyasoma Gr. μανδύας (mandýas), cloak, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "[cloaked] body."
Manicutalidae L. manicula, manacle, + tālus, talon, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "manacle talon."
Manupennidae L. manus, hand, + penna, wing, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "hand-wing."
Marincolidae L. mare, sea, + incola, -incola, dweller, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "sea-dweller" or "[one that lives] in the sea."
Membranala L. membrāna, skin, + āla, wing. Translation: "[skinned] wing."
Mercuridae L. mercuria, mercury or luck, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Metacarpium absconditum L. metacarpium (from Gr. μετακάρπιον (metakárpion)), hand; absconditum, hidden. Translation: "hidden metacarpals."
Molafumans favilla; M. f. irisoma L. mola, millstone, + fūmāns, smoking; favilla, cinders; Gr. ἶρις (îris), rainbow, + σῶμα ‎(sôma), body. Translation: "smoking millstone ash"; "rainbow smoking millstone ash."
Monceratops petroides Gr. μόνος (mónos), single, + κέράs (keras), horn, + οψις (ops), face; πέτρα (pétra), stone, + εἶδος ‎(eîdos, -oides), likeness. Translation: "a single-horned face [that looks like] stone."
Monsanguis custos L. mōns, mountain, + sanguis, blood; custōs, guard. Translation: "mountain-blooded sentinel."
Nuntius galeatus L. nūntius, messenger; galea, helmet, + -ātus, adjective suffix equivalent to E. -ed. Translation: "helmeted messenger."
Ollamaliztlidae Nah. ōllamaliztli, a Mesoamerican ballgame, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Ossisericidae L. ossum, bone, + sēricum, silk, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "bone-silk" or "bone-ribbon."
Ossispina L. ossum, bone, + spīna, spine. Translation: "bone-spine."
Osteovelum Gr. ὀστέον ‎(osteon, osteo-), bone, + L. vēlum, ship sail. Translation: "bone sail."
Pachycephalochoiros phytosumbios Gr. παχύς (pakhús, pachy-), thick, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head, + χοίρος (choíros), pig; φυτόν (phutón), plant, + συμβίωσις ‎(sumbíōsis), companion. Translation: "thick-headed pig [that is a companion to] plants."
Pachylithoderma Gr. παχύς (pakhús, pachy-), thick, + λίθος ‎(líthos, litho-), stone, + δέρμα ‎(derma), skin. Translation: "thick stone skin."
Palustincola L. palūs, swamp, + incola, -incola, dweller. Translation: "swamp-dweller" or "[one that lives] in swamps."
Petracephaloidea Gr. πέτρα (pétra), stone, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head, + -oidea, a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "stone head."
Phallucephala L. phallus, penis, + Gr. κεφαλή (kephalē), head. Translation: "penis-head."
Plesichthys Gr. πλησίος (plēsio, plesio-), near, + ἰχθύς (ikhthýs), fish. Translation: "near-fish."
Polypterygia Gr. πολύς ‎(polús, poly-), many, + πτερύγια ‎(pterýgia), fins. Translation: "many fins."
Praesagidae L. praesāgium, premonition, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
Praesidiosauria L. praesidium, fortress, + Gr. σαῦρος (saûros, -saurus), lizard. Translation: "fortress lizard."
Pristocephale glaciesecans Gr. πρίστης (prístēs), saw, + κεφαλή (kephalē), head; L. glaciēs, ice, + secāns, cutting. Translation: "ice-cutting saw-head."
Pseudanthornis Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + ἄνθος ‎(ánthos), flower, + ὄρνῑς (órnīs), bird. Translation: "false flower-bird."
Pseudophis Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + ὄφις (óphis), serpent or dragon. Translation: "false dragon."
Pseudopinna unguiculata Gr. ψευδής (pseudḗs, pseudo-), false, + L. penna, fin; unguiculāta, clawed . Translation: "clawed false fin."
Psevdaisthisi chaetes; P. katabasis Gr. ψευδαίσθηση ‎(psevdaísthisi), illusion; χαίτη (khaítē), flowing mane; κατάβᾰσις (katabasis), katabatic wind. Translation: "flowing mane illusion"; "katabatic flowing mane."
Pyrothalassion basileus Gr. πῦρ θαλάσσιον (pŷr thalássion), sea fire, one of the many names for Greek fire, a naval incendiary weapon; βασιλεύς (basileús), king. Translation: "Greek fire king."
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Redimiculum echinatum L. redimīculum, necklace; echinātum, prickly. Translation: "prickly necklace."
Rhinamblys Gr. ῥινός ‎(gen. rhinós), nose, + ἀμβλύς ‎(amblús), blunt. Translation: "blunt nose."
Rufacutis L. rūfa, red, + cutis, skin. Translation: "red skin."
Saltarello It. saltarello, a lively medieval Italian dance with a leaping step.
Scalpelifer L. scalepellum, scalpel, + -ifer, bearing. Translation: "scalpel-bearing."
Sclerophis Gr. σκληρός ‎(sklērós), hard, + ὄφις ‎(óphis), serpent or dragon. Translation: "hard dragon."
Selacharena L. selachē, shark, + harēna, sand. Translation: "sand shark."
Skapani Gr. σκαπάνη ‎(skapáni), pickaxe.
Spathoura Gr. σπαθί (spathí), sword, + ουρά (ourá), tail. Translation: "sword-tail."
Squamasanguinans L. squāma, scale, + sanguināns, bleeding. Translation: "bleeding scale."
Stalagmitensis L. stalagmites, from Gr. στάλαγμα ‎(stálagma), drop, + L. ēnsis, sword. Translation: "stalagmite-sword."
Stercusanctum currite L. stercus, dung, + sānctum, sacred; curr-ite (run-IMP.2PL), run. Translation: "holy shit, run."
Strixops L. strix, owl, from Gr. στρίγξ ‎(strínx), + οψις (ops), face. Translation: "owl face."
Terraemotus desertus; T. sporaspina L. tarraemotus, earthquake; dēsertus, abandoned; spora, spore, + spina, backbone. Translation: "spore-backed earthquake"; "desert earthquake."
Terrincolidae L. terra, ground, + incola, -incola, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "ground-dweller" or "[one that lives] in the ground."
Therianopla Gr. θηρίον ‎(thēríon), wild beast, + πανοπλία ‎(panoplía), armor. Translation: "beast armor."
Toxon furcatum Gr. τόξον ‎(tóxon), longbow; L. furcatum, forked. Translation: "forked longbow."
Truarmatura L. trua, scoop or ladle, + armātūra, armament. Translation: "scooped weapon."
Undarena L. unda, wave, + harēna, sand. Translation: "sand wave."
Venatavus L. vēnātor, hunter, + avus, ancestor. Translation: "hunter ancestor."
Vernusecula L. vernus, spring, + secula, sickle. Translation: "spring sickle."
Vesica aerostatum L. vēsīca, bladder; aerostatum, airship. Translation: "bladder airship."
Vipracanidae L. vīpera, snake, + canis, dog, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix. Translation: "dog wyvern."
Viverna It. viverna, wyvern, from L. vīpera, snake.
Volutansidae L. volūtāns, rolling, + -idae (from Gr. εἶδος (eîdos)), a taxonomic suffix.
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Xenostoma Gr. ξένος ‎(xénos, xen-), alien, + στόμα ‎(stóma), mouth. Translation: "alien maw."
Xyrafiptera cervarius Gr. ξυράφι (xyráfi), razor, + πτερόν (pterón, -ptera), winged; L. cervus, deer, + -ārius, a grammatical agent-forming prefix. Translation: "razor-winged deer-hunter."
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Zontanopteryx metaxydendra Gr. ζωντανός (zontanós), alive or living, + πτέρῠξ (ptérux, -opteryx), wing; μεταξύ (metaxý), amongst, + δένδρα (déndra), trees. Translation: "living wing amongst the trees."
A.N. – Anglo-Norman
Ch. – Chinese
E. – English
Fr. – French
G. – German
Gr. – Greek
It. – Italian
J. – Japanese
L. – Latin
M.E. – Middle English
Nah. – Nahuatl
Tib. – Tibetan
Etymologies sourced from various websites, books, and online databases, including Wiktionary. Binomen and other taxonomic group names follow Latin and Greek declension (agreement of case, gender, and plurality) to the best of the author’s abilities, and are in accordance with The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
The author is currently trying to find experts on Latin and Greek to consult on the grammar — specifically, for connecting vowels, roots, and rules on forming compound nouns. If anyone reading this has any experience in either language, or with taxonomic nomenclature, feedback would be helpful.
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