#people in my school literally live off of gossip idk how i survive
bloodymiso · 25 days
i wanna talk about chismis with lockwood
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Given the chance, would you ever go into space? I’ve answered this exact question on a recent survey...but yeah absolutely, as long as it was a free opportunity. Outer space has always interested me so it would be awesome to actually get there. What is your all-time favorite thing to snack on? A local brand of chips called Nova, corndogs, powdered fries, and pizza. I couldn’t choose just one :( Have you ever been jealous of anyone's socks? Not in a toxic way but I have seen socks that made me go “damn, I wish I had that” and it’s usually socks based off of famous paintings like Starry Night, The Scream, etc. Do you match your clothing, or are you careless about fashion? The most I’ll match is colors; I’ll make sure the colors I wear complement each other. But I’m not likely to buy outfits that come in parts, like a matching top and skirt that have their own price tags. It’s an annoying scam that makes you have to pay more money for one outfit lol. Know anyone that has amazing fashion taste? There’s a professor in the communication research department of our college that dresses SOOOO well. She’s never recycled an item of clothing either. She dresses literally exactly like Audrey Hepburn, except with more printed clothes.
Do you know or wish you could knit? I don’t know how to knit and have no desire to learn.
Like earmuffs? They’re alright, I guess? I never have to wear them, so I don’t have much of an opinion. Have you ever had the roof of your mouth sore? Yeah, that one time I ate takoyaki while it was still burning hot and I burned off the skin on the roof my mouth. Do you like orange juice? I’ll drink it if it’s served or if it’s free, but I never crave for it. How many times a day do you brush your teeth, honestly? Once or twice. Do you think anyone really looks good in a jumpsuit? Yeah. Well it’s since become a trend so that’s really all there is to know about people’s preferences nowadays. I have several jumpsuits that I feel really good in. Have a collection of anything? Not anymore. Ever ran out of something that made you very upset? Sometimes my family will bring home leftovers from a really good restaurant. When we finish them all up it bums me out. Biggest lie you ever told? Saying ‘yes’ with a big ol’ smile on my face to my high school guidance counselors whenever they ask if my situation at home is good. Is there a song that makes you want to rock out? For sure. I have my fair share of favorite punk/rock bands. Do you have a religion? No. Believe that there is a point to churches? Not a single one. How do eat Oreos? I just bite into them. Never really got into the whole twist-lick-dunk thing because 1) I don’t want to bite into something I had already licked (even if it’s my own saliva lol), and 2) I can’t consume a lot of milk, anyway. -This or That- Sunsets or sunrises? Sunsets. I’ve seen more sunsets than sunrises with Gabie, so I have good memories of them. I don’t like the idea of getting up early just for a sunrise either. Pennies or dimes? Can’t relate because we don’t use these concepts. Coffee or tea? Coffeeeeeeee. Never been a tea person, actually. Windows or Mac? Mac. I did use Windows for a while, but when it comes down to it I would rather get a Mac. Headphones or speakers? Headphones. You get more of the sound when you listen to music, so the listening experience is a lot better. Loud or soft & quiet? Depends on the context...I like my concerts loud, but I obviously prefer soft and quiet when I’m doing something like going to bed. Odd or even numbers? I don’t really have a preference lol. The cookie dough or the actual cookies? Cookie dough, heh. Speaking of, I recently found a recipe for edible cookie dough but I keep putting it off... Mp3 players or iPod? iPod, mostly because MP3s went out of style like, a decade ago. Calm or rock music? Again, depends on my mood. I’d listen to rock music if I’m pissed off or going through a similar emotion, and I’d prefer hearing calm music when I wanna focus on something, like if I’m doing surveys. Love or lust? Love. I don’t feel lust for the most part. Converse or Vans? Converse. They’re AJ’s favorite and I find them more comfy. The few times I borrowed my sister’s Vans I always got blisters at the end of the day. Lipsyncing or actual singing? I would prefer to lipsync than to let people hear my actual singing voice; but if I’m watching a performance obviously I’d want the performers to be using their real voice. Walking or running? Walking. I find strolls to be relaxing. Dancing or watching others dance? Watching others. Dancers are crazy talented. With friends or by yourself? When it comes down to it, I wanna be with friends. Local concert or a popular band? Popular band. It’s rarer, so I find it more precious. I still support local though! Blond or brown hair? Brown. Idk, I just don’t know a lot of people who are blonde. Red or black? I like both, but I like black slightly more. Blue or green eyes? Green. Having fun or being asleep? Having fuuuun. Carnival or park? Park. I can’t go on rides anyway, so a nice stroll and picnic at the park sounds lovely to me. -Favorites- Favorite thing to buy? Uh food, I guess? I’m super easy to please lol. What do your favorite pair of socks look like? My bacon and eggs one. Kind of tea/coffee? Iced tea/iced caramel macchiato. Way of communication? Face-to-face with Gab, instant messenger/text for everyone else. Time to sleep in to? Midnight is most convenient for me. Band to dance to? PARAMORE. Also helps that their music has turned dance-y too. Favorite gum? Don’t really have one. I’ll chew on any kind/flavor of gum. Type of cereal? Cookie Crisps. Color of hoodie? I don’t mind color, as long as the hoodie is comfortable and keeps me warm. Spice? Cumin smells lovely. Favorite thing to touch/feel? Dogs. Website? Probably Twitter. I’ve been on it the longest and still have no reason to be tired of it. Person in your life? My girlfriend...but also my dogs, if they can count. -Would you Rather- Hire one of your friends, or fire an enemy? Hire one of my friends, as long as they work well without me. Firing an enemy seems a little bit more unprofessional, especially if they objectively perform well. Be a contestant on American Idol or America's Got Talent? I’d go with AGT I guess? I’ve watched some snippets of the show and their judges seem more nice, whereas on American Idol the judges tend to laugh or embarrass you if you do badly. Live in Britain or Australia? Australia. I feel like it’s a more Filipino-friendly country, not that Britain isn’t but yeah. Travel by plane or helicopter? Plane. Aren’t helicopters loud? I think I’d be more relaxed in an airplane. Trade places with a male or a female for a day? I’d rather remain a woman, thanks. Shop at Wal-Mart or Target? I don’t know. I’m honestly curious though – for the Americans survey-takers, what’s the difference between them and what do y’all prefer? Hahaha Read Shakespeare or Artistotle's work? I internally winced at both lol but when it comes down to it, Shakespeare. I do like his work, as long as I’m reading a modern English version. I hate philosophy straight up, so that’s a definite no on Aristotle. Have a regular donut or donut holes? Regular donut. Spell better or smell better? Smell. I can already spell well. Rather be in a tornado or a large earthquake? This is horrible, no one ever *wants* to be stuck in a natural calamity. 80's or 90's music? I like the 80s sound better. Eat a plain peanut butter sandwich or PB & J? Peanut butter sandwich. I tried PB&J before to see what the hype was about, and it just didn’t work for my Asian tastebuds. Wear a uniform every day or go half-naked? Wear a uniform. I wore one in Catholic school for 14 years and survived, so it’d just be the same thing. Would you rather Santa or the Easter Bunny actually exist? Santa. I’m more familiar with him. The Easter Bunny’s not really a part of our culture so I don’t actually know what it’s supposed to do. Apple pie or Pizza pie? Pizzaaaaa. Y’all should know me by now haha. Spend an afternoon cleaning or clean things later? I’d rather work early so I can be satisfied earlier. Flying or X-Ray vision? Flying. Dentist or Doctor? I guess dentist? There’s fewer reasons to be scared when you go to the dentist because the health problems are just limited to your mouth, I guess. Would you rather spread gossip or start a fight? Both sound awful. I’m never one to start a fight and I never initiate gossip myself, though I do take part in it sometimes. Get rid of your favorite shoes or your favorite pants? Pants. I love my shoes. Visit Florida or New York? New York. Myspace or Facebook (or do they both suck)? Facebook. It sucks, but at least the memes there are hilarious as fuck.
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chuckclayton · 5 years
what are all the teens shows youve seen and your thoguhts on them?
that’s an extremely long list that i cannot remember in its entirety, but i will try for you. i forgot some but i remember a lot that i’m sure most people forget or didn’t know existed. 
awkward: entertaining at first but slowly got boring, by the halfway point of season 3 i was so over it that i stopped watching and never cared enough to find out what happened in the final 2 seasons.
faking it: i actually loved it even with the yikes premise. i think it deserved another season or two to really flesh out the characters and give them a proper send-off.
riverdale: we all know what i think about riverdale. i really don’t want a season 4 but i’m still gonna watch it.
pll: i surprisingly didn’t give up on it… i even liveblogged it for a season or two (you’re a trooper if you remember me doing 3 liveblogs a week and 2 on the same day back to back). i think it i didn’t deserve 7 seasons and that it was terribly written esp the last 2 season because it felt like they just pulled random ideas out of a hat and there was so many plot holes… whew. i’ve seen both spinoffs and ravenswood was… um… interesting. that’s all i’ll say about it. the perfectionists was absolutely a mistake… like why did freeform think giving marlene another show was a good idea. i’m over the all-knowing anonymous stalker/killer thing so it’s not my favorite thing.
famous in love: laughably bad but it had potential. also keith was great in to it. i will never get over how bella found out that it got canceled on twitter gjhghjgjh.
glee: the source of all my problems. i don’t know if it was always bad and i didn’t notice but god… some of the stuff ryan murphy made them do should’ve gotten him sent to prison.
scream queens: not sure what that was but i know for a fact that it didn’t need a season 2.
gossip girl: i lived for those messy bitches. i don’t think it needs a reboot at all. i didn’t like every plot but it is a show i like to revisit. i do think the ending was terrible and i’ll never stop thinking that. i did think for a new york setting it was all too white and way too straight even though it was supposed to be upper class or whatever it was still too white and straight. like dan lived in brooklyn for fucksake… i get that gentrification is a big issue there but how did he only know one black person? how in 6 seasons did they only encounter like 4 or 5 black people? and one asian person?
one tree hill: a show that i’ll always adore for many reasons. it put me through emotional peril but i really loved it. i know everyone loves brooke, and don’t get me wrong i do too, but i always liked peyton just a little more just because i related to her more. i saw a lot more of myself in her than i had any business doing. the superior scott is jamie and that’s that on that. overall great even though they underutilized skills and mouth.  
the 100: yeah i only made it to the episode before l/xa was killed… i think i’ll revisit it because it was something me and my best friend watched weekly before he spent all his time in the hospital and unfortunately passed. i really stopped feeling it after like 3x02… it just became too much and i also just didn’t like the showrunner so that made me not want to watch more than the actual plot.
skam: i had to stop watching bc vilde pissed me off whenever she spoke hhfkjdhfjd… i’ve seen the american remake and her american counterpart pisses me off too. otherwise, i did enjoy it even though it was slow for me bc i’m used to shows with crackhead energy. i liked sana the most but i never finished her season bc i couldn’t get the google drive video to work.
skins: honestly a classic. i do revisit it from time to time because of all the teen shows i’ve seen it’s the most realistic and i like that about it. i’ve seen the american remake, and i liked one character because we have the same name hkjhfkjsh
misfits: a great show with a very fun concept but when the original cast except on of them it just wasn’t as good.
some girls: UNDERRATED AS HELL! i fucking love it… it was hilarious.
sex education: i love it. i adore maeve and jackson as a couple and seperately. i hate that the show is doing the uncool guy/cool girl thing as their potential engame because maeve x jackson is great and otis x ola deserves a chance. i also love amy.
end of the fucking world: the whitest white people shit to ever exist.
the get down: this show was soooooo fucking good and i’m not saying that because i love jaden smith. i genuinely thing everything about it except fat annie was great.
my mad fat diary: absolutely perfect. would not change a single thing about it except maybe add a black character… or 3.
teen wolf: fell off after the 3rd season. the darkest show i’ve ever seen… like i literally could not see a thing. wish that they let scott be single for at least half a season, he didn’t need a love interest all the time. overall has a special place in my heart but JEFF DAVIS CAN CHOKE.
recovery road: i don’t think it should’ve been canceled. it was good and deserved more opportunity to thrive. could’ve done without the phony jamaican though. she should’ve been written out…
the vampire diaries: i liked it for the first 3 seasons but after that i was watching it out of habit, even doing that i only made it to season 6. i just don’t think it made season without elena. i like bonnie deserved better. i watched the finale and the only moment i liked was the moment with all the bennet witches… that was dope.
chilling adventures of sabrina: SOOOO GOOD. i don’t know how ras managed to get me to like it but i genuinely love it. hkily (harvey kinkle i love you). i hope ambrose and prudence get to kill father blackwood next season… it’s what they deserve.
degrassi: i’ve seen the entire franchise and i revisit it a lot when i feel nostalgic. my favorites in the franchise are degrassi high and the next generation. i like the first 6 seasons and season 12 the most. i think next class tried a little too hard to be socially aware. it’s something that i associate most with my pre teen and teen years.
elite: an interesting mash of a lot of american teen shows i’ve seen but in spanish.
the oc: way too white. i thrived off of marrissa’s wild behavior but i didn’t care for anything else. i think the storyline with alex was out of place and rushed as hell.
secret life: world’s worst show. like seriously should not have existed.
legacies: i like it so much right now, but i think landon is as interesting as a piece of white bread.
grownish: the plot and characters leave little to be desired but the clothes… oh my god… the clothes. wow. that is worth watching the show for.
cloak and dagger: i would give my firstborn for another season. it’s so good.
runaways: can’t wait to see my babies this winter. i love everything about this show.
dead of summer: i can’t remember anything that happened but eli goree was absolutely gorgeous in it.
the lying game: the plot confuses me to this day. i can’t remember if i liked it.
10 things i hate about you: idk why freeform did that… it was so bad hkjhsjfkhs
kyle xy: i remember liking it a lot but i don’t remember but else. the lead guy has the cutest little family. he and his husband have a cute little youtube channel.
90210: the reboot was just a bunch of unnecessary drama but i did enjoy some of it. the plot where they made dixon, the only black guy and the nicest guy in the group, a villain was ugly and unnecessary. i liked ivy, raj, and dixon the most. it did lack the after school special feel of the original though.
13 reasons why: shouldn’t exist. period. but ross was good in it.
on my block: i absolutely love it and hope the cast negotiates a pay raise so they get what they deserve.
scream: i liked it but i don’t think it had the same appeal as the movie it spawned from. i think the recent revival had a fun twist and some funny one-liners and i loved that both final girls were black and so was the final boy.
hard times of rj burger: as dumb as it sounds with terrible jokes.
finding carter: i thought it was a good show and would have survived had it been on a network like freeform. mtv just wasn’t the best place for it
boy meets world: a show that’s very close to my heart that i will continue to love forever. shawn and angela deserved better. 
saved by the bell: my fav show to watch when i’m having a panic attack. it helps me calm down. also 90s mario and mark could GET IT ANY TIME, ANY DAY, ANYWHERE!
south of nowhere: i can’t remember much but i think i liked it.
gigantic: absolutely boring. that shit was boring as fuck.
open heart: boring.
smart guy: iconic.
sister, sister: LEGENDERIC.
one on one: hilarious and heartwarming.
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bakedelilah · 6 years
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[ ELLE FANNING // FEMALE // SHE / HER ] – Oh my god, is that [ DELILAH BAKER ], Ryleigh Mitchell’s [ FRIEND OF A FRIEND ]?! The tabloids can’t seem to stop buzzing about the [ 19 ] year old [ DANCER ]. According to the press, they’re [ CHEERFUL ] and [ EMPATHETIC ], yet also [ SECRETIVE ] and [ PASSIVE ], but with all this gossip who really knows? All eyes have been on them since Ryleigh went missing, so are they really innocent? I guess only time can tell.
tw: physical and emotional abuse and neglect
her name is delilah but she always goes by lilah
she’s from florida originally where she lived with her parents and she’s an only child
her family is.... intense. lilah grew up in a very small community all members belonging to the same church, a rarely known denomination of christian with very strict rules pulled directly and very literally from the bible, the members all believing that any disobedience leads directly to damnation with no room for forgiveness. her parents followed the rules of this denomination very strictly and expected the same from their daughter.
lilah is by nature a rule follower, she has a kind heart and obedience comes easily to her. she has always been very intentional about obedience and respect toward her parents, even when she doesn’t always agree with them.
while lilah has always believed in God and in her christian faith, she has always felt off about the way she was raised and the strict beliefs of her family and her church. as she grew older and started to raise questions about what she had heard, the results were overall negative for her. the God she read about in her own studies of the bible was supposed to be loving and forgiving, but the one she heard about in sermons on sunday mornings didn’t seem to fit into the image she had come to know him by. 
she started to raise these questions to her parents and sunday school leaders and her church became concerned about her leniency, claiming that she was straying from her faith and that her questions would lead her down a dangerous path away from salvation. 
her parents’ solution to this problem was a sort of forced obedience, or rather punishment for lack thereof. when lilah’s behavior wasn’t up to par, or she raised too many “troubling” questions, she endured a series of punishments to “help get her back on the right track”. this is making me sad so i don’t wanna talk about it but her parents were abusive okay im sad
despite her extremely unfortunate circumstances, lilah remained optimistic and sure in her faith. she still found ways to enjoy her life, and to love everyone she encountered, possibly even more fervently than before. she remained dedicated to her family, as well as to dancing and even to her church. 
lilah’s life finally took a turn for the better when she was sixteen and through a series of events involving lilah’s health, her parents were exposed for their abuse and neglect and the young girl was removed from her family home and made a ward of the state of florida. after a brief stint in foster care, she was instead sent to live with her father’s brother and his family, including her cousins jaxton and jolene. 
the new found freedom lilah experienced in her new home gave her a whole different outlook on life. her strong faith still held fast in her heart and she was sure she couldn’t have survived those hard years without her belief in God, and in fact that it was her God who had saved her from her circumstances. she took her new lease on life to explore her beliefs and how they varied out in the real world and no longer confined by the limited world she had once known. she went through what her parents would have called an out of control rebellious streak, but anyone else would have seen as typical if not extremely mild teenage behavior. 
she dated, she dyed her hair fun colors, she got a tattoo!! she graduated high school and she moved to new york to go to juilliard school of dance. yay lilah. also she started a youtube channel so she has a youtube channel and that’s a thing
idk thats all probably shes cute be her friend. 
no one knows about the stuff with her fam except her cousins and even they don’t know too much bc she’s very private about it and she won’t tell people exactly what happened or what her parents did. in fact, jax and jolene only really know that lilah’s parents were abusive because they were told by their parents with lilah came to live with them. lilah never told anyone beyong her social worker what happened back home. 
also if it wasn’t clear her parents were in a freaking cult i hate them
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