#perpetually alive and dead and maybe cant HAVE a burial
this is a half formed thought but like
danny sorta taking up residency near/in random cemeteries, like he just pops in every so often and takes care of ghosts n stuff there. and maybe if someone comes around to try to descecrate something or do bad shit in the cemetery, he or maybe one of his allies haunts the fuck outta the bad people n stuff
and maybe the cemetery hes in, is the one where jason todd was supposedly buried and he notices one day that there is an empty grave where there shouldnt be. so he starts tracking jasons body down bc hes worried jason was taken by grave robbers or smth and wont stand for the living disrespecting the dead, ESPECIALLY a kid?? and maybe it hits close to home for danny that its a kid his age that died and the body is missing
and he tracks jason down after a while but only to find out that hes with the League or maybe its been empty for a long time and he finds red hood and is REALLY confused because thats a reanimated dead guy many years past his death date
im thinking of this with like, immortal, unable to age or die danny, but i could totally see it as a king danny thing or even grown up danny just trying to catch a damn break but being constantly hounded by ghosts and stuff for help
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